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Heroes Closed Beta Patch Notes - May 12, 2015

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Heroes of the Storm received what will be its final patch during the Closed Beta today. The patch includes the new Hero Kael'thas, numerous performance changes and bug fixes, art updates, and talent changes for several Heroes. The complete patch notes follow.


The full patch notes can be found below, but the highlights of this patch include:

  • Introduction of Kael'thas as a new Hero
  • Diablo and E.T.C. overhaul
  • Player level 25 unlocks all Heroic Abilities and Talents on all Heroes

Also, remember that the official beta period ends on June 1, 2015, which is the last opportunity to earn the Level 40 Beta portrait!


We’ve brought Heroes of the Storm offline for a period of extended maintenance today in order to bring you a brand new Closed Beta patch! Maintenance is ongoing, but don't worry; we'll let you know just as soon as the Nexus is back online. In the meantime, you can check out the complete patch notes below.







Players that reached level 40 after the March 24 Closed Beta patch was released will now properly receive the associated portrait reward upon logging in to Heroes of the Storm.

  • Please note: In order to receive the portrait, players affected by this issue must log in to Heroes of the Storm before June 1, 2015. After that date, the portrait will no longer be awarded.


  • Improved Graphics Settings Auto-Detection
    • Several tweaks have been made to improve how Heroes auto-detects certain hardware configurations.
    • As a result of these improvements, all players’ default Graphic Settings will be re-detected and reset following today’s patch in order to provide better performance and play experiences across a wider range of hardware configurations.
  • Updated Performance Notification
    • The performance overlay (Ctrl + Alt + F) has been updated to track several additional metrics, which should help players better identify some common performance issues.
    • Several icons have been added, which will display in the performance overlay when the game client is experiencing certain types of significant performance issues.
  • Many additional performance improvements have been made across various aspects of the game, including reduced memory usage and fragmentation on all graphic settings.





Kael’thas Sunstrider has been added to Heroes of the Storm and is now available for play! Read on for a brief overview of this fiery new Assassin's Abilities.


  • Verdant Spheres (D)
    • Activate to make your next Basic Ability more powerful.

Basic Abilities

  • Flamestrike (Q)
    • After a short delay, deal damage in an area.
    • Verdant Spheres (Trait) -- Increases Flamestrike’s radius and damage.
  • Living Bomb (W)
    • Damages an enemy over a short time, after which the target will explode, damaging all nearby enemies. Casting a second Living Bomb on an enemy causes the first to explode immediately.
    • Verdant Spheres (Trait) -- Removes Living Bomb’s Mana cost and cooldown.
  • Gravity Lapse (E)
    • Stuns the first enemy hit.
    • Verdant Spheres (Trait) -- Causes Gravity Lapse to stun the first 3 enemies in its path.

Heroic Abilities

  • Phoenix ®
    • Launch a Phoenix to target area, dealing damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists, attacking enemies, and dealing splash damage to those near its primary attack target.
  • Pyroblast ®
    • After a short delay, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals massive damage to an enemy, and medium damage to enemies near the target.





  • The Radial Ping Menu has received updated art, which more closely matches the appearance of pings issued in the game world.
  • Defeat, fidget, taunt, and victory animations have been added to a number of Heroes and summoned units.
  • Gazlowe, Illidan, and Kerrigan have received minor animation and pose updates on Hero Select.
  • Several Heroes have received polish on the animations that play when purchased in the Shop.


  • Various Battleground assets have received additional visual polish.
  • Various Battleground assets have received additional optimization to help improve performance.
  • The terrain surrounding the Core on all Battlegrounds has been changed to better indicate the Core’s attack range.
  • Siege Giant Mercenaries on Sky Temple and Tomb of the Spider Queen have received minor attack animation polish.
  • Water in enemy Healing Fountains will now appear red on all Battlegrounds.

Heroes, Abilities, Mounts, and Skins

  • Heroes
    • Cloth physics have been added to the following Heroes:
      • Malfurion
      • Sylvanas
    • The following Heroes have received facial animation improvements:
      • Gazlowe
      • Sonya
  • Hero Abilities
    • The following Heroic Abilities will now apply an Invulnerability overlay to the affected player’s screen for the duration of their effects.
      • Tyrael -- Sanctification ®
      • Uther -- Divine Shield ®
    • The following Heroes have received new Ability icon art:
      • Zagara
      • Zeratul
    • The following Heroes’ Ability icons have received updated art to make them easier to differentiate from one another:
      • Abathur
      • Kerrigan
      • Nova
      • Sgt. Hammer
      • Tassadar
    • The following Hero Abilities and Talents have received visual polish:
      • Blood for Blood (Talent)
      • Abathur -- Symbiote (Q) Abilities: Stab (Q), Spike Burst (W), Carapace (E); Monstrosity ®
      • Arthas -- Summon Sindragosa ®
      • Diablo -- Received updated art and visual effects to coincide with his Talent rework.
      • E.T.C. -- Received updated art and visual effects to coincide with his Talent rework.
      • Jaina -- Ring of Frost ® visual effects now more closely match the Ability’s duration.
      • Nova -- Anti-Armor Shells (Talent) target indicator
      • Raynor -- Raynor’s Raiders ® target indicator
      • Sonya -- Basic Attack
      • Sylvanas -- Withering Fire (Q) target indicator, Haunting Wave (E) reactivation
      • Zagara -- Mutalisk (Talent), Nydus Network ®
  • Mounts
    • Terror Charge has been added as a new Mount for Diablo, which will allow him to run across the battlefield on all fours.




Bundle Packs

  • New Bundles
    • The Stormpunk Kael’thas Bundle Pack has been added to the in-game Shop for a limited time.
  • Starter Bundle
    • The Starter Bundle has been updated to include a 7-day Stimpack in addition to its other content. The Bundle Pack’s price has not changed.
    • All players who previously purchased the Starter Bundle will also gain a 7-day Stimpack, which will activate shortly after the patch has been released in all Battle.net regions. Please see the official forums for more information.


  • New Hero
    • Kael’thas Sunstrider has been added to the in-game Shop!

Price Changes

  • The Kandy King Muradin Skin’s real-money price has been reduced to $7.49 USD.
  • The price to create a new team for competition in Team League has been reduced to 500 Gold.



  • New Skins
    • A Master Skin has been added for Kael’thas.
    • The Stormpunk Kael’thas Skin has been added to the in-game Shop.





  • Battlegrounds have had their music playlists updated.
  • Voiceover that indicates when players rejoin, or disconnect from, a game will be played less frequently.

Heroes and Skins

  • The Pure Country E.T.C. Skin has received all new Ability sound effects.
  • The Lurkablo Diablo Skin has received a brand new voiceover set, which *MRGL! Mrglglbrlg rmgll MRGGLGLM! Mrrgrgbl…* 
  • Many Heroes have received additional sound effect polish.




Options Menus

  • Options menus have been cleaned up across the board, and a number of settings that were not applicable to Heroes of the Storm have been removed.
  • Social Options
    • An “Enable Allied Chat” checkbox has been added, which can be used to enable or disable in-game chat messages from teammates. This setting will be turned on by default.
  • Gameplay Options
    • A “Right-Click Through Minimap” checkbox has been added which can be used to toggle whether right-clicks will register on the minimap, or click through to the terrain underneath.
      • Please note that this is a first pass at implementation for this feature, and further improvements will be made with future updates.
  • An Observer and Replay Options tab has been added.
    • The “Save All Replays”, “Display Replay Time Info”, and “Observer Interface” settings have been moved from Gameplay Options into this new tab.

End-of-Game Score Screen

  • Summary
    • A gold border has been added to Hero and Player Level progress bars.
  • Talents
    • The Talents tab has been enabled on end-of-game Score Screens. Click to view the Talents selected by each player during the previous game.

Hero and Player Progression

  • Player Level Rewards
    • Upon reaching Player Level 25, all Heroic Abilities and Talents will now be automatically unlocked for Heroes that have not yet progressed to Hero Level 4.
      • Kindly note that, for the time being, players at or above Player Level 25 may still receive Heroic Ability and Talent unlock notifications as their Heroes progress through levels 1 - 4. This is a visual issue that will be resolved with a future game update.

In-Game UI

  • Buffs and Debuffs
    • Many buff and debuff icons, which were previously displayed to the left of Heroes’ in-game portraits, have been removed.
    • Hero-specific buff icons (such as Valla’s Hatred) have been moved to the right of the Hero’s in-game portrait.
    • Hero nameplates will now display the following status effects: Blinded, Invulnerable, Rooted, Silenced, Stunned, and Unstoppable.
  • Chat
    • Whispers from non-friends will now cause a help message to display, which indicates that the Chat Privacy Social Setting is turned off.
  • In-game Score Screens
    • The in-game Talents Screen (TAB) has received updated art.
    • Counters for Battleground Objectives (such as Doubloons, Skulls, etc.) are now also visible on the Talents Screen.
    • Players may mute chat messages from individual teammates by clicking the speech bubble icons found on the far-right side of the in-game Score Screen (TAB).
      • Teammates muted in this way will no longer be automatically added to the muting player’s “Blocked Communication” list.
    • Gear icons have been added to the far-right side of the in-game Score Screen, which can be clicked to report individual teammates or block all communication with them.
    • XP gains are now tracked more accurately for each Hero on the in-game Score Screen.
      • XP gains for takedowns, destroying structures, capturing Mercenary Camps, and securing Battleground Objectives are now split between all Heroes that are within standard XP range.
        • If no Heroes are nearby, XP earned this way is split evenly amongst the team.
  • Radial Ping Menu
    • The Radial Ping Menu has received updated art which more closely matches the pings issued by players in the game world.
    • Issuing an “On My Way” ping will now display an arrow on the terrain that indicates which direction that player is approaching from.

Play Screen

  • Hero Select
    • The Party Panel at the top of the screen will now indicate when party members have clicked the Ready button.
  • Training Mode has been added to the Play Screen.
    • Use Training Mode to play with A.I. teammates against A.I. opponents. Uther will feel quite compelled to offer advice during games played in this mode.
    • Games completed in Training Mode will not award any Gold or Daily Quest progress.
  • Versus A.I.
    • Use this game mode to play with human or A.I. teammates against more difficult A.I. opponents than those found in Training Mode.
    • Use the “Versus A.I. Options” box found in the lower-left corner of the Versus A.I. Screen to toggle between human and A.I. teammates.

Player Profile

  • Portrait Tab
    • Portrait borders have been added which will indicate the player’s current Hero and Team League ranks.
    • Navigate to the Portrait tab in the Player Profile to switch among the Player Level, Hero League, and Team League portrait borders.


Ranked Play

  • Ranks
    • Hero and Team League rank icons have received new art, and will now update visually upon reaching ranks 40, 30, 20, 10, and 1.


  • A number of visual improvements have been made to item display and layout in the Shop.
  • Each of the Heroes, Skins, and Mounts tabs will now display a featured item.
  • Discounts are now called out more prominently on item preview images.
  • Heroes Tab
    • Hero Ability layout on Heroes’ About pages has been overhauled.
    • An Abilities page has been added to Hero pages.
    • The Talents page has received visual improvements, and now more closely matches the Talent pane found on the Hero Select Screen.
  • Skins Tab
    • Skins have been classified as Rare, Epic, or Legendary based on how they alter a Hero.
      • These classifications will be displayed on each Skin’s preview image in the Shop, and Master Skins are also called out in this way.
    • Skin About pages will now list which aspects of the Hero they modify: Altered Voiceover, Replaced Voiceover, Themed Abilities, Themed Animations, and Themed Mount.


  • A pop-up dialog has been added to help new players track their progress through the Tutorial Missions.
  • The Introduction, Basic, and Advanced Tutorial Missions will now award the player with Gold upon completion.
    • If any Tutorial Missions are skipped, players may return to complete them (and claim their Gold rewards) at any time by opening the Main Menu (F10) and clicking the “Tutorials” button.




Sky Temple

  • Healing Fountains found near each team’s Fort in the center lane have been repositioned to prevent them from being attacking outside of tower range.


  • Basic Training
    • Core Health reduced from 14,000 (+400 per level) to 11,000 (+300 per level)
    • Core Shields reduced from 7,000 (+200 per level) to 5,500 (+150 per level)
    • Fort Health reduced from 9,000 to 7,000
    • Keep Health reduced from 13,000 to 10,000





  • Now breaks units within its radius out of Stealth, rather than revealing them

Focused Attack

  • Bonus to Basic Attack damage increased from 50% to 75%

Follow Through

  • Bonus to Basic Attack damage increased from 25% to 40%

Healing Ward

  • Can now be struck by Area of Effect Abilities
  • Healing Wards now have 50 (+15 per level) Health

Ice Block

  • Ice Block can now be reactivated to cancel its effects early


  • Buff duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds








  • One in the Chamber (Talent)
    • Bonus to Basic Attack damage increased from 50% to 80%




  • Penetrating Round (Q)
    • Knockback distance increased by about 23%
  • Inspire (W)
    • Attack Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%
      • Allied Attack Speed bonus increased from 12.5% to 15%
    • Mana cost reduced from 50 to 40
    • Cooldown decreased from 15 to 10 seconds
    • Duration decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
  • Raynor’s Raiders ®
    • New indicator art has been added that will highlight the Banshees’ current target.






  • Locust Strain (Trait)
    • Bombard Locusts (Talent)
      • Bombard Strain Locust attack range reduced by 30%
  • Symbiote (Q)
    • Stab (Q)
      • Damage increased from 44 (+9 per level) to 46 (+9.5 per level)




  • General of Hell (Trait)
    • Bound Minion (Talent)
      • Duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds




  • Rock-it! Turret (Q)
    • Mana cost decreased from 70 to 60
    • Rock-It! Turret XL (Talent)
      • Now acquires targets in a cone rather than a circle
      • This change was made to prevent cases where bonus shots fire farther than the turret's indicated range.
    • Turret Storage (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 13
      • Maximum Turret charges reduced from 4 to 3
    • Long-Ranged Turrets (Talent)
      • Turret attack range bonus increased from 25% to 40%
  • Deth Lazor (W)
    • Damage gained per level reduced from 14 to 12
    • Mana cost decreased from 75 to 60
    • Cooldown decreased from 15 to 12 seconds, and now begins once Deth Lazor is fired
    • Damage now increases at 1.5 second, rather than 2 second, intervals while channeling, and reaches maximum damage at 3 seconds.
    • Maximum channel time decreased from 8 to 6 seconds
    • Goblin Fusion (Talent) moved from Level 16 to Level 4
      • Damage bonus reduced from 50% to 25%
    • EZ-PZ Dimensional Ripper (Talent)
      • Slow amount increased from 35% to 40%
  • Xplodium Charge (E)
    • Mana cost increased from 60 to 70
    • Kwik Release Charge (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 16
  • Grav-O-Bomb 3,000 ®
    • Triggers 0.1875 seconds sooner in order to better align with the Ability’s visual effects



  • Spawn Egg (Trait)
    • Murky now spawns into the game with an Egg automatically placed in the Hall of Storms.
    • If both Murky and his Egg are killed, a new Egg will be automatically placed in the Hall of Storms once he respawns.
    • Spawn Egg will not be placed on cooldown in either of the above scenarios.




  • New Talent (Level 7): Remorseless
    • After using an Ability, the next Basic Attack within 3 seconds deals 25% additional damage.
    • This is a Sylvanas-specific replacement for the Follow Through Talent.




  • Jump! (Talent) cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds
  • Longboat Raid! ®
    • The Lost Vikings will now become stunned for 1.5 seconds if the Longboat is destroyed before its duration ends.
  • Play Again! ®
    • All of the Lost Vikings are now restored to full Health upon casting Play Again!





  • Infest (Talent)
    • Duration increased from 15 to 30 seconds






  • Healing Totem (Talent)
    • Cooldown increased from 45 to 60 seconds
  • Farsight (Talent)
    • Now breaks units within its radius out of Stealth, rather than revealing them




  • Oracle (Trait)
    • Now reveals enemy units slightly faster






  • Scarab Host (Trait)
    • Beetle A.I. has received several improvements.
      • If Anub’arak is attacking an enemy when a Beetle is spawned, the Beetle will also attempt to attack that target.
      • If Anub’arak is not attacking anything when a Beetle is spawned, the Beetle will attempt to find a nearby target to attack.
      • Beetles will now attack and pursue a target found this way until that enemy dies, or the Beetles lose track of the target (through teleporting away, for example). Only then will the Beetles return to a lane.
  • Impale (Q)
    • Casting delay removed
  • Burrow Charge (E)
    • Casting delay significantly reduced




  • Chen’s Brew will now be fully restored after using Hearthstone (cool.png to return to the Hall of Storms.
  • Storm, Earth, Fire ®
    • Chen’s status bar will now be hidden during the period of invulnerability that occurs while casting Storm, Earth, Fire, in order to better communicate this state to players.




  • Diablo has received significant updates.
  • Health decreased from 1060 (+260 per level) to 1050 (+250 per level)
  • Amplified Healing (Talent) removed
  • Relentless (Talent) removed
  • Storm Shield (Talent) removed
  • New Talent (Level 13): Life Leech
    • Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1% of that Hero’s maximum Health, and heals Diablo for the same amount.
  • New Talent (Level 20): Lord of Terror
    • Activate to steal 10% of the maximum Health of all nearby enemy Heroes
  • Black Soulstone (Trait)
    • Maximum Health gain changed from +5 per Soul to +0.15% per Soul
    • Endless Death (Talent) removed
    • Soul Feast (Talent)
      • Health Regeneration bonus increased from 2% to 3% per Soul
    • Siphon the Dead (Talent) moved from Level 7 to 13
      • Will no longer interrupt movement when activated
      • No longer consumes Souls upon activation, and Black Soulstone now heals 15% of Diablo’s maximum Health over 3 seconds
    • Soul Steal (Talent)
      • This Talent has been repurposed and now affects Diablo’s Black Soulstone Trait.
      • Now increases the maximum Health gained per Soul from 0.15% to 0.25%
    • New Talent (Level 4): Soul Catcher
      • Passively generates a Soul every 4 seconds
    • New Talent (Level 4): Essence of the Slain
      • Gain 10 Mana whenever a nearby enemy Minion dies
  • Shadow Charge (Q)
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 60
    • Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
    • Diablo is no longer Unstoppable during Shadow Charge.
    • Stun duration when the target of Shadow Charge is knocked into a wall has been decreased from 1 to 0.75 seconds.
    • Crippling Shadows (Talent) removed
    • From the Shadows (Talent) has been redesigned
      • Moved from Level 13 to Level 7
      • Now increases Shadow Charge’s stun duration, inflicted when the target is knocked into a wall, by 0.5 seconds
    • New Talent (Level 1): Overwhelming Force
      • Increases the range and knockback of Shadow Charge by 25%
    • New Talent (Level 7): Devastating Charge
      • Shadow Charge reduces the duration silences, stuns, slows, roots, and Polymorphs against Diablo by 50% for 3 seconds.
  • Fire Stomp (W)
    • Swallowing Flames (Talent) removed
    • Molten Impact (Talent) removed
    • Fire Devil (Talent) moved from level 16 to level 4
      • Damage reduced from 12 (+3 per level) to 10 (+2 per level)
    • Firestorm (Talent) moved from level 16 to level 13
      • Damage bonus decreased from 150% to 125%
    • New Talent (Level 16): Rampage
      • Fire Stomp increases Diablo’s Movement Speed by 20% and Basic Attack damage by 50% for 2 seconds.
  • Overpower (E)
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 60
    • Demonic Strength (Talent) has been redesigned
      • Now slows the target by 25% for 2 seconds once Overpower’s stun expires
    • New Talent (Level 16): Domination
      • Overpower reduces Shadow Charge’s cooldown by 8 seconds.
  • Apocalypse ®
    • Dying Breath (Talent)
      • Now also reduces Apocalypse’s cooldown by 20 seconds, in addition to its other effects




  • E.T.C. has received significant updates.
  • Scouting Drone (Talent) removed
  • Superiority (Talent) removed
  • Relentless (Talent) removed
  • Hardened Shield (Talent) removed
  • Follow Through (Talent) added at Level 7
  • Spell Shield (Talent) added at Level 13
  • Storm Shield (Talent)  added at Level 20
  • Echo Pedal (Talent)
    • Moved from Level 4 to Level 16
    • Pulse damage increased from 10 (+3 per level) to 30 (+5 per level)
    • The first pulse now fires immediately, and fires the follow-up pulse after 2 seconds in order to allow for more cohesion with Face Melt and Powerslide.
  • Rockstar (Trait)
    • No longer affects allied Minions or Mercenaries
    • Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
    • Rockin’ Out (Talent) removed
    • Uber Rockstar (Talent) renamed to Speed Metal
      • Moved from Level 13 to Level 16
      • Now lasts 2 seconds, separate from Rockstar
    • New Talent (Level 4): Hammer On
      • Increases Rockstar’s duration by 2 seconds, and reduces the cost of all Abilities by 10 Mana while Rockstar is active
  • Powerslide (Q)
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 60
    • New Talent (Level 1): Rolling Like a Stone
      • Increases Powerslide’s range by 25%
    • New Talent (Level 4): Double-Necked Guitar
      • Increases Powerslide’s width by 100%, and speed by 30%
    • New Talent (Level 13): Show Stopper
      • E.T.C. gains Resistant, reducing all damage taken by 25%, for 4 seconds after casting Powerslide.
  • Face Melt (W)
    • Mana cost increased from 50 to 60
    • New Talent (Level 4): Mic Check
      • Hitting 3 or more targets with Face Melt reduces its cooldown by 4 seconds
    • New Talent (Level 4): Pinball Wizard
      • Face Melt deals an additional 50% damage to enemies recently affected by Powerslide.
    • New Talent (Level 16): Encore
      • Face Melt now leaves behind an Amplifier, which will knock enemies back again after 2 seconds.
  • Guitar Solo (E)
    • Mana cost decreased from 60 to 40
    • Pwn Shop Guitar (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 1
      • Mana cost reduction decreased from 50% to 40%
    • Groupies (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 13
      • Healing provided to nearby allied Heroes increased from 12 (+3 per level) to 30 (+6 per level) Health per second while active
    • Guitar Hero (Talent) has been redesigned
      • Now heals for 50% of damage dealt by Basic Attacks while Guitar Solo is active
    • New Talent (Level 1): Prog Rock
      • Permanently increases Guitar Solo’s healing per second by 2 for each Regeneration Globe picked up
    • New Talent (Level 7): Just Keep Rockin’
      • Reduces the duration of all silences, slows, stuns, roots, and polymorphs against E.T.C. by 50% while Guitar Solo is active
  • Mosh Pit ®
    • Death Metal (Talent) has been redesigned
      • Upon death, a ghost of E.T.C. will now cast Mosh Pit at his death location
      • This Talent may now be picked even if Stage Dive has been selected as E.T.C.’s Heroic Ability.
    • New Talent (Level 20): Tour Bus
      • Allows E.T.C. to cast Powerslide during Mosh Pit, and doing so increases Mosh Pit’s duration by 2 seconds
      • Additionally, casting Mosh Pit now refreshes Powerslide’s cooldown.
  • Stage Dive ®
    • Cooldown decreased from 100 to 75 seconds
    • Rock God (Talent) removed
    • New Talent (Level 20): Crowd Pleaser
      • Increases Stage Dive’s impact radius by 50%, and reduces its cooldown by 15 seconds for each enemy Hero hit




  • Basic Attack damage gained per level increased from 8 to 9
  • Follow Through (Talent) removed
  • Skullcracker (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 7
  • New Talent (Level 16): Give ‘em the Axe!
    • Basic Attacks deal 75% additional damage against targets that are rooted, stunned, or slowed
    • This is a Muradin-specific version of the Executioner Talent.
  • Thunder Clap (W)
    • Reverberation (Talent)
      • Attack speed slow amount increased from 33% to 50%
      • Attack speed slow duration decreased from 3.5 to 3 seconds
    • Thunder Burn (Talent)
      • Movement Speed slow duration applied by Thunder Clap’s secondary explosion increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
  • Dwarf Toss (E)
    • Landing Momentum (Talent)
      • Movement Speed bonus duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds
  • Haymaker ®
    • Cooldown decreased from 50 to 40 seconds




  • Follow Through (Talent) added at Level 7
  • Fury (Trait)
    • War Paint (Talent)
      • Heal amount per Basic Attack increased from 25% to 30% of damage dealt
    • Endless Fury (Talent)
      • Maximum Fury increased from 150 to 200
    • No Escape (Talent)
      • Movement Speed bonus increased from 20% to 25%
  • Ancient Spear (Q)
    • Boon of the Ancients (Talent) removed
    • Composite Spear (Talent) moved from Level 13 to Level 7
    • Poisoned Spear (Talent)
      • Bonus damage increased from 50% to 75%
    • Mystical Spear (Talent)
      • Moved from Level 16 to Level 13
      • Now permanently reduces Ancient Spear’s cooldown by 4 seconds in addition to its other effects
  • Seismic Slam (W)
    • Damage increased from 90 (+13 per level) to 100 (+16 per level)
    • Furious Blow (Talent) moved from Level 4 to Level 16
    • Shattered Ground (Talent) moved from Level 7 to Level 4
      • Splash damage bonus reduced from 100% to 75% of primary target damage
  • Whirlwind (E)
    • Fury cost reduced from 50 to 40
    • Duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
    • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 4 seconds, and now begins once Whirlwind completes
    • Heal amount reduced from 40% to 25% of damage dealt, this effect is doubled for damage dealt to enemy Heroes
    • Enduring Whirlwind (Talent) removed
    • Dust Devils (Talent) removed
    • Life Funnel (Talent)
      • No longer removes movement impairing effects
      • Bonus to Whirlwind healing reduced from +15% to +10% of damage dealt
    • New Talent (Level 4): Hurricane
      • Casting Whirlwind removes any active slows and roots affecting Sonya.
  • Leap ®
    • Leap has received responsiveness improvements.
    • Arreat Crater (Talent)
      • Crater duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
  • Wrath of the Berserker ®
    • Anger Management (Talent)
      • No longer reduces Fury needed to prolong Wrath of the Berserker
      • Now increases all Fury generated while Wrath of the Berserker is active by 50%





  • Fixed a rare issue that could allow a Quick Match game to start with fewer than 10 players.
  • Closing the client during a match countdown will no longer occasionally cause the player to become unable to rejoin that game.
  • Fixed an issue, in which voice chat functionality that does not apply to Heroes of the Storm, could cause the player’s webcam to activate upon launching the client.
  • New SystemInfo.txt files will no longer be generated every time the Heroes of the Storm client is launched.
  • Several typos and tooltip errors have been corrected across various aspects of the game.



  • Physics objects, such as ragdolls, can now be appropriately manipulated by Sonya and Gazlowe’s Abilities.
  • The Spider Emblem on the Tomb of the Spider Queen Battleground will no longer appear team-colored.
  • The color of Baleog and Erik’s Basic Attack projectiles will now appropriately match the selected Skin Variation.
  • The crystal at the end of Master Tassadar’s nerve cords is no longer flexible.
  • The visual effects for Flying Monkey Brightwing's Blink Heal now appropriately match the Skin.



  • Players will no longer enter an infinite rejoin loop if both Cores are destroyed simultaneously, and victory will be assigned to one team at random.
  • Alerts proclaiming that the Core is under attack will no longer play when an enemy Hero is within range of the Core before a Keep has been destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Mercenary Camps on the Dragon Shire Battleground to permanently vanish when the Dragon Knight is killed.
  • Heroes killed just before being struck by the Dragon Knight’s Savage Charge Ability will no longer fly to the location where they would have landed upon respawning.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the neutral Grave Golem in the Haunted Mines to drop Skulls outside the playable area.
  • Allowing a Temple to return to neutral ownership while it is firing its final 5 volleys will no longer generate error messages.
  • The Clear Cooldowns button in Try Me Mode will now properly reset the cooldowns for Tychus' Commander Odin and E.T.C.’s Mosh Pit Heroic Abilities.  



  • Fixed an issue that could cause Heroes’ “ready” voiceover to play repeatedly during Hero Select.
  • Sound effects for Diablo's Fire Stomp will no longer play if the Ability becomes interrupted during its casting time.


Heroes and Talents

  • Casting a targeted Ability on a Hero that is disappearing into the Fog of War will no longer cause the casting player’s Hero to become briefly unresponsive.
  • Abathur’s Bombard Strain Talent will no longer increase Locust Health.
  • Baleog and Erik can no longer walk through Nazeebo’s Zombie Wall.
  • Casting Diablo's Shadow Charge on a Structure at melee range will no longer move him to that Structure’s opposite side.
  • E.T.C.’s Rockstar Trait will no longer buff Gazlowe’s Scrap.
  • Illidan’s Hero model will no longer disappear when casting The Hunt immediately after Dive.
  • Fixed an issue which could allow Nazeebo to summon a second Gargantuan while the first was still alive.
  • Stitches’ Hook can no longer pull a Hero that is about to be consumed by Zagara’s Devouring Maw outside of the Ability’s area of effect.
  • Sylvanas can no longer cast a second Haunting Wave after the Windrunner Talent’s timer has expired.
  • Sylvanas' Wailing Arrow Heroic Ability is now properly placed on a reduced cooldown if it becomes interrupted during its casting time.
  • Tassadar’s Oracle properly reveals Zagara’s Creep Tumors once again.
  • Framerate drops that occur while Valla uses Strafe have been significantly reduced.


User Interface

  • Fixed an issue which could cause players to search for a match in a game mode that they did not intend to enter.
  • Heroes that have progressed beyond Hero Level 4 will no longer occasionally load into games with locked Talents.
  • Inviting a player to join a party while viewing tutorial help tips will no longer cause the user interface to become unresponsive.
  • During Training Mode games, Uther will no longer prompt players to use a Mount when they are controlling the Dragon Knight.
  • During Training Mode games, Uther will no longer prompt Illidan players to use a Mount when already Mounted in Demon Form during Training Mode games.
  • The Quest Log’s clickable area now more closely matches its appearance.
  • The error message displayed when multiple party members attempt to queue for matchmaking using the same Hero, at the same time, will now indicate the cause for the error.
  • The ability hotkey for Kerrigan's Primal Grasp is now properly displayed in her Abilities tab on the Hero Select screen.
  • Items that players do not own will no longer appear purchasable during Draft Mode.
  • In-game Score Screen sorting options no longer prevent players from using the block communication function.
  • The in-game Score Screen (TAB) will now properly display the total number of Gems being carried by all three of The Lost Vikings on the Tomb of the Spider Queen Battleground.
  • Pressing the Escape key will now properly open the Main Menu when Heroes of the Storm is disconnected from the internet.
    Hovering the cursor over other players on the end-of-game Stats tab will now properly indicate their current online statuses.
  • The preview image displayed when selecting Tomb of the Spider Queen Replays now properly displays the Battleground’s loading screen art. 


You can see Blizzard's original post here.


What changes are you most excited for?

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      The next HotS patch has arrived on the PTR and we have the patch notes! There's a lot of balance changes and tuning, a couple of Hero updates, and plenty of bug fixes as well, so let's dive in.
      PTR (Source)
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes Balance Updates
      Level 1 Hyper Shift Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .5 seconds. Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health. Genji
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      Bug Fixes
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Ana Fixed an issue where Ana's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Anduin Base Pursued by Grace [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Pursued by Grace to activate while Blinded or against an Evading Hero. Level 4 Surge of Light Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to lower the cooldown of Chastise while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Level 16 Inner Focus Fixed an issue that caused Blinds to not prevent Anduin's Physical damage to lower the cooldown of Inner Focus. Arthas Base Frostmourne Hungers [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Frostmourne Hungers to not display correctly against Blinded or Evading enemies. Auriel Level 20 Light Speed Fixed an issue that caused Light Speed's benefits to not be granted to Leoric. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused All Shall Burn talents to not apply their on-kill effects unless Azmodan has taken Master of Destruction. Level 10 Demonic Invasion Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion Grunts on-death damage to not be modified by damage modification. Blaze Base Jet Propulsion [E] Now soft reveals targets hit. Brightwing Base Polymorph [W] Fixed an issue that caused Polymorph's Slow to not classify the target as being Slowed. Level 4 Magic Spit Fixed an issue that caused Magic Spit to activate its cooldown reduction against Evading Heroes. Cassia Fixed an issue with Blinds not preventing all Physical damage. Chen Level 1 Stormstout Secret Recipe Now displays in the Death Recap. Cho'Gall Fixed an issue where Cho'Gall's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 4 Rollback Now displays in the Death Recap. Chromie Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Spell Power to not be granted to Ultimate Evolution Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of Sand Echo Sand Blasts. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Blast Echoes to reveal Chromie. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blast damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blasts to still be fired if Chromie's Sand Blast is interrupted. Base Dragon's Breath [W] No longer soft reveals Chromie when casting Dragon's Breath on enemies that have their vision reduced. Level 20 Piercing Sands Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Sands to not cause Sand Blast to hit all targets. Dehaka Base Dark Swam [W] Fixed an issue that caused Dark Swam to not deal damage for the last .5 seconds. Level 10 Adaptation Fixed an issue that caused Adaptation to show up twice on the Death Recap. Diablo Level 10 Apocalypse Will now activate even if Diablo is interrupted during the cast time. D.Va Level 10 Bunny Hop Now soft reveals targets hit. Micro Missiles Now soft reveals all targets hit, instead of only the triggering target. E.T.C. Base Powerslide [D] Fixed issues with Powerslide when targeted into unpathable terrain with Crowdsurfer. Level 1 Prog Rock Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 10 The Hunt Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. Fenix Base Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Bomb's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Genji Fixed an issue that caused Dodge to not prevent all on-hit effects. Base Swift Strike [E] No longer soft reveals Genji to targets hit by Swift Strike that are affected by vision reduction. Level 4 Dragon Claw Now soft reveals targets hit. Level 10 X-Strike Now soft reveals targets hit. Graymane Worgen form's Basic Attack damage increase is now additive. Base Inner Beast [W] Fixed an issue that caused Inner Beasts' on-hit bonuses to apply on-fire instead of on-hit. 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Level 20 Deathchill Now displays in the Death Recap. Kerrigan Level 1 Fury of the Swarm Fixed an issue that caused Fury of the Swarm's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. Kharazim Level 16 Echo of Heaven Now displays in the Death Recap. Leoric Level 20 Buried Alive Now displays in the Death Recap. Shroud of the Dead King Shroud of the Dead King now shows floating text for the amount of damage prevented. Li-Ming Level 1 Aether Walker Fixed an issue that caused Aether Walker to apply the damage bonus to Magic Missiles incorrectly. Lt. Morales Base Healing Beam [Q] Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 16 Extended Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Level 20 Hospice Care Now displays in the Death Recap. Lucio Level 7 Reverse Amp Now displays in the Death Recap. Maiev Base Umbral Bind [W] Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind's cleave to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. 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Mei Fixed an issue where Mei's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Level 10 Ice Wall Fixed an issue that caused abilities to be usable when Ice Wall transitions from timed to untimed. Level 20 Flash Freeze Fixed an issue that caused Flash Freeze to not properly cancel effects that launch Mei. Shatter Fixed an issue that caused Shatter's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. Muradin Level 13 Bronzebeard Rage Now displays in the Death Recap. Healing Static Updated to heal Muradin for its amount as a singular combined effect. Murky Level 10 Octo-Grab Fixed an issue that caused Octo-Grab to be placed on full cooldown if the target moves out of reach. Level 13 Rejuvenating Bubble Now displays in the Death Recap. Nazeebo Level 7 Dead Rush Fixed an issue that caused Zombie Wall's Zombies to lose health after uprooting with Dead Rush. Nova Level 16 Explosive Round Explosive Snipe's damage modifier is now additive. 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Level 4 Bound by Law Updated to heal Tyrael for its amount as a singular combined effect. Level 13 Law and Order Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order to apply to Smites that are currently being cast. Level 16 Burning Halo Now displays in the Death Recap. Tyrande Level 7 Huntress' Fury Fixed an issue that caused Huntress' Fury to activate against Evading enemies. Uther Level 1 Wave of Light Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light quest reward to revert Divine Protection's duration increase if completed after selecting Divine Protection. Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light to not grant its full quest reward benefit to Armor granted to Uther if Divine Protection is selected. Level 16 Tyr's Deliverance Fixed an issue that caused Tyr's Deliverance to apply its bonus to the active Holy Radiance, instead of the next Holy Radiance. Level 20 Divine Protection Fixed an issue that caused Divine Protection to be inconsistent in how it is applied to an already active Devotion Armor. Valeera Level 16 Seal Fate Fixed an issue that caused Sinister Strike to deal additional damage to non-Heroes. Xul Level 7 Trag'Oul's Essence Now displays in the Death Recap. Yrel Fixed an issue where Yrel's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. Zagara Level 10 Nydus Network Now displays the correct icon in the Death Recap. Zarya Level 7 Explosive Barrier Now displays in the Death Recap. Return to Top
      Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums.
    • By Staff
      Blizzard has released a new Heroes of the Storm patch and we've got some changes compared to the PTR version. Here are the official patch notes!
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      ARAM Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes ARAM
      Varian is now classified as a Tank. Same Hero Mode
      Artanis has been added. Hogger has been added. Leoric has been added. (Leoric is still disabled for Normal Mode). Whitemane has been added. Zarya has been added. Nova has been removed. Probius has been removed. Return to Top
      Balance Updates
      Health Regeneration increased from 5.957 to 6.208. Maximum Health increased from 2860 to 2980. Death Coil [Q] Healing increased from 262 to 285. Frozen Tempest [E] Mana cost per second reduced from 13 to 11. Talents
      Level 13 Biting Cold [E] Damage increase is now additive. Level 16 Embrace Death [Q] Now grants an additive bonus to Death Coil's damage. Hogger
      Rage decay rate increased from 10 per second to 13 per second. Talents
      Level 1 On the Prowl [Active] Activating On the Prowl now prevents Rage decay instantly. Cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 45 seconds. Healing per second reduced from 8 to 7. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] Damage bonus when enemy Heroes hit terrain reduced from 8 to 6. Level 13 Dust Devil [E] Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Sub-50 rage Armor increased from 20 to 25. Pummel [E] Spellpower reduction reduced from 50% to 30%. Junkrat
      Steel Trap [E] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Talents
      Level 1 Extra-Wound Timers [Q] Damage bonus reduced from 120% to 100%. Level 7 Dirty Trickster [D] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds. Rehgar
      Basic Attack Damage reduced from 115 to 110. Ghost Wolf Basic Attack bonus decreased from 75% to 60%. Lightning Shield [W] Mana restored per enemy hit reduced from 2 to 1. Talents
      Level 1 Stormcaller [W] Maximum stacks reduced from 300 to 200. Level 7 Blood and Thunder [D] Mana restoration reduced from 5% of max mana to 4% of max mana. Grounded Totem [E] Attack speed slow reduced from 25% to 15%. Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem [E] Damage reduced from 115 to 90. Yrel
      Level 1 Maraad's Insight [Passive] Healing increased from 140 to 160. Level 4 Aegis of Light [E] Armor bonus increased from 30 to 40. Duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Level 10 Sacred Ground [R2] Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds. Mana cost removed. Level 16 Templar's Verdict [W] Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15. Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Level 1 Ruthless Momentum [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Level 10 Deadly Charge [R1] Added cast and channel bars. Counter-Strike [R2] Added cast and channel bars. Ana
      Quickcast Settings Rapid Reload shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart. Removed Cancel Eye of Horus. Anduin
      Level 1 Lightwell [Active] Added a button indicator for remaining activations. Level 16 Renew [Q] Added a duration indicator. Artanis
      Level 4 Shield Surge [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Trait is now highlighted when below 25%. Level 7 Final Cut [Passive] Conditional part of the ability has been added to the Buff Bar. Arthas
      Quickcast Settings Removed Sacrifice Ghoul. Talents
      Level 4 Icy Talons [E] Added to the Buff Bar. Auriel
      Quickcast Settings Removed self-cast Resurrect. Blaze
      Quickcast Settings Added the Bunker's abilities. Talents
      Level 1 Adrenaline Stimpack [Active] Added a health threshold indicator. Chromie
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Slowing Sands. Removed Detonate Time Trap. Talents
      Level 14 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Added a duration indicator. Level 20 Blessing of the Bronze [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Deathwing
      Level 4 Heat Wave [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Deckard
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Stay Awhile and Listen. Dehaka
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Burrow. D.Va
      Quickcast Settings D.Va Mech's Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Removed Cancel Defense Matrix. Retarget Defense Matrix now inherits Quickcast settings from Defense Matrix. E.T.C.
      Quickcast Settings Removed Rockstar. Guitar Solo [E] Added a duration indicator. Gall
      Level 7 Ogre Rampage [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Garrosh
      Quickcast Settings Removed Double Up. Removed Seasoned Soldier. Gul'dan
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Life Tap and Cancel Drain Life. Hanzo
      Level 13 Fleet of Foot [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Hogger
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel abilities. Johanna
      Level 13 Holy Fury [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Junkrat
      Quickcast Settings Removed Detonate Mine. Removed RIP-Tire abilities. Frag Launcher [Q] Added a pulsing red/blue indicator to grenades empowered by Extra-Wound Timers. Talents
      Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Added a range indicator for full damage. Li-Ming
      Level 10 Disintegrate [R1] Can now be cancelled by pressing Stop or Hold Fire. Lucio
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Lunara
      Level 1 Hippity Hop [Z] Will now show on the Buff Bar while active. Level 7 Splintered Spear [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Wild Vigor [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 13 Endless Spores [W] Now causes the Crippling Spores button to pulse when activating it would grant reduced cooldown. Level 16 Accelerated Contamination [Q] Now causes the Noxious Blossom button to glow when the cooldown is recharging faster. Invigorating Spores [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Star Wood Spear [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Mal'Ganis
      Level 20 Seeker Swarm [R1] Added a range indicator. Malfurion
      Level 16 Ysera's Gift [Q] Added a health indicator. Level 20 Lunar Shower [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Medivh
      Portal [E] Added remaining duration to button. Muradin
      Level 1 Third Wind [D] Added a health threshold indicator. Murky
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs. Talents
      Level 1 Fish Eye [D] Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed. Orphea
      Level 16 Lurking Terror [Active] Added an activation timer. Qhira
      Talents are now sorted in tier order in the Buff Bar. Blood Rage [W] Added UI indicator for Blood Rage's heal value. Talents
      Level 13 Chainsaw [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. The Hunted [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Ragnaros
      Quickcast Settings Molten Core's Sulfuras Smash now shares Quickcast settings with Ragnaros' Sulfuras Smash. Talents
      Level 20 Submerge [Active] Added a healing preview. Samuro
      Added a sound indicator to Dance of Death. Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Bladestorm. Removed duplicate Critical Strike. Image Transmission [Trait] Disabled while there are no Mirror Images active. Now removes targeting when there is only one active Mirror Image. Mirror Image [Q] Added guide indicators to their targeting. Wind Walk [E] Added Healing over Time preview. Talents
      Level 4 Deflection [D] Updated to display its remaining duration while active. Level 16 Press the Attack [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Stitches
      Shambling Horror [Trait] Added a duration indicator. Stukov
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Lurking Arm. Talents
      Level 1 Reactive Ballistospores [W] Added a health indicator. The Butcher
      Quickcast Settings Removed Fresh Meat. Butcher's Brand [W] Added a duration indicator to the button. Talents
      Level 16 Enraged [Passive] Added a health indicator. The Lost Vikings
      Slowing Charge [Olaf] Cooldown now displays a circular indicator around his shield in The Lost Viking's Hero status. Tracer
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast setting. Removed Locked and Loaded. Tychus
      Quickcast Settings Run and Gun while Overkill is active shares Quickcast settings with Run and Gun. Tyrande
      Level 16 Darnassian Archery [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Uther
      Level 4 Holy Fire [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Added a health threshold indicator. Valeera
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Vanish. Talents
      Level 10 Smoke Bomb [R1] Button now has a duration indicator. Varian
      Level 7 Second Wind [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Whitemane
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Inquisition. Zeal [Trait] Now has a duration indicator while active. Xul
      Level 13 Rapid Harvest [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Zeratul
      Quickcast Settings Removed Seeker in the Dark. Talents
      Level 4 Psionic Strength [Passive] Added the stack count to the Buff Bar. Zul'jin
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Cancel Berserker. Removed duplicate Regeneration. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Added health threshold indicators. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Added XP Value to Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused location targeted abilities to be cancelled by conveyor belts. Fixed an issue that caused talent text to be truncated on hero select screens. Talents Quests updated to display quest progress at the caster if the triggering enemy is out of vision. Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Time Stop to display above all other effects in the health plate. Updated Shop Bundles and Items. Fixed display issues with some Block talents. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non standard height to cause target-facing effects to face the incorrect location. Maps
      Blackheart's Bay Updated coin warning indicator to be consistently colored. Cursed Hollow Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hallow Call for Help ability warning to display incorrectly. Warhead Junction Sewers are now clickable while they are in the fog of war. Warheads now interact with physics objects. Heroes
      Abathur Level 10 Ultimate Evolution [R1] No longer plays quest progress visual effects. Level 16 Volatile Mutation [R] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Alarak Telekinesis [W] Fixed an issue that caused Telekinesis to not interact with map objects. Alexstrasza Level 10 Cleansing Flame [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to cast at the incorrect location. Anduin Can once again hold his sword high and proud. Anubarak Fixed an issue where the AI was not using Locust Swarm. Fixed an issue that caused Anub'arak's abilities to not interact with map objects. Burrow Charge [E] Impoved the visibility of the erupt location indicator. Level 10 Cocoon [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cocoon to not properly hide things attached to the target. Artanis Fixed an issue that caused some of Artanis' abilities to not interact with map objects. Fixed an issue that caused Arthas' abilities to not interact with map objects. Phase Prism [E] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Prism to not properly detect structures after the target becomes Time Stopped. Auriel Detainment Strike [E] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Level 7 Empathic Link [D] Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves. Level 13 Piercing Lash [E] Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Lash to not hit multiple Heroes with Detainment Strike. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Summon Demon Warrior [W] Fixed an issue that caused Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the moment they spawn. Level 1 Wrath [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Wrath to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Level 7 Bombardment [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bombardment to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Brightwing Level 4 Unstable Anomaly [W] Fixed an issue that caused Unstable Anomaly to leave behind a permanent visual. Level 10 Emerald Wind [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Emerald Wind to not interact with map objects. Level 20 Invisible Friends [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Cassia Level 7 Surge of Light [D] Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to not destroy map objects. Level 13 War Traveler [D] Instant mount is now more responsive. Chen Level 10 Wandering Keg [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to cease targeting the mouse cursor if another Chen's Wandering Keg expires. Will now actively target the mouse cursor instead of targeting the mouse cursor only when its position has changed. Storm, Earth, Fire [R2] Earth's damage is now Physical. ChoGall Fixed Gall's damage not gaining all benefits from Cho's buffs. Level 4 Rising Dread [W] No longer causes the third bounce of Dread Orb display as a crit. Level 7 Double Trouble [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Double Trouble's quest completion to not stack with Twilight Frenzy. Fixed an issue that caused Gall to lose the benefits of Double Trouble's completion after Twilight Frenzy expires. Chromie Level 7 Bronze Talons [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bronze Talons visuals to persist after Chromie's death. Level 11 Here and There [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks when used. Level 16 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Overdrive visuals to persist after death. Deathwing Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to be a valid ping target in the party frame while Dragonflight is active. Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to enter an invalid state if the target of his landing becomes invalid. Level 7 Death Drop [Z] Fixed an issue that caused Death Drop to not reduce all forms of Spell Armor. Deckard Fixed an issue that allowed Deckard to dance without incurring movement restriction. Level 13 Ancient Blessings [D] Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings to not heal the attacker when dealing damage to enemy Heroes that are immune to friendly abilities. Level 20 Morenados! [R2] Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown reduction to be prevented when Lorenado hits a non-Hero. Diablo Shadow Charge [Q] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Fire Stomp [W] Now combines damage text. D.Va Fixed an issue that caused some of D.Va's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Self-Destruct [E] Fixed an issue that caused D.Va's Mech to continue moving if it was Rooted when Self-Destruct was cast. Fixed an issue that caused Self-Destruct to not feature a pulse animation when fully charged. Starts decaying in damage after 4 range. Big Shot [R] Fixed an issue that caused Big Shot to hit Invulnerable enemies. Level 20 Ablative Armor [D] Now includes damage dealt to D.Va's Shields. Fenix Level 13 Dampening Field [D] Fixed an issue that caused Dampening Field to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Garrosh Into the Fray [1] Fixed an issue that caused Into the Fray to display as Lok-tar Ogar! in Quickcast menu. Level 7 Lok-tar Ogar! [1] Now display as an active upgrade instead of a passive. Genji Swift Strike [E] Adjusted color display for Swift Strike refund timer on the button. Fixed an issue that caused Swift Strike's mana refund to be displayed for the killed enemy player. Level 4 Strike At The Heart [E] Fixed an issue with Genji's Strike At The Heart text. Level 13 Way of The Shimada [E] Now only causes Genji's attacks to display as a crit at 10+ stacks. Level 16 Final Cut [E] Fixed an issue that caused Final Cut's damage to not be modified by any damage modifiers. Gul'dan Level 1 Chaotic Energy [W] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Energy to not increase the healing of Regeneration Globes by the correct value in ARAM. Level 13 Healthstone [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks Gul'dan. Level 16 Ruinous Affliction [E] Third strike damage now displays as a crit. Hanzo Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Scatter Arrow [W] Now combines damage text. Level 16 Giant Slayer [Passive] Bonus damage from Scatter Arrow will now combine damage text. Hogger Rage has been added to the Hero page. Staggering Blows [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Staggering Blows to not interact with map objects. Ez-Thro Dynamite [W] Will always display as a crit on direct hit damage. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] No longer causes Loot Hoard to display as a crit. Imperius Level 10 Angelic Armaments [R1] Will combine damage text with Heavenly Host. Junkrat Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Starts decaying in damage after 1.5 range. Leoric Level 7 Willing Vessel [W] Now displays as a crit. Li Li Fast Feet [Trait] Adjusted color display for duration indicator. Level 10 Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups' cooldown to be increased while in Stasis. Level 13 Gale Force [E] Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not properly increase Blinding Wind's duration. Lt. Morales Level 13 Bedside Manner [E] Proc bonus now displays as a crit. Lunara Nature's Toxin [Trait] Now acts similarly to other heals. Level 13 Abolish Magic [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Abolish Magic to not reduce the duration of Silences, Fears, and Taunts. Maiev Level 1 Bonds of Justice [W] No longer causes attacks to display as crits when using Umbral Bind. Level 4 Blade Dance [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Blade Dance to not grant stacks of Vengeful Knives. Level 10 Containment Disc [R1] Removed Silence display while Time Stopped. Mal'Ganis Level 13 Blood Rush [D] Fixed an issue that caused Blood Rush to activate from Healing Fountains and Regeneration Globes. Malthael Level 13 Shroud of Wisdom [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Shroud of Wisdom to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Level 20 Angel of Death [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Angel of Death to be affected by Spellpower modifiers. Mei Level 20 Cascade [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Cascade's Snow Blinds to Blind for less duration than untalented Snow Blinds. Nazeebo Zombie Wall [W] Updated zombies to face inside the Zombie Wall when created. Level 20 Annihilating Spirits [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Annihilating Spirits healing reduction to display floating text multiple times. Nova Holo Decoys [E] Will now move towards uncollected Experience Globes if they are idle. Orphea Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Level 4 Chaotic Assault [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos. Level 13 Invasive Miasma [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Invasive Miasma to hit dead Heroes. Level 20 Eldritch Conduit [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Eldritch Conduit's visuals to persist after death. Probius Disruption Pulse [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses. Level 4 Photon Barrier [D] Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead. Level 10 Pylon Overcharge [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability. Qhira Grappling Hook [Trait] Adjusted Grappling Hook guide and terrain indicator to match its cast range. Level 13 The Hunted [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused The Hunted to lose stacks when hitting a non-Hero. Raynor Level 20 Sergeant Pepper [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Sergeant Pepper to not properly apply if selected while at 0 stacks of Give Em' Some Pepper. Rehgar Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 13 Wellspring [E] Fixed an issue that caused Wellspring's beam to not appear when the heal occurs. Rexxar Fixed an issue that caused Rexxar and Misha to not share their Healing Fountain healing with each other. Samuro Level 4 One With The Wind [E] Fixed an issue that caused One With The Wind to display a duration while Wind Walk is active. Level 7 Crushing Blows [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to be located in the wrong location in the Buff Bar. Sgt. Hammer Level 16 Giant Killer [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused Giant Killer to damage Invulnerable targets. Sonya Fury [Trait] Adjusted the color display for remaining duration on the button. Stitches Level 16 Digestive Juices [E] Fixed an issue that caused Digestive Juices to not display a damage preview. Stukov Level 1 Fetid Touch [W] Fetid Touch's ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Tassadar Level 7 Psionic Echo [W] Adjusted color display for Psionic Echo indicator on Shock Ray button. The Butcher Fixed an issue that caused Butcher's charge to be cancelled prematurely. Level 13 Cleaver [Passive] Can now trigger while Blinded. Now heals if the cleaved-to-target has The Butcher's Brand. Level 20 Fires of Hell [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Thrall Feral Spirit [E] Fixed an issue that caused Feral Spirit to hit Invulnerable non-Heroes. Level 13 Frostwolf's Grace [D] No longer dismounts Thrall. Tracer Level 20 Composition B [R] Fixed an issue that caused Composition B's outer radius to not gain the benefit of Quantum Spike. Tyrande Sentinel [E] Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly. Uther Holy Radiance [W] Displays as a crit when Uther has Spellpower bonuses. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Only causes Holy Light to display as a crit when under 50% health. Valeera Deep Shadows duration indicator will now fill, rather than empty. Level 4 Wound Poison [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Wound Poison to display floating text multiple times. Valla Multishot [W] Fixed an issue that caused Multishot to not apply all hit effects when hitting enemies inside Valla's space. Level 13 Gloom [Active] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Varian Level 13 Mortal Strike [D] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Strike to display floating text multiple times. Whitemane Zeal [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Zeal's active visuals to persist after death. Searing Lash [E] The second strike always displays as a crit. Xul Level 20 Mortal Wounds [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Wounds to display floating text multiple times. Yrel Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies. Avenging Wrath [E] Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath's VFX to display incorrectly. Level 10 Ardent Defender [R1] Increases Yrel's Self Healing when it prevents damage to her. Zarya Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to not damage enemies in the cleave area if the primary target dies to the attack. Level 7 Deep Burn [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Deep Burn to display the incorrect floating text value. Zul'jin Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Adjusted position in the Buff Bar. Return to Top
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    • By Staff
      Blizzard has released a new Heroes of the Storm patch for testing on the PTR and here are the official patch notes.
      Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
      Quick Navigation:
      ARAM Balance Update Hero Updates Bug Fixes ARAM
      Varian is now classified as a Tank. Same Hero Mode
      Artanis has been added. Hogger has been added. Leoric has been added. (Leoric is still disabled for Normal Mode). Whitemane has been added. Zarya has been added. Nova has been removed. Probius has been removed. Return to Top
      Balance Updates
      Health Regeneration increased from 5.957 to 6.375. Maximum Health increased from 2860 to 2980. Death Coil [Q] Healing increased from 262 to 285. Frozen Tempest [E] Mana cost per second reduced from 13 to 11. Talents
      Level 13 Biting Cold [E] Damage increase is now additive. Level 16 Embrace Death [Q] Now grants an additive bonus to Death Coil's damage. Hogger
      Rage decay rate increased from 10 per second to 13 per second. Talents
      Level 1 On the Prowl [Active] Activating On the Prowl now prevents Rage decay instantly. Cooldown increased from 40 seconds to 45 seconds. Healing per second reduced from 8 to 7. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] Damage bonus when enemy Heroes hit terrain reduced from 8 to 6. Level 13 Dust Devil [E] Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Sub-50 rage Armor increased from 20 to 25. Pummel [E] Spellpower reduction reduced from 50% to 30%. Junkrat
      Steel Trap [E] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds. Talents
      Level 1 Extra-Wound Timers [Q] Damage bonus reduced from 120% to 100%. Level 7 Dirty Trickster [D] Cooldown increased from 12 seconds to 20 seconds. Rehgar
      Basic Attack Damage reduced from 115 to 110. Ghost Wolf Basic Attack bonus decreased from 75% to 60%. Lightning Shield [W] Mana restored per enemy hit reduced from 2 to 1. Talents
      Level 1 Stormcaller [W] Maximum stacks reduced from 300 to 200. Level 7 Blood and Thunder [D] Mana restoration reduced from 5% of max mana to 4% of max mana. Grounded Totem [E] Attack speed slow reduced from 25% to 15%. Level 16 Earthgrasp Totem [E] Damage reduced from 115 to 90. Yrel
      Level 1 Maraad's Insight [Passive] Healing increased from 140 to 160. Level 4 Aegis of Light [E] Armor bonus increased from 30 to 50. Duration increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. Level 10 Sacred Ground [R2] Cooldown reduced from 40 seconds to 25 seconds. Mana cost removed. Level 16 Templar's Verdict [W] Armor reduction reduced from 20 to 15. Percent damage reduced from 7% to 6%. Return to Top
      Hero Updates
      Level 1 Ruthless Momentum [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Level 10 Deadly Charge [R1] Added cast and channel bars. Counter-Strike [R2] Added cast and channel bars. Ana
      Quickcast Settings Rapid Reload to shares Quickcast settings with Healing Dart. Removed Cancel Eye of Horus. Anduin
      Level 1 Lightwell [Active] Added a button indicator for remaining activations. Level 16 Renew [Q] Added a duration indicator. Artanis
      Level 4 Shield Surge [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Trait is now highlighted when below 25%. Level 7 Final Cut [Passive] Conditional part of the ability has been added to the Buff Bar. Arthas
      Quickcast Settings Removed Sacrifice Ghoul. Talents
      Level 4 Icy Talons [E] Added to the Buff Bar. Auriel
      Quickcast Settings Removed self-cast Resurrect. Blaze
      Quickcast Settings Added the Bunker's abilities. Talents
      Level 1 Adrenaline Stimpack [Active] Added a health threshold indicator. Chromie
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Slowing Sands. Removed Detonate Time Trap. Talents
      Level 14 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Added a duration indicator. Level 20 Blessing of the Bronze [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Deathwing
      Level 4 Heat Wave [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Deckard
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Stay Awhile and Listen. Dehaka
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Burrow. D.Va
      Quickcast Settings D.Va Mech's Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Removed Cancel Defense Matrix. Retarget Defense Matrix now inherits Quickcast settings from Defense Matrix. E.T.C.
      Quickcast Settings Removed Rockstar. Guitar Solo [E] Added a duration indicator. Gall
      Level 7 Ogre Rampage [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Garrosh
      Quickcast Settings Removed Double Up. Removed Seasoned Soldier. Gul'dan
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Life Tap and Cancel Drain Life. Hanzo
      Level 13 Fleet of Foot [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Hogger
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel abilities. Johanna
      Level 13 Holy Fury [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Junkrat
      Quickcast Settings Removed Detonate Mine. Removed RIP-Tire abilities. Frag Launcher [Q] Added a pulsing red/blue indicator to grenades empowered by Extra-Wound Timers. Talents
      Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Added a range indicator for full damage. Li-Ming
      Level 10 Disintegrate [R1] Can now be cancelled by pressing Stop or Hold Fire. Lucio
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast settings. Lunara
      Level 1 Hippity Hop [Z] Will now show on the Buff Bar while active. Level 7 Splintered Spear [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. Wild Vigor [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 13 Endless Spores [W] Now causes the Crippling Spores button to pulse when activating it would grant reduced cooldown. Level 16 Accelerated Contamination [Q] Now causes the Noxious Blossom button to glow when the cooldown is recharging faster. Invigorating Spores [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Star Wood Spear [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Mal'Ganis
      Level 20 Seeker Swarm [R1] Added a range indicator. Malfurion
      Level 16 Ysera's Gift [Q] Added a health indicator. Level 20 Lunar Shower [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Medivh
      Portal [E] Added remaining duration to button. Muradin
      Level 1 Third Wind [D] Added a health threshold indicator. Murky
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel March of the Murlocs. Talents
      Level 1 Fish Eye [D] Added a range indicator for Fish Eye once the Respawn Egg has been placed. Orphea
      Level 16 Lurking Terror [Active] Added an activation timer. Qhira
      Talents are now sorted in tier order in the Buff Bar. Blood Rage [W] Added UI indicator for Blood Rage's heal value. Talents
      Level 13 Chainsaw [Q] Added to the Buff Bar. The Hunted [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Ragnaros
      Quickcast Settings Molten Core's Sulfuras Smash now shares Quickcast settings with Ragnaros' Sulfuras Smash. Talents
      Level 20 Submerge [Active] Added a healing preview. Samuro
      Added a sound indicator to Dance of Death. Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Bladestorm. Removed duplicate Critical Strike. Image Transmission [Trait] Disabled while there are no Mirror Images active. Now removes targeting when there is only one active Mirror Image. Mirror Image [Q] Added guide indicators to their targeting. Wind Walk [E] Added Healing over Time preview. Talents
      Level 4 Deflection [D] Updated to display its remaining duration while active. Level 16 Press the Attack [D] Added to the Buff Bar. Stitches
      Shambling Horror [Trait] Added a duration indicator. Stukov
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Lurking Arm. Talents
      Level 1 Reactive Ballistospores [W] Added a health indicator. The Butcher
      Quickcast Settings Removed Fresh Meat. Butcher's Brand [W] Added a duration indicator to the button. Talents
      Level 16 Enraged [Passive] Added a health indicator. The Lost Vikings
      Slowing Charge [Olaf] Cooldown now displays a circular indicator around his shield in The Lost Viking's Hero status. Tracer
      Quickcast Settings Attack now shares Quickcast settings with other Attack Quickcast setting. Removed Locked and Loaded. Run and Gun while Overkill is active shares Quickcast settings with Run and Gun. Tyrande
      Level 16 Darnassian Archery [Passive] Added a duration indicator. Uther
      Level 4 Holy Fire [Passive] Added to the Buff Bar. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Added a health threshold indicator. Valeera
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Vanish. Talents
      Level 10 Smoke Bomb [R1] Button now has a duration indicator. Varian
      Level 7 Second Wind [Passive] Added a health threshold indicator. Whitemane
      Quickcast Settings Removed Cancel Inquisition. Zeal [Trait] Now has a duration indicator while active. Xul
      Level 13 Rapid Harvest [W] Added to the Buff Bar. Zeratul
      Quickcast Settings Removed Seeker in the Dark. Talents
      Level 4 Psionic Strength [Passive] Added the stack count to the Buff Bar. Zul'jin
      Quickcast Settings Removed duplicate Cancel Berserker. Removed duplicate Regeneration. Talents
      Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Added health threshold indicators. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Added XP Value to Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused location targeted abilities to be cancelled by conveyor belts. Fixed an issue that caused talent text to be truncated on hero select screens. Talents Quests updated to display quest progress at the caster if the triggering enemy is out of vision. Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. Updated Time Stop to display above all other effects in the health plate. Fixed display issues with some Block talents. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non standard height to cause target-facing effects to face the incorrect location. Maps
      Blackheart's Bay Updated coin warning indicator to be consistently colored. Cursed Hollow Fixed an issue that caused Cursed Hallow Call for Help ability warning to display incorrectly. Warhead Junction Sewers are now clickable while they are in the fog of war. Warheads now interact with physics objects. Heroes
      Abathur Level 10 Ultimate Evolution [R1] No longer plays quest progress visual effects. Level 16 Volatile Mutation [R] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Alarak Telekinesis [W] Fixed an issue that caused Telekinesis to not interact with map objects. Alexstrasza Level 10 Cleansing Flame [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to cast at the incorrect location. Anduin Can once again hold his sword high and proud. Anubarak Fixed an issue where the AI was not using Locust Swarm. Fixed an issue that caused Anub'arak's abilities to not interact with map objects. Burrow Charge [E] Impoved the visibility of the erupt location indicator. Level 10 Cocoon [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Cocoon to not properly hide things attached to the target. Artanis Fixed an issue that caused some of Artanis' abilities to not interact with map objects. Fixed an issue that caused Arthas' abilities to not interact with map objects. Phase Prism [E] Fixed an issue that caused Phase Prism to not properly detect structures after the target becomes Time Stopped. Auriel Detainment Strike [E] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Level 7 Empathic Link [D] Fixed an issue that caused Empathic Link to grant Hope when an ally deals damage to themselves. Level 13 Piercing Lash [E] Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Lash to not hit multiple Heroes with Detainment Strike. Azmodan Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Summon Demon Warrior [W] Fixed an issue that caused Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the moment they spawn. Level 1 Wrath [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Wrath to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Level 7 Bombardment [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bombardment to increase damage of Wrath's marker. Brightwing Level 4 Unstable Anomaly [W] Fixed an issue that caused Unstable Anomaly to leave behind a permanent visual. Level 10 Emerald Wind [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Emerald Wind to not interact with map objects. Level 20 Invisible Friends [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Cassia Level 7 Surge of Light [D] Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to not destroy map objects. Level 13 War Traveler [D] Instant mount is now more responsive. Chen Level 10 Wandering Keg [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Wandering Keg to cease targeting the mouse cursor if another Chen's Wandering Keg expires. Will now actively target the mouse cursor instead of targeting the mouse cursor only when its position has changed. Storm, Earth, Fire [R2] Earth's damage is now Physical. ChoGall Fixed Gall's damage not gaining all benefits from Cho's buffs. Level 4 Rising Dread [W] No longer causes the third bounce of Dread Orb display as a crit. Level 7 Double Trouble [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Double Trouble's quest completion to not stack with Twilight Frenzy. Fixed an issue that caused Gall to lose the benefits of Double Trouble's completion after Twilight Frenzy expires. Chromie Level 7 Bronze Talons [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Bronze Talons visuals to persist after Chromie's death. Level 11 Here and There [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks when used. Level 16 Quantum Overdrive [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Overdrive visuals to persist after death. Deathwing Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to be a valid ping target in the party frame while Dragonflight is active. Fixed an issue that caused Deathwing to enter an invalid state if the target of his landing becomes invalid. Level 7 Death Drop [Z] Fixed an issue that caused Death Drop to not reduce all forms of Spell Armor. Deckard Fixed an issue that allowed Deckard to dance without incurring movement restriction. Level 13 Ancient Blessings [D] Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings to not heal the attacker when dealing damage to enemy Heroes that are immune to friendly abilities. Level 20 Morenados! [R2] Fixed an issue that caused the cooldown reduction to be prevented when Lorenado hits a non-Hero. Diablo Shadow Charge [Q] Terrain impact will now always display as a crit. Fire Stomp [W] Now combines damage text. D.Va Fixed an issue that caused some of D.Va's abilities to not interact with map and physics objects. Self-Destruct [E] Fixed an issue that caused D.Va's Mech to continue moving if it was Rooted when Self-Destruct was cast. Fixed an issue that caused Self-Destruct to not feature a pulse animation when fully charged. Starts decaying in damage after 4 range. Big Shot [R] Fixed an issue that caused Big Shot to hit Invulnerable enemies. Level 20 Ablative Armor [D] Now includes damage dealt to D.Va's Shields. Fenix Level 13 Dampening Field [D] Fixed an issue that caused Dampening Field to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Garrosh Into the Fray [1] Fixed an issue that caused Into the Fray to display as Lok-tar Ogar! in Quickcast menu. Level 7 Lok-tar Ogar! [1] Now display as an active upgrade instead of a passive. Genji Swift Strike [E] Adjusted color display for Swift Strike refund timer on the button. Fixed an issue that caused Swift Strike's mana refund to be displayed for the killed enemy player. Level 4 Strike At The Heart [E] Fixed an issue with Genji's Strike At The Heart text. Level 13 Way of The Shimada [E] Now only causes Genji's attacks to display as a crit at 10+ stacks. Level 16 Final Cut [E] Fixed an issue that caused Final Cut's damage to not be modified by any damage modifiers. Gul'dan Level 1 Chaotic Energy [W] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Energy to not increase the healing of Regeneration Globes by the correct value in ARAM. Level 13 Healthstone [Active] No longer dismounts or decloaks Gul'dan. Level 16 Ruinous Affliction [E] Third strike damage now displays as a crit. Hanzo Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Scatter Arrow [W] Now combines damage text. Level 16 Giant Slayer [Passive] Bonus damage from Scatter Arrow will now combine damage text. Hogger Rage has been added to the Hero page. Staggering Blows [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Staggering Blows to not interact with map objects. Ez-Thro Dynamite [W] Will always display as a crit on direct hit damage. Level 4 Brute Force [Q] No longer causes Loot Hoard to display as a crit. Imperius Level 10 Angelic Armaments [R1] Will combine damage text with Heavenly Host. Junkrat Level 10 RIP-Tire [R1] Starts decaying in damage after 1.5 range. Leoric Level 7 Willing Vessel [W] Now displays as a crit. Li Li Fast Feet [Trait] Adjusted color display for duration indicator. Level 10 Jug of 1,000 Cups [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Jug of 1,000 Cups' cooldown to be increased while in Stasis. Level 13 Gale Force [E] Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not properly increase Blinding Wind's duration. Lt. Morales Level 13 Bedside Manner [E] Proc bonus now displays as a crit. Lunara Nature's Toxin [Trait] Now acts similarly to other heals. Level 13 Abolish Magic [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Abolish Magic to not reduce the duration of Silences, Fears, and Taunts. Maiev Level 1 Bonds of Justice [W] No longer causes attacks to display as crits when using Umbral Bind. Level 4 Blade Dance [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Blade Dance to not grant stacks of Vengeful Knives. Level 10 Containment Disc [R1] Removed Silence display while Time Stopped. Mal'Ganis Level 13 Blood Rush [D] Fixed an issue that caused Blood Rush to activate from Healing Fountains and Regeneration Globes. Malthael Level 13 Shroud of Wisdom [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Shroud of Wisdom to not grant Spell Armor against all sources. Level 20 Angel of Death [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Angel of Death to be affected by Spellpower modifiers. Mei Level 20 Cascade [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Cascade's Snow Blinds to Blind for less duration than untalented Snow Blinds. Nazeebo Zombie Wall [W] Updated zombies to face inside the Zombie Wall when created. Level 20 Annihilating Spirits [R2] Fixed an issue that caused Annihilating Spirits healing reduction to display floating text multiple times. Nova Holo Decoys [E] Will now move towards uncollected Experience Globes if they are idle. Orphea Fixed an issue that caused weapons to fire multiple times when used in conjunction with select abilities. Level 4 Chaotic Assault [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Chaotic Assault to not apply while Orphea has 3 stacks of Chaos. Level 13 Invasive Miasma [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Invasive Miasma to hit dead Heroes. Level 20 Eldritch Conduit [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Eldritch Conduit's visuals to persist after death. Probius Disruption Pulse [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Disruption Pulse to hit targets hit by previous Disruption Pulses. Level 4 Photon Barrier [D] Fixed an issue that caused Photon Barrier to display while Probius is dead. Level 10 Pylon Overcharge [R1] Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to not properly grant Pylons Invulnerability. Qhira Grappling Hook [Trait] Adjusted Grappling Hook guide and terrain indicator to match its cast range. Level 13 The Hunted [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused The Hunted to lose stacks when hitting a non-Hero. Raynor Level 20 Sergeant Pepper [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Sergeant Pepper to not properly apply if selected while at 0 stacks of Give Em' Someo. Rehgar Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 13 Wellspring [E] Fixed an issue that caused Wellspring's beam to not appear when the heal occurs. Rexxar Fixed an issue that caused Rexxar and Misha to not share their Healing Fountain healing with each other. Samuro Level 4 One With The Wind [E] Fixed an issue that caused One With The Wind to display a duration while Wind Walk is active. Level 7 Crushing Blows [W] Fixed an issue that caused Crushing Blows to be located in the wrong location in the Buff Bar. Sgt. Hammer Level 16 Giant Killer [Passive] Fixed an issue that caused Giant Killer to damage Invulnerable targets. Sonya Fury [Trait] Adjusted the color display for remaining duration on the button. Stitches Level 16 Digestive Juices [E] Fixed an issue that caused Digestive Juices to not display a damage preview. Stukov Level 1 Fetid Touch [W] Fetid Touch's ranged attack no longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Tassadar Level 7 Psionic Echo [W] Adjusted color display for Psionic Echo indicator on Shock Ray button. The Butcher Fixed an issue that caused Butcher's charge to be cancelled prematurely. Level 13 Cleaver [Passive] Can now trigger while Blinded. Now heals if the cleaved-to-target has The Butcher's Brand. Level 20 Fires of Hell [R1] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Thrall Feral Spirit [E] Fixed an issue that caused Feral Spirit to hit Invulnerable non-Heroes. Level 13 Frostwolf's Grace [D] No longer dismounts Thrall. Tracer Level 20 Composition B [R] Fixed an issue that caused Composition B's outer radius to not gain the benefit of Quantum Spike. Tyrande Sentinel [E] Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to pierce incorrectly. Uther Holy Radiance [W] Displays as a crit when Uther has Spellpower bonuses. Level 16 Beacon of Light [Q] Only causes Holy Light to display as a crit when under 50% health. Valeera Deep Shadows duration indicator will now fill, rather than empty. Level 4 Wound Poison [Active] Fixed an issue that caused Wound Poison to display floating text multiple times. Valla Multishot [W] Fixed an issue that caused Multishot to not apply all hit effects when hitting enemies inside Valla's space. Level 13 Gloom [Active] No longer displays an empty icon in the Death Recap. Varian Level 13 Mortal Strike [D] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Strike to display floating text multiple times. Whitemane Zeal [Trait] Fixed an issue that caused Zeal's active visuals to persist after death. Searing Lash [E] The second strike always displays as a crit. Xul Level 20 Mortal Wounds [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Mortal Wounds to display floating text multiple times. Yrel Fixed an issue with abilities causing all players to highlight enemies. Avenging Wrath [E] Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath's VFX to display incorrectly. Level 10 Ardent Defender [R1] Increases Yrel's Self Healing when it prevents damage to her. Zarya Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks to not damage enemies in the cleave area if the primary target dies to the attack. Level 7 Deep Burn [Q] Fixed an issue that caused Deep Burn to display the incorrect floating text value. Zul'jin Fixed an issue that caused duplicate entries in the Death Recap. Level 1 Recklessness [Passive] Adjusted position in the Buff Bar. Return to Top
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    • By Stan
      The Heroes of the Storm Collection just got a fresh update with the latest content update. Check out what's new!
      Corrupted Archangel Diablo returns along with the Hopeful Spirit Healer Auriel skin. For mounts, the Golden Lunar Skyrocket and Sleepy Cloud have made a return. You can explore the updated Collection at The Nexus Compendium.
    • By Staff
      A new Heroes of the Storm patch went live today and here are the official patch notes for the update.
      The next Heroes of the Storm patch has arrived! Dive on in for more information.
      NOTE: Orange text indicates a change between PTR and Live notes.
      Quick Navigation:
      General Balance Update Bug Fixes General
      Added XP given to enemy display. This will show up as purple floating text for the player that had their Hero slain. Return to Top
      Balance Update
      Li Li Jug of 1,000 Cups healing increased from 66 to 75. Medivh Mage Armor duration increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds. Mage Armor increased from 30 to 40 Armor. Nova Advanced Cloaking bonus mana regen increased from 3 to 6. Anti-Armor Shells duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Return to Top
      Bug Fixes
      Fixed an anchor offset on Hero Select display. Fixed an issue that caused Shielding to not be displayed correctly in the Death Recap. Fixed an issue that caused Hellbats and Gnolls to reduce the Armor of enemies before damage was dealt. Fixed an issue that caused Heroes that use non-standard attack abilities to display the incorrect confirmation visuals. Certain Heroes would show a red confirmation arrow instead of a green arrow when moving. Fixed an issue that caused place of death to reveal into nearby shrubs. Fixed an issue that caused player-located cooldowns to continue refreshing after a Core is destroyed. Fixed an issue that caused Sapper Mercenaries' area warning indicator to persist after the attack has landed. Fixed an issue that caused the event count in the Death Recap to update for all players when a new death recap is created for any player. Maps
      Blackheart's Bay Chests now feature a warning indicator for the coin land location. The display happens once the coin has been launched and not prior to the coin launching. Lost Cavern Fixed an issue that caused minions to grant 1 XP for being in range of them dying. Heroes
      Abathur Evolve Monstrosity Stacks are now a Heroic Quest. Players will now be able to see how many stacks the Monstrosity has on the scoreboard, and when it has full stacks, it will display a quest complete indicator. Toxic Nest is no longer triggered by Invulnerable enemies. Alarak Fixed an issue that caused Alarak's Lightning Surge to display incorrectly at long range. Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to heal when they have been granted Spell leech. (Example: Nano Infusion from Ana) Ana Fixed an issue that caused Eye of Horus to hit Invulnerable Heroes. Anduin Divine Star Sword will no longer be destroyed when leaving the base during the game start period. Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Light to treat the first hit as the second. Anubarak Anubarak's Burning Beetle damage is now affected by all forms of damage modification. No longer able to use Locust Swarm while riding on the Toy Train. Updating cancel animations of Hardened Shields to be like similar visuals. Artanis Fixed an issue that caused Target Purified to deal double damage. Fixed an issue that caused Titan Killer being capable of damaging Invulnerable targets when activated from Twin Blades. Updated visuals of Spell Armor. Arthas Legion of Northrend's bonus healing is now additive. Rime now has a Block visual. Auriel Fixed an issue that caused Searing Light to not grant energy when hitting a Protected enemy. Azmodan Bombardment will no longer attack inactive Mercenaries unless the attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Fixed an issue that caused Azmodan's Demon Warriors to leave permanent burning visuals if killed at the same moment they spawn. Fixed an issue that caused Tide of Sin to leave visual markers at place of death. Fixed Globe of Annihilation no longer stacking off of Possessed minions. No longer possible to cast Tide of Sin when it is already active. Blaze Fixed an issue that caused Blaze to deal bonus damage to enemies hit by another Blaze's Flame Streams. Brightwing Fixed an issue that caused Phase Shift to activate on the previous target. Butcher Fixed an issue that caused Butcher's Fresh Meat spawning meat off of Possessed minions. Cassia Updating cancel animations of Hardened Shields to be like similar visuals. Chen Fixed an issue that caused Stagger to heal when they have been granted Spell leech. (Example: Nano Infusion from Ana) ChoGall Fixed an issue that caused Enraged Regeneration to display incorrectly in the Death Recap. Deathwing Added Bellowing Roar Camera Lock. Deckard Fixed an issue that caused Ancient Blessings damage to not scale on targets if they level up while it is active. Included Potion to search text for Deckard. Dehaka Updated visuals of Spell Armor. D.Va Fixed an issue that caused Liquid Cooling to reset the fountain in ARAM incorrectly. Fixed an issue that caused Nuclear Option to trigger on an already exploded Mech. Micro Missiles no longer hits Invulnerable targets. Pilot Mode can now see the Self-Destruct charge. E.T.C. Crowd Surfer now displays floating text for mana refund. Falstad Fixed an issue that caused Falstad's Flight warning indicator to no longer display after selecting Epic Mount. Fixed an issue that caused Sustained Winds to damage invulnerable targets. Garrosh Unrivaled Strength bonus is now additive. Gazlowe Fixed an issue that caused Xplodium Bomb to not be affected by allied cooldown reduction. Genji Fixed an issue that caused Strike at the Heart to not display a damage preview. Swift Strike now displays floating text for mana refund. Updated visuals of Spell Armor. Hanzo Ignore All Distractions will now display MISSED! text in the case of Blinds. Hogger Fixed an issue that caused Hogger's Hogg Wild visual to be visible when Hogger is visible. Imperius Fixed an issue that caused Brightwing and Falstad to be at the incorrect height after Celestial Charge Stuns them and a least one other Hero. Jaina Water Elemental Frostbolts will now behave consistently with Jaina's Frostbolts. Junkrat Chattering Teeth will now chase (but not trap) Invulnerable targets. Fixed an issued that caused Chattering Teeth to apply to Arming Steel Traps when selected. Kerrigan Fixed an issue that caused Sharpened Blades to stack off of Possessed minions. Included Infested to search text for Kerrigan. Leoric Skeletal Swing mana refund now displays as a crit. Li-Ming Fixed an issue if Seeker is slected while Magic Missiles are in flight while Force Armor was selected. Fixed an issue that caused Force Armor to grant multiple stacks from the same Magic Missiles cast. Lucio Fixed an issue that caused Sound Barrier shields to not decay if Bossa Nova was slected while the target was shielded. Lunara Fixed an issue that caused Splintered Spear to not display correctly while Blinded or against an Evading enemy. Splintered Spear will no longer attack inactive Mercenaries unless the triggering attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Maiev Naisha's Memento first bounce can now bounce to inactive Mercenaries if the triggering attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Mal'Ganis Included Vampire to search text for Mal'Ganis. Medivh Medivh's Portal is now an invalid target for allied abilities. (Example: Brightwing's Blink Heal) Mei Fixed an issue where The Big One was not gaining the full benefit of Slushball. Mephisto Fixed an issue that caused Unspeakable Horror being temporarily disabled when the target is knocked back. Murky Egg Hunt Egg is no longer killed in one hit by Structures. Fixed an issue that caused Fishy Deal to stack off of Possessed minions. Nazeebo Fixed an issue that caused Voodoo Ritual to stack off of Possessed minions. Nova Fixed an issue that caused Holo Decoy's health bars to display incorrectly after losing Protected. Orphea Fixed an issue that caused Ravenous Hunger to stack off of Possessed minions. Fixed an issue that caused Shadow Waltz to refund mana multiple times per cast. Probius Fixed an issue that caused Spawning Minerals off of Possessed minions. Included Builder to search text for Probius. Qhira Updated visuals of Spell Armor. Ragnaros Fixed an issue that caused Sulfuras Hungers to stack off of Possessed minions. Updated visuals of Spell Armor. Raynor Execute Orders now displays in the Death Recap for its Hyperion cast. Rehgar Improved Death Recap for Hunger of the Wolf. Samuro Mirage now functions like other Spell Armor Blocks. Sgt. Hammer Fixed an issue that caused Orbital BFG to not be affected by damage reduction. Pulse Detonation Core will replace Spider Mines in the recap if chosen. Spider Mines damage is now modified by Defense Matrix and Ultimate Evolution damage modifications. Spider Mines duration will continue while they are chasing. Spider Mines will no longer detonate on Invulnerable targets but will continue to chase them. Spider Mines will now display their damage when clicked in the Target Info Panel. Stitches Fixed an issue that caused Putrefaction to display floating text multiple times at once. Stukov Fixed an issue that caused Weighted Pustule to not display a damage preview. Sylvanas Fixed an issue that caused Withering Fire to display incorrectly. Tassadar Fixed an issue where Twilight Archon could use Toy Train. Khaydarin Amulet will cancel itself if the target is an inactive Mercenary. Thrall Fixed an issue that caused Echo of the Elements activating off of Possessed Minions and Hallucinations. Fixed an issue that caused Rolling Thunder to not activate from Tempest Fury's attacks. Fixed an issue that caused Wolf Pack to reset Feral Spirit on talent reset incorrectly. The Lost Vikings Fixed an issue that caused Nordic Attack Squad to be able to damage invulnerable targets. Fixed an issue where there health was not set to full on death. Tracer Fixed an issue that caused Get Stuffed to be capable of knocking back a target multiple times when Melee was cast in quick succession. Fixed an issue that caused Get Stuffed to knock back targets with other Heroes' Pulse Bombs placed on them. Locked and Loaded will now cause Tracer's Basic Attacks to display as Criticals when active. Ricochet can now bounce to inactive Mercenaries if the attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Whitemane Included Chapeau to search text for Whitemane. Zagara Medusa Blades will no longer attack inactive Mercenaries unless the triggering attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Mutalisk first bounce can now bounce to inactive Mercenaries if the attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Zarya Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks not being affected properly by attack speed modifiers. Zeratul Fixed an issue that caused Might of the Nerazim abilities to heal for more damage than intended with Shadow Mending. Zul'jin A Surprise For Ya! can now bounce to inactive Mercenaries if the attack is against an inactive Mercenary. Return to Top
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