Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Rotation and Cooldowns

Last updated Yesterday at 00:00 by Sellin

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Unholy Death Knight in both single-target and multi-target PvE situations in Cataclysm Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS.


Unholy Death Knight Presences

Death Knights have three different Presences though as an Unholy Death Knight we will only really be using two of them, mostly Unholy Presence Icon Unholy Presence and Frost Presence Icon Frost Presence in a situation where you are AoEing consistently over a period of time.

  • Blood Presence Icon Blood Presence — increases your Stamina by 8%, the contribution from Armor by 55% and reduces all incoming damage by 8%. It also increases threat generation considerably.
  • Frost Presence Icon Frost Presence — increases your damage dealt by 10% and increases Runic Power generated by 10%.
  • Unholy Presence Icon Unholy Presence — increases Attack Speed and Rune regeneration by 10% and movement speed by 15% while also reducing your global cooldown on abilities by 0.5 seconds.

Unholy Death Knight Rotations

If you have not already, we recommend reading the Spells Summary page first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.


Single-Target Rotation

Unholy Death Knight has a unique single target rotation that acts much more as a list of priorities than a true rotation as it is constantly updating based off of your Runic Power and Runes available, your current buffs and what cooldown is coming up when. The goal with our rotation is to cast as many Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strikes as possible while utilizing Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation and Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay on cooldown while maintaining all of our diseases on the target.

  1. Apply both your diseases Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever and Blood Plague Icon Blood Plague and keep them active active. For your initial application on a boss try to use Icy Touch Icon Icy Touch and Plague Strike Icon Plague Strike to get your rune cooldowns started and save Outbreak Icon Outbreak for when you have procs to be able to snapshot strong dots that you can refresh with Festering Strike Icon Festering Strike;
  2. Cast Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation. Stacks are generated by casting Death Coil Icon Death Coil;
  3. Cast Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay if both your Unholy and Death runes are available;
  4. Cast Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike if your target is moving or Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay is already on cooldown;
  5. Cast Festering Strike Icon Festering Strike if both your Blood and Frost Runes are available;
  6. Cast Death Coil Icon Death Coil if you have a Sudden Doom Icon Sudden Doom proc or will reach maximum Runic Power from casting another ability;
  7. Cast Horn of Winter Icon Horn of Winter.

Boss Opener

You will typically follow the Single-Target rotation highlighted above but it is important to understand how to initiate combat with the boss as it will be rare you find yourself with all of your Runes and cooldowns available beyond the start of a pull.

  1. Use your Golemblood Potion Icon Golemblood Potion pre-pull;
  2. Apply both your diseases Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever and Blood Plague Icon Blood Plague and keep them active active. For your initial application on a boss try to use Icy Touch Icon Icy Touch and Plague Strike Icon Plague Strike to get your rune cooldowns started and save Outbreak Icon Outbreak for when you have procs to be able to snapshot strong dots that you can refresh with Festering Strike Icon Festering Strike
  3. Cast Festering Strike Icon Festering Strike once to start converting your Frost and Blood Runes to Death Runes.;
  4. Cast Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay to spend your final available Unholy Rune and then Blood Tap Icon Blood Tap to immediately reactive your Death Runes;
  5. If you have proc trinkets, once they have procced use your racial ability if you have one and any other Strength or Attack Power on uses before casting your Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle, also make sure to snapshot your diseases with these buffs active by casting Outbreak Icon Outbreak;
  6. If you have casted enough Death Coil Icon Death Coils make sure to use your Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation, ideally paired with Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy.
  7. Spend your remaining Runes on Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike if Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay is on cooldown.

AoE Rotation

Your AoE Rotation acts somewhat similarly as your single-target rotation where we put a large emphasis on maintaining diseases which is made much quicker thanks to the addition of Outbreak Icon Outbreak and will focus more on spreading them with Pestilence Icon Pestilence. Remember to swap into Frost Presence Icon Frost Presence if you will be AoEing for a prolonged period of time.


Against Two Targets

When attacking two enemies stick to your single target rotation, but make sure to spread diseases to the secondary target with Pestilence Icon Pestilence.


Against three or more Targets

  1. Apply both of your diseases Frost Fever Icon Frost Fever and Blood Plague Icon Blood Plague with Outbreak Icon Outbreak use Pestilence Icon Pestilence to spread these diseases to nearby enemies;
  2. Cast Dark Transformation Icon Dark Transformation. Stacks are generated by casting Death Coil Icon Death Coil;
  3. Cast Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay if both your Unholy and Death runes are available;
  4. Cast Scourge Strike Icon Scourge Strike if your target is moving or Death and Decay Icon Death and Decay is already on cooldown;
  5. Cast Blood Boil Icon Blood Boil if both your Blood and Frost Runes are available;
  6. Cast Death Coil Icon Death Coil if you have a Sudden Doom Icon Sudden Doom proc or will reach maximum Runic Power from casting another ability;
  7. Cast Icy Touch Icon Icy Touch.


UnholyUnholy Death Knights have a ton of DPS cooldowns and while the standard DPS rotation is relatively simple, the hard part when it comes to doing maximum DPS as an Unholy Death Knight is properly utilizing your cooldowns.

Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle is your single largest DPS cooldown and should used on cooldown, try your best to always pair this with any Trinket procs or other cooldowns such as Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy. Your gargoyles stats are based off of your current stats when you summon it, so effects such as Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy can greatly increase the amount of damage your Gargoyle deals. In a situation where you are soon to have a trinket proc, a DPS potion come off cooldown or Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy is not ready yet, do not hestiate to delay your Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle cast to ensure you have as many of these buffs active for when you cast your Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle.

Unholy Frenzy Icon Unholy Frenzy increases your melee and ranged haste by 20% for 30 seconds. While this ability can be cast on other classes, they will rarely benefit as much as the Death Knight will when you are actively pairing this with Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle. Even though this does stack with Heroism Icon Heroism/Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust it is rarely worth using while one of these effects are active as your Gargoyle will likely already be global cooldown capped. While we will typically want to use this ability on cooldown, always be aware of your Summon Gargoyle Icon Summon Gargoyle cooldown and if the boss has any phase that will cause them to take increased damage.

Empower Rune Weapon Icon Empower Rune Weapon instantly refreshes all of your Runes and grants you 25 Runic Power. This ability is ideally used when all of your Runes are on cooldown. Due to its long cooldown, try to use it early as you are unlikely to get more than one or two casts of it per fight. If the encounter is unlikely to last longer than the 5 minutes it would take to come back off cooldown, use it whenever you feel you need the most burst damage.

Army of the Dead Icon Army of the Dead summons an army of ghouls to attack your primary target. This is best used right before combat starts, before casting your pre-pot, or during an intermission where you are otherwise not able to attack.

Blood Tap Icon Blood Tap turns one of your Blood Runes into an available Death Rune. This should be used on cooldown assuming one of your Blood Runes is already on cooldown.