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Loot roll rage

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Another loot rant from me.

I am a blood DK, but I got this lame sword on a bonus roll in LFR:


Greatsword of Frozen Hells, a 2H strength sword.

It has Crit and Haste as its additional stats....therefore its about as crap as its possible to get for a blood DK. It doesn't even have a good socket bonus.

I'm annoyed that this is a potential drop for my class and annoyed at wasting a roll.

I'm trying to convince Blizz that there's a bug in the loot table....to me this is clearly a DPS weapon.

Its bad enough that the BiS in this tier is a shared boss drop without having crap like this. I should have got my Bo'Ris, not this junk.


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0/9 so far this tier on token uses. These new Mogu Stones can go to hell, and they can go there fast. Of course, all the luck I'm not getting, some of my teammates are getting. Having their 4 set 2 weeks in is pretty nice. As long as your raid team doesn't change, remember that these token uses still benefit your raid as a whole.

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Apparently. 0/12 now. Somehow, through drops and proper DKP usage, I still got to 520 ilvl. Tokens have been cruel to me when I want new trinkets and tier...I think all I can use them on now is Ji'Kun (Legs/Belt), Dark Animus (Trinket/Weapon/Chest), and Council (Wushoolays).

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