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weapon question

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Hey guys, I have a choice between the 502 Jalak' Maelstrom Staff and the 496 Gao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector.. which would you suggest?

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If you have the legendary gem (+500 agi), you should stick with the 496 Gao-Rei

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Hey guys, I have a choice between the 502 Jalak' Maelstrom Staff and the 496 Gao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector.. which would you suggest?

Personally, I opted for the 502 Darkwood Spiritstaff over my 491 Gao-Rei because the extra gem socket just edged it out to make it better for my build. Let's take a look at the stat budgets:

inv_staff_2h_pandaraid_d_04.jpgGao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector

4468 DPS

1223 Agi + 500 from gem = 1723

1835 Stam

828 Expertise

795 Mastery


inv_stave_2h_thunderisleraid_d_01.jpgJalak's Maelstrom Staff:

4725 DPS

1214 Agi + 60 from socket bonus = 1274

1941 Stam + 120 from inv_misc_gem_x4_rare_cut_green.jpgJagged Wild Jade or inv_misc_gem_x4_rare_cut_purple.jpgGuardian's Imperial Amethyst = 2061

872 Hit

756 Mastery

+160 Crit (or Exp) from inv_misc_gem_x4_rare_cut_green.jpgJagged Wild Jade or inv_misc_gem_x4_rare_cut_purple.jpgGuardian's Imperial Amethyst

Summary of the differences:

+257 weapon DPS

-449 Agi

+338 Stam

+44 (Hit instead of Exp)

-39 Mastery

+160 Crit/Exp

If you prefer the extra Stam, go with the 502. If you prefer the extra Agility, go with the 496. Otherwise it looks like a wash.

- Edited to clarify gemming.

Edited by Tarazet

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Personally, I opted for the 502 Darkwood Spiritstaff over my 491 Gao-Rei because the extra gem socket just edged it out to make it better for my build. Let's take a look at the stat budgets:

inv_staff_2h_pandaraid_d_04.jpgGao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary Protector

4468 DPS

1223 Agi + 500 from gem = 1723

1835 Stam

828 Expertise

795 Mastery


inv_stave_2h_thunderisleraid_d_01.jpgJalak's Maelstrom Staff:

4725 DPS

1214 Agi + 60 from socket bonus = 1274

1941 Stam + 120 from gem = 2061

872 Hit

756 Mastery

+160 Crit (or Exp) from gem

Summary of the differences:

+257 weapon DPS

-449 Agi

+338 Stam

+44 (Hit instead of Exp)

-39 Mastery

+160 Crit

If you prefer the extra Stam, go with the 502. If you prefer the extra Agility, go with the 496. Otherwise it looks like a wash.

You didn't include the agility you would get from that blue socket on the 502 weapon (probably another 80~ agi, but if you gemmed straight agi it would be 20 agi more than going for the socket). Also, you didn't include the prismatic socket from the legendary, but since they go on both weapons, its negligible.

inv_stave_2h_thunderisleraid_d_01.jpgJalak's Maelstrom Staff:

4725 DPS

1214 Agi + 80 from gem + 60 from socket bonus = 1354 (OR 1214 Agi + 160 from gem = 1374, this would be better, unless you want the secondary stats, i.e crit)

1941 Stam + 120 from gem = 2061

872 Hit

756 Mastery

+160 Crit (or Exp) from gem (OR 0 crit)

Summary of the differences:

+257 weapon DPS

-369 Agi (OR -349)

+338 Stam

+44 (Hit instead of Exp)

-39 Mastery

+160 Crit (OR +0 crit)

It's not a huge difference, but nonetheless to be accurate.

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I was assuming the use of a Jagged Wild Jade (+160 Crit, +120 Stam) or Guardian's Imperial Amethyst (+160 Exp, +120 Stam) and included the +60 Agi from the blue socket bonus. I edited my post to clarify that.

Edited by Tarazet

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I was assuming the use of a Jagged Wild Jade (+160 Crit, +120 Stam) or Guardian's Imperial Amethyst (+160 Exp, +120 Stam) and included the +60 Agi from the blue socket bonus. I edited my post to clarify that.

Ah, I see, sorry about that.

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