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Holy Priest 6.2

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Great Guide.... THX !!!


But I have a question...


The "Artful Vermilion Onyx" has the best Stats for the Holy Priest.

Why don't you use this Gem also in the yellow Socket?

Edited by Steinbarth

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Great Guide.... THX !!!


But I have a question...


The "Artful Vermilion Onyx" has the best Stats for the Holy Priest.

Why don't you use this Gem also in the yellow Socket?

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll take a look and update the guide if needed. I appreciate your feedback!

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Guest Zithia

I find void tendrils very helpful on things such as bombs in MoP and essential for solo questing in holy.


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Nothing major, but when you get time for an edit.  The 2.1 Stats section mentions Multistrike not being available until WoD. The MS 5% is built into our toons currently and has been tracked since Patch 6.0 release by WCL even though there are only a few pcs that carry over it from MoP.  It's labeled under the "Hits (Ms)" column in WCL.

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Guest BladeWise

I cannot understand why Icy Veins suggests a Mastery > Haste > Crit build, referring to Ask Mr Robot to get help.
AMR simply suggests builds with:

  • Crit > Haste > Mastery
  • Mastery > Crit > Haste
  • Haste > Crit > Mastery

All in all, AMR builds suggest that Crit is somehow more relevant than Icy Veins suggests.



I can only think that Icy Veins is suggesting to stack Haste up to a certain point, and the go for Crit, but given that now HPS scale linearly with Haste, what would be a proper 'cap'?

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I cannot understand why Icy Veins suggests a Mastery > Haste > Crit build, referring to Ask Mr Robot to get help.

AMR simply suggests builds with:

  • Crit > Haste > Mastery
  • Mastery > Crit > Haste
  • Haste > Crit > Mastery

All in all, AMR builds suggest that Crit is somehow more relevant than Icy Veins suggests.



I can only think that Icy Veins is suggesting to stack Haste up to a certain point, and the go for Crit, but given that now HPS scale linearly with Haste, what would be a proper 'cap'?

Ask Mr. Robot will not always agree, and vice versa. The priorities we give out are (and have to be) generally-applicable to most readers. Ask Mr. Robot will give you priorities that are more tailored to your character. You can always edit the stat weights on Mr. Robot to line it all up with our guides.


In any case, it matters little, since the stats are close enough together that if you follow our priority, you will certainly do well (as far as the stats are concerned, anyway). Things will be different once Warlords of Draenor goes live.

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Guest Raikan

Hello, Mr Robot doesn't work for me. It's showing me a link-hand on mouseover, but either leftclick does nothing, nor rightclick gives only a contextual-grafic menu so does nothing.

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Hello, Mr Robot doesn't work for me. It's showing me a link-hand on mouseover, but either leftclick does nothing, nor rightclick gives only a contextual-grafic menu so does nothing.

Thanks, this is fixed now smile.png

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Guest Gornex

I'm not sure I follow the logic that Divine Star is never worth considering, yet Cascade is. Divine Star can heal most of the raid if they're laid out right, for more than Cascade (~83% of SP vs 56% + 56%). What's the rationale for it being so much worse, considering it should be instantly healing for about 30% of SP more and a competitive number of targets?

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Guest Sugarpixie

Morning everyone! Am currently working on optimising my gear set for holy healing, and something in the stat priority section confused me. In the item, it says:



We recommend this stat priority for Holy Priests.

  1. Multistrike;
  2. Haste;
  3. Intellect;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Versatility;
  6. Critical Strike.

When healing in small groups, the positions of Haste and Mastery are switched.

Then further down, it says:


Note that in small raid sizes, Mastery is of lower importance since it does not benefit from wow_icon_spell_holy_renew.jpgRenew.


Is it me, or is there a mistake in there somewhere? Swapping mastery with haste in small group sizes would mean mastery goes up in prio, while further down it states mastery is not good for small sizes because of the way renew works. Long story short, which one is it? I'm guessing haste > mastery! Thanks in advance!

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Guest Guest

Why does Int at third place? Does it mean I have to put it at 1.2 in Mr.Robot?

Could you give a score-value for each attribute, so I could use it with Mr.Robot?

@Guest_Sugar, I'm guessing the same and also stumbled upon that. So the order is already for small groups from the explanations.

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Guest Scott Satkowiak

To be honest. This guide is crap. Why would INT ever be lower than any other stat. One.

Two, there is so much inconsistency. Seriously, if you are going to do a guide either know what you are talking about or don't say anything at all.



1. INT (simple through-put)

2. Multistrike (Holy priests have a shit ton of heals going out. Many may be small but they are in high numbers.

3. Mastery (In small groups, if makes sense to put Haste over Crit and Mastery but in a Raid, Mastery is OP)

4. Crit (Crit is a middle ground stat, you want to have it to make things interesting but healers can't afford to put there faith into RNG)

5. Haste (Again, in a small group this stat is more valuable but in a RAID, Haste's cap comes sooner since it takes longer time to HOT everyone up than it is takes get more HPS out of a casting rotation using Serendipity.

6. Spirit (Put this on 4/6 of your spirit slots. Remember, this only comes on Trinkets, Rings, Cloaks, and Necks. The trinket has the most on it. If you have spirit trinkets, I suggest only have one Spirit Ring, and on your cloak. If you use non Spirit trinkets, You better have spirit on everything else.


I am so pleased that Flash Heal is back and Binding Heal is useful. Honestly, I don't know what Heal can be used for in a RAID anymore. I feels more like a fix of WotLK healing, which was intense, and a mix of Cata. Good times in WotLK.


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Guest Khalzhatar

I'm curious how you came to your conclusions on stat priority. Your guide recommends Multistrike > Haste > Mastery > Versatility > Crit, but running the numbers I have come to a different conclusion.


Mastery is number one for me, considering that the tooltip is misleading. I'm not sure if it's bugged or this is how it's intended, but it is healing for the % of mastery every 3 seconds, based upon the heals in the last 9 seconds or so (maximum duration, tested while spell-spamming). Because of how it scales at level 100 (84.6 points = 1%), and considering that its weight is ~1.7:1, considering the heal is greater than the posted amount of mastery (hard to come to a definitive number when the number fluctuates based on heals, so 1.7 is a "line of best fit" estimate).


Haste was my number 2 until the soft-cap. Haste's scaling before soft-cap is a lot easier to calculate (100 points = 1%) and is a 1:1 stat weight because it reduces the cast time and GCD by that amount both, so it affects hard casts the same as instant casts.


Third I had Critical. Crit scales lower than haste (109 points = 1%) but is also a 1:1 stat weight because it is that percent chance to do double heal.


Fourth was multistrike in my calculations. Multistrike scales better than the previous 3 (66 points = 1%), but since it provides 2 chances to do 30% damage or heal, the stat weight is .6:1, assuming that using the line of best fit model, the % listed is the actual % of multistrikes. This counteracts the better scaling and makes it less valuable than mastery, haste, and crit.


Last is versatility, which has the worst scaling (130 points = 1%). It is a 1:1 stat weight because it is a flat gain of all healing done by the % listed. The reason i hesitate to put versatility at the bottom is the damage reduction. Even though it only reduces by half of the increase to healing/damage, it is still damage reduction, which is invaluable considering how hard things hit right now. The primary point: as far as actual benefit to healing is concerned, versatility is the worst of the 5.


In summary, I have found that Mastery > Haste > Crit > Multistrike > Vers is a more realistic stat priority than Multistrike > haste > mastery > versatility > crit.


Do you mind sharing how you came to your conclusions? It's possible that I'm missing something, but I don't know for sure. I have spent 4 days crunching the numbers.

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Can someone please explain to me why Multistrike is better than crit ?

For my monk its multistirke > crit what makes sence because there are alot of progs who benifits out of it.


But since there are little to no progs on the priest this doesnt seem so good to me


I just checked the scaling on my lvl 96 priest

crit scales with 0.0167 (220 crit = +3.67%)

multistrike scales with 0.0278 (81 ms = +2.25%)


so multistrikes scales 1.66 times crit



crit does +100% increased healing

multistrie does +36% increased healing (does this value increase with more multistrike ?)


so if i heal for 100

i get +100 heal if i crit

and +36 heal for multistirke, if i take in mind that this effect progs 1.66 times i'm at +59.76 heal


so crit potentially does 200 heal

and multistrike does 159.76 heal


can someone tell me were my mistake is ?


and Versatility seems completly useless to me (if you ignore the def stats)

and i dont know how this could be rated better than crit



excuse my bad english, ty !

Edited by nudel

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The reason that Multistrike is as good as it is, aside from the fact that there are many opportunities for it to proc, is the existence of Divine Providence, which makes Multistrike much better.

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@Derevka and @NaerThePriest seem to be giving the same general stat priority as suggested here by Jhazrun:


Raiding Priority: MS>Haste> Crit/Mast/Vers  Or During Heavy Renew Raid Healing Crit edges out at MS>Haste>Crit>Mast/Vers

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Guest Sallakat

I have a question about the 100 ability.


You just say that Words of Mending is 'by far the best' and don't give much explanation why you consider the 'other talents not worth considering'? I've been using Clarity of Purpose since I dinged 100 but I would like to know why you consider the passive ability that much better? 


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Guest Rades

This info is out-dated. There is no "prayer of healing" spell anymore.

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I have a question about the 100 ability.


You just say that Words of Mending is 'by far the best' and don't give much explanation why you consider the 'other talents not worth considering'? I've been using Clarity of Purpose since I dinged 100 but I would like to know why you consider the passive ability that much better? 


This is the opinion of Jhazrun, our reviewer. His reasoning at the time was along the lines that CoP actually made PoH worse. Now, granted, this might be exaggerated, but the overall point still stands.



This info is out-dated. There is no "prayer of healing" spell anymore.

Of course there is. It's only replaced by Clarity of Purpose if you take that talent, otherwise it's there.

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Guest Archangelion

After healing through Highmaul a few times now I've found that Renew and CoH are my 2 tops healing spells on almost every fight. I almost never use PoH due to its mana cost and low-moderate healing. The renew glyph especially has been useful in increasing my healing output. Might want to consider re-looking at the spell rotation/priority page. 

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Guest Guest

Is this ever going to be updated? The last update was pre-WoD and the stat priority is completely wrong.

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Guest Retrospective

Hello. Have question about holy priest in CM on WoD. I found it rly hard to heal and dont go oom during gold runs. It looks like basicly imposible not to heal with Binding Heal and Prayer of Healing on gold but it takes so much mana when those spells are being used. My question would be: are holy priest are worst healer on CM so far ?

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