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Giveaway #61 - Cinder Kitten x2

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jup, using it. But i'm crosschecking what reforgeLite, Shadowcraft, Simulationcraft and Mr.Robot say. SimCraft is by far the most complicated tool, so i don't use it as frequent as those other tools ;)

So yeah, it's pretty important but still crosschecking and tryin on your own are still needed. Don't follow those tools blindly.

BTW gl all. Pretty nice pet :D

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I do not use SimulationCraft personally however I do make reference to the simulated raid. It's a Patchwerk style fight in T14H gear and I have it bookmarked: Test Raid.

Again, it's strictly for reference. I have come to find, though, that it may not be completely accurate while gearing toward T14H. I've seen some amazing numbers by various specs; including Arms and Ret. I've also seen Shadow Priests excel quite well in many fights.

I doubt I will ever use it myself and I won't take it's sims "as the final word". My theory is that you bring the player and not the class. This is simulated; it isn't actual. Take for instance the computer chess player that was programmed specifically against and to beat Kasparov. In short, Kasparov beat the program.

Overall it's good to see a simulated reference, though.

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I'm still fiddling around with it, but I'm finding that it's helping me with my overall DPS and abilities in mastering the new (but not improved) Arcane Mage.

Without Icy Veins, I wouldn't be anywhere near the level that I've been able to achieve, and I'm always referring to the great information here.

Thank you!

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Oh yes I love SImulationcraft. I use it all the time. Got a piece of gear? Simulation Craft to see how much DPS I got

Not sure whether Haste > Mastery or Mastery > Haste? Simulation Craft fixes that.

It boggles my mind when I hear someone say that they have no idea what it is. I love it so much.

So awesome.

And fire cat.

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Ok, so honestly never used simulation craft before. Went ahead and downloaded a copy and took a look. It seems interesting enough. Wil lhave to take a look and see how the changes work and all at some point. Seems like a solid app that I will have to try more often overall.

Did show my warrior at about 72K DPS with default settings. Earlier today I was in the brawlers guild fighting Mazhareen and was getting about 82K with a 1000 strength flask and no instant buff potion. So not too far off and I have had some of the attmpts run as low as 62K without the flask and goofs on my part.

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I have tried simcraft on my feral druid for dps and it worked very well, it showed how strong which stat is, very helpful. i have also tried it on my tank spec, but it doesnt really work with that i think ... maybe i just did something wrong. :/ its very complicated.

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Honestly I've never used Simcraft because I'm scared by all the numbers going on lol~!

I do read those charts and results as reference to see how classes are performing currently, however it makes me a bit sad to see my class at the lower end of the chart (shadow priest).

Anyway thanks Icy Veins and good luck all~!

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I tried it out before but I don't have the patience to use it properly. It also isn't of much use to a healer since stats are (atleast in my opinion) based on preference and on a fight to fight basis.

It is however, a great tool for DPSers and in my opinion a must if you want to perform as best as you can.

Good luck to everyone and I think Blizzard is doing a great thing with this pet.

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Thank you everyone for all your great contributions. We heavily use Simulation Craft, as it can be very useful for DPS classes. We are working on a tool that will runn 24/7 on one of our servers to test stat weights and DPS for a number of classes with. The results will be automatically posted the results on our website. We are commited to cater to a wide spectrum of players, from the newcomer at a class to the elite player, and we feel that having simulation results on our website would help broaden our audience (which in turns would help get more feedback on the guides).

This week-end, we wanted to gauge your interest and honestly, we've been surprised by the number of people who have actually been using it. I will not close the thread, so the discussion can go on, but the winners will be announced shortly.

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Simcraft is one of the largest used programs for hardcore raiders. I use it myself gor theorycrafting ;D and to win aurguments aginst guildys xD

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Simcraft is a pretty sweet tool if you know how to use it. To those who put the time into figuring out the intricate details of how to tweak your sim, it's amazing! :D

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I don't use simulation craft, but I have toyed with it and think it is incredibly useful for optimizing your class. I simply prefer to do a bit of research and use data that other, more skilled, simmers have collected. For the most part I just use Mr. Robot

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