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Macro Help

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Hey. Looking for help on a basic handy to have type Macro.

After a quick search i see there are plenty of macros for specific classes but I want a general one made up.


A couple of yrs ago while i was still running around on ground mounts on my priest i'd made one that helped with FARMING.


I would ride up (on ground mount) click on the Herb and it would dismount me, Harvest the Herb and then remount me afterwards so i could ride on and get the next one.


After some reading and experimenting I got that to work. I don't have the macro anymore and don't remember how I did it.


If any gifted individual with macros could help on this I'd appreciate it. 

I now farm typically on the Panda Red flying disc for visibility reasons and i use it on my Ore farming toons and my Herb farming toons.


I remember the macro had something to do with if/when a focus was there or gone.



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Nope, still not got it. Good write up but not got it figured out yet.

Wondering   how /if  an object can be a target / focus  ?

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Looks like I was wrong.

/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CallCompanion("MOUNT",1) end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED") 

This is a clever piece of code..  This is the reason why I kinda wish I knew more about the wow API.   It finds out once you loot something and waits for that event, when it happens it calls the mount function..  Pretty neat..  I definitely didn't have the insight to do that, but i see how it works.


Change the number (currently a 1) to the mount of your choice from your mount book.


You have to press this macro each time you open wow, but it does what you want it seems

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Yes !  Lazy gatherer.... I remember seeing this one yrs ago. I need to figure out how to modify it so it works with specific mounts. I"m not sure the # of the one i want to use but i think I should be able to describe it by name..... no ? (red flying cloud)


And if i must press this macro each time I open wow.... how about Each time i go into Farm Mode.

For instance i've just que'd for a dungeon I could have 20-45 min. wait, I might like to go pick flowers.

I'd like to hit Farmmode (which changes my mini map) and head out to go farming Herbs. My Que comes up I'd like to click Farmmode macro again to shut it off. that way i'm not trying to mount my flying trash can lid every time i loot monsters.


Does this sound do able ? Or maybe the "Looting" could be specific to only include  Herbs/ ore. I don't think i've ever seen Ore drop off of a dead monster/crittter.


Although it would be handy to farm cloth..........


/run local f=AtH or CreateFrame("Frame","AtH") f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() CallCompanion("MOUNT",1) end) f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED") 


Is all of this text necessary or does the "or" only describe an option to the reader ?

Edited by Icepick

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Ok, copied the macro couldn't paste.  Pasted it in word pad printed it and typed it out. Macro didn't work. Checked , rechecked 3-4 times, got wife to check. didn't work. changed mount number, reloaded ui. Still didn't work. (pulled out more hair).

Went back to origional site, re read from the top... suggested  Ctrl V (d'oh, forgot about that) Went back in deleted what was done did the control V. Saved, clicked, 




Works on any type of loot. changed mount, still worked.

Now...... if I could get it to call a flying mount in flying zones and a ground mount in No fly zones it would be perfect.


Thanks guys.


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Might be able to build this in,

/run if not IsMounted() then local g,f,x={G,G,G},{F,F,F},strfind local t=(IsFlyableArea() and not IsShiftKeyDown()) and f or g CallCompanion("MOUNT",t[random(#t)]) end     

Replace G and F with the number of the mounts you want. (Ground and flying respectively) for example "{4,11,27},{7,8,16}"

So what this does is it checks what zone you are in and if you can fly. if you can fly it will choose a random mount out of the ones you choose (The numbers) and it will choose a random ground mount of your choice if you can't fly. Holding shift will cause you to select a random ground mount as well.

You can have as many numbers in the curly brackets as you can fit. The numbers are just the order they are in in the mount journal. Abyssal seahorse is 1 for most people.

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I havn't tried the flying  vs. ground mount bit yet. (Red flying clould would do both) But I did pass on the macro to Jr. and he'd noticed that everytime you MILL AN HERB it tries to remount you.........hhmmmmm.

Gotta find an off switch short of relogging.



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Yes that works to stop the mount and gives you a message every time saying can't do that here. While that stops you from getting on your mount it doesn't make it right.

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I mean, maybe its just casue I'm a programmer and I've been there before, but i just seems you're doing too much work to be lazy =P

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This one's a little different but its one Ive been using for a long time.

/run if not IsMounted() then local m,t,f="mount",{{},{}} for i=2,GetNumCompanions(m) do tinsert(t[bit.band(2,select(6,GetCompanionInfo(m,i)))==0 and 1 or 2],i) end f=IsFlyableArea() and 2 or 1 CallCompanion(m,t[f][random(#t[f])]) else Dismount() end

this macro will summon a random flying mount if you're in a flying zone, or a random ground mount if you're not (including fliers that can walk on the ground).
The only problem is it attempting to summon Qiraji mounts that aren't usable outside of AQ.


Works like a charm. maybe it's possible to even link this one to the one you're using for automounting. I wouldnt know how tho.

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