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    • By Stan
      We went to test out the War Within pre-expansion event that will be available in July, so you don't have to. Find out more about the limited-time event that you'll be completing for a month leading to the expansion's launch!
      It all starts with a quest that automatically appears when the pre-patch goes live. Chances are you already own the Dalaran Hearthstone toy, so now would be a good time to use it.

      When you go to the Dalaran chamber room, there are portals to the three locations where the pre-patch event takes place -- Searing Gorge, Dustwallow Marsh, and Dragonblight, all conveniently accessible with just one click.

      When you look at the world map, you will see which zone currently has a Radiant Echo active, so you will know which portal to take.

      You will be pleased to learn there are also portals back to Dalaran in all three locations!

      The chamber room also contains the NPC which sells rewards for Residual Memories. The catch-up gear is item level 480 Veteran gear, instead of the 496 Champion gear we reported earlier.
      As you can see the gear is marked as "Binds to Warband until equipped" which means you can send it over to any member of your Warband and it becomes soulbound when you equip it.

      Once you reach the location where the Radiant Echoes event is currently active, you will receive a daily quest to defeat a Remembered version of Ragnaros, Lich King, or Onyxia for 1,500 Residual Memories.

      The quest giver sells the same items as Remembrancer Amuul.

      When you're in the zone, there will be Lingering Memories marked with a star icon on the map. However on the Beta, they did not spawn and there was no way to make them spawn, so we assume the event is currently bugged.

      When you reach one of the locations where Lingering Memories are supposed to spawn, you will notice spectral level 69 mobs that you can kill for Residual Memories. 
      You will automatically receive the currency when you defeat these mobs.
      Here is the location where Remembered Ragnaros is supposed to spawn after you defeat the Lingering Memories, but nothing spawned there because the event is bugged.
      After you defeat the boss, the event is over for you until it is active in another zone. Due to the fact that it's not working properly on the Beta, we can't confirm whether you can complete 3 daily quests for 4,500 Residual Memories every day.

      Even though the event does not fully work on Beta, this post should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect!
    • By Stan
      We're checking out how long it takes to reach Level 80 in the War Within expansion!
      If you're starting at Level 10, you'll need nearly 74% less XP to hit Level 70 in the War Within pre-patch. MrGM leveled a brand-new character from 10 to 80 on the Beta and shared his results on X.
      It took 10 hours and 2 minutes to go from Level 10 to 70. It took 9 hours and 20 minutes to go from Level 70 to 80 in Khaz Algar. The character ended up with 18,484 Gold and Item Level 543 gear at Level 80. MrGM noted he didn’t do any dungeons and only completed the 4/4 War Within campaign along with side quests when they made sense. For XP buffs, he used the +10% XP from active War Mode and the 5% Warband achievement buff. Placeholder for tweet 1803063166957453421
    • By Stan
      The Earthen will be locked until you reach Level 80 and won't be available when the pre-patch hits in July.
      We want to clarify a common misconception: the Earthen Allied Race won't be available in the War Within pre-patch. To unlock this race, your character needs to complete the War Within campaign, which won't be accessible until the expansion launches on August 26 (or August 22 for those with Early Access).

      You can hover over the unlock requirements here to learn more about the criteria to unlock the race -> Allied Races: Earthen.
    • By Stan
      Learn more about the Earthen Allied Race intro!
      I played through the Earthen Allied Race intro on the Beta and wanted to share some highlights with you.
      Your Earthen character starts at Level 10 in the Halls of Awakening. Essentially, your character wakes up from stasis and completes a few basic quests to get teleported to Stormwind and Orgrimmar. If you were hoping for an epic Demon Hunter-style intro, you might be a bit disappointed. This intro is brief, taking about four minutes to complete. However, its brevity can be a good thing, depending on your preference.
      At the start, there's a cutscene, but in the Beta, it's currently just text.
      The gist: Your character awakens from stasis before Dawn and Foreman Uzjax.

      This is the area where you'll be completing the Earthen intro. It's called the Halls of Awakening. 

      For the first quest you must complete the first stage of the Awakening Protocol, by clicking on various machines in the room.

      The Awakening Protocol consists of a Diagnostics Scan, Cognitive Scan, and Anomaly Scan.
      When completing the Anomaly Scan, you'll learn that you're an anomaly machine causing the systems to overdrive.

      You must click on the Inner Song action button to break free from the chains.
      Once you complete the first quest you will receive the Azerite Surge racial and you'll get to another room where you must complete the Analyzing Sequence in the Analysis Interface.

      There are three consoles that you must interact with and select whatever options you'd like. The dialogue options seemed pretty random.

      Anyway, once you complete that, you'll reach another room where you have to spar 6 Awakened Earthen.

      In the final room, you must defeat the Phalanx of Authorization.

      When you hand it the quest, you will get the Awakened Tabard.

      When you're done, you will use a portal to your faction city and end up at the embassy.

      Here, you can talk to Chromie Time to pick your desired expansion for leveling. Dragonflight is the default leveling experience in The War Within.

    • By Stan
      The Dalaran Hearthstone is getting a new animation in the War Within pre-patch.
      Blizzard has updated the animation of the Dalaran Hearthstone toy ahead of the War Within pre-patch releasing in July.
      You can watch a short video of the new animation below. Courtesy of Ghostopheles.
      Placeholder for tweet 1802633264605118758
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