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Restoration Druid 7.3

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Hello, I am the Author of Resto Druid Stat Weights. A Weak Aura that computes the value of our secondary Stat Weights in real time as you play. While I am sure the Stat Weights here are designed as blanket values, the RDSW Weak Aura can show you the objective value of your secondary stats for both all healing, and boss-only healing.

Please see this thread for download information.


In my personal experience I have found that versatility almost never out-performs mastery. On select encounters with I:ToL and Cult builds I have seen mastery jump around from 1st to 3rd. 
With SotF builds I have also seen crit out perform haste, but it is not consistent.

If you download the tiny addon in the link above, RDSW will record your session to a lua file. I am looking for volunteers with Beta Access and who are actively raiding on the beta to deposit their records in the google drive posted in the link. This is 100% optional, but the more records we compile, the better an image of our real stat values we can get.

Please visit the link above for more information and Feel free to add Leaf#1485 if you have any questions.

Edited by Manaleaf
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^^ that guy's my guildie :)  Already know that a bunch of high-end players from top guilds have contacted leaf about it, if that says anything regarding its validity.

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Guest AnonymousDruid

The link to grid-status-hots addon doesn't work.  Doesn't look like the addon is available on Curse anymore. 

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Guest Rads

Hi Guys under stat priority you still have this in

Spirit increases your Mana regeneration. You should always aim to have items with Spirit. Once you are comfortable with your Mana regeneration, you can start prioritising other statistics. Spirit is only available for healers on Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets.


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Guest Mest

Germination not viable in any situation? What changed?

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Guest Naturage
3 hours ago, Guest Mest said:

Germination not viable in any situation? What changed?

WoD Germination also prolonged Rejuvs by 3s, making our bread and butter spell 16% more effective - Legion version does not have that baked in. Also, it (arguably) competes with better talents now.

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Guest huhx

The talent section certainly seems tooled for raids. While this is fine, there has been *very* different builds by people on other forums for pushing high level mythic+ and non raid content. I think IV should consider breaking out the section into a "Raid" and "5-man" content. For example: OP says Omen of Clarity is never worth it, but people have mentioned using it in mythic+10 or higher since mana becomes the biggest constraint on bosses.

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9 hours ago, Guest AnonymousDruid said:

The link to grid-status-hots addon doesn't work.  Doesn't look like the addon is available on Curse anymore. 

Thanks for pointing this out, I'm removing that addon from the guide.

20 hours ago, Manaleaf said:

Hello, I am the Author of Resto Druid Stat Weights. A Weak Aura that computes the value of our secondary Stat Weights in real time as you play. While I am sure the Stat Weights here are designed as blanket values, the RDSW Weak Aura can show you the objective value of your secondary stats for both all healing, and boss-only healing.

Please see this thread for download information.


In my personal experience I have found that versatility almost never out-performs mastery. On select encounters with I:ToL and Cult builds I have seen mastery jump around from 1st to 3rd. 
With SotF builds I have also seen crit out perform haste, but it is not consistent.

If you download the tiny addon in the link above, RDSW will record your session to a lua file. I am looking for volunteers with Beta Access and who are actively raiding on the beta to deposit their records in the google drive posted in the link. This is 100% optional, but the more records we compile, the better an image of our real stat values we can get.

Please visit the link above for more information and Feel free to add Leaf#1485 if you have any questions.

I'm going to look into this and talk to Sonie about it, and we'll update the guide accordingly (if justified) as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

6 hours ago, Guest Rads said:

Hi Guys under stat priority you still have this in

Spirit increases your Mana regeneration. You should always aim to have items with Spirit. Once you are comfortable with your Mana regeneration, you can start prioritising other statistics. Spirit is only available for healers on Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets.


Thanks for pointing this out. That obviously shouldn't have been there and it's now removed :)

9 minutes ago, Guest huhx said:

The talent section certainly seems tooled for raids. While this is fine, there has been *very* different builds by people on other forums for pushing high level mythic+ and non raid content. I think IV should consider breaking out the section into a "Raid" and "5-man" content. For example: OP says Omen of Clarity is never worth it, but people have mentioned using it in mythic+10 or higher since mana becomes the biggest constraint on bosses.

The talent sections are, unless otherwise specified, definitely geared towards raiding and not towards dungeons or solo content. We will certainly look into expanding this more (as is already the case in some of our class guides) and see how we can fit more information in. Thank you for bringing it up!

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Guest Twister997

The Stats Priority and Understanding sections seems to clash.

Mastery is listed as 5th yet "Haste Crit and Mastery are all very close"


Also, under the Understanding section the explanations are Int > Haste >Mastery > Crit > Versatility

Shouldn't the deeper explanations occur in the same order of priority?

And If Haste / Crit / Mastery are very close, how could versatility be more important than Mastery? (Unless all 4 are really very close)


I have no idea as to the true weights as I do not simcraft nor have I even checked out the Legion Beta, but from a coherence perspective, this needs some adjusting.


Thanks again for all the work you guys do putting this together for the community.

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43 minutes ago, Guest Twister997 said:

The Stats Priority and Understanding sections seems to clash.

Mastery is listed as 5th yet "Haste Crit and Mastery are all very close"


Also, under the Understanding section the explanations are Int > Haste >Mastery > Crit > Versatility

Shouldn't the deeper explanations occur in the same order of priority?

And If Haste / Crit / Mastery are very close, how could versatility be more important than Mastery? (Unless all 4 are really very close)


I have no idea as to the true weights as I do not simcraft nor have I even checked out the Legion Beta, but from a coherence perspective, this needs some adjusting.


Thanks again for all the work you guys do putting this together for the community.

The order of the stats in the explanation (Understanding section) does not follow the order of the actual stat priority. You should only look at the list at the top for an order.


And you are welcome :)

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Guest Itsatree
On 7/19/2016 at 6:30 AM, Guest Naturage said:

WoD Germination also prolonged Rejuvs by 3s, making our bread and butter spell 16% more effective - Legion version does not have that baked in. Also, it (arguably) competes with better talents now.

I've just come back to wow and haven't really played resto druids for very long but, doesn't our mastery increase all healing done by percentage per hot? I could still see germination to be pretty valuable. Just wondering really how that would compare if say you put hot's on melee and tanks, plus efflorescence, and lifebloom. I'm not really into theorycrafting but wouldn't germination be better if you have tons of mastery stacked?

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1 hour ago, Guest Itsatree said:

I've just come back to wow and haven't really played resto druids for very long but, doesn't our mastery increase all healing done by percentage per hot? I could still see germination to be pretty valuable. Just wondering really how that would compare if say you put hot's on melee and tanks, plus efflorescence, and lifebloom. I'm not really into theorycrafting but wouldn't germination be better if you have tons of mastery stacked?

Well, it's not that Germination is bad but other talents in this tier are so much better, especially in raids. Reducing Tranquility CD to 2 min, gives you additional cast of it in 6-8 min fight which is a LOT of healing of ALL the raid in one cast (mana saving), Spring Blossoms affects all the Efflorescence targets immediately and together - more free AoE healing too (on one cast too). Germination is not bad, but when you are healing with 3-4 other healers, your additional HoT would rather overheal, still consuming full amount of mana for every cast. As IV guides are mostly focused on raids and mana management does matter in Legion, I see the guide choices as the right ones: Inner Peace for progress and Spring Blossoms for farm.

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Guest TwistingPlanets

Cenarian Ward is not mentioned on the rotation page at all?

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12 hours ago, Guest TwistingPlanets said:

Cenarian Ward is not mentioned on the rotation page at all?

I believe the reason for it is that it's both situational (you have to talent into it) and straight forward to use on CD, like: If you chose Cenarion Ward in talents, apply it to an ally taking damage (preferably a tank) every 30 sec. 

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14 hours ago, Guest TwistingPlanets said:

Cenarian Ward is not mentioned on the rotation page at all?

That's a good point! As Pandacho says, it's both situational and straightforward, but I think it could still have a small mention. I'll do it now.

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Guest TwistingPlanets
7 hours ago, Vlad said:

I think it could still have a small mention. I'll do it now.

*thumbs up* 

Thanks I am new to resto switching from disc priest so any information is good!

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Guest Guest1

I've been absent for WoD but am,returning for legion. I did fine in standard dungeons but once 7.0.3 hit I can barely make it through the trash leading up to the first boss in a heroic 5 man. I'm keeping all my hots up but have to manically spam heals to keep the tank up. I'm half OOM by the time we get to the first boss. I used your advice on talent and rotation and made it through the silver proving ground fine.

I'm willing to admit I'm just bad at the game, but I've never had this kind of problem healing before. Are resto druids viable in legion 5 mans?



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39 minutes ago, Guest Guest1 said:

I've been absent for WoD but am,returning for legion. I did fine in standard dungeons but once 7.0.3 hit I can barely make it through the trash leading up to the first boss in a heroic 5 man. I'm keeping all my hots up but have to manically spam heals to keep the tank up. I'm half OOM by the time we get to the first boss. I used your advice on talent and rotation and made it through the silver proving ground fine.

I'm willing to admit I'm just bad at the game, but I've never had this kind of problem healing before. Are resto druids viable in legion 5 mans?


The talents in the guide are aimed for the raiding rather then 5-man.

For 5-man I'd take Prosperity in Tier 1 for double Swiftmend, Soul of the Forest in Tier 5 - it procs from Swiftmends for increased by 200% Regrowth or Rejuv, Germination in Tier 6 - you are doing 5-man, so don't really need AoE enhancements and definitely Stonebark in Tier 7 - it will reduce the Ironbark CD to 1 min while increasing healing from your HoTs on the Ironbark target (the tank). With 1 min CD you would be able to use its damage mitigation on literally every pull.

Now, the healing would go like this: keep Lifebloom and 2 Rejuvs always on the tank (apart of their actual work, your healing is increased by 5% from every HoT on the target), if they start to drop drastically, use Ironbark, Swiftmend, if Soul of the Forest procced - cast Regrowth, if not - one more Swiftmend, and back - if Soul of the Forest procced - cast Regrowth, if not - Healing Touch.

When things are stable, keep Lifebloom and 2 Rejuvs up on the tank, add a Healing Touch if there's no rush, add free Regrowth when Omen of Clarity procs (remember, you need a Lifebloom up for OoC to proc).

Don't be shy to use Tranquility to heal group damage on trash, don't keep it all the time for OMG situations that could never happen. It has a 3 min. CD, meaning that after a couple of packs it will be back and available.

You didn't link your Armory, so I can't say anything about your gear and stats - low level gear or wrong stats can make a serious difference too.

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Guest Guest1
1 hour ago, Pandacho said:

The talents in the guide are aimed for the raiding rather then 5-man.

For 5-man I'd take Prosperity in Tier 1 for double Swiftmend, Soul of the Forest in Tier 5 - it procs from Swiftmends for increased by 200% Regrowth or Rejuv, Germination in Tier 6 - you are doing 5-man, so don't really need AoE enhancements and definitely Stonebark in Tier 7 - it will reduce the Ironbark CD to 1 min while increasing healing from your HoTs on the Ironbark target (the tank). With 1 min CD you would be able to use its damage mitigation on literally every pull.

Now, the healing would go like this: keep Lifebloom and 2 Rejuvs always on the tank (apart of their actual work, your healing is increased by 5% from every HoT on the target), if they start to drop drastically, use Ironbark, Swiftmend, if Soul of the Forest procced - cast Regrowth, if not - one more Swiftmend, and back - if Soul of the Forest procced - cast Regrowth, if not - Healing Touch.

When things are stable, keep Lifebloom and 2 Rejuvs up on the tank, add a Healing Touch if there's no rush, add free Regrowth when Omen of Clarity procs (remember, you need a Lifebloom up for OoC to proc).

Don't be shy to use Tranquility to heal group damage on trash, don't keep it all the time for OMG situations that could never happen. It has a 3 min. CD, meaning that after a couple of packs it will be back and available.

You didn't link your Armory, so I can't say anything about your gear and stats - low level gear or wrong stats can make a serious difference too.

Here's my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/destromath/Fartzul/simple


It just occurred to me that I might have been using the wrong staff. I have another.

Thanks for the help in the talent tree and rotation. I'll give it another shot tonight.

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7 hours ago, Guest Guest1 said:

Hello, Fartzul,

I looked at your Armory and it explains a lot.

But before I'll continue, it would be more appropriate to move our further conversation to the Druid class forum - this thread is for discussing of 7.0.3 guide rather then a class help :)

Now back to your Armory:

You have 2 Agility rings - the main stat for resto is Intellect, so they are completely useless.

You have a trinket with Agility proc and another one with a bit of Versatility - the poorest secondary stat.

So you already have 4 items without your main stat - Intellect, which is a huge output loss.

You don't have any enchants  - it's another loss of at least 300 points of your best secondary, a 600 ilvl weapon with no weapon enchant - 500-1000 secondary stat proc loss.

You have 598 Chest - it's extremely low ilvl for one of your main gear pieces, you have only 124 Int on it - just for the reference, I have 387 Int on a 720 ilvl chest.

Well, there's no point to go piece by piece - your gear wouldn't allow you healing HC dungeons in any comfortable way.

I would strongly suggest you to delay your dungeon testing and to spend a couple of days in Tanaan to get some 650-695 Baleful items and then another day going through all the WoD LFR, especially HFC. I wouldn't advise you for crafted gear now, because it's too much gold for pieces you'd be using only for 1 month, but Tanaan and LFR are a must if you want to have a somehow pleasant experience from the game. Gear matters not less then the right talents.

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I see that there's few guides (resto shaman by example) that list the weaknesses and strengths of each specs for Legion. Is that something that will be implemented for each class? I'm new to healing and it would be extremely helpful to help me decide which class to level for Legion.


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8 hours ago, Kirr said:

I see that there's few guides (resto shaman by example) that list the weaknesses and strengths of each specs for Legion. Is that something that will be implemented for each class? I'm new to healing and it would be extremely helpful to help me decide which class to level for Legion.

Well, you posted in the Resto Druid thread so I'd assume that you are interested in this spec :)

Resto druid is a great spec - one of the two I like and play the most (resto shaman & resto druid).

The strengths:

- flexibility - almost all the spells are instant so you rarely have to stay and cast,

- a 'tank' CD (single target damage reduction) with the shortest cooldown

- the strongest raid wide healing CD - Tranquility - with the shortest cooldown and now castable on move (with the Gold Artifact trait)

- 'several levels' healing - you can start with a single HoT on a target/targets and add more and strengthen them with the time if more healing is needed.

- flexible talent tree - you can make strong builds for every situation - solo, 5-man, raid

- nice healing burst if your target is in danger,

- movement in the cat/travel form will allow you to keep up with a tank running away ^^

The weaknesses (relative they are, maybe the better word would be 'limitations'):

- CD locked AoE heal

- CD locked single target healing burst

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Guest Xirmac

Ok I was just curious why are all ppl so crazy about icyveins guides... Aaaand as I guessed, a lot of foolish things are written here.

I dunno who makes these guides and what are these guides based on, but a lot of times there are false informations.

Let me show an example:

Resto druid lvl100 talent:

Icy says moment of clarity is not worth choosing.... L. O. L. As an experienced resto druid I laughed so much on this row :D

If you have the moment of clarity, you have a lot of procs in 1 min which allows you to cast 3 free (no mana cost) regrowth which is a great mana saver and does decent amount of heal, while flourish has a 1 minute cooldown and it's effective mostly only on your most fresh HoTs for a very short time.

I checked how many procs I have in 1 min with moment of clarity, and during my last raid night I had about an average 9-12 free (no mana cost) regrowth... well, compare it to a short HoT boost with 1 min cooldown...


When you'll get your artifact weapon, G'Hanir The Mother Tree you will have to change your last tier talent to flourish since that will cooperate with your basic artifact ability, the Essence of G'Hanir.

That'll speed up your HoT ticks, and if you have longer HoTs with the flourish talent, that'll be a great, "small cd" burst healing.


But until you have no artifact weapon and you still have the T-18 4 setbonus (lifebloom on 2 targets, and the lifebloom makes the omen of clarity proc, so you have much bigger chance for it), you must keep the moment of clarity talent.



Guys... just a good advice. Do not listen such websites and guides like this, or noxxic or any similar sh*t. Read your spells, passives and talents, understand those and try it out in every situations, with every combinations! Only this way you will be a good player!

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