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Unholy DK minor help/questions

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Hello fellow DK's


I've been maining my DK for Legion and have had a ton of fun playing and improving on it. While I am quite happy with my gear and performance right now, I'd still like to improve whereever I can. I am primarily not entirely sure about trinkets, as well as stats.


My armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/thrall/Àtrocity/advanced

My (guild's) logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/CAMY74kTqBD8ZfPv#boss=-2&type=damage-done (Name is Àtrocity)


Specifically, I am wondering whether or not I should aim to decrease my crit chance a little and get more mastery instead, as I think I have read any crit above 35% suffers from diminishing returns. Furthermore, I am not entirely sure which trinket combination would be best for me, as I have quite a few to choose from, such as:

Chrono Shard in 860 ilvl

Memento of Angerboda ilvl 845 with socket

Ravaged Seed Pod in 855 ilvl

Nightmare Egg Shell in 855 ilvl

Ironrune Charm in 845 ilvl with Haste and a socket (currntly worn to hit haste softcap)

Terrorbound Nexus in 845 with a socket


Would appreciate any feedback on these topics, but I am also open to suggestions concerning my build or even log improvement.


Thanks in advance


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Use memento and chrono shard. I took a took at your logs, main things i notice are 1 you have over capped on wounds some, while this is likely to happen a little bit i feel like some of them could have been avoided. Runic capping you were runic capped a decent bit in ursoc, which isn't ideal. and seeing your potion damage i don't imagine the runic capping is due to the way you use potions.

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