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Why does it seem like i get less crits im SMF?

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So i have a 27.63% chance to crit with my SMF gear and i have 27.76% chance with my TG gear. Now my question is why does it seem like i get so many more raging blow procs on my TG than my SMF? i went to the training dummy and did 20 runs as SMF and 20 runs as TG to figure this out if anybody has insight that would help a lot.

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As long as you're keeping the same rotation with both, the number of procs you get should be around the same. 


The sample you have is actually quite a small sample, and it's hard to draw conclusions from that. It is very possible that you got a couple more unlucky streaks as SMF and that you felt like you had less overall procs. (Moreover, at this crit level unlucky BT-non-crit streaks really aren't that rare).


If you have logs of some fights done as SMF and some fights done as TG, we can probably look deeper and see if there's anything behind that, but there shouldn't be any flagrant difference between the 2.


(Last quick question, I'm kind of intrigued by the small difference in crit between the 2 setups, what weapons are you using?)

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im using 2 LFR britimort's jagged pike and for SMF im using 2 thunderforged shellspliters after playing around some more i noticed it seems like i get about the same crits and im not sure how to check logs =P

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The lack of crit on your TG weapons explain the small difference in stats between the 2 specs.


And whereas for equivalent ilvls TG should give you slightly better DPS, until you reach very high crit (40+%) you will definitely get some unlucky streaks of a couple BTs in a row not critting. Good Berserker Rage use will offset that somewhat, but Fury warriors are still very RNG based.

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