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Rune management

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I play a 2h frost dk ilvl 489 and doing about 70-80k dps, I'm trying to find ways to improve as I know I'm losing out dps somewhere, I know I need to keep my plagues up better but I think my main struggle Is the runes and how to manage them better.

Would anyone be able to give me an in-depth guide to this? I would really appreciate it.


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I play a 2h frost dk ilvl 489 and doing about 70-80k dps, I'm trying to find ways to improve as I know I'm losing out dps somewhere, I know I need to keep my plagues up better but I think my main struggle Is the runes and how to manage them better.

Would anyone be able to give me an in-depth guide to this? I would really appreciate it.


Hello, friend!

I don't know that there is that much to it to justify writing an in-depth guide. I'm aware that it looks complicated, and quite frankly it often feels clumsy.

Since you are playing 2-handed Frost, I'll assume you're using Runic Empowerment.

In this case, it's actually quite simple.

  • Never use runes on Howling Blast, unless your Frost Fever is down, you don't have a Rime proc, and Outbreak is on cooldown. This means basically only HB on Rime procs, it won't affect your runes at all.
  • If you can Obliterate, do it, unless you're full on runic power. (detail: if you have a KM proc, Obliterate even if you're full on runic power).
  • If you can't Obliterate, then Frost Strike. Do NOT Frost Strike if you can Obliterate, unless you're capped on runic power. (detail: if you have a KM proc, don't Frost Strike even if you're capped on runic power, and just wait for Obliterate to become available (further detail: but don't wait more than 2-3 seconds)).
  • Refresh Blood Plague with Plague Strike if Outbreak is not available.
This is basically all there is to it, and once you get into the rhythm, there's very little reason to watch your runes. The only real key is to make sure to dump runic power with Frost Strike when Obliterate is not available. Mind you, the above thing isn't a complete rotation break-down, you can check the guide or other DK threads around here for that.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, and let me know if there's anything else.

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