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Site Feedback (Mythic+)

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I am sorry if this is the wrong section.  I read the title as "site feedback" where I had suggestions.  I fully understand that it seems like a bug /issues page.  But I would like to suggest something which I hope Icy-veins will take it to their heart and understand the importance of what I exactly mean.


The thing is, currently blizzard has released Mythic+ and its just so much different than challenge modes that there are people out there who have stopped raiding and simple focuses on mythic+'s (and im one of them)


why would I wait and be 20 people for try to down something when I can do so with 5 as well. it's faster and its more smooth. 

So what I really want is.  I Want a website, which has focus on mythic+ with classes, talents, traits builds specs etc etc etc.

Mythic + is not the same as raiding.  So i'm hoping Icy-veins will take this suggestion to the heart, and see if there is actually a difference when it comes to talents, specs and perhaps create a mythic+ section of every classes/specs.  


Again i'm sorry if this is the wrong section, and apology for spelling mistakes as english isn't my native language. 

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No need to be sorry, it's very valuable feedback and it's posted in the right section :)

We are going to add more and more Mythic+ content to the website. Wordup has written guides for all the dungeons (save one, which we're going to have up very soon). Regarding class guides, we'll add more and more M+ details in them, as we progress through Legion. We didn't know what to expect with Legion and Mythic+, so we took a conservative stance (i.e., focusing on raiding, because we know it works), which we're correcting bit by bit.



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On 10/24/2016 at 6:34 PM, Fuglen said:

Mythic + is not the same as raiding.  So i'm hoping Icy-veins will take this suggestion to the heart, and see if there is actually a difference when it comes to talents, specs and perhaps create a mythic+ section of every classes/specs.  

Just wanted to add to what Damien has said above.

It's important to also remember that getting M+ information prepared can be thoroughly challenging depending on a number of factors:

  • In a raid, you have the room to pick and choose classes to fill different roles, whether it's burst AoE, sustained AoE, ST burst, etc., but in an M+, your role depends entirely on the comp you choose to take. Recommending a full AoE build for a certain class could be fairly useless if you run 3 DPS that are completely focused on doing AoE in a dungeon that requires huge priority burst.
  • Affixes can make the requirements of your group change, so your priorities might change, with a similar situation to above. There are times when an affix requires huge priority burst, otherwise your tank becomes overwhelmed. 

It's definitely something that would be great to have more focus on, but it will definitely take time. It's a lot of work to get everything encompassed, rather than simply putting up a priority and saying it will always work.

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