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Restoration Shammy stats

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(Once again), Hello everyone biggrin.png 


I saw some of posts by Stoove and Pandacho and they are superb but I guess I was too lazy to search more to answer my doubts. I am rookie as Shammy healer so I would need help with its very basic: mastery or crit? blink.png 


I visit "Ask mr. Robot" site and they gave two choises crit or mastery. I know that some of my guildies recommend mastery but I am curious to know something more about critical stat. 


Stoove and Pandacho what do you advise me to do? Use recommended settings of Ask mr. Robot for mastery or critical stat? smile.png 


Also, any other confused Shammy is welcome to leave a comment happy.png 


Thanks a lot and have fun guys smile.png 

Edited by Vidana

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To keep it short: Mastery.

Crit even not the second best, so definitely not.


If you want it long, with numbers and modificators of healing spells for every secondary stat, look here. Hamlet's HealerCalc spreadsheed is very good.

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To keep it short: Mastery.

Crit even not the second best, so definitely not.


If you want it long, with numbers and modificators of healing spells for every secondary stat, look here. Hamlet's HealerCalc spreadsheed is very good.

Wow, that was quick biggrin.png


That's short and precise. Thanks a lot Pandacho smile.png  And thanks for link. I will study it carefully cool.png

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Along these same lines of questioning, Is there a point where you have "enough" mastery and should start looking at other secondaries? I'm at 94% buffed but wondering if it makes sense to work on another stat that close to 100%

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Along these same lines of questioning, Is there a point where you have "enough" mastery and should start looking at other secondaries? I'm at 94% buffed but wondering if it makes sense to work on another stat that close to 100%

Do you have this kind of numbers in resto spec?


Mastery does not cap at 100%, keep dumping into mastery.

I wouldn't advice to do this.

Healers are not dps, stacking only one stat is not the best strategy.

The only reason to get Mastery to 100% (and even here it's doubtful) is progressing in deep Mythic when most of your raid is constantly under 60% HP.

In any other circumstances you shouldn't get Mastery on expense of all the other stats because you will stuck with slow constantly overhealing playstyle. 


The values of secondaries for resto shamans are pretty close to each other. For 689 ilvl it's something like SP=1, Mastery=0.45, Haste=0.43, Crit=0.36, Multi=0.36. As you can see, Mastery is a bit better, but the difference is minor.


I would say that if your raid have enough healers and the raid's HP rarely drops lower than 70%, look for the other stats. Do not hesitate to use Mastery+Crit or Haste+Multi gear if you feel that while you cast one spell, the raid is already topped. Same if you constantly heavily overheal.

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So I would disagree and say it's not an end all be all for mastery over crit. The problem with those stat weights is that the mana back from resurgence isn't accounted for in the theory crafting. I can't really give you hard numbers or actual mathematical proof, but I did very well prioritizing crit > mastery in normal and heroic highmaul. When I switched to mastery > haste > crit after my guild started heroic BRF I didn't feel that my numbers changed very significantly, although at that point I was also not as worried about spirit and mana regen. Besides, the mastery argument requires a lot of assumptions about average raid health. Yes, at high ilvls on progression fights mastery is definitely going to be the best option, but I think that at early raiding levels crit is better or just as good.

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The problem with those stat weights is that the mana back from resurgence isn't accounted for in the theory crafting. I can't really give you hard numbers or actual mathematical proof, but I did very well prioritizing crit > mastery in normal and heroic highmaul.

Sorry, but it is accounted in theorycrafting and you can see and check the numbers in the spreadsheed that Hamlet wrote and maintain (I gave the link in my first post in this thread). You can enter there you stats and talents and see the influence of every stat on your performance and mana return. Spirit stat gives you 2.06 MP5, Crit - 0.17MP5. So I really can't see a reason to prioritize Crit for mana return. 

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Thanks for all the great input Pandacho. Im also relatively new to shaman healing and had a similar question. Mine pertained specifically to the tier 17 4 piece bonus. Would it be beneficial to dump a bit more into haste once 4 piece is acquired? I was thinking 1:1 ration haste:mastery at that point. Whats your take on it? 

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Thanks for all the great input Pandacho. Im also relatively new to shaman healing and had a similar question. Mine pertained specifically to the tier 17 4 piece bonus. Would it be beneficial to dump a bit more into haste once 4 piece is acquired? I was thinking 1:1 ration haste:mastery at that point. Whats your take on it? 

Well, yeah, you can do this.

Actually, what I prefer to do now, when we are not struggling with gear and mana, is to keep a couple of gear pieces with different stats and to switch between them if needed. Because on the farm fights you clearly would be better with Haste and could dump a lot of Spirit for throughput while on progress Mastery would be better.

But still, I don't think that stacking Mastery to more than 75-80% on expense of other stats is a very good idea. It's always better to have a balanced stats.

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So for a guy like me that is in a guild that we are stuck on Heroic Maidens and Blast Furnace and most of the time I'm resto and they do have me switch to Elem having more than 80% mastery is a waste huh . Maybe I should start enchanting my gear with haste then 

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The more I think about it we have 3 resto druids and 1 disc priest and me . SO maybe ditching some Mastery wouldnt be so bad 

This is a very problematic healer comp and has to be managed carefully in order to have some benefits here.

How many people do you have in raid and do you divide your zones of responsibility (for the healers) or just heal everything?

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On average we run about 22 people in raid. Most of the time it's the Tree Druids and I raiding healing and our Disc priest is healing tanks and shielding people also when our Holy Pally can make he she tank heals. 

Three druids and a resto shaman on raid pretty much just 'eat' the heals of each other.

In this composition the Disc should not heal the tanks - disc is about preventing damage, not healing it - putting them to heal while having four throughput healers in the raid is not the best utilizing of the class abilities.


Now a bit of theory (how it would work in the ideal raid):

If it's possible, it would be better to let the Disc to do their shielding work and to assign you (resto shaman) to heal the tanks and for example the melee camp. Then you'd be able to benefit from the Mastery for the strong single target casts and CH as a filler and it will not interfere with druids HoTs.

When your holy pala is in raid, it's obviously their work to heal the tanks. In this case you should respec one druid to Balance because there is no place for 6 healers in 22-man raid and you shouldn't drop a healer that is only one of their class.


22-man is a bit problematic number - 4 healers could be not enough while 5 are too many.


Anyways, you shouldn't regear to Haste on purpose to compete with the druids - it's impossible in your healing comp. It would be much better if you'll be able to explain to your RL that every healer should have their assignment in order to benefit from their strong abilities instead of 'stealing' of each other's heals and HPS competition.

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I am returning to wow after many years and I have a small question regarding mastery. My resto shaman has about 80% mastery atm. Now, lets say the target I am about to heal is at 40% his HP. So will by healing be 80x(1-(40/100)) =  80x(60/100) = 48% more on that target? Is my interpretation of mastery right?

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I am returning to wow after many years and I have a small question regarding mastery. My resto shaman has about 80% mastery atm. Now, lets say the target I am about to heal is at 40% his HP. So will by healing be 80x(1-(40/100)) =  80x(60/100) = 48% more on that target? Is my interpretation of mastery right?


Yes. The target is missing 60% of its health, so you get 60% of your mastery bonus. 60% x 80% = 48%. At one hitpoint, you'd get the full 80%.


You basically never get the full mastery bonus, but since 100 mastery gets you +2.7% deep healing while 100 haste only gets you +1.1% casting speed and 100 crit only gets you +0.9% crit chance, mastery ends up being much better than every other stat anyway. Well, except intellect.

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Hello! I have some problems and I want to ask some advises.

So... My first trouble - I'm shaman, and I like it =D LoL. But, if seriously: I'm raid leader, my armory, and my raid progress is 8 bosses in BRF. There are from 13 to 16-man in my raids. So, if we go to 13-man raids, we have 3 healers, and if we go to 16-man, we have 4 healers. Default, we have Rshammy (me) and holy pala. What the third and fourth healers would be good, in order not to reduce the effectiveness of my healing?

Second trouble: I have a friend-rshammy, and he is going to int>spirit>crit>multi and do top HpS in heroic and mythic BRF. Because of this, I can not decide which is better, therefore, my shaman is lamentable spectacle (int>spirit>crit>mastery>multi) priority. What's wrong with my friend, that in crit he is top? And are you thinking, that I must change chants, sockets and equpment for mastery>haste>mastery=multi priority?
Third trouble: glyph of chaining. I am confused by three-second CD of it. Is this glyph good?
Edited by Saaram

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Hello, Saaram.

Regarding the additional healers: the third one should be a disk priest. In this case you will have all the healing types covered: Paladin for the passive tank (Beacons) and strong single target healing, Disc for the damage spikes smoothing (Shields) and a Shaman for AoE raid healing and strong raid CDs. The best 4th healer would be a resto druid - HoTs, healing on move and strong raid CDs.

Frankly, I wouldn't heal Heroic BRF on farm with 4 healers in your raid setup but you definitely can use all of them while progressing on Blast Furnace and Blackhand.

I would always keep a pala and a disc as a healers and rotate shaman and druid as healer/dps on different fights when you need only 3 healers. Druids are better than shamans in the high movement fights, shamans are better for high sustained constant damage.


Regarding your stats prio: you definitely should change all your gems and enchants for Mastery. You can change them partially to Haste if you are facerolling the fights and most of your healing goes to overheal but it should never be Crit.

Crit does nothing good to us - you are getting x4 more mana returning from Spirit, and while our main problem is overhealing due to our healing mechanic, Crit just makes this problem worse mostly making your overhealing even higher. As I already mentioned in this thread and a couple of others, our main secondary stats are Mastery (it's our speciality - deep strong healing during high raid damage) and Haste. 

I can't tell anything about your friend without seeing his logs because there could be a million of reasons for him to be a top HPS.

For example, other healers don't know to play / he pushes the meters with the CDs / they 2- or 3-heal 20-man / the raid has weird healer comp / he could do much better with proper stats, etc. I don't want to speculate not knowing the guy. If you want to show me his logs, I'd be able to answer properly.


I looked a bit into your logs too, unfortunately you do not use WCL for your guild raids so the logs I checked were from PuGs (the last one from your Iron Maidens Heroic kill). I still have a lot to say about what I saw but only if you are interested in it.


Glyph of Chaining: I wouldn't use it frankly. Our set bonuses are based on Chain Heal so restricting it to 3-sec CD feels a bit weird. There are some shamans who use it but it's not a big asset to our healing in BRF.

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