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[Darkspear ][A] <QQ> LF exceptional DPS for Legion

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Who Are We?
We are a group of returning skilled and experienced wow players that have been playing together since vanilla WoW, boasting ranks as high as US top 10. We have led other guilds to success in the past and are once again looking to do that in Legion.

What is QQ?
QQ is a US based semi-hardcore guild full of members who enjoy aggresively and timely clearing mythic raid content. We are planning to compete for US top 100 and are seeking like-minded and exceptional players to help us achieve that goal.

What are your raid times?
Our raid times are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (optional Mon) at 8:30pm-11:30/12pm PST 
Raid invites will go out 15 minutes prior to raid.

Do you have a VOIP?
We use Discord. Join us on discord if you have more questions, want to join, or just want to hang out! Check the "Shoutbox" for an invite.

Roster: We will have a roster of 24 people and wish to stay around that number. We understand real life RNG occurs. 

Loot: We use a loot council system to evenly distribute loot among our raid.

What We Expect:
You have done what you can to min/max your character.
You are confident in your abilities to play your class, and can take constructive criticism.
You are aware of and can move from hazardous encounter mechanics, with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future tiers with.

Current classes we have a high demand for:
Druid - Boomkin and Feral
Priest - Shadow
Warlock - Destro/Demo
 * Note this is for core spots in Mythic Progression *

Please note if you don't see your class/spec listed fill free to throw an application in we are always looking for exceptional players to add to our roster.

Please register on the website and submit an application if you plan on raiding/playing with us. You can register at our website at www.qqwow.shivtr.com

If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact any one of us.

Edited by Avanti

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Edited by Spyzee

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Hello LFM  to hit the first raid hard! Raid team is looking very solid just looking for a few more exceptional DPS. We are currently farming Heroics/Mythics add me in game if you want to hang out and see if we are good fit <33

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