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Wizard Explosive Blast

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I am working on a season 15 Wizard and trying to get the Explosive blast setup going however I haven't yet figure out what triggers the ability to spam the explosive blast/frost nova.  sometimes I can only cast and then wait @ 5 seconds and sometimes I can spam them and just run an area quickly. Is it based off a critical hit or some other factor.  Still missing a lot of the gear(haven't had any of the Sage's drop) but good enough to burn through Torment 2 rifts quickly to build up stones.  If you could give me a hint as to the trigger I would appreciate it.  I am most definitely NOT a student of the game as most everyone here probably is so, bear that in mind please. 

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If you have all of the pieces of gear then you should be getting the explosion to proc faster and faster after each elite pack you kill. Once you kill an elite pack your cool down is decreased because of the In-geom that is cubed and you could also cube a obsidian ring of the zodiac to provide a little more cool down, which will return with more explosions. The build is more of a rift farming build due to it being based off killing elite packs as fast as possible and moving on to the next pack. I hope this helps.

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the sword In-geom has a special ability that lowers all cooldowns for a short while after you kill an elite.  This is what allows you to spam the Explosive Blast, without waiting for the cooldown.

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