Cataclysm Classic Elemental Shaman Leveling

Last updated on May 18, 2024 at 00:00 by Seksixeny

On this page, you will find our level-by-level Elemental Shaman leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.


Elemental Shaman Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

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Level: 1

Leveling Talents

Your first talent point unlocks at Level 10.

Start with Concussion Icon Concussion.

Start with Concussion Icon Concussion and Acuity Icon Acuity.

Start with Concussion Icon Concussion and Acuity Icon Acuity and move on to Elemental Precision Icon Elemental Precision, which will increase your ability to Hit enemies considerably and make Spirit a useful stat.

Start with Concussion Icon Concussion and Acuity Icon Acuity and move on to Elemental Precision Icon Elemental Precision, which will increase your ability to Hit enemies considerably and make Spirit a useful stat. Pick up Call of Flame Icon Call of Flame for more Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst damage.

Start with Concussion Icon Concussion and Acuity Icon Acuity and move on to Elemental Precision Icon Elemental Precision, which will increase your ability to Hit enemies considerably and make Spirit a useful stat. Pick up Call of Flame Icon Call of Flame for more Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst damage, and Elemental Focus Icon Elemental Focus for better Mana management.

Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder is another nice Mana management tool, which will double as a DPS source later.

Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder is another nice Mana management tool, which will double as a DPS source later. Elemental Reach Icon Elemental Reach increases the range of your abilities, allowing you to move around less while pulling enemies.

Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder is another nice Mana management tool, which will double as a DPS source later. Elemental Reach Icon Elemental Reach increases the range of your abilities, allowing you to move around less while pulling enemies. Pick up your raid buff Elemental Oath Icon Elemental Oath.

Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder is another nice Mana management tool, which will double as a DPS source later. Elemental Reach Icon Elemental Reach increases the range of your abilities, allowing you to move around less while pulling enemies. Pick up your raid buff Elemental Oath Icon Elemental Oath and Lava Flows Icon Lava Flows.

Rolling Thunder Icon Rolling Thunder is another nice Mana management tool, which will double as a DPS source later. Elemental Reach Icon Elemental Reach increases the range of your abilities, allowing you to move around less while pulling enemies. Pick up your raid buff Elemental Oath Icon Elemental Oath and Lava Flows Icon Lava Flows on the way to your other raid buff, Totemic Wrath Icon Totemic Wrath.

Fulmination Icon Fulmination makes Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock become a heavy damage hitting ability if you have enough Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield stacks.

Fulmination Icon Fulmination makes Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock become a heavy damage hitting ability if you have enough Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield stacks and Elemental Mastery Icon Elemental Mastery, one of your DPS cooldowns, is your next talent point.

Fulmination Icon Fulmination makes Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock become a heavy damage hitting ability if you have enough Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield stacks and Elemental Mastery Icon Elemental Mastery, one of your DPS cooldowns, is your next talent point. Take Reverberation Icon Reverberation as the next point.

Fulmination Icon Fulmination makes Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock become a heavy damage hitting ability if you have enough Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield stacks and Elemental Mastery Icon Elemental Mastery, one of your DPS cooldowns, is your next talent point. Take Reverberation Icon Reverberation as the next point to unlock the way to Lava Surge Icon Lava Surge which can is a powerful burst damage talent.

Fulmination Icon Fulmination makes Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock become a heavy damage hitting ability if you have enough Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield stacks and Elemental Mastery Icon Elemental Mastery, one of your DPS cooldowns, is your next talent point. Take Reverberation Icon Reverberation as the next point to unlock the way to Lava Surge Icon Lava Surge which can is a powerful burst damage talent. Finish the Elemental tree with Feedback Icon Feedback, which will help reduce the cooldown of Elemental Mastery Icon Elemental Mastery.

Elemental Weapons Icon Elemental Weapons in the Enhancement tree is a great way to go forward.

Elemental Weapons Icon Elemental Weapons and Improved Shields Icon Improved Shields in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward.

Elemental Weapons Icon Elemental Weapons and Improved Shields Icon Improved Shields in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward. While there are many options for the final talents, we recommend taking Ancestral Swiftness Icon Ancestral Swiftness for leveling for the extra movement speed and instant Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf.

Elemental Weapons Icon Elemental Weapons and Improved Shields Icon Improved Shields in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward. While there are many options for the final talents, we recommend taking Ancestral Swiftness Icon Ancestral Swiftness for leveling for the extra movement speed and instant Ghost Wolf Icon Ghost Wolf. Finish your talents with Ancestral Resolve Icon Ancestral Resolve and / or Spark of Life Icon Spark of Life for added personal survivability.


Leveling Glyphs

Your leveling glyphs are mostly the same as your endgame glyphs. Glyphs can be a huge boost to your DPS capabilities as some glyphs greatly improve the baseline power of your key abilities.


Prime Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Lava Burst Icon Glyph of Lava Burst — a nice passive boost to your Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst damage.
  2. Glyph of Unleashed Lightning Icon Glyph of Unleashed Lightning — is a gameplay-changing glyph that allows your Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt to be cast while moving, drastically increasing your mobility.
  3. Glyph of Flame Shock Icon Glyph of Flame Shock — increases the duration of Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock by a large amount.

Major Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Lightning Shield Icon Glyph of Lightning Shield — causes Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield to no longer go under 3 charges when you are attacked, making it a powerful glyph for leveling, especially!
  2. Glyph of Healing Stream Totem Icon Glyph of Healing Stream Totem — removes the need for using Elemental Resistance Totem Icon Elemental Resistance Totem by baking its power into Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem.
  3. Glyph of Chain Lightning Icon Glyph of Chain Lightning — increases the targets hit by Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning by 2 while decreasing damage taken by the first target, a very worthwhile trade off against large clumps of enemies. This can be a good glyph swap in large area damage scenarios.
  4. Glyph of Thunder Icon Glyph of Thunder — reduces the cooldown of Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm, which is of small, but occasional use.

Minor Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Water Walking Icon Glyph of Water Walking — allows you to cast Water Walking Icon Water Walking without a reagent, saving gold in the process.
  2. Glyph of Renewed Life Icon Glyph of Renewed Life — removes the reagent requirement from Reincarnation Icon Reincarnation, saving some gold over time.
  3. Glyph of Astral Recall Icon Glyph of Astral Recall — lowering the cooldown of your Astral Recall Icon Astral Recall allows you to move around more frequently, especially if you have your Hearthstone Icon Hearthstone at your faction's central hub and all its portals.
  4. Glyph of Thunderstorm Icon Glyph of Thunderstorm — increases the Mana gained from Thunderstorm Icon Thunderstorm and removes the knockback, which is usually a downside when leveling.

Leveling Rotation

Make sure to keep Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield active on yourself.

Make sure to keep Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon active on your weapon and Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield active on yourself.

Make sure to keep Flametongue Weapon Icon Flametongue Weapon active on your weapon, Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield on yourself, and any useful support totems such as Flametongue Totem Icon Flametongue Totem.

  1. Use Flame Shock Icon Flame Shock on as many long-lived enemies as possible;
  2. Cast Lava Burst Icon Lava Burst on cooldown on a target with Flame Shock;
  3. Use Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock once at 7+ charges of Lightning Shield Icon Lightning Shield;
  4. Cast Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt;

Against multiple enemies, you can follow the single-target rotation and swap Lightning Bolt Icon Lightning Bolt for Chain Lightning Icon Chain Lightning against 2 enemies or spam only Chain Lightning against 3 or more enemies. If fighting 5 enemies for an extended period of time, make sure to have Glyph of Chain Lightning Icon Glyph of Chain Lightning on for maximum damage!


Abilities to Skip While Leveling

While leveling, you will not need to use all of your spells. Many can be skipped to save gold and trained at a later date, when you have more gold available to you. We recommend to not train these spells below, and save your gold for gear, glyphs and mounts instead.

  • Primal Strike Icon Primal Strike
  • Frost Shock Icon Frost Shock
  • Frostbrand Weapon Icon Frostbrand Weapon
  • Far Sight Icon Far Sight
  • Elemental Resistance Totem Icon Elemental Resistance Totem (assuming usage of Glyph of Healing Stream Totem Icon Glyph of Healing Stream Totem)
  • Bind Elemental Icon Bind Elemental
  • Totem of Tranquil Mind Icon Totem of Tranquil Mind
  • Rockbiter Weapon Icon Rockbiter Weapon

Continue Improving at Level 85

Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your leveling process is over, you can learn more about maximum level ElementalElemental gameplay by reading our detailed guide below.