Viper Job Guide for FFXIV — Dawntrail 7.01

Last updated on Jul 21, 2024 at 11:05 by Eve 7 comments

Viper is a melee DPS job in Final Fantasy XIV that dual-wields swords to quickly strike their foes. Viper is capable of combining their weapons to create a twinblade, unleashing even more devastating attacks. Viper can be unlocked in Ul'dah after reaching level 80 and owning the Dawntrail expansion.


What is Viper's Playstyle?

Viper Job Stone FFXIV

Viper is a straightforward, free-flowing melee DPS Job. It has a relatively quick and snappy rotation mixed in with a few slower GCD actions and a plethora of follow-up off-GCD combo-esque skills. It boasts a very high casts-per-minute metric compared to other jobs, but the consolidation of their actions onto a minimal amount of unique inputs makes it feel less hectic than many of its melee siblings.

Viper is a purely selfish melee DPS class, similar to Samurai, in that it provides no damage utility buffs to the rest of the raid. Interestingly, it also lacks any additional personal healing or mitigation tools outside of the usual Feint Icon Feint, Second Wind Icon Second Wind, and Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath that all melee have access to.

The core rotation focuses on maintaining a personal damage buff, a personal haste buff, and a debuff on the target that increases the damage you deal to it. In gameplay, the most important one of these timers will be the debuff. Keeping tabs on it and properly preparing for when and how you'll refresh it (either via Dread Fangs Icon Dread Fangs or by Dreadwinder Icon Dreadwinder) is a core part of maximizing the class. In addition, your burst window utilizing Reawaken Icon Reawaken locks you out of the ability to refresh any of your upkeep buffs, so you need to make sure that all of them (damage, haste, debuff, and combo buff) have plenty of time remaining before bursting - this is especially important every 2 minutes.

If keeping tabs on four different timers and one cooldown sounds overwhelming, don't worry, that's what we're here for!


Viper Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Extremely high damage upside.
  • +Very few unique button inputs makes burst easy to execute.
  • +High power and often available ranged disengage option.
X Weaknesses
  • -Must apply buff to target for maximum damage - weak in adds phases.
  • -Lacks any personal mitigation options beyond standard.
  • -Brings absolutely no raid buffs to the table.

How do you Unlock Viper?

In order to unlock Viper, you must have the Dawntrail Expansion applied to your service account and you must have a Disciple of War or Magic at least to level 80. Then, simply take yourself to the Worried Weaver in Ul'dah's Steps of Nald at (X: 9.3, Y: 9.2). This location is very near to the main Aetheryte Crystal. Accepting his quest, Enter the Viper, will put you on the path to unlocking the Job.


Viper Gauges

Viper has two different Gauges - Serpent's Offerings and Vipersight. The Vipersight gauge is a basic visual indicator of where you are in your current combo string, to remind you which button to press next. When empty, you press either Steel Fangs Icon Steel Fangs or Dread Fangs Icon Dread Fangs to start the combo. You only use the latter if your Noxious Gash debuff is less than 20 seconds remaining and your Dreadwinder Icon Dreadwinder won't be available before the timer expires, due to its low potency.

The first bar then fills, indicating that you're to use either Hunter's Sting Icon Hunter's Sting or Swiftskin's Sting Icon Swiftskin's Sting depending on which side lit up - left for Hunter, right for Swiftskin. These actions apply your buffs. Then a blue segment is added to both sides and the glow indicates which button (left or right) to press for your currently-buffed third hit action. This is explained in more depth with flowcharts in the rotation guide.

The Serpent's Offerings gauge accumulates the juice you spend to enter Reawaken Icon Reawaken approximately once every minute or so. You gain +10 Offerings on completing a normal combo and +5 for each of the follow-up GCDs after pressing Dreadwinder Icon Dreadwinder. Each Reawaken Icon Reawaken costs 50 of this gauge and fills in the orbs underneath. Orbs are spent either on a Generation GCD (such as First Generation Icon First Generation or the finishing Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros, which also ends the phase, so should only be used with the fifth and final Anguine Tribute.

The Vipersight gauge also tracks your Rattling Coils, which are spent to execute Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury. This action, with its off-gcd actions, is incredibly strong. There's no room for it in burst, so you generally focus on using it to mitigate downtime (seeing as it has a 20y range) or to prevent overcapping the resource.


Viper Video Resources

Links will be provided soon!

Viper Actions

Action Name
  • Cast
  • Recast
  • Range
  • Radius
Steel Fangs Icon Steel Fangs Lv. 1
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200.
Hunter's Sting Icon Hunter's Sting Lv. 5
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 260. Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Instinct Hunter's Instinct Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10% Duration: 40s Can only be executed after successfully landing Steel Fangs or Dread Fangs. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Steel Fangs changes to Hunter's Sting when requirements for execution are met.
Dread Fangs Icon Dread Fangs Lv. 10
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140. Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10% Duration: 20s Extends Noxious Gnash duration by 20s to a maximum of 40s.
Writhing Snap Icon Writhing Snap Lv. 15
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 20y
  • 0y
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 200.
Swiftskin's Sting Icon Swiftskin's Sting Lv. 20
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 260. Additional Effect: Grants Swiftscaled Swiftscaled Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15% Duration: 40s Can only be executed after successfully landing Steel Fangs or Dread Fangs. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Dread Fangs changes to Swiftskin's Sting when requirements for execution are met.
Steel Maw Icon Steel Maw Lv. 25
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Flanksbane Fang Icon Flanksbane Fang Lv. 30
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300. 360 when executed from a target's flank. Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Flanksbane Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Hindsbane Venom Hindsbane Venom Effect: Increases potency of Hindsbane Fang by 100 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Sting. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Swiftskin's Sting changes to Flanksbane Fang when requirements for execution are met.
Flanksting Strike Icon Flanksting Strike Lv. 30
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300. 360 when executed from a target's flank. Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Flankstung Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Hindstung Venom Hindstung Venom Effect: Increases potency of Hindsting Strike by 100 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Sting. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Hunter's Sting changes to Flanksting Strike when requirements for execution are met.
Hindsbane Fang Icon Hindsbane Fang Lv. 30
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300. 360 when executed from a target's rear. Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Hindsbane Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Flankstung Venom Flankstung Venom Effect: Increases potency of Flanksting Strike by 100 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Swiftskin's Sting. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Swiftskin's Sting changes to Hindsbane Fang when requirements for execution are met.
Hindsting Strike Icon Hindsting Strike Lv. 30
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 300. 360 when executed from a target's rear. Potencies are increased by 100 while under the effect of Hindstung Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Flanksbane Venom Flanksbane Venom Effect: Increases potency of Flanksbane Fang by 100 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Swiftskin's Sting. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Hunter's Sting changes to Hindsting Strike when requirements for execution are met.
Dread Maw Icon Dread Maw Lv. 35
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 80 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10% Duration: 20s Extends Noxious Gnash duration by 20s to a maximum of 40s.
Hunter's Bite Icon Hunter's Bite Lv. 40
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Instinct Hunter's Instinct Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10% Duration: 40s Can only be executed after successfully landing Steel Maw or Dread Maw. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Steel Maw changes to Hunter's Bite when requirements for execution are met.
Slither Icon Slither Lv. 40
  • Instant
  • 30.0s
  • ↔ 20y
  • 0y
Rush to a targeted enemy's or party member's location. Maximum Charges: 3 Cannot be executed while bound.
Swiftskin's Bite Icon Swiftskin's Bite Lv. 45
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Swiftscaled Swiftscaled Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15% Duration: 40s Can only be executed after successfully landing Steel Maw or Dread Maw. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Dread Maw changes to Swiftskin's Bite when requirements for execution are met.
Bloodied Maw Icon Bloodied Maw Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies. Potencies are increased by 20 while under the effect of Grimskin's Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Grimhunter's Venom Grimhunter's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Jagged Maw by 20 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Bite or Swiftskin's Bite. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Swiftskin's Bite changes to Bloodied Maw when requirements for execution are met.
Jagged Maw Icon Jagged Maw Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 2.5s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140 to all nearby enemies. Potencies are increased by 20 while under the effect of Grimhunter's Venom. Additional Effect: Grants Grimskin's Venom Grimskin's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Bloodied Maw by 20 Duration: 40s Effect cannot be stacked with other viper venom effects. Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 10 Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Bite or Swiftskin's Bite. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Hunter's Bite changes to Jagged Maw when requirements for execution are met.
Death Rattle Icon Death Rattle Lv. 55
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250. Can only be executed after successfully landing Flanksting Strike, Flanksbane Fang, Hindsting Strike, or Hindsbane Fang. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to Death Rattle when requirements for execution are met.
Serpent's Tail Icon Serpent's Tail Lv. 55
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Changes to Death Rattle, Last Lash, First Legacy, Second Legacy, Third Legacy, or Fourth Legacy when requirements for execution are met.
Last Lash Icon Last Lash Lv. 60
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies. Can only be executed after successfully landing Jagged Maw or Bloodied Maw. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to Last Lash when requirements for execution are met.
Dreadwinder Icon Dreadwinder Lv. 65
  • Instant
  • 40.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 450. Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10% Duration: 20s Extends Noxious Gnash duration by 20s to a maximum of 40s. Additional Effect: Grants a Rattling Coil, up to a maximum of 3 Maximum Charges: 2 Shares a recast timer with Pit of Dread.
Hunter's Coil Icon Hunter's Coil Lv. 65
  • Instant
  • 3.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 550 when executed from a target's flank. Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Instinct Hunter's Instinct Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10% Duration: 40s Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Venom Hunter's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Twinfang Bite by 50 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 5 Upon successfully landing this action, Twinfang changes to Twinfang Bite, and Twinblood changes to Twinblood Bite. These actions can be executed a total of two times following Hunter's Coil. Can only be executed after landing Dreadwinder or Swiftskin's Coil. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Swiftskin's Coil Icon Swiftskin's Coil Lv. 65
  • Instant
  • 3.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 500. 550 when executed from a target's rear. Additional Effect: Grants Swiftscaled Swiftscaled Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15% Duration: 40s Additional Effect: Grants Swiftskin's Venom Swiftskin's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Twinblood Bite by 50 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 5 Upon successfully landing this action, Twinfang changes to Twinfang Bite, and Twinblood changes to Twinblood Bite. These actions can be executed a total of two times following Swiftskin's Coil. Can only be executed after landing Dreadwinder or Hunter's Coil. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Hunter's Den Icon Hunter's Den Lv. 70
  • Instant
  • 3.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Instinct Hunter's Instinct Effect: Increases damage dealt by 10% Duration: 40s Additional Effect: Grants Fellhunter's Venom Fellhunter's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Twinfang Thresh by 30 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 5 Upon successfully landing this action, Twinfang changes to Twinfang Thresh, and Twinblood changes to Twinblood Thresh. These actions can be executed a total of two times following Hunter's Den. Can only be executed after Pit of Dread or Swiftskin's Den. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Pit of Dread Icon Pit of Dread Lv. 70
  • Instant
  • 40.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 200 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Noxious Gnash Noxious Gnash Effect: Increases damage you deal target by 10% Duration: 20s Extends Noxious Gnash duration by 20s to a maximum of 40s. Additional Effect: Grants a Rattling Coil, up to a maximum of 3 Maximum Charges: 2 Shares a recast timer with Dreadwinder.
Swiftskin's Den Icon Swiftskin's Den Lv. 70
  • Instant
  • 3.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Swiftscaled Swiftscaled Effect: Reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 15% Duration: 40s Additional Effect: Grants Fellskin's Venom Fellskin's Venom Effect: Increases potency of Twinblood Thresh by 30 Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Increases Serpent Offerings Gauge by 5 Upon successfully landing this action, Twinfang changes to Twinfang Thresh, and Twinblood changes to Twinblood Thresh. These actions can be executed a total of two times following Swiftskin's Den. Can only be executed after Pit of Dread or Hunter's Den. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Twinblood Icon Twinblood Lv. 75
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Changes to Twinblood Bite, Twinblood Thresh, or Uncoiled Twinblood when requirements for execution are met.
Twinblood Bite Icon Twinblood Bite Lv. 75
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100. Swiftskin's Venom Potency: 150 Additional Effect: Grants Hunter's Venom when executed after Swiftskin's Coil Duration: 30s Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Coil or Swiftskin's Coil. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinblood changes to Twinblood Bite when requirements for execution are met.
Twinfang Icon Twinfang Lv. 75
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Changes to Twinfang Bite, Twinfang Thresh, or Uncoiled Twinfang when requirements for execution are met.
Twinfang Bite Icon Twinfang Bite Lv. 75
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100. Hunter's Venom Potency: 150 Additional Effect: Grants Swiftskin's Venom when executed after Hunter's Coil Duration: 30s Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Coil or Swiftskin's Coil. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinfang changes to Twinfang Bite when requirements for execution are met.
Twinblood Thresh Icon Twinblood Thresh Lv. 80
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 to all nearby enemies. Fellskin's Venom Potency: 80 Additional Effect: Grants Fellhunter's Venom when executed after Swiftskin's Den Duration: 30s Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Den or Swiftskin's Den. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinblood changes to Twinblood Thresh when requirements for execution are met.
Twinfang Thresh Icon Twinfang Thresh Lv. 80
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 to all nearby enemies. Fellhunter's Venom Potency: 80 Additional Effect: Grants Fellskin's Venom when executed after Hunter's Den Duration: 30s Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Den or Swiftskin's Den. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinfang changes to Twinfang Thresh when requirements for execution are met.
Uncoiled Fury Icon Uncoiled Fury Lv. 82
  • Instant
  • 3.5s
  • ↔ 20y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 600 to the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Poised for Twinfang Poised for Twinfang Effect: Increases the potency of Uncoiled Twinfang by 50 Duration: 60s Upon successfully landing this action, Twinfang changes to Uncoiled Twinfang, and Twinblood changes to Uncoiled Twinblood. These actions can be executed a total of two times. Rattling Coil Cost: 1 This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Serpent's Ire Icon Serpent's Ire Lv. 86
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Grants one stack of Rattling Coil. Grants Ready to Reawaken. Duration: 30s Can only be executed while in combat.
First Generation Icon First Generation Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Potency is increased to 600 when executed after Reawaken. Anguine Tribute Cost: 1 This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Steel Fangs and Steel Maw change to First Generation when requirements for execution are met.
Fourth Generation Icon Fourth Generation Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Potency is increased to 600 when executed after Third Generation. Anguine Tribute Cost: 1 This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Swiftskin's Coil and Swiftskin's Den change to Fourth Generation when requirements for execution are met.
Reawaken Icon Reawaken Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.2s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Additional Effect: Grants 5 stacks of Anguine Tribute Duration: 30s Serpent Offerings Gauge Cost: 50
Second Generation Icon Second Generation Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Potency is increased to 600 when executed after First Generation. Anguine Tribute Cost: 1 This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Dread Fangs and Dread Maw change to Second Generation when requirements for execution are met.
Third Generation Icon Third Generation Lv. 90
  • Instant
  • 2.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 400 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Potency is increased to 600 when executed after Second Generation. Anguine Tribute Cost: 1 This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Hunter's Coil and Hunter's Den change to Third Generation when requirements for execution are met.
Uncoiled Twinblood Icon Uncoiled Twinblood Lv. 92
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 20y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies. Poised for Twinblood Potency: 150 Can only be executed after landing Uncoiled Fury. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinblood changes to Uncoiled Twinblood when requirements for execution are met.
Uncoiled Twinfang Icon Uncoiled Twinfang Lv. 92
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 20y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies. Poised for Twinfang Potency: 150 Additional Effect: Grants Poised for Twinblood Poised for Twinblood Effect: Increases the potency of Uncoiled Twinblood by 50 Duration: 60s Can only be executed after landing Uncoiled Fury. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Twinfang changes to Uncoiled Twinfang when requirements for execution are met.
Ouroboros Icon Ouroboros Lv. 96
  • Instant
  • 3.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 1,050 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Reawakened effect expires upon execution. Requires at least one stack of Anguine Tribute. This weaponskill does not share a recast timer with any other actions. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Reawaken changes to Ouroboros when requirements for execution are met.
First Legacy Icon First Legacy Lv. 100
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed after successfully landing First Generation. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to First Legacy when requirements for execution are met.
Fourth Legacy Icon Fourth Legacy Lv. 100
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed after successfully landing Fourth Generation. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to Fourth Legacy when requirements for execution are met.
Second Legacy Icon Second Legacy Lv. 100
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed after successfully landing Second Generation. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to Second Legacy when requirements for execution are met.
Third Legacy Icon Third Legacy Lv. 100
  • Instant
  • 1.0s
  • ↔ 5y
  • 5y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 250 to the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed after successfully landing Third Generation. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. Serpent's Tail changes to Third Legacy when requirements for execution are met.

Role Actions

Action Name
  • Cast
  • Recast
  • Range
  • Radius
Second Wind Icon Second Wind Lv. 8
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Instantly restores own HP. Cure Potency: 800
Leg Sweep Icon Leg Sweep Lv. 10
  • Instant
  • 40.0s
  • ↔ 3y
  • 0y
Stuns target. Duration: 3s
Bloodbath Icon Bloodbath Lv. 12
  • Instant
  • 90.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Converts a portion of physical damage dealt into HP. Duration: 20s
Feint Icon Feint Lv. 22
  • Instant
  • 90.0s
  • ↔ 10y
  • 0y
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 10% and magic damage dealt by 5%. Duration: 15s
Arm's Length Icon Arm's Length Lv. 32
  • Instant
  • 120.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Creates a barrier nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects. Duration: 6s Additional Effect: Slow +20% when barrier is struck Duration: 15s
True North Icon True North Lv. 50
  • Instant
  • 45.0s
  • ↔ 0y
  • 0y
Nullifies all action direction requirements. Duration: 10s Maximum Charges: 2

Viper Traits

Action Name Acquired Effect
Viper's Fangs Icon Viper's Fangs Lv. 55

Allows the execution of Death Rattle.

Can only be executed upon successfully landing Flanksting Strike, Flanksbane Fang, Hindsting Strike, or Hindsbane Fang.

Viper's Maw Icon Viper's Maw Lv. 60

Allows the execution of Last Lash.

Can only be executed after successfully landing Jagged Maw or Bloodied Maw.

Melee Mastery Icon Melee Mastery Lv. 74

Increases the potency of Steel Fangs to 200, Dread Fangs to 140, Hunter's Sting to 260, and Swiftskin's Sting to 260.

Viper's Bite Icon Viper's Bite Lv. 75

Allows the execution of Twinfang Bite and Twinblood Bite.

Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Coil or Swiftskin's Coil.

Viper's Thresh Icon Viper's Thresh Lv. 80

Allows the execution of Twinfang Thresh and Twinblood Thresh.

Can only be executed after successfully landing Hunter's Den or Swiftskin's Den.

Viper's Rattle Icon Viper's Rattle Lv. 82

Grants 1 stack of Rattling Coil upon successfully landing Dreadwinder or Pit of Dread.

Enhanced Slither Icon Enhanced Slither Lv. 84

Allows a third charge of Slither.

Melee Mastery II Icon Melee Mastery II Lv. 84

Increases the potency of Flanksting Strike to 300, Flanksbane Fang to 300, Hindsting Strike to 300, and Hindsbane Fang to 300.

Enhanced Viper's Rattle Icon Enhanced Viper's Rattle Lv. 88

Allows the stacking of a third Rattling Coil.

Serpent's Lineage Icon Serpent's Lineage Lv. 90

Allows for Serpent Offerings Gauge accumulation upon the landing of certain actions.

Furthermore, adds an additional effect to Serpent's Ire that grants Ready to Reawaken.

Duration: 30s

Uncoiled Fangs Icon Uncoiled Fangs Lv. 92

Allows the execution of Uncoiled Twinfang or Uncoiled Twinblood after successfully landing Uncoiled Fury.

Enhanced Second Wind Icon Enhanced Second Wind Lv. 94

Increases the healing potency of Second Wind to 800.

Enhanced Serpent's Lineage Icon Enhanced Serpent's Lineage Lv. 96

Allows the stacking of a fifth Anguine Tribute in the Serpent Offerings Gauge.

Furthermore, allows the execution of Ouroboros while under the effect of Reawakened.

Enhanced Feint Icon Enhanced Feint Lv. 98

Extends the duration of Feint to 15 seconds.

Serpent's Legacy Icon Serpent's Legacy Lv. 100

Allows the execution of First Legacy after landing First Generation, Second Legacy after landing Second Generation, Third Legacy after landing Third Generation, and Fourth Legacy after landing Fourth Generation.


Viper Lore

Among the myriad beasts of Tural, a select few awaken to preternatural power, becoming what are known as tural vidraal. To overcome the threat of these almighty beings, hunters studied one of nature's deadliest predators─one capable of overcoming foes greater even than themselves: the viper. They are swift and agile, with dual blades like fangs to bite, or combine into a single weapon to weave about the battlefield. Named for the serpent that inspired their fighting style, the vipers of Tural remain steadfast in their duty to defend the people.



  • 21 Jul. 2024 (rotation page): Updated with better images for gauges and guides. Also fixed a type-o in the opener.
  • 18 Jul. 2024 (rotation page): Updated for full release of Dawntrail.
  • 17 Jul. 2024 (melding page): Guide added.
  • 17 Jul. 2024 (this page): Updated for Dawntrail launch.
  • 06 Jul. 2024 (gear page): Updated for Dawntrail patch 7.0.
  • 22 Jun. 2024 (gear page): Guide added.
  • 08 Jun. 2024 (rotation page): Updated with Media Tour information.
  • 08 Jun. 2024 (job changes): Guide added.
  • 31 May 2024 (rotation page): Guide added.
  • 17 May 2024 (this page): Updated with PLL 81 info.
  • 09 Jan. 2024 (this page): Guide added.
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