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Disc Priest Help

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Hello guys.


I am healer on my disc alt and I feel like I could do better. Much better in fact. I am not exactly new to disc healing, but I need help from someone to take a good look at my logs and let me know how I am doing. Maybe I am doing alright for my gear level, or maybe not or maybe I should be using x-spell way more.


Here is yesterday's log (I had my 4pc for this raid, finally)



Here is my Armory




As you can see, the guild I am with is progressing through Iron Juggernaut and Shamans. In most of our wipes, I our paladin tank that dies first, which shouldn't ever happen and I am wondering how else I can keep him up.


I read the disc priest guide at the top of the forums on Wednesday in preparation for Thursday's raid. I feel I did really good on healing on that fight in part in thanks to the guide (reforging to haste, using Halo with Archangel, etc -  and getting 4pc tier), and would appreciate any critique you guys may have on how I can improve.   


I really want to beat our resto druid.


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I'm not even going to comment.  It's clear you've done absolutely no research into disc at all. 


Regardless of how true this is (which it is) I'll take the time to comment on some things.


First and foremost, what Brutal was mainly directing at was you have WAY TOO MUCH SPIRIT AND HASTE.  If you're using Ask Mr. Robot default weights, you are sadly doing it wrong.  Read this to understand why and how you should be trying to remedy this: https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/2430-to-those-people-who-ask-why-does-mr-robot-do-x-and-y/


Most discs run between 6-8k spirit with the meta gem.  You should be dropping all the haste and spirit you can in favor of stacking Crit and Mastery.  You want to gem more crit, but mastery should be your next priority.


The next thing you fix may be your rotation, but lets get the stats sorted out after you learn to manage your mana with next to none.  Come back with more logs once you have that sorted out.

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Most discs run between 6-8k spirit with the meta gem.  You should be dropping all the haste and spirit you can in favor of stacking Crit and Mastery.  You want to gem more crit, but mastery should be your next priority.




@ Krazy: "Most"; I love it! 


@OP: After you make the fixes Krazyito suggested try starting with these two changes to your play when you get new logs w/ your reforged/regemmed gear:


You're not having any issues keeping up Evangelism but your Archangel is more than half of where it needs to be.  Start using AA on CD.  Spirit Shell should be used way more often as well.  As you become more familiar with healing the fights you'll get better at when to use it but as of your next run, just plain out use it more.  Iron Juggs you used it 3 out of 7 times and Shaman attempts you used it about once per pull.  Use Prayer of Healing to dish out your SS blanket.  You kept an eye on your Inner Focus, just pay as much attention to SS as you do IF next time you go in and we all can offer you a little more help going forward.

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I am sorry I gave you all multiple aneurysms. Just as Kraziyito said, I was just following AMR. I did reforge and enchant as you guys suggested, I am surprised that I find myself with less mana issues than before.

I also have some logs to share with you guys, this time Nazgrim, Malk, Spoils and Thok (3 attempts). This is the first time I do any of these bosses on my priest, but I found myself falling behind on Spoils and Thok. On spoils I can see myself prehealing/healing more aggressively so I do not fall so far behind on healing when I get the bombs, but I got nothing for Thok. I tried saving focus and I think I only got one instead of two PoH out, but I do not think that would push my healing much higher than what it already is.


Next is Garrosh. We didnt kill the boss, but that was more due to having issues dealing with the mechanics of the fight and not healing. (or so I think!). As always, any feed back is appreciated.


Edit: Ok, so Ive been reading the forums and I am getting some ideas as to what to do on thok in order to get more milage out of my heals. We'll see how I do this week. However it seems that my next priority is to start tracking the healing meta that I just got.

Edited by EddyG17

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Got all the way to Thok tonight (Killed it). I think I timed things much better. I've been trying to use my AA more. I forgot to set up my WA to track Lucidity, but I got it now.  We are going to continue tomorrow. I havent done seigecrafter outside of flex, and it was my worst fight. Wish me luck.



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Got all the way to Thok tonight (Killed it). I think I timed things much better. I've been trying to use my AA more. I forgot to set up my WA to track Lucidity, but I got it now.  We are going to continue tomorrow. I havent done seigecrafter outside of flex, and it was my worst fight. Wish me luck.




Grats on the kill.  Thank you for the logs, we can get a little more helpful now that we have more to go on.


Looking at the Thok kill, your uptime on PoM was 100% that is awesome.  You used SS and IF in conjunction 3 times on a 6min fight.  You can squeeze it in 7 times during that time, but 6 would allow to place it on specific stack, not to mention almost double the output it will give you.


You Divine Star was only used 6 times.  With such a short CD, and the fact that it does not get locked out of the Holy School, it should be used a lot more, after 5 stacks, use it on CD.  You were only locked out 4 times which is good, when that happens, DS will be avail to you if its off CD.


There were two times during the fight that you went over a min w/o a PWS or a IF/SS casts.  I'm going to assume they are kite phases but you should still be proccing rapture on the tank with the Jailer.  2minutes of 0 Rapture makes for a sad Disc. Other than those two spots u only missed 2 raptures procs the whole fight! That is great job.


As far as AA on the rest of the fights.. you definitely need to track it and use it better.  On all the fights, this is your uptime 10%, 26, 38, 16, 13, 35, 27, 20, 8, 7!  50% is the minimum you should shoot for.  You cant leave all that extra crit and spellpower in your bad and not use them.


Great job for a two week comparison though! Holy smokes man.  You increased your output on every fight.  +10khps, +40k, 8k, 40k, 20k, and the rest were still increases but those were the largest.  That is a remarkable one week turnaround.  Make better use of AA and you'll see that increase again next lockout by... imo, at least 15%.


Grats and GL

Edited by Gwenymph
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Thank you for the feed back, Gwenypmh. 


I am going to have to work on getting my AA usage up to 50%. I think that I tend to be overprotective of my raid CDs, meaning I try not to use them too liberally so that they are up when I really need them. But, I agree with you, that I should use it more to take advantage of the free crit and spellpower. I can FEEL that I am a better healer this week compared to last. Much of that is probably thanks to the disc 4-pc + meta + correcting my gems/reforging/enchants which all happened that the same time.


You are going to laugh(or cry), but it was on out Garrosh attempts last night that I "noticed" that DS is on a 12sec cooldown. I always thought that it was on the same cooldown as Halo and Cascade. So yes, I def need to do bring my usage of DS up.


As I sated, we raided on Wednesday, but since I logged off to update DBM, I didnt log our Blackfuse, klaxxi kills and Garrosh attempts. We got consistently got to the last phase on Garrosh, and where dieing to MCs, mostly, I think, because were are too spread out. That said, shit really hits the fan in terms of healing. We are going to have to time our raid CDs better in order to survive the empowered whirling corruption.


On that phase, since everyone is spread, should I put barrier on my self only so I can stand in place and PoH blanket the raid?

Also, I have a WA tracking my lucidity buff from the meta, 4sec is soooo little time! Is it worth tracking at all? When it procs, I am usually already casting something.,.

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I macro my AA. 


/cast Archangel

/cast Power Word: Solace


As for empowered whirling corruption, this is how I handle it.  Toss out a PoM about 5s before it happens.  Follow that up with spirit shell + inner focus + PoH blanket the raid.  If a dude spawns under you, immediately talent root it and start attonementing it to death (sw:pain also.)  You should be able to SS every other whirlwind.  I wouldn't use the barrier for empowered WW, only normal.  Once WW is empowered, instead use it for the interim phases when garrosh is spamming his 1-hit kill: toss it right on top of him.  Everyone SHOULD be close enough to be in range of it anyway; if anyone is further than 5 or so yards from him, they're playing sub-optimally anyway.

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Your gems are also not what we suggested, I don't think. From what I know you should be gemming 320 crit in yellow, spirit/crit in blue and int/crit in red.

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Also, I have a WA tracking my lucidity buff from the meta, 4sec is soooo little time! Is it worth tracking at all? When it procs, I am usually already casting something.,.


Yes, absolutely track it.  Even if you are casting something, it leaves you two PWS to cast. 

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I macro my AA. 


/cast Archangel

/cast Power Word: Solace


As for empowered whirling corruption, this is how I handle it.  Toss out a PoM about 5s before it happens.  Follow that up with spirit shell + inner focus + PoH blanket the raid.  If a dude spawns under you, immediately talent root it and start attonementing it to death (sw:pain also.)  You should be able to SS every other whirlwind.  I wouldn't use the barrier for empowered WW, only normal.  Once WW is empowered, instead use it for the interim phases when garrosh is spamming his 1-hit kill: toss it right on top of him.  Everyone SHOULD be close enough to be in range of it anyway; if anyone is further than 5 or so yards from him, they're playing sub-optimally anyway.


Yea, I was switching between SS and Barrier for the interim phases. But If I do not use Barrier for the Iron Star, it should be all for all of the interim-phases. I haven't been rooting my add as you suggest. That's an awesome tip. I'll make sure to do that. I'll try to prep-better for Emp WW.


Your gems are also not what we suggested, I don't think. From what I know you should be gemming 320 crit in yellow, spirit/crit in blue and int/crit in red.


Ah, I wasnt quite sure if two points of crit were more valuable than one point of int. I'll be sure to fix that next time I log on.  Making those changes on AMR will leave me with 7969 (42.55% - no change) mastery and 9937 (33.89%,up 4.66%) crit. 


Yes, absolutely track it.  Even if you are casting something, it leaves you two PWS to cast. 


Got it. I will work on it.




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Track lucidity.  I abuse it for free mana from Rapture... it has the added benifit of you don't need to track rapture anymore.  I have a weakaura floating around the forums somewhere that will make damn sure you notice that you have the L.meta proc active: use it to cast PW:Shield on the active tank and someone else. 

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Track lucidity.  I abuse it for free mana from Rapture... it has the added benifit of you don't need to track rapture anymore.


@Eddy: Using Lucidity is great for free PWS, everyone that has chimed in shares this opinion.  However not tracking rapture because of LMG is a very small percentage of players (under 10%, maybe under 5%, of the ones i theorycraft with) and I/we would not recommend it for anyone who has not been maining a Disc using this strat.  Even most of them have been converted.


@Brutal: So I don't Hijack 2 threads at once, I'll continue the defense of Rapture Tracking in our other thread.

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upgrade your weapon.  The extra spell power is MANDITORY. 


red gem slots should have int / crit gems. 


You should have desperate prayer instead of angelic bulwark


You should have two maxed professions.

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upgrade your weapon.  The extra spell power is MANDITORY. 


red gem slots should have int / crit gems. 


You should have desperate prayer instead of angelic bulwark


You should have two maxed professions.




I'm out of valor atm so can't upgrade.


Fixed the talent issue.


I'll fix the gemming and professions when I've got some gold/time.

Edited by Antenora

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Thank you for the awesome feedback. I will aim to implement it all tonigth.

I will probably move my WA for lucidity closer to my raid frames so it is more on my face when it procs. To that end, i will try to not rely on PW:S as much. As it currently is, it is my go to spell for anything. And I always try to keep both tanks with a shield, cus chances are they will need it.I' ll have to be more selective of when I use shield. (I do track rupture btw)

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Found my legendary metagem weakaura.  https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/4196-legendary-metagem-weakaura/


It makes a splashing sound and has a large icon on-screen so you never fail to notice you have it going.  Your call.


If your tanks need a constant PW:Shield they're doin something wrong.  Save it for rapture/legendary meta gem, so that you can cast it as soon as rapture comes off and it immediately procs. 


WIsh you luck mate, post more logs next time you raid. 

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I went straight to sleep after I finished raiding. It was a bad night, shamans gave us problems and we couldnt down Malk.  And to top it all off, I lost all of my Vuhdo and WA settings at the beginning of the night. So please, do not look at a Protector and Norushen fights. They were terrible, I couldnt see debufs... (READ: Weakened Soul). By Galakras I had that fixed, but the boss was pulled with drakes up. 


And there is malk. Vuhdo Was not showing the Weak and Strong Ancient Barrier buffs, so even  though I was healing just as much as our resto druid, I was prob not healing the right persons. I got that fix after the raid. 


So the only semi good fight was Iron Juggernaut.  PoM uptime went up, but still a low 12% uptime.  AA up 4% to 39% uptime.

I did find a Ludicty WA that really helped alot. I got 3 shields on a single proc which saved the tank's life and mine.


Here is the log.



That said, now that I have a good Lucidiy weak aura, I notice it when it goes up almost immediately. For me, what makes the difference is the sound it does when it pops. The free shields are really nice and, as I said, make a noticeable difference.



@Brutalpriest: I'll take that advise. Not being able to see the WS debuff I noticed that it is not really needed to be on the tanks at all times. So I will save more. 

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Lol dude... if your raid frames ever goes tits up just use bliz default UI.  It's not bad at all, and it shows everything you need to see.  It might not show them WELL particularly on a large monitor, but you will be able to tell if your target has weakened soul, makorok's shield, etc.


I just default to it for malk and heroic shamen period because it does a good job displaying their important debuffs.

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I went straight to sleep after I finished raiding. It was a bad night, shamans gave us problems and we couldnt down Malk.  And to top it all off, I lost all of my Vuhdo and WA settings at the beginning of the night. So please, do not look at a Protector and Norushen fights. They were terrible, I couldnt see debufs... (READ: Weakened Soul). By Galakras I had that fixed, but the boss was pulled with drakes up. 


And there is malk. Vuhdo Was not showing the Weak and Strong Ancient Barrier buffs, so even  though I was healing just as much as our resto druid, I was prob not healing the right persons. I got that fix after the raid. 


So the only semi good fight was Iron Juggernaut.  PoM uptime went up, but still a low 12% uptime.  AA up 4% to 39% uptime.

I did find a Ludicty WA that really helped alot. I got 3 shields on a single proc which saved the tank's life and mine.


Here is the log.



That said, now that I have a good Lucidiy weak aura, I notice it when it goes up almost immediately. For me, what makes the difference is the sound it does when it pops. The free shields are really nice and, as I said, make a noticeable difference.



@Brutalpriest: I'll take that advise. Not being able to see the WS debuff I noticed that it is not really needed to be on the tanks at all times. So I will save more. 


You covered pretty much everything you need to work on, which is probably the best outcome prior to implementing it.  The IronJ kill your PoM uptime was 53% not 12%, make sure you are looking at raid uptimes, not just self buff uptimes.


Sha: PoM 72%, AA27%, ToF 40%.  ToF was only up 5% more than the min it takes to activate w/ Atonement on the boss.  Hit the adds more. As you mentioned AA needs to be doubled.


Gala: PoM 23%, AA 3%, ToF 56%.  3% AA ?? As nice as it can be said-Unsatisfactory.


Naz: PoM 79%, AA 25%, ToF 32%. Double your AA.  ToF uptime is less than minimum Atonement Boss activation, too many adds for it to be this low.


I ignored the 2 fights you mentioned and because of differing strats I also left out Immerseus and Shamans.  One thing I will recommend is switching out the PWS Glyph, with almost anything else.  I forget off the top of my head what you are running but PoM/Penance/Weakened Soul/Binding are all regularly acceptable.  It overhealed by 70% in some cases but over all kills overhealed for more than 30%.  PWS will not overheal nearly that much.  On your kills it only overhealed 13%.


Most this stuff is what you mentioned already except the glyph.  You did a great job of going over you own logs to know what areas you can improve on.  Now you just need to make sure you doing what you can to help you tackle them ( more annoying WA sounds are my favorite ).


Congrats and GL


Edit: removed silly DS/Sha comment

Edited by Gwenymph

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Notice on Sha that DS was cast 7 times and hit 101 times.  They were using the stack strategy.


Woah... totally missed that.  My mistake, Great job on DS. lol.  But still hit more ToF targets  :)

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