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What professions will be the best for resto shaman in WOD?

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I know they'll remove the bonuses from professions, and this makes me think. I need your help guys. biggrin.png

Race: Goblin 
Class: Shaman 
Spec: Restoration 


I`m a PVE man.

I was moved to another realm recently, I grow up to lvl 60, I learn professions then I'll use that boost to 90. 

What Will Be the best professions for resto shaman in WOD? 

thank you

Edited by PERICOL

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I know they'll remove the bonuses from professions, and this makes me think. I need your help guys. biggrin.png



At this point, professions should be thought of as convenience/gold making abilities...I doubt there will be professions that are "best", in a pve output sense, for class "xxxxx" like there were now and in the past.  I would pick ones that you like. Ill probably keep Alch and JC for my Resto sham just because they have good synergy and flask procs are very nice =)


Keep in mind, I haven't done a lot on the beta so maybe there still are "better" professions?

Edited by Drafty53

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As you said, they're removing the bonuses from professions; pick whatever you want.  Since you're leveling it up for free, engineering, jewelcrafting, and enchanting all jump out as professions with either A) fun toys or B) commonly used stuff, so being able to make your own gems/enchants rather than visiting the auction house might be worth doing.  However, you can also get limited access to professions through the garrison, so a gathering profession isn't a bad idea either (now that they won't come with what amounts to a raiding penalty).

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I would advice Leatherworking for being able to craft your own armor pieces and Enchanting for both enchants and disenchants

1. I'm aware that raid loot and tier pieces are better than craft, but still it can be useful, especially on the start, like 522 and 553 belt and pants in this expantion.

2. On the later stage of the expantion, when most of the loot just go for DE, you will be happy to do some money from the shards and not just dump all the loot to vendor.

It's my opinion only, based on personal preferences, because as we all know - no more PvE buffs from professions.

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No point in have enchanting as you can DE your gear in your garrison with the enchanting house. Yes you could make your own enchants but if your selling the disenchanted mats youd probs end up making more gold from them then the gold youd save from selling them.

Engineering is keeping some of its bonuses (rocket boost and the glider) so that seems an almost must have for speed/utility.

Besides that then yeah, maybe leatherworking for your own gear or if your in a guild that smashed through the current normal content soon to be heroic then thats not going to be that useful, so try a gathering or a daily cd (inscription, alchamy, jc) for some gold

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Engineering is keeping some of its bonuses (rocket boost and the glider) so that seems an almost must have for speed/utility.

Boosts share cooldown with potion sad.png

Except for esoteric uses (like current EMP generator on blackfuse if you're lacking CC from different DR classes) it's basically RIP.

Edited by lynx

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It doesn't seems to me any good to argue about professions bonuses in WoD for PvE when Blizz said clearly that it will not work anymore. So the only weight in your decision might be what you are ready to do in exact profession and what is fun for you: some people hate to farm - no joy in gathering profs for them, another like to play on AH - here it may be JC or Ench, want to get omg amount of receipts - go for craft (just for example). But what the point to look for and argue about something that does not exist anymore?

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I wouldn't worry about it at all.  I'll probably run Inscription / Leatherworking.


Inscription for early Darkmoon Faire trinkets and early gold gain.


Leatherworking for the gear possibilities (especially when you're looking at Challenge Mode loot), gold making that lasts through the game, and, if they exist in WoD, free leg enchants.

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Did they get rid of the bonus to flask time for Alchemists? I know they don't get more stats but if flasks still last twice as long, it could save you a bunch of gold while raiding. Inscription is also a great choice due to darkmoon cards selling for a ton early in an expansion.

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Did they get rid of the bonus to flask time for Alchemists? I know they don't get more stats but if flasks still last twice as long, it could save you a bunch of gold while raiding. Inscription is also a great choice due to darkmoon cards selling for a ton early in an expansion.

Double time is still in, and would be another very good choice instead of Leatherworking.

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Don't expect the massive gold dump for the darkmoon trinkets that existed the last 2 expansions, the trinkets will not be availible before raids and atm they do not have the dual primary stats they have had in the past.


Profesions are not yet finished in beta anyway so too early to tell

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I just wanted to add that the double time for flasks perk for alchemists is now gone...so no professions offer specific perks at all, which is the status Blizz has said they intend for WoD.


I've been checking professions out very closely in beta, and honestly (as pointed out earlier in the thread) I can see no reason at all to consider any profession over another as "best" for Resto Shaman or any other class.  Professions are going to be changed completely in WoD. I can't say I am thrilled about the changes, but that is a separate topic.


I am sure folks will figure out ways to profit from them, but if they are implemented as is, then just pick one that looks interesting, as they will have no impact on your raiding or on your character spec.


Re: Inscription - Darkmoon cards are also being changed both in terms of how they are made and their stats.  At the moment I wouldn't choose Inscription if you are considering doing so in order to make a profit from Darkmoon trinkets in the early months of the expansion. I don't think that will be happening.  I'll edit/update here if that changes or if I find I'm wrong.

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