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A resto shaman that wants to improve

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Greetings everybody. I'm here because I feel I'm still missing some gears in the whole rsham healing machine and would like to get some help: rotation, BiS, etc.


Yes, there is a rotation section on Icy vein, and I read it . Completely. But I still feel I could pull more as a healer than what I am actually doing.


Here's my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/illidan/Tauruk/simple


Here's a HM log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/g39CrZ8hMAWx6cmD#fight=77


I know, there are alot of errors but I would like to cover them all with experienced healers. I know I should be using Earth shield more often (and not forget it), not forget CBT as well between 2 HST, used Elemental blast on CD and finally should have used riptide way more often. (It was a normal raid, I did it for a month nonstop, I was kind brainlessly doing it). I will eventually put a Log where I give my all in order to see the real deal.


Still, I'm sure there are alot of details im missing out. Especially Chain heal. Very mana expensive, I'm almost afraid of using it. However, I see alot of healers using it and still having more mana than me. How can I use it to the best of its potential? especially since I now have t17 2set, I feel like I need to introduce it in my rotations. When? How? Why? should I change CBT for HT?


About the cds, I'm using them all at once (Ascendance/HTT) and SLT separated as a emergency cd. Should I use them separately?


About the gear, do the primary stats (int) weight more than secondary stats? Should I get a higher Ilvl piece because of the int boost, at the expense of haste/mastery combo?


Help me please, I'm starting to feel like I'm on the wrong track somewhere.

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Hello, Uthul.


Let's start from your Armory.

You are concerned about mana, but your weapon is not enchanted. I checked, you obtained it two weeks ago, so how's that? Mark of Shadowmoon increases your Spirit by 500, you should get it immediately if you have mana problems.

Your Winged Hourglass are only stage 1, should be stage 3 this deep into expansion - it's another big mana loss for you.

You have a Breath enchant on the neck, should be the Gift.


About the gear, do the primary stats (int) weight more than secondary stats? Should I get a higher Ilvl piece because of the int boost, at the expense of haste/mastery combo?

Yes, primary stats weight more than secondaries, but there is a limit to everything. To give an extreme example, you shouldn't change 665 item with Mastery and Haste to 671 with Crit and Vers. But if it's something with Mastery / Haste / Multi on both pieces, I would say - change for a higher ilvl.


About the cds, I'm using them all at once (Ascendance/HTT) and SLT separated as a emergency cd. Should I use them separately?

You should use them separately. There are no "Use all your CDs or wipe the raid" damage patterns in WoD and I'm sure that other healers in your team are doing there job too, so there is no particular reason to blow everything in one go.

I can advice though to use your trinket together with HTT and to cast Spiritwalker's Grace with Ascendance, so you wouldn't waste it during unexpected movement.

I would advice to change Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace to Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus. There are many damage patterns that require short periods of movement every minute or so. It's better to be able to cast during these periods, than just to have extended Spiritwalker's Grace.


Now to the logs.

Well, you already said that you are aware to bad usage of all your main spells. HST, CBT, EB are very low, no CH at all. You should do with this something, because right now you are pulling ahead in meters due to your higher ilvl and your fellow healers not pulling their weight, but it's not a normal state if you are aiming for any progression.


I checked your mana during the raid - you almost always on full mana (at least in the log that you linked), so I don't really understand what's your concern about using Chain Heal. You must use it - it's a big part of shaman's heal. Being worried about some potential mana loss is not a good reason to dismiss one of our main spells.


Well, that's all for now. There is much work to start with, hope it was helpful.

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Thanks for the quick reply!


Most of these errors(except the chain heal) are fixed, because this is not the best log I have, only the most recent. In BRF, I actually give my all. and during long fights (Kromog, beast or flamebender for example) I always end up with no mana way before the others.


I actually WANT to use Chain heal, but I never know when's the time to use it. I see many people under lets say 60% but I don't know their location, if they will be affected by it. Any tips on when I should chain heal? Should I get some chain heal glyphs? Should I get HT with the t4 coming?

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Could you post a picture of your UI in a raid environment? (LFR's okay) I could help set you up with some trackers to help your spell usage, and knowing who to heal gets a lot easier with proper raid frames.

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I actually WANT to use Chain heal, but I never know when's the time to use it. I see many people under lets say 60% but I don't know their location, if they will be affected by it. Any tips on when I should chain heal? Should I get some chain heal glyphs? Should I get HT with the t4 coming?

It's really not that complicated :)

You see more than 2 people lower than 85% HP (just visual, no need to measure), cast Riptide on one of them, start CH from there.

Possible modifiers:

- start from the tank with ES (+20% of healing on this target)

- start from riptided target (+25% healing to CH)

- cast UL before CH (+30% healing to CH)

- High Tide (cancels jumps diminishing, adds two riptided targets to current 4)

- Glyph of Chaining. Force you to 3 sec. CD on CH usage - you can try it temporarily while learning to use CH.


The most important - don't be afraid. It's not like somebody will come to your home and beat you because of wrong CH usage ^^

Go to LFR and give it a go.

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UI looks okay :)

But for some reason I don't see any DBM notifications on the screen.

My only question is whether you can see and track your (and other players) HoTs and shields on your raid frames?

I think that seeing ES on the tank frame or Riptide remaining duration on player frames would be very helpful, especially for CH starting target decisions and not renewing Riptide on the target that still has it ticking. 


If you do track this on your raid frames and have DBM but it just didn't showed on this screenshot, I'm sorry.

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I am able to track every ES cast by all shamans so it is easy to see which tank hasnt the ES. I, however, can't see any hots on any target, other than mines. We can't see any because mines were simply wasnt any up tongue.png


We can't see the DBM tracks for the simple fact that I don't have DBM. It may be just me, but I don't like having an addon to hold my hand through a fight. For the same reason, I don't use Vuhdo or any healing click-o-addon other than the timers (I use mouseover macros). If theres a way to indicate me all the hots though, I'll take it, even if its Vuhdo.

Edited by Uthul

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it isn't about needing your hand held or whatever, it's about having the information you need to be effective.  Knowing that the next mechanic comes in 8s or whatever helps you use cooldowns, set HR, etc.  The era of addons 'playing the game for you' is long over.


it looks like your UI package uses grid, which can be set up to track hots or whatever other buff/debuffs you want.


your logs looks pretty good; spell usage is okay, not a ton of overheal (though you do substantially outgear the content and the rest of the raid.)


w/r/t chainheal, it's expensive, but if you're going to be ending fights at 50%+ mana anyway you might as well use it.  If you're concerned about mana efficiency you can use glyph of chaining and just use it sparingly.  On your twins kill you wouldn't have to cast chainheal many times at all for it + high tide to be better than what you got out of cloudburst.

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We can't see the DBM tracks for the simple fact that I don't have DBM. It may be just me, but I don't like having an addon to hold my hand through a fight. For the same reason, I don't use Vuhdo or any healing click-o-addon other than the timers (I use mouseover macros). If theres a way to indicate me all the hots though, I'll take it, even if its Vuhdo.

1. yes, VuhDo can show all the HoTs and CDs on the healing frames.

2. I don't think that you are right not using DBM. Actually, I don't even understand how your RL tolerate this, but, well, it's not my business. Progress raiding nowadays is pretty complicated and most of the fights have multiply timers to track. If you are screwing on moving in / moving out / using CDs in right time, it's not your personal problem - you can easily wipe the raid.

If you are able to play without DBM and healing frames in progress raids, I would really like to see the logs :)

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He's using Elvui - its what I use. His raid frames are Elvui as well, not Grid. I personally for whatever reason can still not get Grid to work; Grid2 yes, but not Grid. I liked Grid better because it showed all incoming heals from other healers but ever since Dec patch (and even after the recent update) it still wont work for me, even when I disable my Elvui.

I can't get Elvui to show other healer casts, it will show Priest and Paladin big CDs like Spirit Shell and Amp, wont show Druids Tranq. 


In looking at your Armory today I dont see that anything has been enchanted except for your rings and neck and 2 of those still have the lower level enchant on them. No weapon or cloak enchant and trinket still not upgraded. 


Looking at your talents - why did you select Totemic Persistence - its recommended if you take Cloud Burst, but you have High Tide. I personally take Totemic Projection most of the time to help with my SLT placement. 


Logs down for maintenance atm so cant check them for suggestions. 

Edited by Toulip

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