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What legend to craft?

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Ok, so I'm sitting on 2900 dust. And it feels like time for a new legend.

I mostly want one for my Dragon Priest:

2x northshire cleric

2x twilight whelp

1x sw pain

2x shrinkmeister

2x wyrmrest agent

1x sw death

2x velens chosen

2x dark cultist

2x twilight guardian

2x holy nova

2x azure drake

2x blackwing corruptor

1x loatheb

2x cabal s priest

2x drakonid crusher

1x thaurissan

1x chromaggus

1x mind control

I already have 5naxx 5brf 2loe + cairne bloodhoof available as far as legends go.

I'm thinking ysera, alextrasza or chillmaw are good options. Do people here agree? Is another legend a better choice. Maybe a priest classlegend? (Note that I play priest almost singulary.)

Anyone any advice? This deck is ment to be used climbing the ladder, any other tips are most welcome ofc.

Hope to hear you soon



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The good choices would be Ysera, Vol'jin and Sylvanas. In case the meta is control and therefore has a lot of high-health minions, Vol'jin would be the best choice. He is basically a tech card. However, this meta is quite fast, so I really wouldn't recommend him right now. Ysera will replace Chromaggus. Craft her if you feel Chromaggus is weak or if you feel your late-game is not that good and needs improvement. Sylvanas is a strong midrange minion that fits the meta well and can be used in a variety of decks. You should craft her, if you think your early game or mid-game is the weakest part. 

tl;dr: Ysera if you have weak late-game / lack finishing power. Otherwise Sylvanas.

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Aigh, I think I'll go for sylvanas then. Atm i seem to just miss that early/mid game to make my endgame consistent. Thanks again for your advice

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Sylvanas is definitely a good choice and you won't regret it. She is especially great in Priest since you are focusing on control, and she'll help stabilize your mid-game to help you reach your finishers.


I think Ysera and Alextrasza are also good choices that you can save up for next to help you get more powerful and consistent finishers. The meta is always fluctuating so I wouldn't craft a card solely based on the current meta. Having said that, Ysera won't be as helpful in very aggressive metas because it's so slow. Your deck, however, is built with taunts and spells to help you live to the late game, so I think Ysera would still fit well. Alextrasza, on the other hand, can save you in aggressive match-ups by bringing your health back to 15, but it is also extremely powerful in control mirrors to bring down your opponent's life total. Both dragons are great in multiple decks, but especially in dragon decks.

Edited by Darb

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Now got sylvanas and ysera crafted. Man the murlocs are getting ridiculous. Running entombed tho, gave me some nice results


I'm getting very good results so far with a win/lose ratio of about 5/2. Sylvanas is fun to play and simply destroy with a death (if possible) or ysera's "deal 5 damage to All the things". The only losses were basically being outrushed while waiting for the right draw because Mulligan sucked

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Now got sylvanas and ysera crafted. Man the murlocs are getting ridiculous. Running entombed tho, gave me some nice results


I'm getting very good results so far with a win/lose ratio of about 5/2. Sylvanas is fun to play and simply destroy with a death (if possible) or ysera's "deal 5 damage to All the things". The only losses were basically being outrushed while waiting for the right draw because Mulligan sucked

I feel like SWD is better than Entomb. You pay half the price and although you trigger the deathrattle, I feel it is still better. Using entomb on a minion with attack lower than 5 is usually a waste (except for Ysera, but you want to use Shrinkmeister+Cabal combo in that case).

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Dr. Boom seems to be a standard answer but my knowledge stops and the pretty colors of each card wink.png

Boom doesn't really fit into Dragon priest. It has enough late-game and mid-game power thanks to Vol'jin, Ysera, Sylvanas and -of course- dragons. It would also be the only BGH target in the whole deck. 

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I would advise against Alexstrasza for Dragon Priest, i think it's quite rare that fight turns on enemy hp, it1s all about board control. 


I think Ysera, Vol'jin and Sylvanas too. Sylvanas is a decent choice, will be useful in many decks.

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I would advise against Alexstrasza for Dragon Priest, i think it's quite rare that fight turns on enemy hp, it1s all about board control. 


I think Ysera, Vol'jin and Sylvanas too. Sylvanas is a decent choice, will be useful in many decks.

That is true, but Alexstrasza is, just like in control warrior, the turning point between board control and going face. She can be also used to heal yourself in case you got bad draw against aggro decks. But yes, Ysera is definitely a more solid choice than Alex.

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I would advise against Alexstrasza for Dragon Priest, i think it's quite rare that fight turns on enemy hp, it1s all about board control. 


I think Ysera, Vol'jin and Sylvanas too. Sylvanas is a decent choice, will be useful in many decks.

That is true, but Alexstrasza is, just like in control warrior, the turning point between board control and going face. She can be also used to heal yourself in case you got bad draw against aggro decks. But yes, Ysera is definitely a more solid choice than Alex.


Control Warrior can finish the opponent with grom+cruel taskmaster (or 2nd charge of death's bite) the turn after alextrasza though, priest doesn't really have a finisher, so I'd rather onvest in some more early/midgame, I'd definitely add at least one lightbomb for the aggro/midrange out there, it kills a lot more stuff than nova

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That is true, but Alexstrasza is, just like in control warrior, the turning point between board control and going face. She can be also used to heal yourself in case you got bad draw against aggro decks. But yes, Ysera is definitely a more solid choice than Alex.

Control Warrior can finish the opponent with grom+cruel taskmaster (or 2nd charge of death's bite) the turn after alextrasza though, priest doesn't really have a finisher, so I'd rather onvest in some more early/midgame, I'd definitely add at least one lightbomb for the aggro/midrange out there, it kills a lot more stuff than nova


Dragon Priest is about developing a strong board and you will often find yourself with enough damage on board to finish your opponent by using Alexstrasza. You will also have additional 8 damage on board to finish your opponent next turn. However, if you are losing, she isn't that good anymore. Still, she is a considerable minion.

Ysera can both help you to continue the pressure and to recover from weaker draw and board presence. She can be also used to replenish your hand and one of the cards you "draw" is a dragon, which means more synergy.

Nova is more used because it kills opponent's aggro minions, but doesn't hurt your own board, but it heals it and also heals your face, which is often important.

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Yeah, against full face-decks, you want holy nova, but when it comes to midrange/zoo decks, you'll often dont have a board and they'll have multiple minions with 3+ health (also against control if you're losing). I'd still include the Novas, take out something more questionnable instead :)

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Yeah, against full face-decks, you want holy nova, but when it comes to midrange/zoo decks, you'll often dont have a board and they'll have multiple minions with 3+ health (also against control if you're losing). I'd still include the Novas, take out something more questionnable instead smile.png

The deck runs Mind Control, Drakonid Crusher and Ysera/Sylvanas, and of course - high value minions (such as 2 mana 2/4), which allows you to win against Midrange and Control. But the main reason the deck runs no lightbomb is because meta is full of aggro. Once the meta becomes slower, Lightbomb should definitely be included, but until then, Holy Novas are better.

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I'd go for either Ysera or Sylvannas in this case.


I don't suppose you have LoE?

By the time he wrote it there were 2 LoEs released and he had both of them, so I think he has all adventures. Are there any cards you would recommend?

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I crafted ysera and sylvanas. After playing a bunch of matches I have to say I am very pleased with the results ysera gave me. Sylvanas has its uses but more often than not I've found myself not dropping it. I will say the sylvanas + ysera awakens is a very strong board clear + it will take control of a minion that's guaranteed to have a lot of total health.

I do like entombed and am still running it. It gave me a lot of gain in almost every situation I've used it in. The deathrattle bypass is not the only good thing, I've found using an enemy's battlecry is also very welcome.

Yes I do in fact have all the adventures cleared. Now only need to clear 15 more hc bosses (across all adventures).

Thanks again for the advice

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