d4EndgameGuidenecromancerBoneseason 7

Bone Spear – Necromancer Build for Diablo 4 (Season 7)

Destroy enemies with brutal Bone Spear hits!




Minion Overlord

Updated: Posted:

Bone SpearBone PrisonBone StormBlood MistCorpse TendrilsDecrepify


Build Introduction

Bone Spear Necromancer is one of the smoothest builds to level a Necromancer with. It performs just as well in the endgame content, providing high critical hits with Bone SpearBone Spear in combination with setting enemies up inside a Bone PrisonBone Prison to guarantee Overpowering hits. We assist bringing them inside this set-up with the use of Corpse TendrilsCorpse Tendrils.

In the endgame we will gain access to more legendary powers that takes this build to a whole new level. Since our biggest source of damage comes from Bone SpearBone Spear, we can provide legendary powers to help sustain resources, eventually resulting in only casting the Bone Spears!

Besides being reliable and consistent, this build guarantees the Vulnerable effect on enemies, making it a great option for group play.

You are able to level with this build, however we would strongly recommend checking out the Necromancer Leveling guide for the smoothest experience going through the campaign before switching to this build.

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Build Variants

A build variant is a modified version of an existing build that changes some aspects of it, such as the damage type, specific skills or passives, and even certain items like different Uniques or Legendary Aspects.

Below you will find any variant that relates to the Bone SpearBone Spear Endgame Necromancer.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Incredible damage output
  • Fast and comfortable with proper gear
  • Capable of Tier 100 Nightmare Dungeon & Uber Lilith
  • Somewhat squishy
  • Requires specific gear and aspect powers to fully self-sustain without corpse consumption
  • Can feel a bit clunky and slow until you get better gear

To see how this build compares to the other builds on our site, you can check out our build tier lists.

Build Requirements

Required Uniques

Skill Bar and Skill Tree Points

Suggested Skill Bar
Blood MistBlood MistDecrepifyDecrepifyBone PrisonBone PrisonCorpse TendrilsCorpse TendrilsBone StormBone StormBone SpearBone Spear

Follow the points allocated in the Skill Tree above for the complete 71-point build. The additional skill points are completed using the Renown system.

Book of the Dead

We will be sacrificing all our minions. Below you’ll find the details covering all aspects of how we utilize the Book of the Dead for the Bone Spear Necromancer.

  • Melee Skeletons: Skirmishers – will be the choice here for the added critical strike chance.
  • Mage Skeletons: Cold Mages – sacrificing the Cold Mages grants us increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. The build reliably making enemies Vulnerable makes this the best choice.
  • Golem: Iron – is sacrificed for extra critical strike damage.


Aldkin is a great choice with crowd-controlling features, but the comfortability of using Subo, who brings the ability of revealing enemies and materials in the area, makes him a natural preferential decision. The mercenaries are a nice addition to the game and whichever you chose to run is up to you. The recommendation for this build will be to run Subo.

Skill-tree wise we’ll grab the left-hand side first for Wire TrapWire Trap to provide stuns and the following node is up to you. Trip MinesTrip Mines is the next big notable to grab, taken for safety reasons. We finish that tree with MastermindMastermind.

For the reinforcement, stick with Raheir, utilizing his Bastion skill being cast when the player becomes injured.


In Season 7 we will have access to Witchpowers granting some absolutely crazy abilities that we’ll utilize to enhance our builds power. Below, you’ll find a list of the recommended powers we use for this build.

Red Power (Unique):

Purple Powers:

Paragon board

Below you’ll find the entire end-game paragon board set-up for this build in detail!

Gear, Gems, Elixirs, and Stats

The following sections cover the important systems that are essential to improving the power of your character in the endgame of Diablo 4.

Legendary Aspects

Each aspect is listed with its matching gear slot. Do your best to keep each aspect in the assigned slot. Additionally, if you are trying to farm a specific item, we recommend using your Obols to target farm them!

Gear SlotGemsAspect / UniqueLegendary Aspect / Unique Power
HelmGrand TopazGrand TopazJuggernaut's AspectJuggernaut’s AspectYou gain x Armor, but your Evade has 100% increased cooldown.
ChestPocPoc + OhmOhmAspect of Shielding StormAspect of Shielding StormEach time that Bone Storm damages an enemy, gain a Barrier equal to 2-5% of your Base Life for 10 seconds.
GlovesN/AAspect of Grasping VeinsAspect of Grasping VeinsGain 10-20% increased Critical Strike Chance for 6 seconds when you cast Corpse Tendrils. You deal 20-40% bonus Critical Strike Damage to enemies damaged by Corpse Tendrils.
PantsGrand TopazGrand TopazAspect of Hardened BonesAspect of Hardened BonesYou gain 15-20% increased Damage Reduction.
Bootsn/aAspect of SlaughterAspect of SlaughterYou gain 20% Movement Speed. Lose this bonus for 2.5-5 seconds after taking damage.
Weapon 2H (Mace)Royal EmeraldRoyal EmeraldBone Duster's AspectBone Duster’s AspectBone Spear is guaranteed to Overpower enemies within Bone Prison and deals x#% increased damage to them.
Amulet (50% Scaling)Any Resistance JewelAspect of SerrationAspect of SerrationThe Ossified Essence Key Passive also increase the Critical Strike Damage of your Bone Skills by 1%x per Essence above 50, up to 38-60%x.
RingAny Resistance JewelConceited AspectConceited AspectDeal 10-25% increased damage while you have a Barrier active.
RingAny Resistance JewelSplintering AspectSplintering AspectBone Spear’s primary attack makes enemies hit beyond the first Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Bone Shards from Bone Spear deal 30-60% bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies and pierce them.

Gems and Runewords

See below for a more detailed explanation of the best Gems to socket into your gear for each category.

Weapon GemsArmor GemsJewelry Gems
Grand EmeraldGrand Emerald
For Critical Strike Damage.
Grand TopazGrand Topaz
For increased Intelligence.
Royal AmethystRoyal Amethyst
Royal SapphireRoyal Sapphire
Royal RubyRoyal Ruby
Grand SkullGrand Skull

The following Runewords are recommended to be used for this build.

Runeword CombinationEffect
PocPoc + OhmOhmGain 2 Offering by spending 5% of your Maximum Resource
600 Offering will trigger the Barbarian’s War CryWar Cry

In Season 7 we’ll have access to Occult Gems, below you’ll find the list of these gems we want to use for this build.

Which Elixirs Should You Use?

Visit the Alchemist and craft an Elixir providing any Resistance you need most, or the Elixir of AdvantageElixir of Advantage to increase Attack Speed. Some Elixirs cannot be crafted and only drop from things like Helltides or Nightmare Dungeons. Additionally, make sure to keep your health potion upgraded!

Stat Priority and Tempering Affixes

Below are the affixes to prioritize on gear. Each line of affixes is listed in order of importance. Tempering Manuals and their recommended affixes are provided in the second column, and the bolded affixes are the most important targets for Masterworking upgrades. Be sure to check our Tempering and Masterworking guides for more details about these topics.

SlotTargeted Gear AffixesTempering Affixes
Helm1. Essence per Second
2. Maximum Resource
3. Intelligence
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance # Maximum Life
Profane InnovationProfane Innovation #% Corpse Tendril Size
Chest1. Essence per Second
2. Maximum Life
3. Intelligence
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance # Maximum Life
Profane InnovationProfane Innovation #% Corpse Tendril Size
Gloves1. Ranks to Bone Spear
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Attack Speed
Bone FinesseBone Finesse #% Bone Critical Strike Damage
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Lucky Hit: #% Chance to Freeze on hit
Pants1. Maximum Life
2. Armor
3. Intelligence
Worldly EnduranceWorldly Endurance # Maximum Life
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Lucky Hit: #% Chance to stun on hit
Boots1. Essence per Second
2. Movement Speed
3. Intelligence
Natural MotionNatural Motion #% Movement Speed
Worldly FortuneWorldly Fortune Lucky Hit: #% Chance to immobilize on hit
Amulet1. Ranks to Evulsion
2. Ranks to Compound Fracture
3. Maximum Resource
Bone FinesseBone Finesse #% Bone Critical Strike Damage
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability #% Resource Cost Reduction
Ring1. Resource Cost Reduction
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Maximum Life
Bone FinesseBone Finesse #% Bone Critical Strike Damage
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability #% Resource Cost Reduction
Ring1. Resource Cost Reduction
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Lucky Hit: Chance to make enemies Vulnerable on hit
Bone FinesseBone Finesse #% Bone Critical Strike Damage
Worldly StabilityWorldly Stability #% Resource Cost Reduction
2H-Weapon (Mace)1. Critical Strike Damage
2. Intelligence
3. Maximum Life
Bone AugmentsBone Augments #% Chance for Bone Spear Projectiles to Cast Twice
Bone FinesseBone Finesse #% Bone Critical Strike Damage

Keep in mind that the maximum Resistance is 70% by default for each element and can be increased to 85% by various sources.

Rotation and Playstyle

The build features a very straight forward play-style with a focus on casting Bone SpearBone Spear as your main source of damage. We optimize this by making sure we get 100% chance to Overpower our spears by having enemies inside a Bone PrisonBone Prison. To help boost your damage and efficiency, keep up the DecrepifyDecrepify curse as it will lower the cooldown of our Prison and Bone StormBone Storm. Blood MistBlood Mist will be used as a panic button and Corpse TendrilsCorpse Tendrils is utilized to group enemies together for easier bursting of enemy packs.

Uniques and Uber Uniques

Below you will find information on Uniques and Uber Uniques that are useful for this build. Moreover, if you are interested in target farming Uber Uniques, check out our How to Farm Uber Uniques guide.


Listed below are the recommended and optional Unique Items for this build. This build thrives of the legendary aspect powers so we would prefer not to involve any uniques to have the build function the best. This doesn’t mean you can’t play around with some changes and test it out yourself though!

  • Ring of the Sacrilegious SoulRing of the Sacrilegious Soul is a great tool to automate your corpse skills, but comes at the cost of the Conceited aspect making you deal less damage to gain a bit of quality of life.

Advanced Information

Below, you will find every additional piece of information you need to know for a more in-depth look at this build.

Build Mechanics

The build functions with the combination of regaining essence via corpse consumption and heavily reducing the cost of our abilities. Thanks to our skill-tree, we gain big bonuses when having a large Essence pool when we use our Bone SpearBone Spear making it vital to sustain it which our gear modifiers will help achieve. Besides this we are consistently going to re-apply Bone StormBone Storm via Lidless WallLidless Wall when we move from pack to pack clearing enemies. These Bone Storms also generate a barrier for personal defenses.

Before you reach super optimized gearing the corpse skills will help maintain the play-style and efficiency.


Through the consistent application of Bone Storms via our unique shield, this build will have very high up-time with Barrier for protection. Outside of that, the build dishes out a crazy amount of damage with lucky hit modifiers allowing you to crowd control enemy packs.


With a heavy focus on critical hits, the Bone Spears cover large areas with instant damage application. This is combined with Corpse TendrilsCorpse Tendrils to group up enemies to demolish them in a swift move by throwing your Bone Spears right after!

Obol Gambling

Obol gambling is a great way to potentially find item upgrades or items missing from your build. Check out the new tool guide from Icy Veins for gambling Obols in the link below:


  • January 19th, 2025: Guide updated for Season 7.
  • October 12th, 2024: New Paragon tool added.
  • October 7th, 2024: Paragon board added.
  • October 2nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 6.
  • August 5th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 5, Infernal Hordes.
  • May 23rd, 2024: Finalized tempering modifiers.
  • May 16th, 2024: Gem updates.
  • May 10th, 2024: Guide updated for Season 4 Loot Reborn.
  • January 22nd, 2024: Guide updated for Season 3 Season of the Construct.
  • October 15th, 2023: Updated guide for the 1.2 patch.
  • August 7th, 2023: Minor updates for the 1.1.1 patch.
  • August 5th, 2023: Guide updated for patch 1.1.1 (launches on August 8th).
  • July 26th, 2023: Optimized gear affix list.
  • July 19th, 2023: Guide updated for Season 1 including Malignant Hearts.
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