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Throne of Thunder Restoration Shaman Style

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This thread is meant to collect useful pieces of information for Restoration Shamans attempting bosses in the Throne of Thunder. We will add some contributions ourselves and hope that the rest will come from comments in this thread smile.png

Before we get started, a few general pieces of advice that are valid on all fights:

Table of Contents

Jin'rokh the Breaker

Useful talents:

Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:



Useful talents:
  • ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem
  • ability_shaman_ancestralguidance.jpgAncestral Guidance can be a useful alternative on Normal mode to smooth out smaller damage spikes. (This largely depends on the reliability of your raid at crowd control, and is best for highly undergeared shaman as a compensation for not being able to afford to bomb lots of expensive spells. Not recommended for fully geared Shaman).

Useful glyphs:

Tips and Tricks:

  • If the raid manages to remained stacked, use spell_shaman_improvedstormstrike.jpgUnleash Elements + spell_nature_giftofthewaterspirit.jpgHealing Rain on cooldown.
  • Interrupt everything you can with spell_nature_cyclone.jpgWind Shear.
  • Do not dispell ability_mage_firestarter.jpgBlazing Sunlight before it reaches 3 stacks. Otherwise, you are just wasting mana.
  • The Gurubashi Trolls (second door) will be the most problematic.
    • Make sure to interrupt ability_creature_poison_02.jpgVenom Bolt Volley.
    • Be ready to alternate healing cooldowns with the other healers to keep the raid alive.
  • Use spell_nature_riptide.jpgRiptide on players targeted by ability_warrior_bullrush.jpgCharge. In case they fail and you need to save their life, you will have spell_shaman_tidalwaves.jpgTidal Waves up and spell_nature_healingway.jpgHealing Surge will have an increased critical strike chance. For using this trick, you need to have a way to show in your raid frames who gets targeted.


Council of Elders

Useful talents:

Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

Tips and Tricks:



Useful talents:

Useful glyphs: share your thoughts!

  • spell_nature_riptide.jpgGlyph of Riptide is not a good choice on this fight. Although it may seem sensible, the frequency of movement means that you will probably not be able to make the best of the increased Tidal Waves uptime. Especially in the cases where you are healing with Paladins/Disc Priests, you won't get the best out of it and will lose healing.
  • In 10-man, ability_druid_empoweredtouch.jpgGlyph of Chaining is extremely useful. Since the raid is normally very spread out, the extra jump range is a benefit. Cast on cooldown where possible.
  • If you have a spare glyph slot, you can use spell_frost_frostshock.jpgGlyph of Frost Shock on the turtles in order to help your raid keep them under control.

Tips and Tricks:

  • The spell_nature_earthquake.jpgQuake Stomps are clear times for cooldowns - plan them in advance and co-ordinate with your other healers so that your cooldowns don't overlap - this will ensure as much uptime as possible when healing is crucial.
  • ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem is amazing on spell_nature_earthquake.jpgQuake Stomp. Use spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance when Healing Tide Totem is on cooldown.
  • Always use spell_shaman_improvedstormstrike.jpgUnleash Elements + spell_nature_giftofthewaterspirit.jpgHealing Rain before spell_nature_earthquake.jpgQuake Stomp provided that you can hit enough people to make casting it worth the mana. (Not always the case in 10-man).
  • When the bats come, focus on the off-tank. Apply spell_nature_skinofearth.jpgEarth Shield and spell_nature_riptide.jpgRiptide on them, and precast spell_shaman_improvedstormstrike.jpgUnleash Elements in case you need to cast spell_nature_healingway.jpgHealing Surge (which you will most likely have to). Do not forget about the main tank, though.
  • spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace works well while the turtles are spinning around. Consider pairing it with spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance to get the most out of it while still being able to move (see Stoove's Ascendance Macro).
  • spell_nature_strengthofearthtotem02.jpgEarthbind Totem can be used to slow down the turtles (confirmed). However, spell_frost_frostshock.jpgFrost Shock is usually an easier option if you are using other Earth totems regularly (Earth Elemental or Stone Bulwark).



Useful talents:

Useful glyphs:

  • inv_glyph_majorshaman.jpgGlyph of Chaining is not a good choice here as it will reduce your healing done on Rampages.

Tips and Tricks:

  • PLAN your cooldowns for Rampage, as it really hurts. Use ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem, spell_shaman_spiritlink.jpgSpirit Link Totem or spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance. Always put spell_nature_giftofthewaterspirit.jpgHealing Rain down before it starts. Do not forget to use your Elementals for the 10% healing boost (especially the spell_nature_earthelemental_totem.jpgEarth Elemental Totem, as it also reduces the damage you take). For a good example of planning, see a user post or another one.
  • Beware of where you dispel inv_misc_volatilefire.jpgCinders.
  • Pay attention to when the tanks are switching from the Venomous Head to the Flaming Head (and vice versa), because of spell_fire_burnout.jpgIgnite Flesh and ability_rogue_deviouspoisons.jpgRot Armor. Always make sure the tanks are topped off.
  • Communicate with your fellow healers, as they will very often be out of range of the tanks due to having to deal with inv_misc_volatilefire.jpgCinders and spell_frost_piercing-chill.jpgTorrent of Ice.
  • Using ability_shaman_astralshift.jpgAstral Shift when you are targeted by inv_misc_volatilefire.jpgCinders can prevent you taking a lot of damage, allowing you to survive for longer in the late part of the fight.
  • spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace can be used when you have inv_misc_volatilefire.jpgCinders in order to continue healing on the move.



Useful talents:

Useful glyphs:

Tips and Tricks:

  • Plan your cooldowns for ability_hunter_pet_dragonhawk.jpgQuills. spell_shaman_spiritlink.jpgSpirit Link Totem requires some practice to be used efficiently.
  • Step into inv_misc_slime_01.jpgFeed Young void zones to remove them, but make sure you do not kill yourself. Consider asking a tank to soak them instead.
  • spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace is great for ability_druid_galewinds.jpgDown Draft, but make sure you start running before the channel starts.
  • Overall, it is a pretty simple fight for healers (both on the platform and if you are flying around).
  • Using spell_fire_selfdestruct.jpgMagma Totem and spell_nature_chainlightning.jpgChain Lightning when on the nests. This helps to take down the eggs in time.
  • If you're using shaman_talent_primalelementalist.jpgPrimal Elementalist and you're assigned to the nests, you can get your Elementals to attack the eggs for a DPS boost.
  • Watch out for the travel time on ability_hunter_pet_dragonhawk.jpgQuills - your group should not be moving between nests when this spell is damaging your nest group.


Durumu the Forgotten

Useful talents:

Useful glyphs:

Tips and Tricks:

  • Stand close to the middle, so that you can reach most people.
  • You can use spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance and (glyphed) spell_fire_elemental_totem.jpgFire Elemental Totem AND ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem AND spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace on each Colour-blind phase. Make sure to plan which you will use on cooldown and which are saved for emergencies.
  • Depending on your group, you can plan to use your ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem when specific events occur (e.g. when two beams cross during the Colour-blind phase), or save it for emergencies.
  • It is important to keep the tanks' health high, so pay attention to them at all times.
  • During the Colour-blind phase, communicate with the other healers so that there are healers in every beam.
  • During the Disintegration Beam phase, do the following.
  • Use ability_shaman_multitotemactivation.jpgCall of the Elements to keep a high uptime on inv_spear_04.jpgHealing Stream Totem.
  • Put down spell_nature_giftofthewaterspirit.jpgHealing Rain in such a way that players will remain in it for as long as possible. Try to place it ahead of where your group is to ensure maximum used time.
  • You can use spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace to be able to cast while moving if you think you need it.
  • spell_shaman_spiritlink.jpgSpirit Link Totem can be a life saver when someone has taken a wrong step!



Useful talents:

Useful glyphs:

Tips and Tricks:

  • Using your cooldowns immediately on the pull or within one minute should allow them to be up again twice over the fight. Since there is no massive damage phase, use them to smooth out big damage spikes such as from AoE splash damage. Make sure to use them often, or you won't get the best out of them!
  • Set up your bars so that it ignores the beneficial debuffs, this will avoid you dispelling needlessly.
  • spell_nature_giftofthewaterspirit.jpgHealing Rain can be useful on this fight if you can get enough people inside it, but beware! The raid will not want to stack up for Healing Rain due to the mechanics of the different mutations.


Dark Animus

Useful talents:


[bw]Useful glyphs: 


Tips and Tricks: 


  • In the first Phase, there can be a lot of damage going out on everyone due to the small adds. Don't be afraid to drop a cooldown or two early on - it makes the rest of the fight easier!
  • Don't forget to stop casting just before Interrupting Jolt! You can pre-cast Healing Rain or use Ancestral Swiftness to get it down immediately after.
  • Planning and co-ordinating your healing cooldowns for Interrupting Jolt will help a lot. Remember - don't be caught precasting.


Iron Qon

Useful talents:


Useful glyphs:


Tips and Tricks:


  • Your raid will split into groups for Unleashed Flame. These are perfect targets for Healing Rain, and also excellent times to pop cooldowns. If you use Ancestral Guidance on the first one you're in, it will be up for the first Wind Storm - you can get extra heals to people that fail to dodge the cyclones! Ascendance can also be used on another one.
  • The Lightning Phase (Phase 2), with the exception of the Wind Storm, is a low-damage phase - use this phase to recover your mana.
  • ability_shaman_windwalktotem.jpgWindwalk Totem can clear the slowing debuff in the Ice Phase (Phase 3) - this is excellent to stop people getting trapped in the bad.
  • Plan/co-ordinate your healing cooldowns in the final phase. 
  • ability_shaman_ancestralguidance.jpgAncestral Guidance paired with Spirit Link Totem is insane here.


Twin Consorts

Useful talents: share your thoughts!

Useful glyphs:


Tips and Tricks:


  • In the Daylight phase, the melee forms a very predictable group where you can place Healing Rain.
  • Your spell_nature_tremortotem.jpgTremor Totem can self-dispel the sleep effect of Moon Lotus.
  • Make sure your healing cooldowns are up for the Dusk phase (Phase 3) and co-ordinate with your healing team on when to use them. We suggest using them on each Tidal Force.
  • Beast of Nightmares in the Night phase usually doesn't deal a large amount of damage to the tanks, but if there is an emergency then Shaman are the perfect class to be assigned to it; you can use Unleash Elements and Riptide on other players to power up your Greater Healing Wave, which will also benefit from Mastery. Healing Stream Totem and Healing Rain do not proc the debuff, so use them liberally.


  • Sidenote: Restoration Shaman are excellent choices for constellation running. Check out Vixsin's guide here for more information.


Lei Shen

Useful talents: 


Useful glyphs:


Tips and Tricks:


  • Don't be scared to swap your spell_nature_skinofearth.jpgEarth Shield to a non-tank during the intermission phases, since it will make your healing job easier!
  • During the second phase, your raid will be grouped up so putting out a full AoE rotation will do an excellent job of keeping everybody up. There's little single-target damage here.
  • The third phase is all about responding to damage spikes; this is where healing cooldowns like ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem are excellent here! Don't forget spell_shaman_spiritlink.jpgSpirit Link Totem!
  • spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace is invaluable here due to the Violent Gale Winds.



  • 15 Mar. 2013: Added tips for Jin'rokh, Horridon, Council of Elders, Tortos, Megaera, Ji-Kun, and Durumu. Thanks to Zetian from the guild MCO on EU-Shadowsong for providing them.
  • 5 May. 2013:Added tips from the thread from Stoove and Dreamtears for; Horridon, Council of Elders, Durumu.
  • 21 May. 2013:Added tips from the thread from Stoove, Aata, Tarazet, and Theronie for; Council of Elders, Tortos.
  • 23 May. 2013:Added tips [macro link] from the thread from Stoove, for Tortos.
  • 27 May. 2013:Added tips from the thread from Stoove, for Megaera.
  • 10 June. 2013:Added tips from Stoove, for Durumu and Primordius.
  • 30 June. 2013:Added link from Grautod, for Megaera.
  • 08 July. 2013:Added tips from Grautod & Stoove, for Ji-kun.
  • 15 August. 2013:Added tips from Nyam & Stoove for latter bosses.

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I have a few points about Horridon that could be used;

1) Since HTT is the default talent atm, it's somewhat redundant to tell people that it might be useful. Anyway, I found that Ancestral Guidance was much more useful on Horridon. I've been off WoW for half a year and I was under the min. gear level, so from my PoV AG was much smoother healing increase due to the short cooldown. I found that getting to use it more often to smooth out smaller spikes left me having to use big bombs less often, thus saving mana over HTT in the long run.

2) Our strategy nuked War God asap, so dropping Stormlash when Heroism went up was useful. In addition, since he didn't stay alive for long it only took one Ascendance and one Ancestral Guidance to keep everyone topped. There's no reason to save absolutely every CD for that few seconds if you'd be better with them earlier on.

3) We didn't have a huge problem with the Gurubashi since our interrupts and CC were awesome. However, consider using Capacitor Totem on the packs to keep them down for a few seconds. It makes a huge difference.

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Something we learned from the Elder Council; Windwalk Totem is godly if you get a group who are soaking Frostbite trapped in a sand pit. Edit: Should have looked there already! =)

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I think Glyph of Spiritwalking is handy in the fight for beam phase on Durume the forgotten. I can heal on the run which is handy when you have the red beam for an extra 5 seconds. I do not use spiritwalkers straight way - I first put my totem out then ascendence on the run. This is the most highest damage phase I can see and being to heal constantly is a plus.

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I suggest inv_glyph_majorshaman.jpgGlyph of Healing Wave for the Council fight. The reason being that frequently you will have to stand and soak Frostbite while healing more than one target. This allows use of your filler spell_nature_magicimmunity.jpgHealing Wave to heal without going OOM fast, and keeps you topped pretty well too. I'm using this to good effect by healing the other Frostbite soakers and not having to worry about myself!

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Another tip for Horridon;

You can use Healing Tide Totem and Ascendance on alternate platforms and still have both of them up at the end of the fight. I now use;

  • Ascendance
  • Healing Tide
  • Ascendance
  • nothing
  • (After Ja'lak has spawned) Healing Tide and Ascendance
Results may vary, but for me it keeps everything running smoothly.

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Useful glyph....for Shamans to assist raid in slowing turtles :

Glyph of Frost Shock - increases duration of frost shock

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Useful glyph....for Shamans to assist raid in slowing turtles :

Glyph of Frost Shock - increases duration of frost shock

Along these lines, you can make use of Frozen Power in T2 on Council to root the Loa Spirit adds.

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Useful glyph....for Shamans to assist raid in slowing turtles :

Glyph of Frost Shock - increases duration of frost shock

Thanks for the contribution. :)

Do you know if Earthbind Totem works on them?

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Along these lines, you can make use of Frozen Power in T2 on Council to root the Loa Spirit adds.

I was using Windwalk Totem to remove the slows from sandpools :)

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Thanks for the contribution. Posted Image

Do you know if Earthbind Totem works on them?

Yes Earthbind works for the Turtle I use it each time they appear

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Post updated with comments for Tortos and Council. Thanks to everyone who'se put things forward so far! Have some Likes from me as thanks ^___^

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Tortos 10m Normal:

Anybody not using spell_nature_wispheal.jpgElemental Mastery on this fight needs to rethink their strategy. I found that speccing for EM and putting together the following macro makes for an excellent cooldown to use after a Quake Stomp;

#Showtooltip Ascendance

/cast Ascendance

/cast Elemental Mastery

/cast Spiritwalker's Grace

Since the latter two are off the GCD, the macro is a one-press cooldown. You can use it approximately every four stomps, so for me I use it on; 1, 5, 9, etc. Don't combine this with Healing Tide Totem, as it's just a waste of a cooldown to put them together.

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Downed Tortos and Megaera last night! Nothing changed for Tortos, but here's what I used for Megaera;


Cleansing Waters


Healing Wave (consider Fire Elemental Totem)


Astral Shift



Elemental Mastery


Primal Elementalist

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Cooldown Planning for Megaera:

Rampage is a big hitting but predictable ability used by the boss which requires the raid to stack. This is the place where Resto Shaman can really shine, but to do this you must plan your cooldowns effectively. My advice is to use a modified version of the Ascendance Macro with SWG removed. Here is how we had cooldowns working for our healing team (Druid, Paladin, Shaman);

  • Ascendance macro

  • Fire Elemental, Spirit Link Totem, Devotion Aura

  • Tranquility

  • Earth Elemental, Healing Tide Totem

  • Ascendance macro

  • Spirit Link Totem + whatever else is off cooldown.
Ideally I would have Glyphed Fire Elemental Totem, but I didn't have it in my book and nobody could make it in-raid. That would have then allowede Fire Elemental to be up on 6. I am, of course, using Primal Elementalist on this fight.

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Downed Ji-kun for the first time last night and I can confirm that;

Overall, it is a pretty simple fight for healers (both on the platform and if you are flying around).

The only real mistake I made as one of the healers flying around was to stop paying attention to Quills; it still hits people off-platform!

I also found it helpful to drop off some platforms early to drop ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem when the Quills were going.

Overall, you could quite happily heal anywhere on this fight. We did find that the Quills were easier to handle if just the tanks soaked pools though. If I heal on the main platform next time, I'll be planning my many cooldowns to hit as many Quills as possible!

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To give a good idea of how relatively simple Primordius is for healers, look at the following log (first kill on attempt 1);


There are no regular damage spikes and no difficult healer mechanics; just play healthbar whackamole all fight.

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spell_fire_elemental_totem.jpgFire Elemental Totem Lessons Learnt for Megeara 10 man raid with Discipline Priest, Holy Pally and Restoration Shaman plus 5 RDPS.



Healers focus - Pally on Tanks, Shaman on dispels/raid, Priest on raid

Cooldowns for spell_nature_corrosivebreath.jpgMegaera's Rage including DPS Raid Wide healing cool down.

The idea here is to come out of Rage 5 at 100% health across the raid and maximise mobile healing till the boss is dead!

I make heavy use of Posted ImageRiptide during the fight to keep it rolling on both tanks plus to top up those with running to the back of the raid before dispelling Posted ImageCinders. I am the main dispeller so I use Posted ImageGlyph of Cleansing Waters while our priest uses spell_holy_powerwordshield.jpgPower Word: Shield while the dps run to the rear of the room.

We do a Green, Red, Green, Red, BLUE, Red, Green rotation as we found it easier to manage the ice torrents rather than the extra damage a third Green head kill puts out. We also have our hunter pretend to be melee to spread the raid out as well.

We tried variations on this and we found the key for us was coming out of Rampage 5 at 100% health while keeping mobile healing cooldowns available. The "stuff" you need to keep out of and the requirement to dispel comes thick and fast at the end of the fight. Having 50% haste in Rage 5 and 6 is awesome way to top up the raids HP!

[edit: I didn't mention it before but Restoration shaman are all about cooldown. Macro's are your friend. I have them for lots of things like Posted ImageUnleash Elements to add spell_shaman_unleashweapon_life.jpgUnleash Life before casting Posted ImageHealing Rain, spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance followed by Posted ImageSpiritwalker's Grace, one for each elemental to summon them then channel their buffs and spell_nature_bloodlust.jpgBloodlust ability_shaman_tranquilmindtotem.jpgStormlash Totem just to mention a few. I also use CLCInfo to keep me informed on buff status and recommend spell choices].

In closing this is what works for us, different healing combinations might work differently. i.e. if you have a druid to HoT you might not need riptide as much as we use it.

Edited by grautod
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Thanks for the response Grautod! I have a couple of things to point out but otherwise I'll update the OP with your contribution.

Perhaps you made a mistake, but Unleashed Fury doesn't provide Unleashed Life. Your regular Unleash Elements spell is what will buff Healing Rain - the UF buff increases your single target heal on the same target. I.e. you cast it on Bob and your next heal on Bob is buffed by 50%. I don't think that UF is very useful on this fight due to that! Instead, I took Primal Elementalist and popped my elementals in Rampage phases.

I also didn't find glyphing Riptide to be very useful, partly because I heal with a Druid. I went for Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem instead, allowing me to pop Fire Elemental multiple times throughout the fight!

I like the way you planned your cooldowns (excellent example) but mine was a little different - you can use Ascendance and HTT early on and it will be up for the late Rampages again (ALL THE HEALING COOLDOWNS!). We popped Lust on the same rampage as you, but I was using my Ascendance Macro and believe me the throughput is insane.

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Thanks for the response Grautod! I have a couple of things to point out but otherwise I'll update the OP with your contribution.

Perhaps you made a mistake, but Unleashed Fury doesn't provide Unleashed Life. Your regular Unleash Elements spell is what will buff Healing Rain - the UF buff increases your single target heal on the same target. I.e. you cast it on Bob and your next heal on Bob is buffed by 50%. I don't think that UF is very useful on this fight due to that! Instead, I took Primal Elementalist and popped my elementals in Rampage phases.

I also didn't find glyphing Riptide to be very useful, partly because I heal with a Druid. I went for Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem instead, allowing me to pop Fire Elemental multiple times throughout the fight!

I like the way you planned your cooldowns (excellent example) but mine was a little different - you can use Ascendance and HTT early on and it will be up for the late Rampages again (ALL THE HEALING COOLDOWNS!). We popped Lust on the same rampage as you, but I was using my Ascendance Macro and believe me the throughput is insane.


Plans need to be made for specific fights and group composition. Without a druid we are short on HoTs so Riptide is our go to for HoTs. With a druid in the mix it wouldn't make as much sense. This fight is soooo back end loaded with damage I find we simply don't need to pop cool downs in the earlier Rages. In fact for Heads one and Two I spend most of my time doing my small bit to help DPS.

I have updated my talent choice following reading your comments... I a wrong assumption in my thinking which is why discussing in forums is always a great idea. .

As a general comment on having Posted ImageGlyph of Fire Elemental Totem, choose this glyph or leaving it out will be based on the rhythm of the incoming damage of the specific fight. Due to the insane back end loading of the damage in this particular fight, our team benefits from NOT having Posted ImageGlyph of Fire Elemental Totem as it will gives us longer boost for HPS at the end when we need the extra HPS.

At some stage I will add our council strat it probably a bit different and it is interesting as I am spending the first part of the fight doing DPS before switching to heals. Strange I know but it works for us!

Edited by grautod

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Yes, for us we find that on Megaera using cooldowns early on as well as late gives us that extra mana in order to spotheal the Cinders targets like crazy! I'm also toying with using ability_shaman_ancestralguidance.jpgAncestral Guidance for this fight to see how well it works. The theorycraft says that it should outperform Healing Tide Totem on a fight like Megaera.

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Yes, for us we find that on Megaera using cooldowns early on as well as late gives us that extra mana in order to spotheal the Cinders targets like crazy! I'm also toying with using ability_shaman_ancestralguidance.jpgAncestral Guidance for this fight to see how well it works. The theorycraft says that it should outperform Healing Tide Totem on a fight like Megaera.

Our team doesn't have mana issues, I stacked spirit early in our ToT raids and with using spell_frost_summonwaterelemental.jpgMana Tide Totem early and often we never had mana issues. Our challenge was getting the DPS to MOVE THE @R#$# away from spell_nature_corrosivebreath.jpgMegaera's Rage and getting all those awesome shaman cool downs timed right!

I like the idea of ability_shaman_ancestralguidance.jpgAncestral Guidance, especially given it targets those most likely to die. If I put in a macro with spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace.jpgSpiritwalker's Grace I could simply replace my current use of ability_shaman_healingtide.jpgHealing Tide Totem. BUT, with it would mean to get value out of spell_fire_elementaldevastation.jpgAscendance you would need to have a point in the fight where there is lots of incoming damage and NO movement. Like in Jin'rokh the Breaker and rages on Megaera Posted Image. Like yourself, I will try it out as well over the next few weeks.

Edited by grautod

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Well we don't exactly have mana issues either but "Every little helps!" Optimizing cooldown rotations does mean that you have more spare mana later if something does go wrong. It's a small difference on Normal, but eventually Heroic might come along and that's when this kind of thing is uber important :)

AG is only really better when you can pre-cast Healing Rain and get it to heal 4+ people. Other fights that were suggested for AG were Iron Qon and Lei Shen (which I've not managed to test out on yet). Ascendance is fantastic though because there's no limitation like the one on AG, so using that optimally is really the first thing to learn about cooldowns IMO :)

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To give a good idea of how relatively simple Primordius is for healers, look at the following log (first kill on attempt 1);


There are no regular damage spikes and no difficult healer mechanics; just play healthbar whackamole all fight.

There is one source of spike damage, which is Pathogen. But it's in the form of a hard-hitting HoT which gives you plenty of time to counter it. We 2-healed Primordius very easily.. but we do the Patchwerk method of ignoring the blobs and just tunneling the boss.


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    • By Tomseno
      Raid/Class Spots Are Open To Any Applicant If The Player Is The Right Fit
      A guild formed with an ambition for progression and a love for M+ we decided to make the move from Silvermoon Alliance and form a guild to take our focus to the next level, Cutting Edge in 10.1 being the next step.
      We believe in building a guild by recruit players of a similar goal and mentality whether it be for raiding or for push score in Mythic plus. We value loyalty, honesty and a positive attitude towards setbacks. Communication skills are an absolute must.
      Raid Schedule
      Wednesday 20:30-23:00 Sunday 20:30-23:00
      Current Progression
      9/9HC 5/9M
      What are we looking for recruitment wise?
      We're currently open to recruiting DPS classes listed above, as we aim to solidify a stable 25-player roster. We're looking to provide competition to existing members and choose the best 25 players to proceed with for next tier.
      Contact Information:
      Discord; tomsen and lora1506
      Think you'd be a good fit?
      If you believe that you are a player that is looking to achieve the same goals as us then why not contact us and see if we can achieve our goals together!
    • By fryguy
      ### Totemly Awesome!
      # Class: Shaman
      # Format: Wild
      # 2x (0) Totemic Surge
      # 1x (2) Cagematch Custodian
      # 2x (2) Devolve
      # 2x (2) EVIL Totem
      # 2x (2) Flametongue Totem
      # 2x (2) Serpent Ward
      # 2x (2) Totem Golem
      # 1x (2) Trick Totem
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      # 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
      # 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
      # 2x (3) Totemic Reflection
      # 2x (4) Draenei Totemcarver
      # 2x (4) Splitting Axe
      # 2x (5) Totem Goliath
      # 2x (6) Thing from Below
      # 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


      # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    • By positiv2
      This thread is for comments about our Restoration Shaman Shadowlands Leveling Guide.
    • By positiv2
      This thread is for comments about our Enhancement Shaman Shadowlands Leveling Guide.
    • By positiv2
      This thread is for comments about our Elemental Shaman Shadowlands Leveling Guide.
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