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Dps I need help

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Well this what I need help with "crazed berzerker" says warriors do more damage with one handed wepons is this ture or not 

One more thing I have 36%crit and 19% on haste mastery is 38% I think I need more mastery am I right

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7 hours ago, Aastus2 said:

Well this what I need help with "crazed berzerker" says warriors do more damage with one handed wepons is this ture or not 

One more thing I have 36%crit and 19% on haste mastery is 38% I think I need more mastery am I right

This is true, but don't think that you will be doing 30% more damage overall. It's to make sure that they are competitive with 2-handers, since the difference in base weapon damage is HUGE.

Yeah, you have more than enough crit now, you can just push for mastery. 

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I would also believe Blainie to be correct, Aastus, in terms of where the damage is added. It is not 30% overall damage as the tooltip would lead you to believe. It is 30% added to your weapon damage to make up for the increased damage that comes with using two 2H weapons. Let's see if we can work this out... please keep in mind I'm shooting from the hip here, as the saying goes. I do not usually dive into the math behind things like this.

Take, for instance, two weapons that come from Hellfire Citadel. One is a 1H weapon and the other is a 2H weapon. To make things nice an even (or attempt to) we'll ensure they are of the same item level.

For the 1H weapon, we'll use Fiendsbreath WarmaceFiendsbreath Warmace.
For the 2H weapon, we'll use Maul of TyrannyMaul of Tyranny.

The 1H mace has a weapon damage of 814 - 1,514. If we add 30% to that weapon damage it'll come out to 1,058.2 - 1,968.2. The weapon swings (without modifiers) at a 2.60 speed. If you take the increased damage from the 30% and divide it by the weapon speed you'll get 407 - 757.

Now take a look at the 2H weapon. It's base damage is 1,659 - 2,490. It's weapon speed, however, is 3.6. Take the damage and divide it by the speed and it comes out to 460.8 - 691.7.

You'll notice that, on the 1H weapon, the low end of the damage is lower than the 2H but the high end of the damage is higher than the 2H. You can break this down further by getting the average of the two. The 1H average damage is 582 damage and the 2H average damage is 576.25. That's only a mere difference of 5.75 between the two and that's due to the 30% increase you get for using 1H weapons.


Now... before you (or anyone) goes into shock over the numbers and math here... please keep in mind that I may actually be wrong here, lmao. I do not dive very deep into the mathematics; I use SimulationCraft and test dummies to simply see which ultimately does more damage. I posted this approach, however, because it is my understanding of the tooltip and the math behind it.

The switch to mastery is done when you have obtained your 4PC set bonus and your class trinket. Until then you will shoot for relative caps for haste and crit. Crit will come passively with gear so don't worry about that too much. Once you have your 4PC and class trinket, forget haste and switch to mastery.

I hope this helps (and doesn't confuse!). Feel free to post any follow-up questions you may have.



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