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Retribution Paladin 7.3

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Guest augestor

For raids, does Crusade beat out DP even on mid-high AoE fights?

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On 9/17/2016 at 5:48 PM, Guest Sareth said:

So am i supposed to reset the artifact traits when i can go the long way to ashes instantly? (rank 18 + 24000 AP to reset)

It looks like it, yes.

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23 hours ago, Guest augestor said:

For raids, does Crusade beat out DP even on mid-high AoE fights?

Yes, I believe it does.

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15 hours ago, Guest Ret said:

With Blade of WrathBlade of Wrath being reworked for 7.1 will it still be considered the go to for single target?

I would imagine it is still too early to say, since the full changes are yet to be released and finalised. We will update the guide for 7.1 when it releases.

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On 9/18/2016 at 5:18 AM, Guest augestor said:

For raids, does Crusade beat out DP even on mid-high AoE fights?

Yes. in raids crusade wins out on dp and holy wrath in all situations.

On 9/19/2016 at 5:51 PM, Guest Ret said:

With Blade of WrathBlade of Wrath being reworked for 7.1 will it still be considered the go to for single target?

Well if they dont nerf the proc rate for BoW (7.1) i could debate it will be our bis talent. as it's proc rate is insane :v).

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Generic comment being mass posted over the comments threads guys.

We are aware of the changes and our writers are working hard to update the guides to suit what has changed. Currently, there is a lot of work still to be done and it's unlikely that every guide will be up-to-date immediately. Expect a flood of updates over the coming days that will answer all of your questions about what is now best after X change, in time for the reset next week.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

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Guest Raldbthar

Anyone else thinking justicars vengeance becomes even more valuable when picking crusade?

Crusade starts out giving a very low percentage to haste and damage increase and requires you to stack it by spending holy power before its powerful. The goal would be to stack it as quickly as possible to get the most out of this short duration cooldown, right?

Not easy to do with Templars verdict costing 3 hp, or 2 with a fires of justice proc.

Justicars vengeance allows you to stack crusade up much quicker than just building hp and dumping with tv.

Example here..

Starting a boss fight where you would use crusade.

1 get 5 hp

2 cast judgment

3 cast crusade

4 cast just veng

5 cast wake of ashes

6 cast just veng

And you will then have 9 or 10 stacks of crusade in only 3 attacks after casting crusade, depending on fires of justice proc or not.

Of course once you have tv buffed up with traits you wouldnt really use jv often. But i cant see the other talents on this tier having as much value as jv especially when picking crusade.

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2 hours ago, Guest Raldbthar said:

Anyone else thinking justicars vengeance becomes even more valuable when picking crusade?

So, once that tiny window of Crusade damage passes, you then have a dead talent. You'll never use it. 

I mean, at a point where you have barely anything in your artifact, yes, you can and it works. Once you have some of the traits in your artifact, JV just plummets in value. 

I really don't think it's worth it taking JV in order to try use it with Crusade. TV will simply be more damage per holy power.

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Guest Djidam


First off, thanks for the guide, great help.


I have Ravaged seed pod HM version from a bonus roll. Not very sure about this one and there's little info online about it. Some of my sims, compared to an 830 ilvl trinket with force and crit, put Ravaged seed pod slightly behind my 830 trinket (3k dps less) but competitive in AoE fights.

And I just saw that it was once a BiS trinket (replaced byt Ursoc), so is it still very powerfull (yet not a BiS) or just crap ?

Thanks for your time !

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2 hours ago, Guest Djidam said:

And I just saw that it was once a BiS trinket (replaced byt Ursoc), so is it still very powerfull (yet not a BiS) or just crap ?

I know that for some other DPS classes, this trinket was bugged and so dropped in value. I don't know if it is the same for Ret Paladin, but I would assume so.

If there is another reason, I'm tagging @Farion to help, because I don't know it!

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1 hour ago, Guest Templars Verdict said:

now with the 10% Damagebuff from Templar’s Verdict, we dont need to use purpose proccs for Justicar's Vengeance ?

Thx for the commends.

I would assume that you don't use JV any more after the buff, no. I'm going to tag @Farion to help/confirm, since I'm not 100% sure.

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On 9/29/2016 at 0:59 PM, Guest Djidam said:


First off, thanks for the guide, great help.


I have Ravaged seed pod HM version from a bonus roll. Not very sure about this one and there's little info online about it. Some of my sims, compared to an 830 ilvl trinket with force and crit, put Ravaged seed pod slightly behind my 830 trinket (3k dps less) but competitive in AoE fights.

And I just saw that it was once a BiS trinket (replaced byt Ursoc), so is it still very powerfull (yet not a BiS) or just crap ?

Thanks for your time !

The pod is actually crap. so if you have a trinket that sims better than it , then go for it.
here a list of preraid trinkets to look for
and trinkets over all

On 9/29/2016 at 2:13 PM, Guest Templars Verdict said:

now with the 10% Damagebuff from Templar’s Verdict, we dont need to use purpose proccs for Justicar's Vengeance ?

Thx for the commends.

Nope, Jv is no longer valuable at all, d.p procs on tv or ds.
how ever i would suggest if you use crusade as its better than dp/holy wrath over all :v)




Sorry for not replying earlier, progressing mythic and getting my char ready is taking all my time. cheers

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On 9/30/2016 at 0:38 AM, Guest Stat Values said:

What are the current stat values for ret?

What do you mean? Stat weights? They vary for each person, so you need to sim your own character for them.

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Guest Bulbs

I got a feeling that u guys are kinda neglecting paladin's... They are one of the top dps single and AoE with the respective end gear 860+(use simulators, check the labbels in heroic and mythic developments or enter in a group with a good pally). U guys write stuffs like 

In single target DPS, the Retribution specialisation is currently performing well, compared to most other classes. While it is not at the top of the DPS rankings, it is certainly worth bringing to raids.

In AoE DPS, Retribution does decently, but does not shine.

We even't get a pro and con proper description, and if u guys says that a spec in the top 5 aoe labbel "does not shine" there's something really wrong with those avaliations.

ps: if those poor avaliations are old, then please update them.

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21 hours ago, Guest Bulbs said:

I got a feeling that u guys are kinda neglecting paladin's... They are one of the top dps single and AoE with the respective end gear 860+(use simulators, check the labbels in heroic and mythic developments or enter in a group with a good pally). U guys write stuffs like 

In single target DPS, the Retribution specialisation is currently performing well, compared to most other classes. While it is not at the top of the DPS rankings, it is certainly worth bringing to raids.

In AoE DPS, Retribution does decently, but does not shine.

We even't get a pro and con proper description, and if u guys says that a spec in the top 5 aoe labbel "does not shine" there's something really wrong with those avaliations.

ps: if those poor avaliations are old, then please update them.

Our evaluations are based on the application of Ret in a real raid. Let's break this down:

A solid AoE fight is the Heart of Corruption, in which you would expect Ret to shine if it was a "top 5 AoE" spec. It's middle of the pack on the 75th percentile and on max DPS. It's definitely not performing as a top 5 AoE spec, as you call it. It does as we say, it does not shine, it just does "decently".

For ST, as we say, it performs well compared to most other classes.

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By the looks of it and after getting the trnket, Nature's Call is far from being a BiS trinket. Asked someone to sim me with Nature's Call (875) and Spiked Counterweight (830) and Spiked did about 1.5k more DPS thatn Nature's Calle being 45 WHOLE ilvl above.

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Guest Mint

I think it was made clear at this point by the game developers, that at least Ursoc's paw is not working correctly (a GM confirmed this, search on google). I therefore conclude, that many other raid trinkets are broken aswell, because, as you said, a blue 830 can/should/has never beaten a raid 875 before. The only thing I hope is, that they will fix them a) fast and b) 'old/bad' trinkets will get the buff retrospectivlely, so I am not punished by getting the item at the wrong time.

btw, I am using 850 Ursoc's atm, it is not good. Depending on the encounter the dot does 1,5-3% of my total damage (852 ilvl overall). My blue 825 horn is close if not better. Just got a 835 seed pot in LFR, I'll test that out for sure.

For the BiS-List I would hope to find a note added rather sooner than later, that the BiS-trinkets are totally not BiS ATM.

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On 10/7/2016 at 4:00 PM, Pincho93 said:

By the looks of it and after getting the trnket, Nature's Call is far from being a BiS trinket. Asked someone to sim me with Nature's Call (875) and Spiked Counterweight (830) and Spiked did about 1.5k more DPS thatn Nature's Calle being 45 WHOLE ilvl above.

The trinket recommendations have been completely revamped and updated, so hopefully this can now account for all the issues that trinkets have, as well as the DPS contributions they give!

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On 10/8/2016 at 1:53 PM, Guest Mint said:

For the BiS-List I would hope to find a note added rather sooner than later, that the BiS-trinkets are totally not BiS ATM.

See my comment above. Thanks!

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Guest Mint
3 hours ago, Blainie said:

The trinket recommendations have been completely revamped and updated, so hopefully this can now account for all the issues that trinkets have, as well as the DPS contributions they give!

Hey, thank you. But you are missing Horn of Valor now, which is a very good trinket, as you know. Probably just slipped through in the editing process.

After having read multiple other ret guides on other forums, the Ivy-Veins BiS list gets shittalked a lot. I wanted to ask two things directly, which is said about the List in most other forums: 1. It is said that the IV list focuses too much on haste and is 'corrupted' by mastery. An Example would be the Neck slot, where we gain another 1k Mastery, which is not very good. (Where we could also take the haste/crit one from Cenarius)  Also it is said that after certain breakpoints in haste (eg. 20/25%) it is worth focusing on other stats such as versa and crit instead of aditional haste. Even though I have not simmed stuff myself many other people did and provided evidence to these statements in the other forums. I followed the BiS-list blindly (...) and I am now at 21 crit 23,5 haste and 30 mastery and I believe sacrificing some haste in order to avoid mastery to gain versa and crit would have been better.

Another thing I noticed with the artefact relicts: In the IV guide (at least the last time I checked) you have a rule of thumb where it is said to always take the higher ilvl one, regardless of the boost and only with two of the same ilvl start comparing. I followed this blindly (my fault, of course) and replaced a +40 crusade-uptime-boost with a +42 random one, although  afterwards I read that someone simmed that a crusade 2,5 sec buff is worth 8 ilvls on his char.

I am very thankful for the guide and hope my post does not get misunterstood, as I only intended to clear up things I personally dont understand/ read differently elsewhere.

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4 hours ago, Guest Mint said:

Hey, thank you. But you are missing Horn of Valor now, which is a very good trinket, as you know. Probably just slipped through in the editing process.

After having read multiple other ret guides on other forums, the Ivy-Veins BiS list gets shittalked a lot. I wanted to ask two things directly, which is said about the List in most other forums: 1. It is said that the IV list focuses too much on haste and is 'corrupted' by mastery. An Example would be the Neck slot, where we gain another 1k Mastery, which is not very good. (Where we could also take the haste/crit one from Cenarius)  Also it is said that after certain breakpoints in haste (eg. 20/25%) it is worth focusing on other stats such as versa and crit instead of aditional haste. Even though I have not simmed stuff myself many other people did and provided evidence to these statements in the other forums. I followed the BiS-list blindly (...) and I am now at 21 crit 23,5 haste and 30 mastery and I believe sacrificing some haste in order to avoid mastery to gain versa and crit would have been better.

Another thing I noticed with the artefact relicts: In the IV guide (at least the last time I checked) you have a rule of thumb where it is said to always take the higher ilvl one, regardless of the boost and only with two of the same ilvl start comparing. I followed this blindly (my fault, of course) and replaced a +40 crusade-uptime-boost with a +42 random one, although  afterwards I read that someone simmed that a crusade 2,5 sec buff is worth 8 ilvls on his char.

I am very thankful for the guide and hope my post does not get misunterstood, as I only intended to clear up things I personally dont understand/ read differently elsewhere.

Well first of all thank you for the reminder on horns.

Secondly bis list is a basic guideline to what you want to keep your eyes on if it drops as what was mentioned above the bis list it self. if a better stats item drops from mythic dungs/ raid for you then go for it.

and about the relics, until an official sims comes from theorycrafters them selves, (solsacra,msserano) about them, i will stay to my point. how ever, ONE a.w relic is a must so it lines up with your FCM trinket. but other than that, its still same.


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Guest Omnicknight

I cannot believe this actually got updated, good work on getting the trinket list fixed.

After my own tests and some words about how secondary stats scale in breakpoints except versatility which scales linearly, I dare to claim that the stat priority is as follows: haste ~>crit >versa >>>>>mastery

I would rather have some random few thousand versatility on my gear than having mastery. Directly replacing say 880 beartooth necklace with a warforged/high mythic+ 880 warden pendant increases dps. In my own sim from 337.8k to 340k. I think a good rule of thumb stat ratio to work towards would be 2 crit, 2haste, 1versa, 0mastery. That versa and crit are more useful than believed is likely the main reason why unstable arcano crystal trinket ranks so high(while mastery is provably awful).

In the discord Mserrano said haste doesn't look good on sims because of breakpoints thus invalidating simcrafts stat scaling feature, but in my own small scale tests of exchanging crit/haste, versa/haste and crit/versa amulets in simcraft, the crit/versa actually came out best. The big haste breakpoints I know of are at 12.5% and 30+%  which leaves a very wide gap. For itemization in that gap I have not yet heard a convincing reason or seen proof that haste is straight better than crit, or that crit is not better than versatility or that mastery is not the worst or that the stat scaling feature of simcraft actually is wrong. So many retris walk around with close to 0 versatility because "the guides said so". I would welcome to be proven wrong on this. Also the haste breakpoints is based on judgment buff duration, thus reliant on mastery, thus would matter a lot more if mastery wasn't really bad. Virtue's Blade on the other hand scales better with crit than Blade of Wrath and VB surpasses BoW in simcraft somewhere around the 25-27% crit mark, which is very significant.

Going over to talents Greater Judgment/Divine Hammer from that same tier starts becoming good when you expect 5+ target fights to be more important than single target fights. i.e you spend more time on all the big trashpack pulls than you spend on the bossfights of a mythic+ dungeon. Somewhere after 10+ targets though, Fires of Justice/Blade of Wrath starts to outperform GJ/DH in aoe dps through sheer holy power generation to cast more Divine Storms(better single target dps goes without saying GJ/DH is the lowest single target damage combination). Justicar's Vengeance has the unique benefit of doublings its 800% attack damage to 1600% attack damage against stunned targets. Repentance and Blinding Light daze do not count for that, so combine only with Hammer of Justice. If you can find a trash mob to stun and use JV on it actually is the highest damage output. For raiding purposed, the corruption and mindflay tentacles on the Ilgynoth fight, the Twisted sisters in the Cenarius fight and all minor adds in the Xavius fight can be stunned afaik and are excellent targets to start the second crusade on midfight. The crusade startup rotation with JV is (at 5 holy power) Judgement, Hammer of Justice(use crusade and trinket, ideally from one macro), JV, WoA, JV, CS, BoJ, TV, for 14 stacks of crusade in 6 Global Cooldowns. 

Speaking of Crusade, Crusade is not optional. After you attain 18 artifact levels on your ashbringer, you should have +7.5 sec duration increase for AW/Cru(+ possible 2.5 sec per relic with the trait), the difference between DP and Cru isn't small anymore. Max stacks Cru gives 52.5% damage and 52.5% haste, which is simply amazing and outperforms DP by a wide margin. The ramp up takes a bit of time, between 6 and 13 Global Cooldowns, depending on your chosen rotation. The added AW duration from Ashbringer is guaranteed to be extra seconds of 52.5% increased damage though, which makes Xavius' Fire relic the best in slot relic by far.


For Food, Fishbrul Special(fireball food) is noticably better for single target damage than Azshari salad, although I think fireball food types are not implemented in simcraft. Same reasoning as why Hidden Satyr is recommended on neck enchant it does more damage than the alternatives.


I have run a lot of simcraft simulations and done dummy tests to come to these observations, so maybe the next update might include some of this stuff. 


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      Windwalker Monk (Spec Aura) - Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind. Jade Ignition- Whenever you deal damage to a target with Fists of Fury, you gain a stack of Chi Energy up to a maximum of 30 stacks. Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing [ 65% 85% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. The damage is increased by 5% for each stack of Chi Energy. Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox- Purifying Stagger damage while Niuzao is active, increases the damage of Niuza's next Stomp by 25% of damage purified, split between all enemies. While Niuzao is active, Purifying Brew increases the damage of Niuzao's next Stomp based on Stagger level.  Fury of Xuen- Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking 1% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 5% haste critical strike and invoke Xuen, The White Tiger for 8 10 sec. Anvil & Stave- Each time you dodge or an enemy misses you, the remaining cooldown on your Brews is reduced by 0.5 sec. This effect can only occur once every 3 sec Effect reduced for each recent melee attacker. Black Ox Adept (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a charge of Ox Stance. August Blessing (New)- When you would be healed above maximum health, you instead convert an amount equal to 40% of your critical strike chance to a heal over time effect. Ferocity of Xuen (New)- Increases all damage dealt by 2%. One With the Wind (New)- You have a 10% chance to not reset your Elusive Brawler stacks after a successful dodge. Elixir of Determination (New)- When you fall below 40% health, you gain an absorb for 100% of your recently Purified damage, or a minimum of 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. Memory of the Monastery (New)- Tiger Palm's chance to activate Blackout Kick! is increased by 15% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1.0% haste for 5 sec equal to the amount of stacks consumed. Heightened Guard (New)- Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% of your current health. Ox Stance (New)- Casting Purifying Brew grants a charge of Ox Stance, increased based on Stagger level. When you take damage that is greater than 60% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger. Strike At Dawn (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Elusive Brawler. Priest
      Shadow Covenant- Casting Mindbender enters you into a shadowy pact, transforming Halo, Divine Star, and Penance into Shadow spells and increasing the damage and healing of your Shadow spells by 10% while active. Collapsing Void- Each time Penance damages or heals, Entropic Rift is empowered, increasing its damage and size by 20% 10%. After Entropic Rift ends, it collapses and pulls enemies within 15 yds, dealing [ 500% 550% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage split between all nearby enemies amongst them. Entropic Rift- Mind Blast tears open an Entropic Rift that follows the enemy for 10 sec. Enemies caught in its path suffer [ 100% 80% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec while within its reach. Rogue
      Underhanded Upper Hand- Slice and Dice does not lose duration during Blade Flurry. Blade Flurry does not lose duration during Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush does not lose duration while Stealthed. Stealth abilities can be used for an additional 3 sec after Stealth breaks. Double Dance- N/A Shadow Dance has 1 additional charge. Kingsbane- Release a lethal poison from your weapons and inject it into your target, dealing [ 119% of Attack Power ] Nature damage instantly and an additional [ 131.62% 140% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 14 sec. Each time you apply a Lethal Poison to a target affected by Kingsbane, Kingsbane damage increases by 20%, up to 1,000%. Awards 1 combo points. Crackshot- Between the Eyes has no cooldown and also Dispatches the target for 75% 50% of normal damage when used from Stealth. Tight Spender- Energy cost of finishing moves reduced by 10% 6%. Thief's Versatility- Versatility increased by 4% 3%. Invigorating Shadowdust- Vanish reduces the remaining cooldown of your other Rogue abilities by 15.0 10.0 sec. Cut to the Chase- Assassination: Envenom extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Outlaw: Dispatch extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Subtlety: Eviscerate extends the duration of Slice and Dice by up to 3 sec per combo point spent. Ace Up Your Sleeve- Between the Eyes has a 5% chance per combo point spent to grant 5 4 combo points. Adrenaline Rush- Increases your Energy regeneration rate by 60% 50%, your maximum Energy by 50, and your attack speed by 20% for 20 sec. Indiscriminate Carnage- Garrote and Rupture apply to 2 additional nearby enemies when used from Stealth and for 10 6 sec after breaking Stealth. Serrated Bone Spike- Embed a bone spike in the target, dealing [ 158.4% 120% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and [ 13.2% 12% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage every 3 sec until they die or leave combat. Refunds a charge when target dies. Awards 1 combo point plus 1 additional per active bone spike. Unseen Blade- Feint now grants 2 combo points and quickly slashes with an Unseen Blade dealing [ 70% 80% of Attack Power ] damage to nearby enemies. Targets struck are Fazed for 5 sec. Fazed enemies take 5% more damage from you and cannot parry your attacks. Subterfuge- Your abilities Abilities and combat benefits requiring Stealth can still be used remain active for 3 sec after Stealth breaks. Improved Garrote- Garrote deals 50% increased damage and has no cooldown when used from Stealth and for 3 6 sec after breaking Stealth. Premeditation- After entering Stealth, your next Shadowstrike grants up to 10 sec of Slice and dice, and generates 2 additional combo points if Slice and Dice is active combo point generating ability generates full combo points. Count the Odds- Ambush, Sinister Strike, and Dispatch have a 8% 10% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 5 8 sec. Duration and chance doubled while Stealthed. Shadow Focus- Abilities cost 10% 5% less Energy while Stealth or Shadow Dance is active. Black Ox Adept (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a charge of Ox Stance. August Blessing (New)- When you would be healed above maximum health, you instead convert an amount equal to 40% of your critical strike chance to a heal over time effect. Ferocity of Xuen (New)- Increases all damage dealt by 2%. One With the Wind (New)- You have a 10% chance to not reset your Elusive Brawler stacks after a successful dodge. Elixir of Determination (New)- When you fall below 40% health, you gain an absorb for 100% of your recently Purified damage, or a minimum of 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. Memory of the Monastery (New)- Tiger Palm's chance to activate Blackout Kick! is increased by 15% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1.0% haste for 5 sec equal to the amount of stacks consumed. Heightened Guard (New)- Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% of your current health. Ox Stance (New)- Casting Purifying Brew grants a charge of Ox Stance, increased based on Stagger level. When you take damage that is greater than 60% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger. Strike At Dawn (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Elusive Brawler. Shaman
      Lightning Rod- Earth Shock, Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Earthquake Chain Lightning make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec. Lightning Rods take 20% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning. Tempest (New)- Every 40 Maelstrom Weapon stacks spent replaces your next Lightning Bolt with Tempest. Tempest Tempest 0.200000002980232% of Base Mana 40 yd range 2 sec cast Deal [ 180% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to your target, and [ 126% of Spell Power ] Nature damage to other enemy targets within 8 yds of your target. Arc Discharge (New)- When Tempest strikes more than one target, your next 3 Chain Lightning spells are instant cast and deal 75% increased damage. Nature's Protection (New)- Targets struck by your Tempest deal 10% less damage to you for 6 sec. Supercharge (New)- Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a 35% chance to refund 3 Maelstrom Weapon stacks. Awakening Storms (New)- Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning have a chance to strike your target for [ 50% of Spell Power ] Nature damage. Every 3 times this occurs, your next Lightning Bolt is replaced by Tempest. Unlimited Power (New)- Spending Maelstrom Weapon stacks grants you 3% haste for 15 sec, stacking. Gaining a new stack does not refresh the duration. Shocking Grasp (New)- Your Nature damage critical strikes reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 3 sec. Voltaic Surge (New)- Crash Lightning, Chain Lightning, and Earthquake damage increased by 15%. Tempest (New)- Increases the critical strike chance of your Nature damage spells by 10% and the critical strike damage of your Nature spells by 5%. Storm Swell (New)- When Tempest only strikes a single target, gain 3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Rolling Thunder (New)- Tempest summons a Nature Feral Spirit for until cancelled. Conductive Energy (NYI) (New)- Gain the effects of the Lightning Rod talent: Lightning Rod Lightning Bolt, Elemental Blast, and Chain Lightning make your target a Lightning Rod for 8 sec. Lightning Rods take 20% of all damage you deal with Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning. THIS IS NYI Surging Currents (New)- After using Tempest, your next Chain Heal, or Healing Surge will be instant cast and consume no Mana. Warlock
      Rain of Fire- Calls down a rain of hellfire, dealing [ 164.9% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 8 sec to enemies in the area. Rain of Fire has a 20% 10% chance to generate a Soul Shard Fragment. Ruin- Increases the critical strike damage of your Destruction spells Conflagrate, Shadowburn, and Soulfire by 10% 5%. Chaos Incarnate- Chaos Bolt, Rain of Fire, and Shadowburn always gains gain 70% of the maximum benefit from your Mastery: Chaotic Energies. Decimation- Your Incinerate and Conflagrate casts on targets that have 50% 35% or less health reduce the cooldown of Soulfire by 5 sec and reduce its cast time by 40% for 10 sec. Seeds of Their Demise- Blackened Soul damage increased by 30%. Casting Wither directly or refreshing Wither with less than 4 sec remaining causes Wither to gain 3 stacks. When Blackened Soul deals damage, you have a chance to gain Tormented Crescendo. Inferno- Rain of Fire damage is increased by 20% and has a 20% chance to generate a Soul Shard Fragment its cost is reduced by 1. Demoniac- Grants access to the following abilities: Demonbolt Send the fiery soul of a fallen demon at the enemy, causing [ 131.68% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage. Generates 2 Soul Shards. Demonic Core When your Wild Imps expend all of their energy or are imploded, you have a 10% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, you have a 100% 35% chance to absorb their life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core. Demonic Core reduces the cast time of Demonbolt by 100%. Maximum 4 stacks. Emberstorm (New)- Increases the damage done by your Fire spells by 2% and reduces the cast time of your Incinerate spell by 10%. Decimating Bolt (New) Affliction, Initial: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Decimating Bolt's damage, and the bonus to Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul both increase as your target's health decreases. Demonology: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 40%. Decimating Bolt's damage, and the bonus to Demonbolt both increase as your target's health decreases. Destruction: Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 40%. Decimating Bolt's damage, and the bonus to Incinerate both increase as your target's health decreases. Drain Soul : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. Decimating Bolt's damage, and the bonus to Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul both increase as your target's health decreases. Fire and Brimstone : Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 1,469.4% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts or Drain Souls by 40%. This value is reduced while using Fire and Brimstone. Decimating Bolt's damage, and the bonus to Shadow Bolt and Drain Soul both increase as your target's health decreases. Devastation (New)- Increases the critical strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%. Warrior
      Enduring Alacrity- Increases Stamina and Armor by 5% 10% and your Haste by 1% 2%. Protection Warrior (Spec Aura)- Protection Warrior core passive Increases damage/healing by 5%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Increases periodic damage/healing by 5%: Bladestorm, Bloodthirst Heal, Charge, Cleave, Deep Wounds, Demolition, Devastator, Dragon Charge, Dreadnaught, Execute, Heroic Leap, Heroic Throw, Impending Victory, Onslaught, Raging Blow, Ravager, Rend, Revenge, Shattering Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Shockwave, Siegebreaker, Skullsplitter, Slam, Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Victory Rush, Warbreaker, Warbringer, Whirlwind, Whirlwind Off-Hand Battering Ram- Shield Charge critical strike chance and critical strike damage increased by 20%, and Shield Charge increases your auto-attack damage and speed by 20% 10% for 20 sec. Devastator- Your auto attacks deal an additional [ 26.96% 35% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and have a 20% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Shield Slam. Thunder Clap- Blasts all enemies within 8 yards for [ 49.06% 49.1% of Attack Power ] Physical damage and reduces their movement speed by 20% for 10 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Generates 0 Rage.
    • By Staff
      Technically PvP Podcast and Venruki had the chance to talk to Game Producer George Velev about the new Battleground and PvP in the War Within and we've got the highlights!
      George Velev is a Game Producer focusing on combat design content and PvP / class tuning. He transitioned to production with Shadowlands after starting on the WoW Q&A Team.
      Deephaul Ravine Battleground in the War Within
      The new battleground is a mix of Eye of the Storm and Silver Shard Mines. Two factions start with carts that can be converted and moved for points. A central flag (gemstone) can be captured for more points, offering strategic opportunities. Your team needs to accrue 1,500 points to wi. You get points by controlling carts and capturing the flag. The battleground consists of two graveyards at the start and two near middle, dynamically updating based on the battleground state. Graveyards are designed to be inaccessible for camping. The new BG will be available in all play modes (random, solo queue, pre-made) with some changes in Blitz. General PvP Questions
      Blizzard has no plans for PvP-specific sets at the TWW launch. Blizzard likes how shared tier sets with PvE content have impacted PvP. The Great Vault will no longer offer PvP rewards, the Conquest journey will be updated to give players more control over gear acquisition. The team is considering workarounds to compensate for fewer sockets without the Great Vault. There's an ongoing effort to balance match-ups for healers and potentially increase MMR to incentivize healer participation in solo shuffle. There's an ongoing evaluation of short-duration crowd controls and their impact on gameplay.  Blizzard is committed to providing frequent class balance updates. Blizzard has no plans to replace Rated Battlegrounds with RBG Blitz, as they want to cater to both solo queue players and those preferring to play in groups. You can watch the Technically PvP crew discussing the interview in the video linked here.
    • By Stan
      Check out the latest Monk Class changes from the War Within Alpha Build 54605!
      The reduction in healing/damage of Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind has been removed. Jade Ignition - The damage dealt by Chi Explosion is up to 85%. Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox - The effect of increasing Niuzao's Stomp damage now scales based on Stagger level instead of purified damage. Fury of Xuen - The benefit of Fists of Fury was altered from haste to critical strike, and the duration increased to 10 seconds (up from 8). Anvil & Stave - The effect now reduces the remaining cooldown on brews based on the number of recent melee attacks rather than a flat cooldown reduction every 3 seconds. Monks received some new talents that you can find below. Monk Changes
      Windwalker Monk (Spec Aura) - Decreases damage/healing by 10%: Refreshing Jade Wind and Rushing Jade Wind. Jade Ignition- Whenever you deal damage to a target with Fists of Fury, you gain a stack of Chi Energy up to a maximum of 30 stacks. Using Spinning Crane Kick will cause the energy to detonate in a Chi Explosion, dealing [ 65% 85% of Attack Power ] Nature damage to all enemies within 8 yards. The damage is increased by 5% for each stack of Chi Energy. Improved Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox- Purifying Stagger damage while Niuzao is active, increases the damage of Niuza's next Stomp by 25% of damage purified, split between all enemies. While Niuzao is active, Purifying Brew increases the damage of Niuzao's next Stomp based on Stagger level.  Fury of Xuen- Your Combo Strikes grant a stacking 1% chance for your next Fists of Fury to grant 5% haste critical strike and invoke Xuen, The White Tiger for 8 10 sec. Anvil & Stave- Each time you dodge or an enemy misses you, the remaining cooldown on your Brews is reduced by 0.5 sec. This effect can only occur once every 3 sec Effect reduced for each recent melee attacker. Black Ox Adept (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a charge of Ox Stance. August Blessing (New)- When you would be healed above maximum health, you instead convert an amount equal to 40% of your critical strike chance to a heal over time effect. Ferocity of Xuen (New)- Increases all damage dealt by 2%. One With the Wind (New)- You have a 10% chance to not reset your Elusive Brawler stacks after a successful dodge. Elixir of Determination (New)- When you fall below 40% health, you gain an absorb for 100% of your recently Purified damage, or a minimum of 20% of your maximum health. Cannot occur more than once every 15 sec. Memory of the Monastery (New)- Tiger Palm's chance to activate Blackout Kick! is increased by 15% and consuming Teachings of the Monastery grants you 1.0% haste for 5 sec equal to the amount of stacks consumed. Heightened Guard (New)- Ox Stance will now trigger when an attack is larger than 50% of your current health. Ox Stance (New)- Casting Purifying Brew grants a charge of Ox Stance, increased based on Stagger level. When you take damage that is greater than 60% of your current health, a charge is consumed to increase the amount you Stagger. Strike At Dawn (New)- Rising Sun Kick grants a stack of Elusive Brawler.
    • By Stan
      Players noticed Jenafur, the secret cat pet, has changed in Patch 10.2.7.
      Jenafur is a secret battle pet in World of Warcraft, introduced in Patch 8.2.5. The secret to obtaining Jenafur involves solving a complex puzzle that begins with speaking to Amara Lunastar in Ashenvale. Amara Lunastar, whose real-life inspiration was a Make-A-Wish recipient named Amara Strande, wanted to immortalize her beloved cat Jenny in the game.
      Before the change, jenafur's model was more detailed and textured, the fur was darker with stripes and shading. The eyes were green and have a striking, menacing look.
      In Patch 10.2.7, Jenafur's model has been updated to a simple, more cartoonish style. The fur is lighter and has a smoother texture with less details. The eyes are orange. The overall look seems less realistic to the prevous model.
      We're not sure if the change was intended, but it may have been a byproduct of another change, keep in mind WoW is nearly 20 years old and updating a cat model in Duskwood can affect many things.
    • By Stan
      We've summarized all Mage changes that went live in the fourth War Within Alpha build.
      Mages are under Blizzard's radar for several builds in a row now. We're highlighting some of the changes below:
      Death's Chill has been simplified. Instead of gaining increased damage based on the number of enemies hit by Frostbolt, now each Frostbolt hit increases spell damage by a flat percentage. Lit Fuse - The affected spell changed from Phoenix Flames to Fire Blast and the damage percentage has been doubled. Living Bomb - Damage dealt significantly buffed. Volatile Magic - The ability will now trigger when an Embedded Arcane Spliter is removed. Improved Scorch - Health threshold buffed from 4% to 30% and damage increase slightly buffed. Feel the Burn - Mastery % increase buffed, duration reduced. Kindling - Flamestrike was added to the list that can reduce the coldown of Combustion.  Controlled Destruction - Ignite damage per Pyroblast hit has been reduced, but is stacks up to 25 times now. Unleash Inferno - Combustion's damage increase and cooldown reduction have been improved. Here are the tooltip changes:
      Mage Changes
      Death's Chill- While Icy Veins is active, gain 1% increased damage for each enemy hit by Frostbolt damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 1%. Lit Fuse- Consuming Hot Streak has a 5% chance to grant you Lit Fuse. Lit Fuse : Your next Phoenix Flames Fire Blast turn turns up to three struck nearby targets into a Living Bomb that explodes after 2 sec, dealing [ 30% 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Up to five enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Living Bomb- The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking 0 Fire damage over 2 sec, and then exploding to deal an additional [ 30% 60% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and reduced damage to all other enemies within 10 yds. Other enemies hit by this explosion also become a Living Bomb, but this effect cannot spread further. Volatile Magic- Whenever an Embedded Arcane Splinter is removed, or recalled, it explodes, dealing [ 10% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to nearby enemies. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Explosivo- Casting Combustion grants Lit Fuse. While under the effects of Combustion, consuming Hot Streak has a 30% increased chance of granting you Lit Fuse your chance of gaining Lit Fuse while under the effects of Combustion is increased to 30%. Improved Scorch- Casting Scorch on targets below 4% 30% health increase the target's damage taken from you by 4% 5% for 12 sec. This effect stacks up to 2 times. Feel the Burn- Fire Blast and Phoenix Flames increase your mastery by [ 200% 300% of mas ]% for 6 5 sec. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Kindling- Your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch and Phoenix Flames critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown on Combustion by [ 1,000 / 1,000.1 ] sec. Flamestrike critical strikes reduce the remaining cooldown of Combustion by 0.2 sec for each critical strike, up to 1 sec. Controlled Destruction- Damaging a target with Pyroblast increases the damage it receives from Ignite by 2% 1%. Stacks up to 25 times. Unleashed Inferno- While Combustion is active your Fireball, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Scorch, and Phoenix Flames deal 50% 60% increased damage and reduce the cooldown of Combustion by 1.25 sec. While Combustion is active, Flamestrike deals 25% 35% increased damage and reduces the cooldown of Combustion by 0.25 sec for each critical strike, up to 1.25 sec.
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