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Fist- or mistweaving?

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i want to raid with my mistweaver monk. Up till now i only did mythic+ and my playstyle was mistweaving as mentioned in the Icy-Veins guide.

As i was playing my healer , someone asked me how i can reserve all my mana if i face a boss in a raid but i couldn't give him an anwser and i was asking myself: " do I need to switch to fistweaving?". I don't like the thought of healing at the frontline , with blizzard cutting my visions since legion launch. So this introduction is leading to a specific question: Can i keep healing from behind? and if it is the case: how?

Please help me , i am really enjoying monk as a healer!

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If you do not want to melee heal with Spirit of the Crane, Lifecycles and Mana Tea are your best bet. Mana tea you will pop when you are heavy healing and lifecycles to reduce mana costs. Since you probably know that, you should be able to use Soothing mist and renewing mist on the tanking tank to conserve mana while still being able to heal. Yes, you will lose some hps and not be on top, but you will be able to heal more when its necessary.

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As Eleturtle says above, our guide does detail Mana Tea as one of the best talents if you're not Fistweaving.


Mana Tea Icon Mana Tea is the strongest choice when not Fistweaving, as it provides the most Mana sustain compared to Focused Thunder Icon Focused Thunder, scales well with haste, and can be used on every type of fight.

For M+, I would however recommend using Mist Wrap instead of Lifecycles.


Mist Wrap Icon Mist Wrap is best for shorter fights with heavy sustained single target damage, focused on a few targets. Mist Wrap is also the best choice for Mythic+ dungeons, where you require high single target HPS.

Lifecycles relies too heavily on Vivify use, which you might spamming in a raid, but I don't see it happening in M+. People also shy away from the need to maintain mana through Lifecycles in M+ because you can eat between pulls.

You can definitely do it as Mistweaver if you don't like Fistweaving.

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