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What's the best zoo deck?

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I want to try zoo. There are so many different versions. What's the best one?

The newest one.

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I want to try zoo. There are so many different versions. What's the best one?

Depends, atm Zoo as an archetype is divided in 2 types atleast- Regular Zoo and Demon Midrange Zoo.

 Difference in most decklists comes down to about ~5-6 cards with Demon version being filled with way more expensive cards like Dr.Boom, Sylvannas, Malganis, Bane of Doom etc. My personal opinion is that Demon version is harder to play but has higher win percantages  while the classic has a faster curve and is able to outpace certain decks leaving them hopeless.


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Yeah, if there's multiple versions of a deck up, there is no outright "best". If there were, I would remove all the other forms.

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