Disciple of C'Thun — Neutral Card

Last updated on Apr 11, 2018 at 04:39 by Kat 31 comments

Table of Contents

Disciple of C'Thun is a neutral minion. This card was introduced with Whispers of the Old Gods and can now only be obtained through crafting. Below the card images, you will find explanations to help you use the card optimally in every game mode of Hearthstone.


General Comments

Disciple of C'Thun is an strong card. Since many of the C'Thun cultists are simply vanilla minions with regular on curve stats, minions like Disciple of C'Thun are important to provide some possible Tempo plays in your deck.


Constructed Play

Disciple of C'Thun is a staple in almost every C'Thun deck. Outside of this, it is almost a strong enough card to consider using in a Standard Midrange or Tempo deck, but usually just falls short of making the cut.



Disciple of C'Thun is not available in Arena.