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Little help choosing classes for Legion

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I know its early but I am working on getting ready for legion but I am not sure which class I should take for raiding after the leveling is done and gearing I am gonna focus on 2 characters but need help choosing. I plan to heal and dps on raiding.

For heals I am hearing that the priests are doing very well in legion beta so I planning to role Holy heals unless the priests I have read are misplaced and turns out they aren't great in legion if that's true then I need to know which classes I should use for heals. Now if blizz actually made all the healing classes neck to neck with each other on heals then I will stick with my priest if not then I guess back to my shaman or I should go druid heals?

For DPS I about liked them all except rogue and monks they just don't appeal to me. But I am having a hard time choosing on dps as well. I really enjoyed my caster toons which are: Mage, Warlock, and shadow priest. For Melee I like Warrior Yes warrior hehe also DK since blizz finally brought them back, and now the Demon Hunter but I have a feeling their will be class overlap on Demon Hunters. So if ya guys can recommend which class that dose good dps on Legion I will decently go for that class. Atleast that way will help me choose which class to go for.

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The answer I'm going to give is probably not the one you're looking for, but it is the best answer:

Unless you're in a top 100 raiding guild or are looking to push US/EU/world record Mythic + levels, play whatever you like most.  Nobody can choose your class for you, because we don't know what you like (except for you stating you don't like monk or rogue).  If you are in a top 100 guild or are looking to push record level Mythic +, something tells me you wouldn't be here asking what to play. 

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To go a little further...

if you want to simplify things you could remain a priest and DPS with shadow and heal with holy. That way you are only running 1 toon which will save time and resources and shadow priest are in a reasonably good place DPS wise (check out their performance on Noxxic.com).

if you want a melee then take you pick - with warrior you have two viable dps specs to choose from and it sup to you to decide which play style you like best.

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