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Is Hearthstone Pay To Win?

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I have to disagree with ill

Alot of streamers do runs to legend on a fresh account without paying a cent

I was free for a long time before deciding the game had well been worth my while and wanting to support it




Trump also has some good tutorials that Blizzard have featured. Parts can seem obvious but are sometimes difficult to execute.



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It is not a pay to win game. I reached legend with my oil rogue and midrange hunter the last two seasons. However, if u pay for the game, then u get more good cards, which give u a larger variety of decks to play with. I will say this game is pay to have more fun, but definitely not purely pay to win. It takes skill

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Hi there,


I just started playing Hearthstone 4 days ago and I'm also having some frustration related to not having access to better cards, but I suppose it's kind of a 'penalty' that every new player has to experience.


Another kind of unfair thing is tha fact that Arena gives away just GvG boosters, instead of letting new players to choose the classic ones. I spent 300 gold in Arena before realising it, and it kinda sucks. I guess I'll have to just buy packs at 100G each for a looong time if I want to get a decent pool of classic cards...


Anyway, by now I'm working on getting every character to level 10 and then the mage to level 20 (I already noticed it's probably the best class if you're constricted to basic cards) to get access to the tavern brawls. So if anyone who is also new to the game wants to add me and play with basic cards and earn some EXP for leveling up some classes, feel free to do so. I'm DarkVaati #2503.

yeah only getting gvg packs definitely sucks.

However after the Grand Tournament expansion release in August u will have a chance to win a classic, a gvg or a grand tournament pack from the reward. That will be so much better for new players!

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Hi there,

I just started playing Hearthstone 4 days ago and I'm also having some frustration related to not having access to better cards, but I suppose it's kind of a 'penalty' that every new player has to experience.

Another kind of unfair thing is tha fact that Arena gives away just GvG boosters, instead of letting new players to choose the classic ones. I spent 300 gold in Arena before realising it, and it kinda sucks. I guess I'll have to just buy packs at 100G each for a looong time if I want to get a decent pool of classic cards...

Anyway, by now I'm working on getting every character to level 10 and then the mage to level 20 (I already noticed it's probably the best class if you're constricted to basic cards) to get access to the tavern brawls. So if anyone who is also new to the game wants to add me and play with basic cards and earn some EXP for leveling up some classes, feel free to do so. I'm DarkVaati#2503.

Allow me to quote myself from 4 weeks ago just to give some feedback about my experience so far. As I previously said, I started playing Hearthstone on the 1st of July, with no previous knowledge of the game, and after some days I was somehow a bit frustrated.

As expected for any newcomer, I wasted some gold and dust with poor decisions in my first days, but after that I managed to invest in a cheap-but-efficient Paladin deck and by now I reached rank 12 with it. I'm also working on building some other cheap decks to have more fun with them, and I regularly play arena as I can consistently reach 3+ wins most of the times (9 was my best) and make my gold's worth.

So, after less than a month, now I basically agree with Sottle when he defines the game as "pay to save time". Yes, better cards allow you to make better decks and start winning and experiencing the full game before. And yes, starting as a newbie is frustrating. But if you learn the game, complete daily missions and try to build something nice and solid with just common and rare cards, you start enjoying quite fast.

It's also true, though, that Naxx and BRM cards are needed to build stronger decks, and that saving enough gold to get them is a pain. I payed real money for Naxx and I will also pay for BRM in the next weeks, because it's definitely more efficient to do so and invest gold in arena. In that sense, as I said, the game is "pay to save grinding time".

PS: Just some additional info for any newcomer. In this first month with the game, I've been playing around 1-2 hours per day. Some days even less if I got frustrated with a losing streak. And I have not a single legendary card yet...

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DarkVaati, I'm glad that you're having a better experience now! To address your last comment, you unfortunately can't expect to get many legendary cards in packs. I've been playing for about 5 months now and I've opened a bunch of packs, yet I've only gotten 3 or 4 legendaries that way. Saving dust for more legendaries is another part of the grind, and another reason people invest money into the game. But as you've come to find you don't need legendary cards to win. You got all the way to Rank 12 without any! That's a great achievement, so congrats!  

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