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TL;DR: This is a post about tellmewhen, I give an exaple of a DK setup, but feel free to do this for other classes aswell. (Check out last alinea)

Hi everyone,

I decided to make a post about the TellMeWhen addon.

It is a great and highly customisable addon.

I made this topic so people can share their thoughts and maybe link eachother some nice icons.

I have a kinda nice Blood DK Profile.

Some things might require some getting used to, but it's nothing really hard tbh.

The important string:

(Not sure what to do with this string, PM me or post about it below)

^1^T^STextLayouts^T ^Sicon1^T ^N1^T ^t^N2^T ^t^t^S,aFO!\y_!\dE^T ^N1^T ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPLEFT ^SrelativePoint^STOPLEFT ^t^N2^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^STOPRIGHT ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SStringName^SBinding/Label ^SSkinAs^SHotKey ^t^N2^T ^SDefaultText^S[stacks:Hide(0)] ^SShadow^N3 ^SName^S2002 ^SStringName^SStacks ^SSkinAs^SCount ^SSize^N26 ^t^SGUID^S,aFO!\y_!\dE ^Sn^N2 ^SName^SIcon~`Layout~`2 ^t^t^SNumGroups^N10 ^SColors^T ^Sbuff^T ^SCTA^T ^SOverride^B ^t^t^t^SVersion^N62102 ^SGroups^T ^N1^T ^SPoint^T ^Sy^F-5453571837460621 ^f-46^Sx ^F-6720204974129396^f-46 ^Spoint^SRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^SRIGHT ^t^SRows^N6 ^SOnlyInCombat^B ^SIcons^T ^N1^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N2^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SAlpha^N0.5 ^SShowTimerText^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SName^SIncreasedAP ^SShowWhen^N1 ^SDurationMaxEnabled^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^SShowTTText^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^SDurationMax^N30 ^t^N3^T ^SUnit^Splayer;~`player ^SOnlyMine^B ^SType^Sbuff ^SAlpha^N0.5 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^t^SCustomTex^S43265 ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N10^T ^SType^Sbuff ^SShowTTText^B ^SName^S77535 ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N2^S[Floor((Stacks~`/~`1000))]k ^t^t^t^SUnAlpha^N0.61 ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N11^T ^SType^Sreactive ^SUnAlpha^N0.5 ^SShowTimerText^B ^SManaCheck^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SName^SRaise~`Ally ^SCooldownCheck^B ^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SDuration^N2.5 ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SOnShow ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SShowWhen^N3 ^SIgnoreNomana^B ^SIgnoreRunes^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SALIVE ^SUnit^Splayer;~`party;~`raid ^SLevel^N1 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N12^T ^SBuffOrDebuff^SHARMFUL ^SUnit^Starget ^SOnlyMine^B ^SType^Sbuff ^SAlpha^N0.5 ^SName^SBlood~`Plague ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^N2^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^SUnit^Starget ^t^N3^T ^SType^SDEBUFFPERC ^SChecked^B ^SUnit^Starget ^SOperator^S<= ^SName^SBlood~`Plague ^SLevel^N20 ^t^Sn^N3 ^t^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B 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^SScale^F4775704985808547 ^f-51^SRows ^N5^SEnabled ^B^SColumns ^N1^SIcons ^T^N1^T ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SName^SMote~`of~`Harmony ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SITEMINBAGS ^SOperator^S>= ^SName^SMote~`of~`Harmony ^SLevel^N11 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SOnShow ^SInfinite^B ^t^N2^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SDuration^N1 ^SMagnitude^N2 ^SAnimation^SICONSHAKE ^SEvent^SOnShow ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SEnableStacks^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N2^T ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SName^Ssmall~`ethereal~`shard ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SITEMINBAGS ^SOperator^S>= ^SName^SSmall~`Ethereal~`Shard ^SLevel^N4 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SOnShow ^t^N2^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SDuration^N1 ^SMagnitude^N2 ^SAnimation^SICONSHAKE ^SEvent^SOnShow ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SEnableStacks^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N3^T ^SType^Sitem ^SOnlyInBags^B ^SName^SFlask~`of~`the~`Earth ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SITEMINBAGS ^SOperator^S<= ^SName^SFlask~`of~`the~`Earth ^SLevel^N1 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SOnlyShown^B ^SAnimation^SACTVTNGLOW ^SEvent^SOnShow ^SInfinite^B ^t^N2^T ^SType^SAnimations ^SOnlyShown^B ^SDuration^N1 ^SMagnitude^N2 ^SAnimation^SICONSHAKE ^SEvent^SOnShow ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^SFew ^t^t^t^SEnableStacks^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^t^SSortPriorities^T ^N4^T ^SMethod^Svisibleshown ^SOrder^N1 ^t^N5^T ^SMethod^Sshown ^t^N7^T ^SMethod^Svisiblealpha ^t^t^SName^SItems~`n~`such ^t^N9^T ^SPoint^T ^Sy^F-8219285091674265 ^f-47^Sx ^F7373759081632734^f-51 ^Spoint^SLEFT ^SrelativePoint^SLEFT ^t^SScale^F4928928951779897 ^f-51^SEnabled ^B^SIcons ^T^N1^T ^SType^Smeta ^SIcons^T ^N1^STellMeWhen_Group9_Icon4 ^N2^STellMeWhen_Group9_Icon3 ^N3^STellMeWhen_Group9_Icon2 ^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N2^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SName^SDeath's~`Advance ^SManaCheck^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SIgnoreRunes^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N3^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SName^SRemorseless~`Winter ^SManaCheck^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SIgnoreRunes^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N4^T ^SType^Scooldown ^SShowTimerText^B ^SManaCheck^B ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SName^Soutbreak ^SShowWhen^N1 ^SCustomTex^S49560 ^SIgnoreRunes^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCOMBAT ^SLevel^N1 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^t^SName^STalent~`CD ^t^N10^T ^SPoint^T ^Sy^F5101825106493434 ^f-43^Sx ^F8164986174789445^f-43 ^Spoint^STOPLEFT ^SrelativePoint^SBOTTOMLEFT ^t^SScale^F7655977198330997 ^f-53^SEnabled ^B^SColumns ^N1^SIcons ^T^N1^T ^SBuffOrDebuff^SEITHER ^SSort^N-1 ^SType^Sbuff ^SName^SDefensiveBuffs;~`Vampiric~`Blood;~`Jade~`Warlord~`Figurine;~`Dancing~`Rune~`Weapon;~`96268;~`Crimson~`Scourge;~`Will~`of~`the~`Necropolis;~`Will~`of~`the~`Necropolis;~`Runic~`Corruption;~`Remorseless~`Winter;~`Remorseless~`Winter;~`MiscHelpfulBuffs;~`BurstHaste;~`ImmuneToMagicCC;~`ImmuneToStun;~`DamageBuffs;~`ReducedPhysicalDone;~`ReducedHealing;~`ReducedCastingSpeed;~`ReducedArmor;~`Feared ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SShowTimer^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N4^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N5^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N6^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N7^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N8^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N9^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N10^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N11^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N12^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N13^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^N14^T ^SEnabled^B ^SFakeHidden^B ^t^t^SName^SBuffed~`durations ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sbar^T ^SSizeX^F6291927330816420 ^f-44^t ^t^SView^Sbar ^t^t^t^N62102^S~`~| ^Sprofile^SShinelord~`-~`Dentarg ^^

A small explanation:

Posted Image

  • group 1 (from left to right)
  • group 2
  • This icon shows with a yellow activation border when you are NOT in Posted ImageBlood Presence.
  • group 3 (cooldowns)
  • When you use a cooldown, one of these bars will appear with a countdown of the remaining cooldown.

  • The lowest icon is always the longest cooldown, the cooldown that appears on top is always the ability that will be available first.
  • group 4 (Meta-Icons 1)
  • This icon shows the amount of absorption on Posted ImageMastery: Blood Shield. This is very usefull when you want to build the shield up before a huge blow.

  • This icon shows Posted ImageHorn of Winter when you do not have it active. (When a similar ability is active the icon will not show.) When Posted ImageHorn of Winter is active, it will show an icon if Posted ImageBone Shield is not active, when you activate Posted ImageBone Shield it will show the same icon at half opacity (a little more vague) with the remaining cooldown (wich is 1min total) and the number of charges left

  • This icon shows if your Blood plague is not active on your primary target, it will show at half opacity when the remaining time of blood plague is less than 10 seconds.

  • This icon shows if your Frost Fever is not active on your primary target, it will show at half opacity when the remaining time of Frost Fever is less than 10 seconds.

  • This icon shows when Posted ImageRune Strike is available, it will display a text with how much runic power you have. (it either shows 30-60, 60-90 or 90+. The more Runic power you have the more the opacity of the icon will be)
  • group 5
  • This icon will show when you have less than 10% health left, it will also show a faked raid warning with HEALMACRO! about a thousand times. The icon will shake and flash violently in order to get attention. (I usually use a macro here that casts Posted ImageRaise Dead and immdiately casts Posted ImageDeath Pact wich means you heal yourself for 50% of max health in 1 click.)
  • group 6 (Meta-Icons 2)
  • This icon will show the icon of Posted ImageSoul Reaper at low opacity when your primary target is below 50% health. When your target gets below 35% it will show at full opacity.

  • This icon will show the icon of Posted ImageRune Tap when you are below 80% health. It will show an Icon of Posted ImageDancing Rune Weapon when the target is below 40% health. (Posted ImageDancing Rune Weapon is very handy to copy Posted ImageSoul Reaper, therefore it will show at this time. If you time it right, you can get Posted ImageDancing Rune Weapon to copy Posted ImageSoul Reaper twice.)

  • This icon will show when you have a proc of Posted ImageCrimson Scourge, it will show for Posted ImageDeath and Decay when it is available or has less than 10 secs cooldown left. otherwise it will show for Posted ImageBlood Boil. (The proc lasts for about 14 secs, so when Posted ImageDeath and Decay is almost done with CD you can easily wait it out.)

  • This icon is rather special. it will show when your focus target (Wich must be the other tank in order to be effective) has one of the abilities any raidboss will cast that requires a tankswitch. it will also display the number of stacks this tank has of said debuff. (If you find one or more abilities are missing, please let me know so I can update it.)
  • group 7
  • This is a group of icons that will not show, ever. Nearly all of them are put in the meta-icons of group 4 and 6 and will show only there.
  • group 8
  • this icon was made for the same purpose as the icon in group 5, it does not work however, you can ignore it, or even turn it off.
  • group 9
  • This icon will pop up when you have 11 or more Motes of harmony, this is to remind you of making a spirit of harmony out of them.

  • This icon is for enchanters, it will show you when you have 4 or more small ethereal shards so you can make an ethereal shard out of them

  • This Icon will show when you have 1 or less Flask of the earth left. this is the most effective flask for tanks and should always be brought plenty to raids.

  • I used to have an icon for Sigils of power/wisdom to show up when I have 10 of em. If you wish to have this icon, reply to this post.
  • group 10
  • This is a small bar that shows the duration of certain buffs. it will always display the shortest duration first, so when you pop for instance Posted ImageIcebound Fortitude (wich is active for 12 secs) and you get a proc of Posted ImageRunic Corruption (wich is only active for about 3 secs) it will show the duration of Posted ImageRunic Corruption, this does obviously not mean the Posted ImageIcebound Fortitude wore off. This is for pretty much all cooldowns and even for some hostile debuffs.
I may not have said it with every icon, but most will only appear when in combat.

If you wish to change, add or remove certain icons or groups and you're unsure how, please let me know.

I hope there is some DK somewhere I can help with this.

This post is only about the DK setup I made sofar, but I'm very curious about the setup other players might have made. Please feel free to reply with questions or comments.

Hope it helps


P.S. If the people from Icy-Veins disaprove of this Post or its location in the forums, please feel free to remove it or place it in the proper category.

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I know man, all the icons of TellMeWhen dont show up normally, so everything with an arrow is mostly invisible, the action bars on top and right of the screen are all extra action bars wich I still need to relocate. the rest is moved to the edges of the screen, when playing I actually see more than I get to see from standard Blizzard UI.


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Hey guys i ll use this thread to get an answer on my tmw problem.

I play Affliction warlock now and i want to see the Dots an all targets not only on the one i am focusing.

Is there any solution. I experimented with the Units to watch option but didnt find the right one.


Thx for helping

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      After all that you should be ready to go!
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      Just scrolling down

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