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Retribution Paladin 6.2

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No damage increase with empowered seals?  How is that so?  This is a GREAT passive ability that increases your attack power by 15% and has a 100% uptime when in combat...


No, quite sure that Empowered Seals still isn't worth going for. Checking with shibbx to make sure anyway, though. Thanks for bringing it up. 

Why is Holy Avenger missing from the cooldown list?  It only shows Avenging Wrath.  Holy Avenger is also a huge dps increase since you can basically spam Templar's Verdict.

That section only lists cooldowns you have by default, and not from talents. Holy Avenger is discussed later down the page.


Hey guys. Quick question about glyphs. Glyph of Templar's verdict is mentioned as helpful to your raid group's healers at times. Does this glyph also work with Final Verdict? I can't seem to find any information on the subject. Thanks!

Yes, the glyph does work with Final Verdict as well!

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No damage increase with empowered seals?  How is that so?  This is a GREAT passive ability that increases your attack power by 15% and has a 100% uptime when in combat...


No, quite sure that Empowered Seals still isn't worth going for. Checking with shibbx to make sure anyway, though. Thanks for bringing it up. 

When it comes to EmpS it's less of the talent isn't good and more of how well the other talents synergize with the tier bonuses and with the fights in the tier itself. For example, a large portion of the fights are either


A. short, single target fights with windows where ST burst is a heavy factor, which makes Seraphim an ideal talent (e.g. Reaver, Tyrant, Zakuun)


B. Fights with large cleave windows (e.g. Xhul'horac, Mannoroth, Hellfire Assault). While EmpS isn't a terrible talent, the other talents of the tier fill the two notable rolls required for the tier in a much better manner.

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Guest jed

im kinda new to this game only been playing for a little over a month but i was thinking about the teir with fist of justice. I think in my opinion that Blinding light would be the go to on this teir . if u pick fist of justice ur just replacing the same skill just to increase ur effectiveness by 10 yards. But if u pick blinding light now u have 6 seconds of disorienting ur opponent , and u also have 6 second stun still. 12 seconds of time ur enemy has no control over 10 yard increase to hit for a 6 second stun?.. idk just my thought here always open for other opinions

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The problem with blinding light in a pve environment is that 99% of the time you'd only get the use of it via a short .1-.4 second window due to constant damage being applied, which isn't bad it's great in dungeons for kicking a group of mobs, but the reliability of Fist of Justice which isn't just an increase in distance but also has half the cd of Hammer of Justice, is far more noticeable. On top of that in pvp situations, having a 30 second stun goes much further than having a 6 second blind and a 6 second stun both of which are on obnoxiously long cooldowns.

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Guest Joe

...I am glad this guide is made for more advanced players rather than towards newer players. You would think people who have actually played the game awhile wouldn't need a guide. I guess I am wrong. 

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...I am glad this guide is made for more advanced players rather than towards newer players. You would think people who have actually played the game awhile wouldn't need a guide. I guess I am wrong. 

This guide is designed for both new and experienced player, I don't see how it's aimed towards "advanced" players at all.

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Thanks for the guide! Helped with a few problems I was having since I just recently returned to WoD. Didn't know SW was better than DP. EmpS feels a bit clunky in some situations but this helped me figure out when it's best to really capitalize on it. Thanks!

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Guest Blitzkreeg

The part about the level 100 talents needs to be reviewed.  I just ran simcraft with all three talents individually at 732 ilev and the results were 81k for Final Verdict, 85k for Seraphim, and 87k for Empowered Seals.  Please recheck your data as i used your guide's info to incorrectly use Final Verdict for a while now.

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3 hours ago, Guest Blitzkreeg said:

The part about the level 100 talents needs to be reviewed.  I just ran simcraft with all three talents individually at 732 ilev and the results were 81k for Final Verdict, 85k for Seraphim, and 87k for Empowered Seals.  Please recheck your data as i used your guide's info to incorrectly use Final Verdict for a while now.

How did you run simcract, exactly? If you ran it on your profile, could you please give it to me?

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On 6/9/2016 at 6:50 AM, Guest Blitzkreeg said:

The part about the level 100 talents needs to be reviewed.  I just ran simcraft with all three talents individually at 732 ilev and the results were 81k for Final Verdict, 85k for Seraphim, and 87k for Empowered Seals.  Please recheck your data as i used your guide's info to incorrectly use Final Verdict for a while now.

I can tell you right now, unless you're running your sim's incorrectly, Sera sims higher with t17 tier bonus on ST and FV sims higher with t17 tier bonus on cleave/multi-target, than EmpS. This has been tested multiple times by multiple top end raiders including myself, Solsacra (the gentleman who actually tells pretty much every ret how to play properly). So unless you're running something different, or have different gear, the sims are correct for the current content, with the "best gear" (I say best, but it's just the varying levels of the bis set including normal and heroic not just mythic.

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