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The Weirdest Real Reasons for Leaving a Group

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A while ago I stumbled on a reddit thread where players were sharing the strangest real reasons they had to leave a group suddenly, from trees falling on their house to actually getting hit by a car while playing, and I thought it'd be a fun list to take a look at!

Farmer_Few started the thread and offered their humble "a tree fell on my house causing massive leaks" story, but the offerings got weirder from there, with some a little hard to believe!

In MoP my room mate and myself had to afk during raid to sort out the snake that wandered into our living room. Yes we are Australian. No it’s not ACTUALLY that common where we lived at the time. - Principle_Real

"Guys I gotta go, I've just been run over".

Our garage was converted into an office, my deck against what would have been the garage door. Dad accelerated the wrong way in the driveway, smashed into the wall, smashing my table into me sending my wheelie chair flying and shifting the wall about 3 or 4 feet.

Everyone was fine ? (wasn't a brick wall) - IMABUNNEH

WOD .. doing the docks dungeon.. got ring on the bell, tell group afk someone at the door. It was police with warrant for my arrest.. not sure how long my group waited because they took me to county jail. - C_L_I_C_K_

In beginning of cata i was in a guild called "We Stand in Fire" (it was a very relaxed casual raid guild). One night right as we go to pull 1st boss in raid, my pc blue screens and turns off. Right after i smell something burning so i look down at my tower and it is smoking. One of the ram sticks caught on fire. Even after sending pics of what happened to an officer friend in the guild for proof, the GM still wasnt willing to believe me and revoved me from guild, website, ventrillo server (also banned me), and put me on his ignore list. His reason was "for being unnecessarily hostile to the guild and what it stands for". ---------------------------------- tldr: in a cata guild named WeStandInFire, my pc caught fire, GM took offence and removed/blocked me from guild stuff. ---------------------- edit: the guild was chill and relaxed. We had a lot of fun. My guess is his bottled up emotions finally exploded and he went a little nuts. Guild exploded a few weeks later because of his breakdown. Still talk to a few former guildies here and there. - Drag0nl0rd13

Last Friday I forgot to take my daughter for her senior pictures and was on the last boss of tazervesh when wife texted to ask how they went. - dizorkmage

When WoTLK was current content, our guild had wiped a few times on the Lich King due to learning strats etc when I started to have really severe pain in my skull near my eyes.

I played through it for a bit but started to go blurry eyed and feeling nauseous, so I typed out my situation and in doing so we wiped for the 5th time.

I apologised and said I was calling for an ambulance because the pain was getting worse.

Queue the guild bitching at me to take some painkillers and push through it.

I bailed and went to the ER - ended up with a lidocaine drip and put into observation and was determined to be a Cluster Headache (also known as the Suicide Headache). I now get them every year at the same time.

When I got home 2 days later, I'd been removed from the guild I had helped create and ignored by most officers. The ones who didn't ignore me were still upset I'd "abandoned them over a headache"

I stopped raiding after that. My health was and is more important than someone's drive to win a video game fight.
- Ghouls_Gone_Wild

Back in the BC days when the guild I was in was progressing BT, one of my guild members said brb, going to bake a cake and we all thought he was joking.... he wasn’t..... we all wiped on Teron-Gore Fiend. The next day he posted a picture in our guild forum with the cake, the the icing had print on it that said “Sorry Team 2” because we where the 2nd raid group in there at the time. I still remember that moment as clear as day. - Domalen
No joke about 12 years ago me and my ex were healing and tanking on a run when ... my water broke for our oldest. If it hadn’t been a guild run no one would believe the healer and tank really did have to go the hospital for a baby. - EllaAlyKat
“I gotta go my neighbours house just exploded and my roof is on fire” - Comfortable-Ratio-22
"Sorry guys, I have to call an ambulance for my flatmate, she drank an entire bottle of gin." - SamWhite
During a Dragon Soul run in Cata I had to quit because a bat had gotten into my house and was flying around the upstairs and I had to catch it before my cats did. - gemdragons

I was raid leading, just started inviting the guildies when I suddenly felt a few bugs on my skin. I shrugged them off and continued but as time went on I felt more and more bugs so I got up, turned the lights on, and saw a huge amount of flying Ants all over my room and body.

Apparently I got cought in the middle of the so called "nuptial flights" so basically I was being forced to participate in a massive ant orgy.

Having to tell the raid to go on without me because I had to fend off a flying ant invasion was priceless - Colosso95


WOTLK, I had to ask my raid lead on teamspeak to raise his voice as my neighbor was landing his helicopter.

100% true, I was living next to the representative of state in here, and he had indeed an helicopter. - ncphobs
My favorite is from a former RL “we’re gonna take break early, my kid just broke a door.” His kid was a toddler. We were amused and somewhat concerned about that. - vastern
Back in Cata days, I got a direct order from my CO to quit the game and and leave the barracks to hang out with the rest of my unit in the break area. - SmugPilot

Because I was tired. Nothing interesting happens to me. - Chupacabra_herder

And to end on a classic note, it's not quite "dog ate my homework", but it's damn close:

"My dog stole my wallet. Seriously - it was laying for some time in the bag with sweets and it smelled good, but I kinda had money and documents in it." - devvra

What were some of your weirdest "I gotta go" moments? I don't have anything special myself, other than the sad multiple instances of "crap, Blizzard just posted hotfixes/announced something, gotta go!", which is part of the reason I can't really play group content at certain times. There's also plenty more of these in the reddit thread if you want to take a look.

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My weirdest almost reason to leave a group was in ESO instead of WoW. We had an active HM dungeon boss (I think it was Valkyn Skoria) and I get a call from work in dire need of IT support (all POS had shut down so could not process any receipts). While frantically trying to set up some diagnostics while tabbed on TeamViewer my Naga decided it had enough and one of the mouse click panels fully broke. Amazingly the group actually decided to give me a few minutes to sort things out and I did get an Infused Heavy version of the Monster Mask:)

Edited by Nym85

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Slightly depressing bits, but here we go...

Weird, but unfortunately not funny: when I was a younger person /late teenager age around Vanilla - TBC/ had to leave raids and groups multiple times due to family conflicts: parents were in divorce. No big fights or anythings: civilized for the circumstances, but quite memorable for my life that I can still recall those occasions as an adult. Wouldn't say that traumatized me, but those were strange times to be in: by 2005-6 (around AQ-Naxx raids) I've had such loose connection with my father that I just wouldn't be able to explain to him that there are other people on the other side of the monitor waiting on me while he is trying to save his family life and even my mother had only very high level understanding of what a multiplayer game is. My father threatened me multiple times that he will take my PC away if I don't co-operate in their disputes (telling a child that you will take his toy away is naturally one of the lamest parenting tricks).

Also in TBC we've had a few guild members doing drugs and some confessed they went AFK during raid time because they were so heavily tripping. Can't recall the exact description of their trips, but they were usually borderline hilarious/sad to hear. The guild leader and his most closely related friends were into the semi-illegal cannabis-scene of the times which of course was no biggie, however a few rotten apples wandered into more hardcore stuff. A memorable negative experience was seeing these guys on our one and only guild meeting and recognizing from the heavily sunken red eyes with big bags under them that it's probably not just a few joints they smoke. Calling them addicts would be a hypocrisy though as we were all addicted to WoW in those days after all, but they clearly had health issues from the substances they took. While the guild disbanded after our sole Illidan kill I still occasionally encounter the guild leader online. He never had any problem with drugs, but he confessed that one of his childhood friends he brought to the guild and we were very worried about simply disappeared from his sight since then.

More conventional reasons - pipe burst, lost tourists wandering into our backyard, a truck crashing into the neighbour's fire hydrant - also occured, but the thing is that you only remember the ones that somehow shaped your personality, behaviour or world view.

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This one isn't mine, but it's the shortest and probably most legendary one we heard in Nihilum: "Cat spilled bear on keyboard".

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Ok, It wasn't me, but during TBC raid we heard on team speak, "It is thepolice, step away from the computer!!!" And in a moment the friend was offline. After a long time we found out that his mom was involved in tax fraud and the police raided their home and confiscated all the computers for evidence.  I bet, this is most weird and unexpected reason :-)

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4 hours ago, Starym said:

This one isn't mine, but it's the shortest and probably most legendary one we heard in Nihilum: "Cat spilled bear on keyboard".

You sure the cat didn't just shapeshift instead?

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We had someone afk during Dragon Soul with the "brb cat on fire." We thought they were just using it as an excuse but turned out the cat actually caught on fire. Cat was fine. Apparently it's tail got too close to a grill where someone was grilling outside and it caught fire. 

We were glad that everyone was fine and that the cat was fine. 

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