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Mage Warp Quest Test

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Does anyone have the time or cards to trial run a Mage Warp Quest deck with me or against me?  Deck consists of:

Babbling Book x2

Open the WayGate

Arcanologist (May be replaced since only 2 secrets are in the deck)

Bloodmage Thanos

Doomsayer x2

Friendly Bartender (Only heal card)

Frostbolt x2

Primordial Glyph

Shimmering Tempest

Soccer's Apprentice

Acolyte of Pain

Arcane Intellect

Frost Nova

Ice Barrier

Ice Block

Iron Beak Owl

Kabal Courier

Kabal Chemist

Kazakus (Deck is centered around 1 of each card in deck + random spells of probable usability)

Water Elemental

Cabalist's Tome

Prince Malchezaar (Can be replaced by Archmage Antonidas or Inkmaster Solia but since I have neither I chose the RNG card to hope to get them)




Arcane Giant

Molten Giant

Other cards that could go into a Warp Gate Quest deck are:

Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale: 2 bananas are 2 spells for 1 mana each to help you get your quest done if you have not already. (Replaces Prince Malchezaar probably)

Ysera: It should not come down to this late in the game that you need Ysera's spells to finish the quest.

Burgly Bully: Adding coins to your hand is perfect for mid-game getting your warp gate if you have not already.

Lorewalker Cho: Only for players who like taking risks.

Mana Bind: 3 mana for a free spell that was not in your deck. (Probably perfect replacement for Ice Barrier unless you are vs Face Hunter)

Manic Soulcaster: Good for getting another Apprentice etc.

Steam Surger: Only if you want to make an elemental version of this deck and spam Flame Gyser / free elemental / etc.

Deck play-style would mostly copy the other 2 Warp Quest Decks already found on the site. Both made by Pesty so this would just be a weird half budgeted RNG troll deck.  Looking at you Cabalist's Tome which creates more Cabilist's Tomes.

I am also going to try adding in images later of the deck's High points and low points. Images will most likely be from Ranked play but low ranks.

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Mainly testing usability and fun levels with RNG.  I will add you to friends list if you want to do Friendly Challenges to test it against different decks i.e. its weakness' like Zoo and Face hunter or challenge its strengths.  Trial running stuff.

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Just now, Eton145 said:

Mainly testing usability and fun levels with RNG.  I will add you to friends list if you want to do Friendly Challenges to test it against different decks i.e. its weakness' like Zoo and Face hunter or challenge its strengths.  Trial running stuff.

Sure, add me. Sounds like fun. :) 

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32 minutes ago, Jodie035 said:

I also want to know what to do...

Hey, what are you referring to?

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It might be testing the deck.  Updated deck looks like this

Babbling Book x2

Open the Waygate

Bloodmage Thanos


Friendly Bartender

Frostbolt x2

Primordial Glyph (Has the potential to discover itself and make itself free)

Shimmering Tempest

Sorcerer's Apprentice

Acolyte of Pain (Could be replace with new card "Coldwraith" for 1 promise draw if you have freeze)

Arcane Intellect


Earthen Ring Farseer (Deck needed more heal cards)

Frost Nova

Ice Block

Kabal Courier (Has chance to discover self)

Mana Bind

Kabal Chemist (Potions are perfect)


Water Elemental (Could be replaced by the new "Ghastly Conjurer" due to guaranteed Mirror Image)

Cabalist's Tome

Prince Malcheezar




Pyroblast (Could be replaced by Leeroy Jenkins - Reason = Play Leeroy and Time Warp same turn for 10 mana total, then on extra turn Leeroy can attack again for total of 12 dmg whereas Pyroblast total is 10 dmg)

Arcane Giant

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