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Full Patch 6.1 Notes

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Blizzard came through late last week with the (as of now) complete patch notes for the upcoming 6.1 release currently being tested on the PTR. Significant changes to a number of talents to even out the power level of same-tier options were made for every class.


The current patch notes follow:




New Character Models: Blood Elf

  • Character models for Blood Elves have been overhauled with an increase to fidelity and texture resolution; while retaining the core look and feel of the originals.
  • Some character models received additional tweaks and adjustments.

Twitter Integration

  • Characters can now send Tweets for items, achievements, and screenshots from within the game client using the /share command.
  • This feature can be enabled by accessing a new social settings pane to add or remove a Twitter account.

New Heirloom Collections Tab

  • The Collections system now supports Heirloom items.
  • Heirlooms have a tier system to denote the maximum level that the item scales up to.
  • New neck slot Heirlooms are now available and allows the character to cast a heal once a minute. This heal shares a cooldown with potions and Healthstones.
  • Vendors in Stormwind (Alliance) and Undercity (Horde) now sells Heirlooms for gold.
  • Alternate methods for obtaining Heirlooms are also available.
    • Darkmoon Faire sells Heirlooms for Darkmoon Prize Tickets.
    • Argent Tournament sells tier-1 and tier-2 Heirlooms for Champion's Seals.
    • Some world events now sell either tier-2 and tier-3 Heirlooms for currency obtained through the event.
  • Collecting all heirloom items awards a special mount usable by level 1 characters.

Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts

  • New Garrison Visitors
    • One of five new visitors may visit each day offering a quest to anyone that visits the Garrison.
      • Defeat a dungeon boss: Awards a bag with a chance to contain a level 630, 645, or 655 item token.
      • Defeat a raid boss (weekly quest): Awards a bag with a chance to contain a level 645, or 655 item token.
      • Bounty (intended for 3 or more players): Defeat a named elite NPC for a bag containing Apexis Crystals, and a chance to contain a level 645, or 655 item token.
      • Relic: Complete a series of quests to recover a relic for a bag containing Apexis Crystals, and a chance to contain a level 645, or 655 item token. Completing a relic mission unlocks it as a potential mission for your followers. Completing all 6 relic missions will unlock Harrison Jones as a follower!
      • Profession: Turn-in tradeskill reagents for Primal Spirits and work order tradeskill reagents.
    • For the Pet Battlers out there, there's a separate chance for an additional visitor offering unique Pet Battles with a chance to award a bag containing Pet Battle items and new Battle Pets.
  • Summon a Raid or World Boss
    • Players may find an item while completing a Bounty, Relic, Dungeon, or Raid daily quest from the Garrison visitor that that allows them to summon one of six new raid or world boss in the Garrison.
    • Summoned raid or world bosses have scaling health and is intended for 10-40 players.
  • New Garrison Music Box
    • Players can assemble a music box allowing them to play music in their Garrisons.
    • Pieces for the music box can be found as a reward from new Bounty or Relic Missions.
    • New songs can be collected from throughout the world to expand your music library.
  • New Garrison Vendor
    • A new vendor has been added allowing players to use Garrison Resource to purchase items to upgrade Followers, or items that can be used to spawn a rare mission.
  • New Follower Trait: Treasure Hunter
    • Treasure Hunter trait increases the amount of gold rewarded from a mission.
  • Follower Missions
    • New Profession Missions are now available on upgrading a profession building to level 3. Successfully completing these missions award an item that allows instant completion of work orders.
    • Players can unlock Relic and Bounty missions for their followers by completing the corresponding Relic or Bounty quest offered by one of the random daily new visitors to the Garrison.
    • New exploration missions are available to players with a skill of at least 1 in Archeology. Successfully completing these missions can award Archeology fragments, keystones, or treasure maps for a Draenor zone. Treasure maps obtained in this manner does not require quest achievement completion for the Draenor zone.
    • Archeology Vendors in Stormshield and Warspear now sell an item that'll spawn a follower exploration mission for 5 Restored Artifacts.
    • New Level-100 Scouting missions to a Battlefield now awards an item that grants access to missions that award Apexis Crystals.
    • New Raid missions to Blackrock Foundry are now available for a cache that awards level 665, 680, or 695 items.
    • New follower missions have been added that can award gold, Apexis Crystals, Savage Blood, or Augmentation runes.
    • Missions that go over 100% completion chance now awards a bonus to the base XP.
    • Level-100 Garrison resource missions now award more Garrison Resources.
    • Scavenger trait for Followers now increases Garrison Resources gained from a mission by 100% (down from 200%).
  • Follower Mission UI Improvements
    • List of missions available now displays the amount of bonus XP, gold, and resources awarded without having to mouse-over the mission tooltip.
    • Improved tooltips displaying which followers that can counter threats on a mission.
      • Followers that can counter a threat and available show up with a green checkmark.
      • Followers that can counter a threat but are out on a mission displays the time remaining until the follower is available.
      • Followers that can counter a threat but assigned to a building will display a working icon.
    • A new icon will notify the player when assigning a follower that'll receive less XP reward because they're below level or item level requirements.
    • Garrisons with 10 or more followers now have access to a sortable list with a quick overview of how many followers can counter a particular threat or how long a follower will be out on a mission.
  • Garrison Buildings
    • Garrison Work Order Changes
      • Work orders now check if a follower is assigned to the building every 4 hours when factoring in production bonuses.
      • Followers assigned to work at a building now receive XP for each work order that they provide a production bonus on.
      • Players now have an option to queue up all remaining work order slots through the building's work order UI.
      • NPCs that accept Work Orders are now titled as such along with a new interaction cursor to make them easier to locate.
    • Alchemy Lab
      • Level 2: Followers working at the Alchemy Lab now offers a choice on the free potions you want to receive, but those potions are now soulbound.
    • Armory (Dwarven Bunker / War Mill)
      • Level 3: A daily quest has been added to allow players to exchange Iron Horde Scraps for an armor or weapon enhancement token.
    • Barn
      • Barn traps are no longer targetable, causes the cursor to be highlighted, or usable in Rated Battlegrounds, Arenas, or outside of Draenor.
      • Savage Blood now drops more frequently when a follower is assigned to the building (it didn’t affect the chance previously).
      • Caged creatures now stack to 1000 (up from 20).
    • Barracks
      • A vendor at the Barracks now sells an item that allows a character to shrink their Bodyguards for 60 minutes.
    • Fishing Shack
      • You no longer catch bait in your Garrison. However, Nat Pagle (Level 3 Fishing Shack) will give you any of the standard baits if you ask nicely.
      • Lunkers can now be caught from fishing pools and have an improved catch rate with higher fishing skill.
      • Summoned Cavedwellers now drops random fish flesh and drops less Worm Supreme.
      • Fish Eggs used as turn-in for the Fishing Shack Daily quest are now bind on pickup and no longer have a sell value.
    • Lumber Mill
      • Lumber Mill no longer requires Garrison Resources to build or upgrade.
      • Work orders now award 30 Garrison Resource (up from 20).
    • Mage Tower / Spirit Lodge
      • The building now accepts Ogre Waystones as work orders awarding Apexis Crystals and a chance to receive an item that allows instant completion of a mission that's in-progress.
    • Mine
      • Miner's Coffee no longer has a stack limit, is now bind on pickup, and has a sell price. It now has an exclusive category so it cannot be applied multiple times by splitting it into different stacks. However, the aura can now correctly stack up to 5 times.
      • Preserved Mining Pick no longer has a stack limit, is now bind on pickup, has a sell price, and offers a bonus even if you have the Peon's Mining Pick.
    • Menagerie
      • Reduced the difficulty of quests to unlock the Menagerie, elite pet challenges, and pet battle daily quests.
    • Salvage Yard
      • Tier-3 salvage recovered from Follower missions no longer has an independent chance to drop an uncommon (green), rare (blue), or epic (purple) item and will instead always drop one of them. This change is intended to reduce overall item spam without affecting their value. Existing chance for Tier-3 salvage to potentially also contain an uncommon Tier-2 salvage item remains unchanged.
      • Follower Weaponry and Armor Set tokens (War Ravaged, Blackrock, Goredrenched) no longer drops from salvage.
    • Trading Post
      • Trading Post no longer requires Garrison Resources to build or upgrade.
      • Some merchants have started accepting Crescent Saberfish Flesh as payment.
  • Garrison Invasions
    • Players that have performed above-and-beyond expectations for a Gold rating while defending their Garrisons from an invasion can now attain a Platinum rating. Platinum rating awards a level 660 item and a chance at obtaining an item that can be used to summon a raid or world boss.


  • Tertiary Stats for Avoidance, Speed, and Leech now provide about four times as much benefit per stat point.


  • Dwarf
    • Stoneform when used, now triggers a 30-second shared cooldown with other PvP trinkets that breaks crowd-control effects.

Class Changes


Talent Balance


Developer Commentary: A primary focus for class changes in Patch 6.1 is improving overall talent balance. Not every talent needs to be useful in every situation; and in fact it’s often better if they have strengths and weaknesses. But we do try to have each talent be useful in some situations, and make them close enough in value that if you really enjoy the gameplay of a talent you don’t feel like you’re dragging your group down by using it.


For these changes we focused primarily on tuning (tweaking numbers), and nearly all changes are buffs to underperforming talents. The goal is to reach more variety of viable builds, without bringing down the existing popular choices.


  • Death Knight
    • Talents
      • Breath of Sindragosa no longer has an initial Runic Power cost.
      • Death Siphon now heals the Death Knight for 400% of damage dealt (up from 335%).
      • Necrotic Plague damage has been increased by 37%.
  • Druid
    • Talents
      • Bristling Fur (Guardian) now has a 30-second cooldown (down from 1 minute).
      • Force of Nature's Treants have been buffed with a 35% increase to their health and spellpower, and an 80% increase to their armor and attack power.
      • Guardian of Elune (Guardian) now also reduces the rage cost of Savage Defense by the Druid's base dodge chance percentage.
      • Moment of Clarity (Restoration) now lasts 7 seconds (up from 5 seconds).
      • Rampant Growth (Restoration) now also increases the healing of Swiftmend by 20%.
      • Renewal now instantly heals for 30% of max health (up from 22%).
      • Stellar Flare (Balance) damage has been increased by 16%, and now has a duration of 24 seconds (up from 20 seconds).
  • Hunter
    • Talents
      • Barrage damage has been increased by 21%.
      • Exhilaration now instantly heals for 30% of max health (up from 22%).
      • Glaive Toss damage has been increased by 25%.
      • Powershot damage has been increased by 62%.
      • Stampede now lasts 40 seconds (up from 20 seconds).
  • Mage
    • Talents
      • Alter Time now has a 1-minute cooldown (down from 1.5 minutes).
      • Mirror Image copies of Frost Mages now deals 15% less damage with Frostbolt.
  • Monk
    • Talents
      • Ascension now increases Spirit by 10% instead of increasing maximum mana by 20%.
      • Breath of the Serpent (Mistweaver) healing increased by 50%.
      • Chi Burst damage has been increased by 51%. Also fixed a bug that caused its damage and healing to vary based on specialization.
      • Chi Explosion (Mistweaver) healing while in Serpent Stance is increased by 40%, and is now usable while channeling Soothing Mist.
      • Chi Torpedo damage has increased by 150% and healing has increased by 42%.
      • Hurricane Strike (Windwalker) damage increased by 25%.
      • Ring of Peace now incapacitates all enemies for 5 seconds (up from 3 seconds).
      • Zen Sphere has been improved. Its detonation damage has increased by 97%, detonation healing has increased by 70%, but periodic healing has been reduced by 39%. Also fixed a bug that caused its damage and healing to vary based on specialization.
  • Paladin
    • Talents
      • Empowered Seals (Protection, Retribution) has been improved. Liadrin’s Righteousness now increases haste by 20% (up from 15%). Uther’s Insight now heals the Paladin for 2% of maximum health (up from 1%).
      • Execution Sentence's healing dealt by Stay of Execution has increased by 100%.
      • Final Verdict (Retribution) now increases the radius of the next Divine Storm by 50% (down from 100%).
      • Hand of Purity now reduces damage taken by 15% (up from 10%).
      • Sacred Shield's (Holy) mana cost has been reduced by 34%.
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Alabaster Shield has been removed.
      • Glyph of Harsh Words is now only available to Holy Paladins.
  • Priest
    • Talents
      • Auspicious Spirits (Shadow) no longer cause Shadowy Apparitions to not deal damage. Instead, it now increases Shadowy Apparition damage by 100% in addition to still granting 1 Shadow Orb.
      • Clarity of Purpose's (Holy) healing has increased by 20%.
      • Divine Star (Shadow) damage increased by 20%.
      • Mindbender lasts for 20 seconds (up from 15 seconds).
      • Saving Grace's (Discipline, Holy) healing has increased by 50%, but now reduces future healing dealt by 15% (up from 10%). Additionally, the talent is now Instant, but its effectiveness is reduced while in PvP combat.
      • Surge of Darkness now has a 12% chance to trigger (up from 10%).
      • Void Entropy (Shadow) damage increased by 80%.
      • Void Tendrils' health has increased by 30%.
  • Rogue
    • Talents
      • Burst of Speed now has a 3-second cooldown.
      • Death from Above's damage has increased by 25%. For Assassination Rogues, the talent now also increases the duration of Envenom.
      • Leeching Poison has been redesigned. It now grants 10% Leech while active, and no longer applies a poison effect to the target. Its Shiv effect remains unchanged.
  • Shaman
    • Talents
      • Ancestral Guidance now triggers from all damage or healing dealt, including Multistrikes, instead of only direct damage or healing.
      • Storm Elemental Totem damage and healing has increased by 30%.
  • Warlock
    • Talents
      • Cataclysm now also applies Unstable Affliction for Affliction Warlocks.
      • Charred Remains (Destruction) now reduces Incinerate damage by only 50% (down from reducing Incinerate damage by 60%).
      • Grimoire of Sacrifice (Affliction, Destruction) now increases damage of affected spells by 25% (up from 20%).
      • Grimoire of Service now summons a second demon for 25 seconds (up from 20 seconds).
      • Kil'jaeden's Cunning now has a 35-second cooldown (down from 1 minute).
  • Warrior
    • Talents
      • Avatar now lasts 20 seconds with a 1.5-minute cooldown (up from lasting 24 seconds with a 3-minute cooldown).
      • Second Wind now increases Leech by 25% (up from 10%).
      • Siegebreaker (Arms, Fury) damage and knockback distance has increased by 50%.
      • Slam (Arms) damage has increased by 43%.


Healer Damage


Developer Commentary: Another change being made for Patch 6.1 is to bring the damage potential of healers up to a level that is sufficient and balanced. Healers’ damage potential will still pale compared to that of a dedicated damage dealer or tank, but it should no longer feel like you’re totally ineffective when attempting to do some outdoor content.


  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Naturalist now also increases the damage of Druid spells and abilities by 15%.
    • Talents
      • Heart of the Wild (Restoration) now increases spell damage by 150% (down from 200%), and Agility in Cat Form by 75% (down from 110%).
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • Denounce damage has increased by 50%.
      • Holy Shock damage has increased by 50%.
  • Shaman
    • Glyphs
      • Telluric Currents (Restoration) causes Flame Shock, Lava Burst, and Lightning Bolt to cost no mana and deal 100% more damage.


  • Death Knight
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Runic Power now generates 2 Runic Power every second for 5 seconds when struck by a movement-impairing effect (down from 3 Runic Power).
  • Druid
    • General
      • Healing Touch no longer heals for 50% more when cast-on-self for Balance Druids.
    • Balance
      • Balance Druids now learn a new passive ability at level 38, Nature’s Bounty.
        • Nature’s Bounty causes Healing Touch to be Critical Strikes for 8 seconds after killing an enemy that yields experience or honor.
      • Starfall and Sunfall now only hits targets affected with Moonfire or Sunfire by default.
        • Glyph of Guided Stars has been renamed to Glyph of Untamed Stars and is now a Minor glyph. Glyph of Untamed Stars expands Starfall and Sunfall to hit all targets within range.
    • Restoration
      • Genesis now affects all targets within 60 yards of the Druid and no longer requires a target.
      • Nature’s Cure is now classified as a Nature School ability.
    • Talents
      • Displacer Beast is now classified as an Arcane School ability and can no longer be used while silenced.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids now has a visual effect to indicate when the Druid is unable to generate a Starsurge charge from Entangling Roots.
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Balance Druids has been redesigned. When Starsurge hits a player, the cast time of Starfire is reduced by 30%, and the damage of Wrath is increased by 30% for 6 seconds.
  • Hunter
    • Survival
      • Trap Mastery no longer reduces the cooldown of all traps and Black Arrow by 6 seconds.
      • Black Arrow now has a cooldown of 24 seconds (down from 30 seconds).
      • Enhanced Traps now reduces the cooldown on all traps by 33% (down from 50%).
    • Hunter Pets
      • Basilisks now have a pet family ability. Stone Scales reduces damage taken by the pet. Previously, Basilisks did not have a pet family ability.
      • Hydra pets should no longer be excessively large.
      • Spirit Beast's Spirit Beast Blessing now also provides a 5% increase to critical strike chance. Does not stack with other critical strike chance buffs. Previously, other exotic pet families provided buffs to 2 stats while Spirit Beasts provided only 1.
  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Presence of Mind can now be applied to Polymorph spells.
    • Fire
      • Fireball now replaces Frostfire Bolt for Fire Mages.
    • Frost
      • Deep Freeze's stun effect now always breaks on damage from Ice Lance, but no longer has a chance to break from other damage sources.
    • Talents
      • Blast Wave (Fire) now has a 3-second cooldown.
      • Ice Nova (Frost) now has a 3-second cooldown.
      • Supernova (Arcane) now has a 3-second cooldown.
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Frostfire Bolt has been replaced with Glyph of Ignite. Glyph of Ignite causes Ignite to also reduce the target’s movement speed by 40%.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Frost Mages has been redesigned. Cone of Cold now leaves behind a patch of ice on the target area slowing any enemies caught within it by 50% for 6 seconds.
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Frost Mages has been redesigned to increase Frostbolt damage by 30% against unsnared targets, and increases Frostbolt damage by 50% against snared targets.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Elusive Brew is now highlighted when the Monk has 15 stacks of it.
    • Mistweaver
      • Mana Tea now restores mana equal to 3 times the Monk's unbuffed Spirit (instead of 4% of maximum mana).
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Blackout Kick has returned.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Windwalker Monks has been replaced by the PvP 4-piece set bonus. Touch of Karma's redirected damage can now exceed 50% of the Monk's maximum health.
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Windwalker Monks is now the PvP 2-piece set bonus. The Monk now receives a 2% reduction to damage taken for each stack of Tigereye Brew consumed for 20 seconds.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Seal of Truth is no longer available to Protection Paladins. Seal of Command is now replaced by Seal of Righteousness instead of Seal of Truth.
    • Talents
      • Beacon of Insight (Holy) now increases healing received by the target by 40% (up from 30%) and moves to the next most injured ally when the target reaches 90% health (instead of full health).
    • Glyphs
      • Glyph of Alabaster Shield has been removed.
      • Glyph of Harsh Words is now only available to Holy Paladins.
      • Glyph of Judgment is now automatically learned at level 25.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Holy Paladins now lasts 12 seconds (up from 8 seconds).
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Holy Paladins has been redesigned. Eternal Flame or Word of Glory now also reduces damage taken by the target by 5% for each Holy Power consumed (maximum of 15%) for 6 seconds. This effect only works in PvP combat.
  • Priest
    • Talents
      • Cascade may now hit the same target twice, resulting in an increase to total healing. To compensate, Cascade's healing has been reduced by 35%. However, total healing in a 20-player raid will still be slightly higher than before.
      • Insanity (Shadow) now also affects Mind Sear.
  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Enhanced Chain Lightning now increases the damage done by the next Earthquake by 300% when Chain Lightning or Lava Beam strikes 3 or more targets (instead of increasing Earthquake damage by 60% for each target struck).
    • Enhancement
      • Maelstrom Weapon no longer reduces the mana cost of spells.
    • Talents
      • Echo of the Elements has been redesigned. Echo of the Elements now causes Earthquake, Fire Nova, Lava Burst, Lava Lash, Riptide, Spirit Link Totem, Stormstrike, and Unleash Life to have 2 charges. Other abilities that reset the cooldown of these abilities will instead grant 1 charge.
    • Armor Sets
      • PvP 2-piece set bonus for Restoration Shaman now grants 975 Versatility after dispelling a harmful Magic or Curse effect from an ally (up from 780 Versatility).
      • PvP 4-piece set bonus for Restoration Shaman now triggers when the target of Earth Shield drops below 50% health (up from 35%) and Earth Shield will immediately consume up to 4 charges (up from 3 charges).
  • Warrior
    • General
      • Thunder Clap's (Arms, Protection) snare effect now lasts for 10 seconds or 8 seconds while in PvP combat (up from 6 seconds).


  • Legendary Ring Quest Line
    • A new epic follower awaits those that complete the latest chapter in the Legendary Ring Quest Line!

World Environment and Events

  • Flight Path Improvements
    • Improved the logic used for connecting flight paths. Players are now able to fly through flight points that they have not discovered yet if it'll result in a more direct flight path to a destination point.
    • A button has been added for characters in the middle of a flight to get off at the next known flight point.
  • Nagrand
    • Added two mailboxes in around the Black Market near Ring Of Blood in Nagrand.
  • Darkmoon Faire
    • The Darkmoon Faire have added an exciting new racing event with opportunities to obtain new unique prizes!
    • New achievements and rewards have been added to the Darkmoon Tonk Challenge and Darkmoon Ring Toss.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Spires of Arak
    • Sethekk Wind Serpent is undead and should no longer be skinnable.

Pet Battle

  • New battle pets have been added to Black Temple, Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit, and Sunwell Plateau along with a new achievement, Raiding with Leashes III to collect them all. Completing the achievement to collect all the new Battle Pets will award a Naaru pet.
  • Level 100 characters with a Tier-3 Garrison will now receive an item in the mail that increases a single Battle Pet's level to 25.

Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios

  • Personal loot mode received quality-of-life adjustments. Bosses that can be looted now have a custom graphical effect. Popup notifications from looting a boss have also been revamped.
  • Dungeons
    • Completing the first random Heroic Draenor Dungeon of the day no longer awards a reputation bonus with Pandarian factions.
  • Challenge Mode
    • Increased the item level of gear awarded from completing daily Challenge Mode quests to 660 (up from 640).


  • Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath now offers scrolls of Enchant Illusion – Glorious Tyranny and Enchant Illusion – Primal Victory to players with a rating of 2400 or higher in Rated Battlegrounds, and 3v3 or 5v5 Arenas.
  • Rewards are now correctly distributed based on the PvP level bracket.
  • Ashran
    • Ashran's queuing system received substantial changes to reduce wait times.
    • Event objectives now award 100 Conquest Points (down from 125).
    • Rare creatures and NPCs now drop 40-50 Artifact Fragments (down from 60-80).
    • Guards in Ring of Conquest now drop 6-8 Artifact Fragments (down from 8-11).
    • Ashmaul Pearls and Ghost Truffles have been removed. Players can now buy potions from Crafticus Mindbender (Alliance) and Dazzerian (Horde) for 10 Artifact Fragments each.
    • Kowalski's Music Box now has a 15-minute cooldown (down from 1 hour).
    • Scroll of Mass Invisibility, Scroll of Replenishment, and Scroll of Town Portal has been removed.
    • Wand of Death, Wand of Mana Stealing, and Wand of Neutralization has been removed.

Battlegrounds and Arenas

  • Bonus Honor received from winning a Battleground should now correctly convert into XP for characters that are below level 100.


  • Harvesting from Draenor Mining and Herbalism nodes should now provide more experience points. Previously, only True Iron nodes were providing the correct amount of XP.
  • New recipes have been added to create items that boost the item levels of crafted armor pieces to 680 and weapons to 670.
  • Alchemy
    • Alchemists can now transmute for Savage Blood and various Sorcerous elements.
    • Alchemists can now craft an upgradable alchemy trinket.
  • Archeology
    • Increased the maximum amount of Arakkoa, Draenor Clans, and Ogre archeology fragments that can be held at a time to 250 (up from 200).
    • All rare Draenor archeology projects no longer cost more than 200 fragments to solve.
    • Brittle Cartography Journal can now be dug up by characters with an Archeology skill of 1 (down from 575).
  • Blacksmithing
    • Crafted shields no longer counts towards the limit on Unique-Equipped: Warlords Crafted items.
  • Cooking
    • New self-only cooking recipes have been added for food that gives 125 bonus to a stat.
  • Fishing
    • Fish caught in Draenor are now automatically filleted.
    • Different sizes of Savage Piranha have been consolidated into Savage Piranha and can be consumed directly for the transformation effect.
    • Players can now always catch enormous fish from pools, regardless of skill.
    • Fish that have already been caught can be converted to the appropriate amount of flesh.
    • Draenor fishing bait now lasts for 10 minutes (up from 5 minutes) and needs to be used within 15 minutes of being caught or it'll spoil.
  • Inscription
    • The following glyphs now have recipes and are no longer sold by vendors.
      • Glyph of Cleanse
      • Glyph of Flying Fists
      • Glyph of Purification
      • Glyph of Purify Spirit
      • Glyph of the Solstice


  • Apexis Crystals
    • Characters can now accrue up to a maximum of 60,000 Apexis Crystals (up from 20,000).
    • Dawn-Seeker Rilak (Alliance) and Dawn-Seeker Kirrik (Horde) have set up shop in Stormshield and Warspear offering powerful new items (item level 670) in exchange for Apexis Crystals.
    • Apexis Crystal vendors have been reorganized with their titles now denoting what it is that they're selling.
  • Characters now receive a treasure maps in the mail for completing storyline achievements for a Draenor region.
  • Griftah now sells a variety of transmogrification items for Dingy Iron Coins. In addition, he now sells a Rogue-specific toy, Barrel of Bandanas. Barrel of Bandanas spawns a barrel that gives players that use it a random visual bandana buff for 30 minutes.
  • Season 1 PvP boots and belts sold by Kezzik at Area 52 in Netherstorm are now more comparably priced to their other Season 1 counterparts (1750 Honor).
  • Replica belts for Blood Guard and Knight-Lieutenant have been added to complete visual sets that were previously incomplete for transmogrification. These new items are sold by the vendors who sell the rest of the set, Tini Smalls and Krixel Pinchwhistle at Area 52 in Netherstorm.
  • All Brawler’s Guild shirts are now unique. Replacement Brawler’s Guild shirts can be purchased from Quackenbrush or Paul North if the character has defeated a boss that awarded it.
  • Several trinkets obtained from Draenor rares are now able to be disenchanted (previously, the items could not be disenchanted).
  • Apexis Crystals are now displaying as uncommon quality (green). There's been no change to the item's drop rate or availability.
  • Grimoire of the Four Winds should now correctly able to be used by characters that are at least level 85.
  • Honorary Brewmaster Keg is now unique. A replacement Honorary Brewmaster Keg can now be purchased from The Metal Paw in Binan Village in Binan Village for those who have completed the Pub Crawl achievement.
  • Mini Mana Bomb has been added to the Toy Box for Horde characters that have completed the achievement, Theramore’s Fall.
  • Nat Pagle’s Fishing Chair is now unique. A replacement chair can be purchased from Nat Pagle if the character has completed the achievement Learning from the Best.
  • Primal Combatant and Primal Gladiator trinkets have had their power increased.
  • Restored Artifact is now considered a trade good and can be placed in the Reagent Bank.
  • Scavenger's Eyepiece's effect now persists through death.
  • Theramore Tabard can now be re-obtained by Alliance characters that have completed the achievement, Theramore’s Fall at a tabard vendor.


  • New Death Recap Screen
    • When a character is killed, a new screen now shows more information on what killed you.




Further updates may be added on Blizzard's official patch notes. I'll provide summary highlights of the most significant changes once further testing has been done.


Have thoughts on the talent changes for your class? Head over to the forums and let us know!

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      Warcraft Logs Points
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      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
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      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
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      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
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      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
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       July 25 (Source)
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