Cataclysm Classic Guide to Warlock's Best Addons
Welcome to our Addons Guide for Warlock where you will find out what the best addons are for your Warlock in Cataclysm Classic.
Warlock Addons for Cataclysm Classic
There are many addons that can help Warlock maximize their DPS or just make your life easier. Below is a list of addons that both increase the quality of your gameplay and the quality of life while playing the game.
WeakAuras is an addon that allows you to track almost anything in-game, from boss abilities to personal buffs and debuffs. This is extraordinarily helpful as all specs of Warlock, as this addon, once you import a WeakAura string will allow you to keep track of all your DoT's, cooldowns, if you have a pet out, if you're Soul Link and Fel Armor is on and much much more. Check out Wago, which is a place where people publicly share their WeakAuras with a brief description and example of their purpose.
Details provides a much more detailed combat log that can track damage done, application of debuffs, Interrupts, deaths, and much more. It is an extremely helpful tool to fully maximize your understandings of the game and can even help you track your damage spells to compare which is better and your uptime on DoT's, buffs and debuffs.
Included in Details is Tiny Threat, a very important tool that will help you keep track of your threat, so you know when you need to Soulshatter.
Deadly Boss Mods
Deadly Boss Mods is a great addon that has pre-made timers for boss abilities in nearly every PvE encounter in the game. Deadly Boss Mods comes with plenty of customization options, so you can configure it however it works best for you.
in addition to DBM's timers, the maker of the addon also has DBM Voicepack VEM that adds an audio cue to the notifications from Deadly Boss Mods.
Questie acts as a greatly improved quest log and quest helper, showing clear indicators on your in-game map of where to go for quests and what your objectives for each quest are.
Bagnon is a great addon that combines all your bags into one big bag, with many options to make the addon look however you want and also a button you can press to sort the bag for you.
Doom Cooldown Pulse
Doom Cooldown Pulse is a very helpful and subtle addon that flashes the spell icon of a the spell when it comes off of cooldown. For example, when Hand of Gul'dan or Haunt comes off of cooldown, a huge icon for that spell will briefly flash on your screen, making it significantly easier to track your big spells and cooldowns, so you know when to cast them again. There are many settings that can change the size, flash, duration and more on the icon.
GTFO is an extremely helpful addon that plays a very loud alarm sound when you're standing in anything that can hurt you, telling you to.. well, get the heck out of it. There are settings to make it louder, or not so loud as well.
Sexymaps is a great cosmetic addon that changes your mini map to pretty much whatever you want. They have many presets if you don't want to mess with the settings yourself.
Leatrix Maps
Leatrix Maps is another great cosmetic addon that changes your world map to a very nice looking, clean world map.
Myslot is a mandatory addon for those of us that play many specs and variations of specs. This allows you to export your keybinds, macros, actionbars and more and the import them to for example a new fresh character, so you no longer need to spend more than 30 seconds to set up all your keybind and macros when you make that fresh character.
Leatrix Plus
Leatrix Plus allows you to automate many functions throughout the game like skipping NPC dialog, accepting a resurrection or summon, repairing your gear, selling vendor trash, and much more.
Item Rack provides a quick and easy way to switch between single pieces of gear or entire item sets. This is a very important for Demonology as you will be swapping gear around for Mastery Swaps and it's much smoother with more features than the in game equipment manager
AtlasLoot is a big addon that shows you all the loot in the game and where you can find it. You can do this in game with the dungeon journal as well, but it's not as smooth as AtlasLoot. You can also use this to see all the pvp items, how to get them and how much honor or conquest you need, as well all the professions and even the materials needed to craft. It allows you to easily look up nearly every item in the game instead of having to tab out. This is especially useful to see what drops from a specific boss and plan out ahead of time what items you want.
ElvUI is a complete UI overhaul and is extremely customizable. This will allow you to do anything and everything to your UI, with imports located on Wago if you don't want to move it all around yourself.
Threat Plates or Plater
Threat Plates or Plater are both addons for customizing your nameplates, which is massive for Warlocks, as this is an easy way to keep track of all your DoT's and Debuffs on the targets. It offers a high amount of customization and tweaks to how your nameplates react and look. With a very minimal amount of effort, you can get huge amounts of information about a target simply by what their nameplate is showing through this addon.
Warlock Macros
Macros can make your life easier by combining certain spells and abilites to be able to be used at once, for example, being able to use your trinket, racial cooldowns and spells all with the press of one button! Or to be more Warlock specific, you can make a macro that will cast Soulburn and the Summon Felhunter in one single press. There are many types of macros that can help maximize your damage, while also freeing up many actionbar slots and keybinds.
For this reason, we recommend that you also read our Warlock Macros page, in order to improve your gameplay experience!
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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