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Elemental Shaman Archi Help

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I am having a lot of trouble with single target or mostly single target fights on my shaman.  I cannot even pug archimonde because my dps is so bad it's a bit embarrassing.  It gets a little better in p2 with all the little demons to aoe but I've been in a couple pugs where we'd wipe in p1 and my DPS would be around 30k at 705 ilvl.  That's terrible because I know I can do 45-55k on other fights (55k is about my best ATM)





I did notice looking at this that I let my searing totem fall a couple times and I seem to have missed an ascendance.  Also my Lightning Vortex uptime isn't great but I'm still trying to work on that.


These are my pug attempts this week and they're all wipes in p1 IIRC.  My highest DPS was at 35k.  I know the one I did worst on I got every Doomfire so that didn't help but even with that I feel like I should be able to do better at my ilvl


Anyways, any tips would be appreciated so I don't get laughed out of pugs and I can get my ring upgrades more consistently.  Also we're going into heroic this week in our alt group and I just need to be better at single target in general.

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Archimonde is a boss which Elemental deals normally somewhat middling dps on, primarily due to how much movement we possibly have to do and the dreaded notion of having to go into the nether groups and stockpile fulmination to help out with void stars.


Some basics always help however:


1) Never ever let the Unleashed + 2 elemental fusion stacked flame shock drop from Archi. He's the only mob in the encounter it is worth setting up the full strength dot on. Make sure you can refresh it before you go into the nether if you have to, pre-plan for allure movement periods so that you can possibly refresh it as a constructive use of your time alongside fulmination dumps and spiritwalker/totem stomp.


2) Depending on the dps of your group you can squeeze and earthquake out of P1 if the deathcaller+doomfire spirit are up at the same time, it ain't padding when you get a buffed EQ or two out under the boss, they do some significant damage to him.


3) Practice and perfect your pull, your fulmination management, and get as much as is possible from your burn phases (Ascendance+EM+Ring) as they make up a big chunk of your single target damage.


4) Gauge the dps of your team and contribute on target swaps accordingly, if it's poor then you have to swap over on the prio targets normally. If it is good, then you're probably better off weaving your fulmination dumps (with the tier set bonus in mind of course) and the occasional lightning bolt into them, but keep lavabursts on archi.


Also, turn on the game sounds and memorize the audio cues for Allure of flame. If you know how long you have after he starts his bossquote, you can be on your way to the new position and casting that much faster.

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Thank you for the in depth response. :)


I actually just started using Elemental Fusion and I can see the increase in my DPS already.  Back in BRF I had been using Storm Elemental Totem and Primal Elementalist because EF was a little lackluster at the time (so much aoe).  But after writing this I went poking around looking at what other shamans were using for talents and kind of went "duh".


I never thought of trying to chain lightning on p1, positioning gets wonky at times but worth a try.  The first doomfire goes down before the deathcaller is out but might work for the other ones.


As far as Fulmination goes I don't usually have problems generating it but I was wondering if I should dump all my bonus (2p) Earth Shocks when I get them or wait until my Lightning Vortex is about to expire? For now I've just been hitting it when I have 2 stacks of EF which is usually when my haste buff is about half done.  Although looking at my logs my uptime is still pretty low (41% - 59%) so I'm not sure if it would be better to just spam ES when 2p procs, seems like it would be I just worry about running out of LS stacks.  Looks like it's time to mess with my weak auras again.

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Yeah, if you have the archimonde trinket then you should pretty much run Elemental fusion and start managing your DoT pretty carefully. It becomes a huge chunk of your single target output, and lets you spend your shock CD on earthshocks to clear fulmination instead of refreshing as much.


On that topic, the way to deal with Fulmination (in a situation where you are not saving the charges for a certain event, like a void star) is to at 17 charges of lightning shield spam your earth shock until you can't anymore.

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