Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Rotation and Cooldowns

Last updated Today at 12:00 by Abide

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Arms Warrior in both single-target and multi-target PvE situations in Cataclysm Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS.


Arms Warrior Stances

Warriors have three different stances, each having unique functions that are needed in certain situations. Some spells can only be used in specific stances as well, making it important for you to understand the general purpose each stance has.

  • Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance — Increases all damage dealt by 5% and reduces damage taken by 5%. Allows you to use abilities that require you to be in Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance, such as Overpower Icon Overpower.
  • Defensive Stance Icon Defensive Stance — Decreases all damage taken by 10% and increases threat generation by 500%. This is the main stance that ProtectionProtection Warrior uses.
  • Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance — Increases all damage dealt by 10% and allows you to use abilities that require you to be in Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance like Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind.

Arms Warrior Rotations

If you have not already, we recommend reading the Spells Summary page first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page. ArmsArms is one of the strongest DPS specs in the game while having a very active, fun rotation.


Single-Target Rotation

As an ArmsArms Warrior you will need to utilize both Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance and Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance to use all of your spells and gain as much up-time of the 10% damage increase from Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance. With Tactical Mastery Icon Tactical Mastery you will retain 75 Rage with each stance change; be sure to quickly spend any Rage over 75 before swapping stances. Since Lambs to the Slaughter Icon Lambs to the Slaughter automatically refreshes your Rend Icon Rend, the only ability you need to use in Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance is Overpower Icon Overpower.

The main reason that this works is that Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood will proc every 6 seconds, giving you a bit of free time between Overpower Icon Overpower uses. Your goal is to use Overpower Icon Overpower right before swapping to Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance, stay in Berserker Stance Icon Berserker Stance for about 8 or 9 seconds, swap back to Battle Stance Icon Battle Stance and use Overpower Icon Overpower twice, rinse and repeat. When done properly, this provides about a 3% DPS increase.

  1. Rend Icon Rend — Apply to target. This will automatically refresh when you use Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike on the target.
  2. Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike — On cooldown.
  3. Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash — Use on cooldown. Make sure to burst with any available cooldowns during the 6 second debuff window.
  4. Overpower Icon Overpower — Use with Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood procs.
  5. Heroic Leap Icon Heroic Leap — Use on cooldown, ideally during Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash DPS windows. Is not on the global cooldown, so can be used in combination with any other ability, such as Charge Icon Charge.
  6. Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike — When you have Battle Trance Icon Battle Trance procs or are high Rage.
  7. Execute Icon Execute — When the target is below 20% health.
  8. Slam Icon Slam — As a filler when you have high Rage.
  9. Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout — Use this for Rage as needed.

AoE Rotation

Your AoE rotation will change depending on how many enemies you are facing.


Against Two Targets

When attacking two enemies, you will follow the single-target rotation, using Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes on cooldown and replacing Heroic Strike Icon Heroic Strike with Cleave Icon Cleave instead.


Against Three Targets

  1. Rend Icon Rend — Use on the highest health target.
  2. Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap — On cooldown. Great when paired with Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder.
  3. Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm — Use Recklessness Icon Recklessness first if available.
  4. Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes — On cooldown.
  5. Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike — On cooldown.
  6. Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash — Use on cooldown.
  7. Overpower Icon Overpower — Use with Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood procs.
  8. Cleave Icon Cleave — Any extra Rage.

Against Four or More Targets

  1. Rend Icon Rend — Use on the highest health target.
  2. Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap — On cooldown. Great when paired with Blood and Thunder Icon Blood and Thunder.
  3. Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm — Use Recklessness Icon Recklessness first if available.
  4. Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes — On cooldown.
  5. Mortal Strike Icon Mortal Strike — On cooldown.
  6. Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind — On cooldown
  7. Overpower Icon Overpower — Use with Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood procs.
  8. Cleave Icon Cleave — Any extra Rage.


ArmsArms Warriors has a number of personal cooldowns, mostly focused on increasing your own DPS. Cataclysm adds Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry, a raid-wide defensive cooldown.

  • Sweeping Strikes Icon Sweeping Strikes — 1-minute cooldown. Use on cooldown when you can hit two targets at a time.
  • Deadly Calm Icon Deadly Calm — 2-minute cooldown. Use in combination with other cooldowns during Colossus Smash Icon Colossus Smash burst windows.
  • Recklessness Icon Recklessness — 5-minute cooldown. Use with major cooldowns such as Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust.
  • Bladestorm Icon Bladestorm — 1.5-minute cooldown. Use when AoEing groups of enemies.
  • Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry — 3-minute cooldown. Coordinate this with your raid to help the group survive raid mechanics.
  • Inner Rage Icon Inner Rage — 30-second cooldown. Use when you have high Rage that you can't spend otherwise. Unlikely you will be able to get much value from this cooldown.
  • Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw — 5-minute cooldown. Use this with raid cooldowns such as Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust.
  • Enraged Regeneration Icon Enraged Regeneration — 3-minute cooldown. If you are every very low health use this to stay alive.


  • 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for phase two.
  • 15 May 2024: Added page.
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