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Rogue Changes in War Within Alpha Build 54521

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The Fatebout Hero Talent tree available to Assassination and Outlaw Rogues has been enabled for testing on the War Within Alpha, and so we're looking at the new talents!

Talents with the NYI tag have not yet been implemented.


  • Mean Streak (new) - Fatebound Coins flipped by Envenom multiple times in a row are 33% more likely to match the same outcome as the last flip.
  • Edge Case (new) - Activating Deathmark causes your next Fatebound Coin flip to land on its edge, counting as both Heads and Tails.
  • Tempted Fate (new) - You have a chance equal to your critical strike chance to absorb 10% of any damage taken, up to a maximum chance of 40%.
  • Chosen's Revelry (new) - Leech increased by 0.5% for each time your Fatebound Coin has flipped the same face in a row.
  • Deal Fate (new) - Sinister Strike generates an additional combo point when it strikes an additional time.
  • Delivered Doom (new) - Damage dealt when your Fatebound Coin flips tails is increased by 35% while Blade Flurry is not active.
  • Fateful Ending (new) - When your Fatebound Coin flips the same face for the seventh time in a row, the lucky coin grants 1% increase to all primary, secondary, and tertiary stats until you leave combat for 10 seconds.
  • Threads of Fate [NYI] (new) - Dispatch critical strikes duplicate 20% of their damage to 2 additional nearby enemies. If there are no additional nearby targets, duplicate 20% to the primary target instead.
  • Double Jeopardy (new) - Your first Fatebound Coin flip after breaking Stealth flips two coins that are guaranteed to match the same face.
  • Inexorable March [NYI] (new) - You cannot be slowed below 70% of normal movement speed while your Fatebound Coin flips have an active streak of at least 2 flips matching the same face.
  • Death's Arrival [NYI] (new) - Grappling Hook may be used a second time within 3 sec, with no cooldown.
  • Inevitability [NYI] (new) - Cold Blood now benefits the next 2 abilities but only applies to Dispatch. Fatebound Coins flipped by these abilities are guaranteed to match the same face as the last flip.
  • Destiny Defined (new) - Sinister Strike has 5% increased chance to strike an additional time and your Fatebound Coins flipped have an additional 5% chance to match the same face as the last flip.

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Sunfury: Cool orbs and phoenix pet.

Fatebound: You can stare at some % tooltips.

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Been playing a rogue since TBC but stopped in DF to play hunter because of the abysmal state of outlaw and *filtered* gameplay mechs. Thanks for assuring me I'll not play my main for another expansion, Blizz. Your rogue dev team should jump off a cliff.

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15 minutes ago, Doozle said:

Been playing a rogue since TBC but stopped in DF to play hunter because of the abysmal state of outlaw and *filtered* gameplay mechs. Thanks for assuring me I'll not play my main for another expansion, Blizz. Your rogue dev team should jump off a cliff.

I wouldn't go that far with it, honestly the rogue rework they put out mid DF was pretty good even if I personally don't like how they made outlaw to be knock off subtlety

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ok so keep slice up blade flury adrenaline rush shadow dance vanish ghostly strike all on cooldown use between the eyes only during subterfuge unless its buff is going to drop off before your next subterfuge window and the cooldown will be done before the subterfuge window is available again. dispatch when out of that window for finishers. oh yeah while also hitting ambush and pistol procs oh wait dont forget to roll them dice and make sure you got a WA for them dice so you do it at the right times. oh and also now you get coins you have to be monitoring... and if you *filtered* any of it up well.... sorry your trash and doing trash damage... any one else feel like they tested this spec in front of a cleave dummy with addons tracking everything and never tested it in actual game play? i can play this spec and do fantastic dps on a cleave dummy but being able to consistently apply it to lets say a raid boss with several mechanics or a m+ with affixes and there is always something that falls by the way side. its so much to juggle i really think it makes it harder to just play the game itself. people that have mastered this rotation in actual game play amaze me. i love it.... to a point. take a step back blizz do you want me to be watching my WA's light up or playing your game?

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13 hours ago, Q said:

I wouldn't go that far with it, honestly the rogue rework they put out mid DF was pretty good even if I personally don't like how they made outlaw to be knock off subtlety

I would. They made something so stupid; how does a class simultaneously shoot you between the eyes and ambush you? The broke it with RtD, and are doubling down on that RNG mistake.

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3 hours ago, Doozle said:

I would. They made something so stupid; how does a class simultaneously shoot you between the eyes and ambush you? The broke it with RtD, and are doubling down on that RNG mistake.

I was talking about you saying the dev should jump off a cliff, that seems excessive. The rest, I mostly agree with you on.

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