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Caffry's Legendary Stream

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Hi, everyone. I am a new streamer and I wanna present my channel.


Name: Caffry

Age: 31

Gaming history: I am playing games since 1995, when I was 10 years old. Started with consoles, than played mostly PC games. I am ex semi-pro CS players, long time WoW hardcore Raider and currently playing only Hearthstone.

How long do you play HS ? +2 years now

Are you a legendary player ? Yes, but I try to gain fun from the game, so I test a lot of decks every season, mostly self-made.

Do you play arenas ? Do you get 12 wins ? I do play arenas, and yes I do reach 12 wins, but most of the time I play ladder.

Favorite HS decks & classes ? I got 5/9 golden heroes. My favorite classes are Warrior, Warlock, Hunter, but I play all of the 9 heroes. I play mostly control / midrange decks and a lot of Reno decks. 

Why should I watch your stream ?  Well, I am a legendary player with long HS experience, who makes his own decks and 80% of the time I play my own lists. I do also play some hwrthpwn decks and I use hearthpwn deck tracker on stream. I will try to explain on new playes some basics and more advanced tips for the game, and ofc I will try to entertain my viewers. 

Do you make deck showcases on stream ? Yes, sometimes I will play some of the most popular decks on hearthpwn

Whats your channel link ? you can follow / watch me here:  https://www.twitch.tv/caffrytv

Thanks for your time and I hope some of you join my channel


Edited by Caffry

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