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Crafting a new legendary

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First, I want to say I LOVE this board.  So incredibly helpful and useful.  Which is why I would like some advice from the seasoned players.


I currently have Boom, Jaraxxus, Garosh, Harrison, Sylvanas and Pagle, among a few other hero or class specific legendaries.  I love Warlock Demonology and was thinking about Mal'Ganis (although I fear its a one hit wonder kind of thing). 


Any other thoughts about a good legendary for the pack?  I heard Alex is also an excellent card to craft and might go well in other decks of mine.


Thanks in advance for the replies.

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Sounds like youve already got some really solid legendaries!


Best thing to do is have a good look at some of the decks that Sottle has made and see which you would like to play - and which legendaries you are missing.


If theres 3-4 decks that you like the look of that all have the same legendary then thats your answer!  Normally I would say you couldn't go wrong with Dr.Boom and Sylvanas but you've got those already :D!

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Thanks Peelyon.  I have Bloodmage as well. 


At this point the fun for me is convergence and theme decks.  I was considering possibly Sneed or Alex.  Don't know really how effective they are.  Alex seems interesting but then again, unless you can produce it early enough, by round 8 or 9 I would hope my opponent is hovering around 15 health lol.  I might play with a freeze mage deck and this as well.


But I'll probably succumb to Mal'Ganis' lure haha.

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Alex is great because of the fact you can use it as a heal as well remember :)


Sneed is "fun" in the sense of you dont know what youre going to get.  Having a Sneed die and getting another Sneed has been a personal highlight though :P


A neutral one would defo be best then if you enjoy making youre own decks.  Leeroy is a great card too although you don't tend to see it that often anymore

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