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Needing to switch to combat for Butcher - few Q's

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Hey guys. Only once have I ever switch switched specs and it was for Mutilate (I forget when, maybe in BC?) I've gotta switch to Sub for Mythic Butcher . Trying my heart out at 673 pull after pull left me at bottom 3 each time w/ Combat (even though highly ranking in WoL smh). Also, I can't use KS or Shadowstep unless I feint and do it in perfect position because how we take the Butcher down, Butcher is always standing on Pale Vitrol / Paleobomb in the part of the room you jump down into from above. 


Been sitting on target dummies for quite awhile practicing rotation / muscle memory for my keybinds and I've got a few questions: 



-Reflection Rupture. Having a rupture during the SR I see is in the opening. For future SRs post pull, should I always be trying to put a Rupture in there? When this happens is there two seperate Ruptures ticking away on the target? 


-MfD. I've never played without Anticipation. I think it grants you so much damn freedom. Helps pool points, energy, etc during the whole fight for a smoother rotation. I'm going to take MfD during butcher because of the adds that keep dying. I know if I have 4 CP, HaT will eventually generate the 5th combo point. When do you find yourselves waiting longer or spending 4 combo points? This is absolutely something I need to get used to playing with. Or over 5 minutes will it not matter and I should just stick w/ Anticipation?


-Should I still be taking Subterfuge instead of Shadow Focus because of the 'bug'? This is in reference to 5.3.1 in the Icy Veins Sub guide under Rotations. 


-Will I be opening the same as the guide? Prep -> SnD -> Pot -> Garrote -> SR -> Rupture -> Dance -> Ambushes/Rotation


-Hemo last priority - only used when SV needs applied quickly and I'm not in dance? What about for just 1 quick combo point if I'm on 4 w/o anticipation? 

Edited by Aeolla

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Good questions


1) When possible, try and get the copy of Rupture. It's by far the hardest hitting skill that Sub has, averaging about twice the damage of Evis. The second Rupture works the exact same as your own - it ticks down, will gain an instant tick when your BS and Ambush multistrike, and you'll see a second Rupture on the target. There's currently a bug where it will sometimes disappear after your clone goes away, but it will still deal its damage


Don't refresh a fresh Rupture just to get it cloned though. If clone is coming up in the next couple seconds, apply Hemo to maintain SV buff then wait the few second so you can get the double Rupture. You'll be pooling energy anyways so it's not a huge loss


2) MfD as Sub is kind of a pain imo. Takes a lot of practice, and doesn't flow very well. Waiting 2s for a HaT proc isn't bad, although if you've got FW up you should just keep casting. If HaT gave you the 4th, you have time for BS > Evis before the next HaT proc.


While MfD is a dps increase, it's not SUPER significant, and being more comfortable with Anticipation will ultimately yield you better results. I play with Anticipation myself


3) Yes, Subterfuge is significantly ahead of SF


4) I change it a little. Premed > SnD > Pot > Garrote > BS a couple times as I wait for another HaT proc > SR > Rup > Dance


I find it gets me slightly better uptime on FW that way. Just track your trinket procs, cause you'll want them up for your entire Dance - if they have under 10s you'll want to enter Dance asap so you can ignore the initial BS casts


5) Yes Hemo is last priority, Use when FW is down or if you need an instant bleed, such as target swapping if an add won't live  the full duration of Rupture


NB: you shouldn't be using Garrote after Vanish - it's really only good in your opener because it saves a gcd applying both SV and FW. Since you'll have SV already on target when you Vanish, it's better to just go with Ambush

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Awesome reply - thanks. Was pulling about 28-30k on attempts in 675 Haste gear. As the pulls go on it's slowly coming to me. Same ideas with pooling energy / CPs basically as Combat. I think I could easily sustain 31+ in this gear when I perfect my timings.


This absolutely helps and I'll apply it this evening. Opener makes sense to me. I see a lot of bickering everywhere about sub openings. 


Decided to ditch MfD as well. Even though I'd be able to abuse it by making a spammable cast MfD on those little shits, I want to learn to play properly with Anticipation (top rogue parses in mythic butcher use anticipation anyway). 


Thanks again Rogue Wizard

Edited by Aeolla

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Any time haha. If you've got the gold, pick yourself up the Coin since it synergizes so well with your cooldowns. It's just as good at the Mythic Imperator trinket

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Any time haha. If you've got the gold, pick yourself up the Coin since it synergizes so well with your cooldowns. It's just as good at the Mythic Imperator trinket


Haven't seen it less then 90k on Korgath Alliance (if at all). I'm just reaching that gold amount which means I'll probably end up saving it. 


Funny thing is, I had Grandoise Plans (645) until last night in 675 gear lol. Replaced it w/ 655 Scales. First time I've seen the trinket drop all xpac. It was a 600 dps increase lol. Will probably grab coin if I see a deal (50k or less). 

Edited by Aeolla

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