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Resto Shaman - Horde vs Alliance: then which race is better?

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Currently Alliance Panda - tossed around the idea of going Draenei but wasnt sure if the flat 65 to intellect was really THAT much better than the double food buff?


Then my husband and I are tossing around the idea of going Horde. We've been both and feel overall that Horde not only have better racials, but better in many other game aspects - whether its major city placement, flight paths, pvp, etc...


Too bad Shamans can't be Blood Elves - so we're down to Goblins with I'm not really sure ?, Orcs with spell power, Trolls with beserk and Taurens with crit. These can be hit every 1.5-2min?? 


Lame I know but I dont want to be a tiny toon I want to be able to see my gear so Goblin is out.


Can anyone make an argument for one race over the other being best? Probably staying Alliance for now until our current guild drives us so insane we go Horde. So what's your opinion on what's best for each side? Thanks 

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Cantdoit - how often can you hit your racial button and it does have something to do with crit right?


I want to pick whatever class really has the best racial 1st and then looks 2nd. I do hate the way Orcs look but if its worth being ugly to play better I'll deal with it. Pandas are fat, Draenei look way better but are they?!?tongue.png

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For Resto Shaman, I have a Troll. The main reason here is that Shamans excel when there is a lot of healing to be done asap because of our Mastery. When people get low, that is when our throughput matters much more than when they are at 70%+. other classes like Druids, or Disc priests take care of that healing much better than Shamans. But since all racials are "roughly" equal in terms of overall stat allocation, Berzerking allows you to cram it all into the burst phase when people are low and you are healing the most. A constant buff like Pandaren, or Draenei is better for classes that have a relatively constant level of throughput, like Discs. 


In any case, the difference is very, very minor. If you are starting a fresh character, then consider it, but don't reroll just because of it.

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I never warstomp, the passive racial is 2% additional critical damage/critical healing, and some extra stamina. Personally unless you're already in a top 200 guild I wouldn't worry about the racial min-max it's not really that big of an output gain as you'd might think.

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As it already was mentioned here, if you are not a part of world top guilds and not doing server first progression, do not bother with these buffs. The difference is minor and these tiny percents are not worth playing a race which appearance you don't like.

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I say if you like being a panda, stay panda and just change to horde :D

Otherwise, the racial differences are just so minor that you should really just pick whichever race you like best!

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Even though we are pretty unhappy with our current guild and it looks like there is a high chance I'll be asked to go Enhancement and money isnt an issue - we'll probably stay Alliance for a bit longer. If things get unbearable we're going Horde in a heartbeat! 


We've had some tank issues (granted no one in their right mind would want to tank with our MT) our only Enhancement shaman has switched to his Monk to tank and we'll likely pick up a Disc priest making us very healer heavy and me being sadly the best choice to get asked to go dps if neededsad.png 

Fingers crossed so tight that when 6.1 finally comes out resto gets better. 

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