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Ilvl for Fire Spec

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Hi I recently leveled up my mage and have been doing ToT LFR's. I have noticed that the best spec is fire but have heard some things about waiting till a certain Ilvl to spec it. Does anyone know if this is true? and if so what Ilvl is required?

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At about 505 iLvL fire will start competing with Frost, but you will need about 35-40% crit rating to clearly do better DPS than frost.

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It's not only about ilvl, it also depends on whether your gear has crit or not. ilvl 505 might be fine if all your gear has crit, and 515 might not be enough if your gear has mostly haste on it. Instead, use something like Ask Mr. Robot to see how much crit you could get on your gear by reforging and regemming. I didn't go fire until I could get 11000 crit from my gear and gems, and at that point I was doing around the same single-target damage as I did as frost. I could probably have done it at 10000 crit, but I would not recommend anything below that. I tried it at 9000 crit, and the lack of instant-cast pyros because I didn't crit often enough made the spec boring to play and sent me to the bottom of the dps meters.

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