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Zagam I'll look on your armoury to see what haste your on but you say your on 16 k haste , what haste breakpoint (if any) do you get to when your haste buffed?

Yeah it was a silly pants question asking about MF and using out of meta form lol

I'm not playing (more of cannot then choosing not to) atm so cannot try out what haste your at?

But did try 18k haste and it was fast for me don't know if it upped my dps tho.

But keep the demo stuff coming , I'm loving the talk lol.

I would never armory me.  I constantly change things and do weird things with talents just to screw with people who look me up.  Last night, I logged out as Demo with high Crit, Grimoire of Sacrifice, KJC, and a Fishing Pole on.  When I say 16k, I mean it's really closer to 16k.  The BP I'm using is 15,774 which gives me +12 on Shadowflame with Berserking, Bloodlust, and TR.  If you're not a Troll, you shouldn't do this.  This is why I advise NOT copying what I do and instead listening to what I say.  My actual Haste is 15,973 which covers a Doom threshold with only Bloodlust (15,880).  There's magic behind what I do, but it's specifically tailored for me. 


If you go on Ask Mr Robot and select Demonology spec, you can go into Edit Weights and choose a soft cap for haste.


In their you can see all the haste breakpoints, as well as the ones once you add in stuff like bloodlust and meta gem and berserking.


It's how I discovered 14880 haste for trolls over the regular 14873.


Off the top of my head, 16k haste would be just above a doom breakpoint with 30% haste (meta gem or BL, but not both). 

Nailed it.  I pushed one Exp/Mastery gem out for an Exp/Haste gem just to hit this 15880 BP. 


Like Liquidsteel said earlier in the thread, you aren't really SACRIFICING for haste, you're just prioritizing it more. For example, I play at a higher haste rating, I'm sitting at 15808 haste, just because with my gear, that's where I've ended up. I still have 14.8k mastery, and the play feels smooth. Once I get another upgrade or two, I'll probably get to 16k, and then just focus on boosting mastery after that, because I like the way it flows with this level of haste. I'm also not a troll, so no Berserking :/

Haste is almost essential for smooth play including DF generation, Imp damage, and non-eternal Shadowbolt casts.  Mastery is just a flat DPS gain, so consider it the damage bonus.  Haste is what makes the spec feel smooth.


Yeah on demo I have to get out if the mindset if mastery is king ,

It's been a big feature with locks in MoP, but with demo it's like you can hit hard but how frequent do you want to hit!.

With Destruction, Mastery is king regardless of what you're doing.  For Aff, Mastery wins for multi-dotting, but Haste trumps it for ST.  The reason everyone sticks with Mastery usually isn't because it's ideal - it's just easy to bounce between specs this way.  Haste and Mastery are super close for Affliction in SoO encounters.  For Demo, Haste and Mastery work together really well, but only if you keep their values moderately close.  You still want to get Mastery on your gear, but you want Haste, too.  Demo and Affliction are nice because they don't have Haste ceilings. 

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I reforged back to Mastery > Haste but was sitting at 14.7k, and Ask mr robot wanted to do ridiculous things to my gems to hit 14880.


I thought fuck it and reforged my trinket back to pure haste, and voila! I hit 15915 which covers both those BP's you mentioned, plus the two I wanted to hit myself at just under 15k :)


Happy days.

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Yeah un-reforging BBoY felt dirty, but it has a TON of Haste on it.  Very easy to get up to that 15.9k range that covers all the magic of Demo.

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hi guys

just would like to ask , could you use your expertise and have a look at my amr and see how I can make it the best set up I can get for demo spec, ive tried to have a play around with it but cant seem to get a balance.

I don't mind if its high haste or balanced just would like an opinion on what you would do .




whilst writing this I literally just got hellscreams warstaff normal.


thanks in advance


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You're fine that way.  DF gen will suck because you're at 8.4k Haste.  My suggestion is not to try Demo until you get another 5-7 item levels as it tends to come with more Haste making the spec flow easier.  It's doable at your spec, but it'll be much slower.

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Well, this week was pretty good for Demo, I boosted my rank on 10m H Norushen up to 26th, and while it's not nearly so hard to do on Normal compared to Heroic, seeing myself as 9th Demo on 10m Normal IJ was kinda nice. Dark Shamans didn't go down this time, but man, I loved getting those 4pc procs from ToC when the slimes are out :P

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If you update my AMR now I've updated it I've specc'd demo and pushed out 14873 haste and fully buffed have a mastery of 134.9%

And quite comfortably playing at this stats , so was wondering if I could push it anymore .

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Liquid or zagam with my gear would you go higher haste or keep it at 14880. I think the next haste BP is 18k, but that's with corruption ticks.

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Corruption breakpoints are irrelevant so don't worry about that.

I suggest you try out 14880 and decide if you like it. Can then try higher points and compare.

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As said before, secondary stats have a minor effect on DPS.  If you're seeing low or below-desired DPS, continue working on your play.  I STILL go and test my rotation at test dummies on Saturday or Sunday.  Just like throwing a baseball - gotta stay loose if you want to be at your best.

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 Just like throwing a baseball - gotta stay loose if you want to be at your best.


Remember, this is only applicable to baseball, and select other professions. Not all professions see benefit from being loose.



Joking aside, Zag couldn't be more right. I haven't raided full time on my lock since Feb, but last this week I went in on my lock for most of the fights. While I wasn't completely happy with myself, I still put up respectable (or <Semi Respectable> /kneeslap) numbers and competed with my guild. Had I completely taken those four months off from my lock and not touched it, I'd have done terribly. But, I made sure to keep playing it to stay fresh and keep the muscle memory up - helping out normal pugs, clearing some flexes, even sitting on a dummy, etc.


Having not played Demo since September and recently picking it back up last month around the time this thread started becoming a thing, I can tell you that if you don't keep at it, you'll find it's a bit of a pain to pick it back up and get to where you were or want to be.


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