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Fury Warrior 7.3

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20 minutes ago, wordup said:

In that specific situation I'd lean to Class Trinket + Chipped Soul Prism in pretty much all situations.

I figured as much (that's what I have equipped now), just wanted to confirm.

The BoA trinket finally dropped for me today, so I was just excited to have new shiny and was hoping there was some justification for using it - however, between the guide and my own considerations I arrive at the same conclusion as you.

Would it be safe to say then, that if gear catches up to where haste/crit are at acceptable levels sans the Chipped Soul Prism, I'd replace the prism with Gronntooth/EDH (if I got one).

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1 minute ago, Ravewave said:

I figured as much (that's what I have equipped now), just wanted to confirm.

The BoA trinket finally dropped for me today, so I was just excited to have new shiny and was hoping there was some justification for using it - however, between the guide and my own considerations I arrive at the same conclusion as you.

Would it be safe to say then, that if gear catches up to where haste/crit are at acceptable levels sans the Chipped Soul Prism, I'd replace the prism with Gronntooth/EDH (if I got one).

I'd say no, sticking with Class Trinket even in its worst form is always a good choice and a titanforged CSP that high is just too strong. In terms of Legion levelling however you'll definitely get some use out of that Heirloom instead of the class trinket at least!

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I have some questions relative to Furious Slash and more precisely timing of abilities.

When we're evaluating the priority list mid battle, is there some concession for considering what's coming ahead or do you suggest making the decision on what skill to use exactly in that moment (based on established priority)?  I find myself with these little pockets of time when Bloodthirst is about to come off cooldown, raging blow is on CD, I can't rampage due to insufficient rage and I try to sneak in a furious slash, but this pushes out my next bloodthirst a little bit. Is it better to wait and not sneak in abilities like that to keep interval at which BT is cast somewhat consistent (obviously this will be displaced by Rampage caused Enrages, since we're not clipping Enrage with BT crits)?

Do you ever just sit and wait for BT to come off CD and not try to squeeze in a FS? The added crit % to BT that FS provides seems really valuable. How would you evaluate when to use FS other than the condition that nothing else is available?

I perform well as Fury, but I feel like this is a point where I'm dropping off damage.


Link to my armory for reference... http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Drtydeeds/advanced



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6 hours ago, Ravewave said:

I have some questions relative to Furious Slash and more precisely timing of abilities.

When we're evaluating the priority list mid battle, is there some concession for considering what's coming ahead or do you suggest making the decision on what skill to use exactly in that moment (based on established priority)?  I find myself with these little pockets of time when Bloodthirst is about to come off cooldown, raging blow is on CD, I can't rampage due to insufficient rage and I try to sneak in a furious slash, but this pushes out my next bloodthirst a little bit. Is it better to wait and not sneak in abilities like that to keep interval at which BT is cast somewhat consistent (obviously this will be displaced by Rampage caused Enrages, since we're not clipping Enrage with BT crits)?

Do you ever just sit and wait for BT to come off CD and not try to squeeze in a FS? The added crit % to BT that FS provides seems really valuable. How would you evaluate when to use FS other than the condition that nothing else is available?

I perform well as Fury, but I feel like this is a point where I'm dropping off damage.


Link to my armory for reference... http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/earthen-ring/Drtydeeds/advanced



Following the priority is always valuable, but burning up a fractional GCD for nothing is also unfavourable, so adding in a Furious Slash is worthwhile in that situation. If you literally cannot cast anything in that GCD (unless we're talking 0.1-0.5 of a second) casting it and continuing down the line will provide more than waiting.

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Guest Iron#2875

The guide says that the opening rotation should be: Charge > Dragon Roar > Avatar > (Bloodbath if taken) > Battle Cry > Bloodthirst (to enrage).


But I'm wondering if it isn't better to wait with the cooldowns until you have around 65 rage and then use Dragon Roar > Avatar and Battle Cry (macrod together) to benefit even more from the ensured enrage from Rampage. I have tried to compare these two different ways countless times on a single target Raiding Dummy and I'm always getting between 7-10K extra damage out up.


The exact rotation would look something like this: Charge > Bloodthirst > Raging Blow > Furious Slash > Blood thirst > Dragon Roar > Rampage > Avatar+Battlecry (macrod together) you can even hold this macro until the global cooldown is almost over to get that extra .5 sec > Raging Blow and so on.


Would be great to hear your thoughts on this.


Best regards,

Iron of Ironforge

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Guest Iron#2875
4 hours ago, Guest Iron#2875 said:

The guide says that the opening rotation should be: Charge > Dragon Roar > Avatar > (Bloodbath if taken) > Battle Cry > Bloodthirst (to enrage).


But I'm wondering if it isn't better to wait with the cooldowns until you have around 65 rage and then use Dragon Roar > Avatar and Battle Cry (macrod together) to benefit even more from the ensured enrage from Rampage. I have tried to compare these two different ways countless times on a single target Raiding Dummy and I'm always getting between 7-10K extra damage out up.


The exact rotation would look something like this: Charge > Bloodthirst > Raging Blow > Furious Slash > Blood thirst > Dragon Roar > Rampage > Avatar+Battlecry (macrod together) you can even hold this macro until the global cooldown is almost over to get that extra .5 sec > Raging Blow and so on.


Would be great to hear your thoughts on this.


Best regards,

Iron of Ironforge

EDIT: Avatar+Battlecry > Rampage

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10 hours ago, Guest Iron#2875 said:

The guide says that the opening rotation should be: Charge > Dragon Roar > Avatar > (Bloodbath if taken) > Battle Cry > Bloodthirst (to enrage).


But I'm wondering if it isn't better to wait with the cooldowns until you have around 65 rage and then use Dragon Roar > Avatar and Battle Cry (macrod together) to benefit even more from the ensured enrage from Rampage. I have tried to compare these two different ways countless times on a single target Raiding Dummy and I'm always getting between 7-10K extra damage out up.


The exact rotation would look something like this: Charge > Bloodthirst > Raging Blow > Furious Slash > Blood thirst > Dragon Roar > Rampage > Avatar+Battlecry (macrod together) you can even hold this macro until the global cooldown is almost over to get that extra .5 sec > Raging Blow and so on.


Would be great to hear your thoughts on this.


Best regards,

Iron of Ironforge

The reason for doing it on the opener is to generate Enrage immediately from the guaranteed Bloodthirst crit via Battle Cry, and then follow it with a Rampage which should be achievable amounts of Rage by the time the first falls off. The goal is to have Enrage up as early and as frequently as possible as opposed to having higher burst through 100% Crit Rampage.

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Guest Anon

Wordup, do you plan on making any fury videos in your youtube? DH and EHC are really well done.

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Hi there,

Me again, sorry! lol but I came up with another question.

What is the reasoning for prioritizing WB procs over Raging Blow in the single target DPS priority? Per the tooltips in-game, even with the 200% damage increase RB still does more damage than WB.

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Guest Dyno

The only thing I'd make an argument for is Teir 4. I found that Furious Charge isn't as bad as originally thought. Often enough when using charge in a Boss encounter, it's because you were knocked back or hit by something. Maybe you make a choice to charge through fire or something along those lines. The boost in the healing effect directly after a charge actually supplements those situations nicely. Just my opinion.

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Guest Sev

I have some qualms with the opening rotation stated on this page. I know over the course of a 5+ minute boss fight the dps increase would be negligible, but I see no reason to Dragon Roar before popping Avatar. Battle Cry doesn't matter as much because Dragon Roar crits all the time anyway, but you can still benefit from Avatar's 20% damage increase when you Roar. I have tested this many times and even with a macro that pops all your cooldowns at once instantly (Blood Fury before Dragon Roar as well if you're an orc), Dragon Roar always benefits from being used -after- Avatar in the opening sequence.

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Guest Mike

"Unstoppable" need 4 artifact power, not 3. Correct it pls!!!

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18 hours ago, Guest Mike said:

"Unstoppable" need 4 artifact power, not 3. Correct it pls!!!

That is a list of the order, not the amount of traits required to acquire. The number is just there to indicate that, though sorry for the confusion!

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Guest Gremlin


I have question about haste and crit breakpoints:

1. Why haste cap is 18%. Guide  states that haste doesn't affect RB gcd, but tooltip says it cast is 2 sec, so that suggests haste cap 33.3% which would drop cast to 1.5 sec to line up with gcd. If we take enrage window into consideration we need only 12.5% haste to have 3 gcd's in 4sec enrage and 50% to have 4, so it doesn't match 18% either.

2. Same question about crit. FS increases BT crit chance by 15% per application, so cap like (100 - k*15)%, where k is amount of FS applications would make sense. Guide states that mastery overtakes crit at 30%, but since both mastery and crit scales dmg multipicatively, that suggests mastery value should be some kind of linear function of crit value which determines actual crit cap.


In advance thanks for answers.

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6 hours ago, Guest Gremlin said:


I have question about haste and crit breakpoints:

1. Why haste cap is 18%. Guide  states that haste doesn't affect RB gcd, but tooltip says it cast is 2 sec, so that suggests haste cap 33.3% which would drop cast to 1.5 sec to line up with gcd. If we take enrage window into consideration we need only 12.5% haste to have 3 gcd's in 4sec enrage and 50% to have 4, so it doesn't match 18% either.

2. Same question about crit. FS increases BT crit chance by 15% per application, so cap like (100 - k*15)%, where k is amount of FS applications would make sense. Guide states that mastery overtakes crit at 30%, but since both mastery and crit scales dmg multipicatively, that suggests mastery value should be some kind of linear function of crit value which determines actual crit cap.


In advance thanks for answers.

Remember you also need to account for the GCD to tick out on the ability that actually triggers Enrage. The actual had breakpoint is 16% so your GCD is roughly 1.3 seconds (meaning 1 at 1.3, 2 at 2.6 and 3 at 3.9) but I have erred on the higher side to account for latency and player error, hense the 18%.

For Crit there is a synergistic nature between Crit and Mastery, they aren't strictly linear really. You need a stock amount of Crit to fuel your Enrage to sustain enough Rage to Rampage in between casts, especially without Carnage. Mastery's value requires that to get the full effect out of the bonus damage, given that they are intrinsically linked due to the Enrage requirement.

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21 hours ago, bibila said:

Unless it's hotfixex I'd rather recommend not going on the mentioned fury artefact path to Odyn's Champion . It barely procs, got only 3 procs in 10 minutes of testing on dummy. 

Lack of procs doesn't make it the weaker option, given that alternate goldens (rage has equal proc chance, juggernaut is execute exclusive) have less impact. This path grabs your most important non-gold traits and leads into Helya's Wrath perfectly, alongside opening up other gold paths quicker.

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Guest Mr. Blackrock

Does Arms have an advantage over Fury currently ?

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On 07/09/2016 at 1:09 PM, Zagash said:

I did not find several potential trinkets in the BiS trinkets list, for example: Marfisi's Giant CenserMarfisi's Giant Censer. Any chance to include please?

There are a couple of items missing from the sims yeah, I'll get that updated today!

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Guest LOBO89

i follow this guide down to the letter and i still find my self on the bottom of the charts. i feel like i am letting my group down by my low deeps. no clue what am doing wrong. cause i do i read but not seeing the results. idk. been playing along time now and this is one time i feel like i just don't get something. 

If i can't figure this out what is another good melee for Legion. 

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2 hours ago, Guest LOBO89 said:

i follow this guide down to the letter and i still find my self on the bottom of the charts. i feel like i am letting my group down by my low deeps. no clue what am doing wrong. cause i do i read but not seeing the results. idk. been playing along time now and this is one time i feel like i just don't get something. 

If i can't figure this out what is another good melee for Legion. 

An armoury link would most likely be the best starting point here. It can either eliminate/confirm gear as a possible cause. Also any footage/log of yourself in a dungeon would be hugely helpful.

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2 hours ago, Guest LOBO89 said:

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Lòbo/simple. That isn't updated, I dont know if the armory is bugged or needs a update. I'm actually sitting at 28% crit and 14% haste. I don't know how to do the simcraft logs.

It's largely dependant on those you're competing against. Fury is exceptional at burst AoE and sustained cleave, but not enough that the real powerhouses (Windwalker/Demon Hunter) won't push you down in extended trash. It's also fairly dependant on some traits, and moreover part of the power in Fury ends in the Execute phase, which dungeons rarely allow you to capitalise on.

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