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DPS issue

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hello everyone, i'm new to this forum, though i use the website guides and they are excellent Posted Image

my problem is with my Warlock which is my main character

i always played as Destruction and i never had DPS problems untill patch 5.1 then my DPS was slightly decresed.

because of the low DPS i was kicked from 2 guilds already and in some guilds they simply didn't invite nor let me participate because my DPS was just not enough.

they told me to change to Affliction as everyone said it's the best spec for warlock

so i decided to try but my DPS isn't changed much.

i read full guides here and other websites and i'm sorted with stats, reforge, gems etc

here's my armory link


i don't know how to use the world of logs so i can't provide specific fights

but i will give as much information as i can so any help will be appriciated.

on aoe fight i usually don't have problem because of easy rotation

my problem comes on single targets

my average DPS goes between 50-60k, while comparing to other warlocks in the guild they do above 80k

my single target rotatios goes like this:

at the beginning curse of elements > dark soul > soulburn + soul swap > summon doomguard

at this point i usually start to get int proc from trinkets, lightweave, windsong etc

so i throw Haunt and spam melific grasp if i still have procs on when Haunt ends i renew it

and continue with melific grasp untill i have to refresh my dots

i keep using Haunt only when i get procs and when the target has below 20% health

i use drain soul while using soulburn+soul swap and Haunt when i get more soul shards from it

i think the main problem is that i don't know how to manage the refreshing dots as it should be.

i thought i should refresh them when i get int procs or haste boost from Essence of Terror for example

regardless how much time left for the dots to end, some guide suggested doing so explaning that the current dots don't get effect from int proc or haste untill they are refreshed

but on other guides i read they said i only need to refresh dots when they are about to expire so no tick will be wasted

i tried both ways and still there is no big change from my DPS resoulting been kicked..

i'm desprate for help

Edited by nanoam

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i think the main problem is that i don't know how to manage the refreshing dots as it should be.

i thought i should refresh them when i get int procs or haste boost from Essence of Terror for example

regardless how much time left for the dots to end, some guide suggested doing so explaning that the current dots don't get effect from int proc or haste untill they are refreshed

but on other guides i read they said i only need to refresh dots when they are about to expire so no tick will be wasted

i tried both ways and still there is no big change from my DPS resoulting been kicked..

i'm desprate for help

sorted. http://www.curse.com...ons/wow/affdots

edit: also, logs are really really needed in these kinds of cases where it's clear that your gear/gems and reforges are solid

edit 2:


that's the only log i could find given your guild movement from Trows > Apex > Conspiracy

Edited by Gravyspasm

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i'm using afflidots

i know when the icons are green i should recast it's when i get benefit with pandamic

but i'm not sure if to renew them when they turn blue when i get procs if i should recast it right away or wait untill they green again

what can you tell me from that report for example? as you can see i'm in the buttom of dps chart only above the tanks as always :

that guild i left because the didn't let me join raids saying they start to run heroics and my DPS isn't high enough and same is with my current one

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blue means your currents procs make your dots more powerful, but if you refresh them at this very moment, then you won't get the benifit of pandemic. in which case you gotta look at your procs, see how much time is left, and look at your dots to see how soon you'll get in the >10sec on duration so you can refresh with optimal power and pandemic'd time.

so, it's wait if you can judging on time left on dots and procs.

as for the logs, you have an average dot uptime and your drain soul execute was really really spotty, and i have no idea why

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blue means your currents procs make your dots more powerful, but if you refresh them at this very moment, then you won't get the benifit of pandemic.

Careful with your wording here. He will get the benefit of Pandemic when refreshing when the indicators are blue, just not the full benefit. If you refresh an Agony while it's "blue" the total dot time will still increase to 36 seconds. I'm sure you know this Gravy, but the wording in your response could mislead him to only refresh on green lights.


When your icons are blue, take a look at the number next to/above that icon which tells you exactly how much stronger that spell is than the currently applied one. I think the default for blue icons is 125 which means your current dot could be increased 25% in power if you reapplied it, but the current dot still has over half of its duration remaining. It is purely up to you what a suitable increase in power is to refresh the dot. Same goes with green. Just because its green doesn't mean its the best choice to be reapplying it right then. If you think you are going to be getting a trinket/profession proc in the very near future you can hold out for it before you refresh the dot. Don't take the color indicators to be strict guidelines. The numbers are what you want to pay attention to. The colors are there to help you if the fight is cRaZy and you have no time to look at the numbers and want a quick idea of what to do and if the fight actually is crazy then you probably will want to refresh your dots on blue and green anyways.

Question for you on talent choices. Are Howling Terror and Harvest Life your default choices for raids? This doesn't effect your DPS, but it doesn't help your survivability by taking these.


This log I found is from a MV 10N that you might be able to get more info from Gravy. From a glance it looks like his opener is fairly weak.

Best of luck!

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that's make sense, i didn't know what the numbers above the icon means. i remember refreshing dots when they shown 80-90 like numbers

so it's obviously wrong. i will pay more attention to it, if 125 is default for blue icon that's the number i should be looking for or it can be higher?

in some fights i did manage to get reasonable DPS but most of them it was quite low. i will check it again and see what the resoult is

if i will still have problem i will post it

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Yup that's the idea. A good place to see if you're doing everything right is immediately after your opener. Ideally right before all your procs/buffs wear off you should have refreshed your dots for the last time and if you look at those numbers above the icons you'll see something like 30-40 which goes to show how powerful Pandemic is. We get an extra 20 or so seconds of empowerment compared to other classes. Milk those bad boys for their full duration and profit.

I don't remember what the default setting is for Affdots, but definitely make sure the "Relative values" box is set in the general settings.

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