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Nerfed cards

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What cards do you think will be unplayable and what to dust to craft some useful cards?

I will definitely dust all of them once the nerf lands. If I ever need them again, I will simply craft them. This will result in no net loss.

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Uhm, most of the nerfed cards probably won't see any play.  For the three druid cards, Ancient of lore will most definitely not see any play, force of nature probably won't, like 95%+ sure it won't, and keeper might survive as a one of tech card, but I doubt it.  For the other three class card nerfs, Hunters mark will still see play, arguable more then it does now with the powerful mid range hunter cards being introduced and the meta shifting towards more control style decks (in otherwords decks that will run it are becoming better and the cards that it is good against will be played a lot more); blade flurry is pretty much unplayably bad.  Like it might end up as a one of in a few decks just because its the only AoE rogues have, but I really really doubt it. As for master of disguise, it never saw play before, so it definitely won't now.


For the neutrals, owl probably won't see much play, spell breaker is almost strait up better in every situation, some highly refined aggro decks might still carry the owl though, mainly because it is still a kill command enabler, and 3 mana is easier to work around then 4 when your trying to push an early lethal.  Big game hunter will most definitely still see play, it was broken before, now it is more niche but as long as there are a lot of big minions running around (like C'thun) it is safe to say there will still be a tech slot for BGH in a lot of decks.  Arcane golem is extremely bad, and will pretty much never see the light of day again, leper gnome is also pretty bad now, it might see a little bit of play, in some fringe decks mostly (like the brann + raptor shenanigans decks), but in general I think it is significantly below the power curve and just won't make the cut in almost any aggressive deck (this is definitely true for wild but the aggressive cards are of a lot lower quality in standard so it is possible although remote that it might find its way into one or two standard decks I still highly highly doubt it 1/1 is just soooooo bad).  Knife juggler will still see play, but most likely only in wild, most of the death rattle synergy that completely break it won't be in standard so it is considerably weaker there without the nerf, however, in wild where shredders, creepers, and musters run rampant it will probably still see a decent bit of play, just not an auto include in every aggressive deck, but I imagine it will still make the cut for a fair few of them though.  Now as for molten giant, I doubt it will see much play in wild, which will be a much faster format, and you just have too be way too low to make it a reasonable play; renolock still might run one, and some gimmicky fringe decks but aside from that, it isn't nearly broken enough for wild.  In standard, with the format slowing down, a lot of the aggression being curbed, and with BGH's considerable nerf it is possible it will see play, but still somewhat unlikely (aside from reno).


With all that said, disenchanting everything is still probably the way too go.  It disenchants for full price and you can always craft it again at no net loss later.

Edited by VaraTreledees
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With all that said, disenchanting everything is still probably the way too go.  It disenchants for full price and you can always craft it again at no net loss later.

Thanks for such deployed answer

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What cards do you think will be unplayable and what to dust to craft some useful cards?

I will definitely dust all of them once the nerf lands. If I ever need them again, I will simply craft them. This will result in no net loss.


Simple and concise. The only problem is to keep that dust or to gather in future)

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Simple and concise. The only problem is to keep that dust or to gather in future)

Wait for meta to stabilize and craft what you need for the new decks. Simple as that.

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Its best to disenchant all copies of everything that got nerfed. There is always a chance you will get it again from packs. If you dont, craft it for no net loss. The question I'm contemplating is whether to disenchant extra copies of everything I have that did NOT get nerfed or keep it in hopes that there may be another round of nerfs at some point.

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Its best to disenchant all copies of everything that got nerfed. There is always a chance you will get it again from packs. If you dont, craft it for no net loss. The question I'm contemplating is whether to disenchant extra copies of everything I have that did NOT get nerfed or keep it in hopes that there may be another round of nerfs at some point.

That depends on how much do you need that dust. If you need dust, dis extras. I doubt there will be that many nerfs in the future.

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PSA: Nerfs are now live. They came a day early. There goes my hopes and dreams of crafting the FON and ancient of lore to try out combo druid before it bites the dust.

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Does anyone have an idea how long the period will last during which it will be possible to disenchant the nerfed cards at full value?

Edited by Kobal

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Does anyone have an idea how long the period will last during which it will be possible to disenchant the nerfed cards at full value?

I don't think blizzard revealed it, but why keep the nerfed cards?

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Does anyone have an idea how long the period will last during which it will be possible to disenchant the nerfed cards at full value?

I don't think blizzard revealed it, but why keep the nerfed cards?


Mostly because I might still want to play Big Game Hunter in my Control Warrior list. So if I knew the exact end date I could still disenchant it right before that rather than craft/disenchant the card every playing session. :)

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Does anyone have an idea how long the period will last during which it will be possible to disenchant the nerfed cards at full value?

I don't think blizzard revealed it, but why keep the nerfed cards?


Mostly because I might still want to play Big Game Hunter in my Control Warrior list. So if I knew the exact end date I could still disenchant it right before that rather than craft/disenchant the card every playing session. smile.png


After 10 May(maybe including) the prices will be returned to normal state.

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