Paladin Aurelis' Judgement Endgame Build for Last Epoch (Patch 1.0)

Last updated on Mar 19, 2024 at 08:00 by EMP1241

Welcome to our Last Epoch Paladin Aurelis' Judgement build guide for the Sentinel class. Here you will learn everything about the Paladin play style, passives, skills, strengths, and weaknesses to conquer the world of Eterra.


Build Introduction

Smite legions of foes and watch them sizzle before you. Using Smite Icon Smite as the main driver. Using Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands we are immune while dashing across the battlefield. Using Multistrike Icon Multistrike, we will apply massive amounts of Lightning Damage directly, and overtime with Healing Hands. Any foe that manages to get close will need to deal with The Aurelis Icon Aurelis, where the might of the gods will once again step in and lend a deathly hand.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Massive critical strikes
  • +Visually pleasing
  • +Simple skill rotations and mobility
  • +Simple bossing mechanics
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Must learn to manage Mana gain/loss
  • -Heavy gearing requirements
  • -Less defensive than other Sentinel Builds

Skill Selection

Our skill selection for this build focuses on amplifying our damage for Smite Icon Smite with ample Critical Strike Multiplier while using the ever-powerful Holy Aura Icon Holy Aura to keep us protected and amplifying damage further. Our passives push an incredible amount of Critical Strike Avoidance as well as our Endurance. This melee pseudo-caster will hand out heaps of damage, but is also capable of taking hits and healing the damage taken just as quickly.

Multistrike Icon
Sigils Of Hope Icon
Smite Icon
Healing Hands Icon
Holy Aura Icon
Skill row background

Class and Skill Passive Trees

Class Passives Skill Passives
Sentinel Paladin
Healing Hands Smite Multistrike Holy Aura Sigils of Hope

Our base class is the Sentinel, which acts as a generic melee fighter. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Sentinel, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Void Knight, Paladin and Forge Guard. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For the Aurelis' Hands build, we will be picking Paladin as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our Passive Points in the Paladin Passive Tree, targeting augments for Smite Icon Smite damage and boosting survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.


Sentinel Passive Points

Sentinel Passive Tree
  • 6 points into Juggernaut: Stat and Resistance increases.
  • 5 points into Armour Clad: Increased Armor and Damage Reduction from nearby enemies.
  • 8 points into Fearless: Increases our base Health and Health Regen.
  • 5 points into Time and Faith: This node is variable, and can be decreased if necessary by adding points to Juggernaut. We need to find a balance in Mana gain and usage in order to make the best use from our Devotion Icon Devotion.
  • 1 point into Gladiator: This allows us to equip a sword in our off-hand.
  • 5 points into Blademaster: This node can be saved for the end of the build if you notice attack speed is 'good enough' for bossing. It is only with bossing that this node becomes more prevalent.

Our base class is the Sentinel, which acts as a generic melee fighter. Our character will be offered an opportunity to select an Advanced Mastery once we have completed the first act of the campaign. Each base class has three possible masteries to choose from. For the Sentinel, we have access to the Mastery Tree Passives for Void Knight, Paladin and Forge Guard. Upon selecting a Mastery and placing 20 Passive Points into the Sentinel Tree, you'll then be able to place Passive Points into the Mastery Trees.

For the Aurelis' Hands build, we will be picking Paladin as our advanced class. We will utilize the majority of our Passive Points in the Paladin Passive Tree, targeting augments for Smite Icon Smite damage and boosting survivability. Each of the Passive Trees and their points are broken down below.


Paladin Passive Points

Paladin Passive Tree
  • 8 points into Conviction: Provides Damage Penetration and Damage increases.
  • 8 points into Defiance: Increases Elemental Resistances and Attunement.
  • 10 points into Valor: We add a large chunck of base HP and Healing effectiveness.
  • 5 points into Blinding Light: We add 25% Blind Chance, which increases our Smite Icon Smite Damage and add 10% to our endurance.
  • 3 points into Holy Icon: Increases Healing effectiveness, gives base Health, and Necrotic Resistance.
  • 10 points into Dedication: Gives base Attunement and Mana Regen.
  • 1 points into Faith Armour: Increases our Armor and Critical Strike Avoidance.
  • 4 point into Prayer Aegis: Adds base Health, Endurance Threshold, and provides Haste when we are below the Threshold.
  • 10 points into Holy Precision: Increases Critical Strike Chance with Spells and Critical Multiplier with Lightning Damage.
  • 12 points into Reverence of Duality: Increases to Health, Damage, Healing Effectiveness and Mana.
  • 12 points into Light of Rahyeh: We increase our lightning damage and movespeed significantly with this node.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Healing Hands

Healing Hands Skill Tree

Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands will be automated on our attacks. These attacks will add several stacks of Electrify with increased damage, and will cause it to spread. This is additive to the Electrify from our Aurelis Icon Aurelis. This will also be our movement skill.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points into Cleric's Hammer: This will cause healing hands to hit with our attacks from Multistrike Icon Multistrike.
  • 1 point into Searing Light: Traversal Node.
  • 2 points into Cleric's Wrath: This causes Healing Hands to do 60% more damage, from our 3 total buff tagged skills. (Healing Hands, Sigils of Hope, and Holy Aura)
  • 4 points into Consecrated Storm: This will cause Healing Hands to apply Electrify.
  • 4 points into Holy Winds: This increased our lightning damage over timem and causes Electrify to spread.
  • 2 points into Virtue of Patience: This adds more damage to our Healing Hands.
  • 1 point into Purity of Thought: This reduces the cost of Healing Hands.
  • 1 point into Rahyeh's Chariot: This allows us to use Healing Hands as a movement skill.
  • 1 point into Sun Shroud: We are immune while traveling with Healing Hands.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Smite Skill Tree

Smite Icon Smite is the light show that will cause the demise of our enemies. We do not have use it on the bar, as it is not necessary to directly cast this skill.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points in Blinding Flash: Gives us a chance to Blind enemies, dealing 50% more damage to Blinded enemies.
  • 2 points in Piety: Adds a chance to Electrify enemies.
  • 1 point in Order of Lagon: Converts the skill to Lightning Damage.
  • 1 point in Unbalanced Scale: Adds Lightning bolt to Smite, hitting three nearby enemies.
  • 5 points in Sacrifice: 250% damage boost at a cost of 15% Health.
  • 5 points in Atonement: Removes 100% of the Health cost associated with Sacrifice Icon Sacrifice.
  • 3 points in Conviction: Increases Smite's base Critical Strike Chance.
  • 4 points in Deep Impact: Boosts Smite's Critical Strike Multiplier by 100%.

Due to our gear, we have more points than the standard allocation of 20 points. Pulling 3 Points from Blinding Flash and 3 points from Deep Impact will alleviate this.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.



Multistrike Skill Tree

Multistrike Icon Multistrike with Healing Hand will mop up swaths of enemies. The mechanic of 'Additional Swords' or 'Armaments' does not apply to singular targets. However, the implicits for the Aurelis Icon Aurelis allow Smite to proc when attacking a boss or rare with Multistrike. Upon gaining the functionality, the player will learn to engage with Multistrike Icon Multistrike, depending on the specific situation. Each Armament will act as a cast of Smite Icon Smite, and each cast of Smite will hit multiple targets. This is scaled to have a total of five Armaments, which is equivalent to five casts of Smite Icon Smite. The distancing is what matters here, being far will cast Smite, being close will not.


Order of Skill Points

  • 1 point into Way of the Sword: Increases the duration of Armaments.
  • 4 points into Guarding Stance: Gives 120 Armor per stack (maximum of five) which gives us 600 Armor.
  • 1 point into Flanking Strikes: You will always have at least one armament when using Multistrike Icon Multistrike.
  • 1 point into Hallowed Arsenal: Each Armament Sword, is converted to a cast of Smite Icon Smite.
  • 2 points into Bladed Focus: When at 0 mana, you will convert the stack of Armaments into Mana. Note: This node may not be needed if you have ample mana regeneration. Simply move these 2 points into Guarding Stance and Way of the Sword.
  • 3 points into Relentless Advance: Increases the Attack Speed of Multistrike Icon Multistrike by 15%.
  • 3 points into Determination: This is a node to move further in the tree.
  • 4 points into Sweeping Blows: This allows your now converted Armaments to be able to cast Smite Icon Smite at targets further away.
  • 1 points into Victory Strikes: This gives you +1 to your currect stack of Armaments if you kill with Multistrike Icon Multistrike or the associated Smite Icon Smite casts.
  • 1 point into Perfect Steel: This node gives you +1 to max Armaments.
  • 1 point into Doctrine of the Anvil: This node gives you +1 to max Armaments at the expense of Attack Speed.
  • Due to our gear, we have more points than the standard allocation of 20 points. Pulling 1 Point from Sweeping Blows and 1 point from Guarding Stance will alleviate this.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Holy Aura

Holy Aura Skill Tree

This is a skill that offers both a passive bonus, but also an amplified version when the skill is activated. We focus on using this as a damage amplification skill on high-health targets like bosses or elites. We also boost the skills passive capability to add to our defensive layers. The base skill, will give you a passive 30% increase to damage and 15% elemental resistance; when activated these bonuses will double.


Order of Skill Points

  • 5 points into Shelter from the Storm: Increases Resistances and Endurance.
  • 2 points into Vital Boon: Increases Health Regen.
  • 1 point into Purification: Grants Cleanse on skill activation.
  • 2 points into Call To Arms: Increases passive gain for Physical Damage.
  • 3 points into Fanaticism: Increases passive gain for Attack Speed and Cast Speed.
  • 4 points into True Strike: Increases passive gain for Critical Chance.
  • 3 points into Extreme Zeal: Increases passive gain for Critical Multiplier.

In this section, we will break down each skill and highlight the key passives we have selected to make the skill perform as best as possible in the build. While some of these skills do allow for some variation to exist depending on your own custom choices, we recommend utilizing the skill trees as presented until you have a strong understanding of the build itself.


Sigils of Hope

Sigils of Hope Skill Tree

Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope will be used to passively add damage to our build. It will also add defesive posturing with Healing effectiveness. A player can "Burn" his mana by constantly recasting this skill, in order to gain major bonuses from Devotion Icon Devotion.


Order of Skill Points

  • 4 points in Empowering Sigils: Gain 20% increased damage for each sigil active.
  • 1 point in Last Wish: You have a small chance to automatically summon a sigil on kill.
  • 2 points in Iron Sigils: Gain 30 Endurance Threshold per active sigil.
  • 4 points in Enduring Hope: Sigils have increased duration.
  • 1 point in Tetragram: Add 1 to the maximum number of sigils you can have active.
  • 4 points in Invigorate: Gain 24% increased Healing Effectiveness per active sigil.
  • 3 points in Quiet Mind: Sigils cost less mana to cast.
  • 1 point in Polygram: Add 1 to the maximum number of sigils you can have active.
Image courtesy of Last Epoch Tools

Build Mechanics and Playstyle

This build uses Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands to move around the battlefield. Spam Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope as much as you can, keeping your Mana at a manageable amount, but low enough to benefit from the huge damage boost you gain from unique amulet Devotion Icon Devotion. Multistrike Icon Multistrike your enemies down, until desired results.

The Aurelis' Hands build uses two specific uniques that capitalize our Smite Icon Smite Damage.

  1. Devotion Icon Devotion: Which allows us to have +1 Spell Damage per missing 5 Mana from our Mana Pool.
  2. Aurelis Icon Aurelis: Gives us the ability to automatically cast Smite Icon Smite and apply several stacks of Electrify with melee attacks with massive amounts of penetration for Electrify.

As mentioned prior, the key to exploiting these effects is to keep your Mana as low as you can. The good news is if you over spend your Mana, Multistrike Icon Multistrike can give you enough Mana at anytime during a boss fight. While bossing, you can be less concerened about balancing Mana. Healing Hands Icon Healing Hands will apply ample amounts of hard hitting Electrify, while of course, your Aurelis Icon Aurelis will still be laying down its own Smite as well.


Equipment and Gear Affixes

For this build, we will be focusing on several main affixes for each piece of non-unique gear, as well as working towards acquiring the specific Uniques needed to make this build operate correctly. Our equipment will focus on these specific affixes for the Implicits and Modifier stats.

Gear Slot Implicits Modifiers
Main Weapon (Wand) Spell Damage
- Mana Cost for Spells
Increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
Mana/Increased Mana Regeneration
Chance to Shock
Lightning Penetration/Minion Lightning Penetration
Off-hand Weapon (Sword) Aurelis Icon Aurelis Prefixes
Spell Damage
Critical Strike Multiplier
Head Armor
Critical Strike Multiplier
+% Mana
Flat Mana
+% Armor
+% Health
Chest Armor
Increased Critical Strike Chance
+% Mana
Flat Mana
Armor/Reduced Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes
Increased Health
Gloves High Armor
Armor Mitigation also applies to DoT
Increased Melee Attack Speed
Flat Mana
Hybrid Health
Flat Health
Ring Critical Strike Chance Prefixes
Increased Lightning Damage
Mana Regen
Needed resistances
Ring Critical Strike Chance Prefixes
Increased Lightning Damage
Mana Regen
Needed resistances
Amulet Devotion Icon Devotion Prefixes
Spell Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier
Belt Armour Prefixes
Increased Lightning Damage
Mana Regen
Hybrid Health
+% Health
Feet Movement Speed
Reduced Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes
Movement Speed

Hybrid Health

Relic Increased Armor
Void Resistance
Level of Smite
Increased Mana Regen

Needed Resistance

A loot filter made specifically for the gear table above may be copied by pressing the button below. Once in the Loot Filter portion of the in-game menu, choose the "Paste Clipboard Contents" option to import the code.

Copy Loot Filter to Clipboard
Press the Copy 📋 button to copy the following text to your clipboard


Now, let's look at the required Uniques for this build.



Devotion Icon Devotion: Plays a critical role in the build working effectively. As we have previously mentioned in this build, we must maintain a low Mana amount to truly maximize this builds power. This amulet is part of that reason; as our Mana is lower we gain Spell Damage for each five Mana missing. This why not only do we want our regeneration to be just barely enough, to stabilize our low Mana pool and hold it in place while we spam Cast Sigils Of Hope Icon Sigils Of Hope. We also want as big a Mana pool as possible to gain as much Spell Damage from the same level of Mana. This amulet can be target farmed on the Monolith Timeline "Age of Winter" from the "Unique or Set Amulet" echo rewards. If you get this item with Legendary Potential try to add Flat Mana and/or Spell Critical Strike Chance or Multiplier to it.



Aurelis Icon Aurelis: This enables us to engage with packs or bosses with just an attack with Multistrike Icon Multistrike. This adds up to +2 skill points to both Multistrike and Smite. It will also stack Electrify when hit with Multistrike, adding to the stacks already being applied by Smite, but with up to 84% penetration. It adds lightning spell damage to all attacks as well, making this a perfect choice for Smite. This can be target farmed on the Monolith timeline "The Reign of Dragons" from the "Unique Sword or Dagger" echo rewards. If you get this item with Legendary Potential add Spell Damage and/or Critical Strike Multiplier to it.



Idol slots are gained through the campaign, unlocking small bonuses and unique affixes for the player to discover and augment their builds with. The Idol screen consists of a grid system for the player to fill out with different sized idols, eventually filling in every part of the grid. As the Idol shape increases (1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, etc.) the stronger an affix you might find for your build.

For this particular build, we will be focusing on a Large Rahyeh Idol (1x3) that will add damage to our Smite Icon Smite along with some flat Health. These Idols are 1x3s and are class specific to Sentinels. They can roll up to 54% increased damage with Smite, so try to find the highest roll possible. The other idols used to fill in the rest of the grid are going to be focused on flat Health.



Blessings are permanent buffs that are permanently applied to your character. These come in two different powers, Standard and Grand. Grand blessings are significantly stronger than the Standard Blessings. In total, there are 10 Blessing Slots, one for each Monolith Timeline. When you complete a Monolith and defeat the final boss you will be awarded a choice of three Blessing with a random value.

Blessing Name Affix Timeline
Grand Winds of Oblivion Icon Grand Winds of Oblivion +% Critical Strike Chance The Black Sun
Grand Light of the Moon Icon Grand Light of the Moon + Total Mana Ending the Storm
Grand Bulwark of the Tundra Icon Grand Bulwark of the Tundra % Increased Armor The Age of Winter
Grand Body of Obsidian Icon Grand Body of Obsidian +# Armor Spirits of Fire
Grand Body of Obsidian Icon Grand Body of Obsidian +#% All Resistances Reign of Dragons

The Blessings listed above cover the most important slots, with the remaining Blessing Slots being filled with whatever the player may be lacking for stats.



  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reworked for 1.0. Added Healing Hands, Sigils of Hope. Changed Base Weapon, Affix Swaps.
  • 21 Jan. 2024: Loot Filter added.
  • 01 Jan. 2024: Guide added.
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